
Friday, April 15, 2022

ENCHANTING THE HEIRESS - Kristi Ann Hunter - One Free Book

Welcome, Kristi Ann. What are some of the spiritual themes you like to write about? I love examining the ways we personally connect with God. Whether it’s by learning to view ourselves the way He see us, accepting that He does actually know what’s best for our lives, or finding new—or reconnecting with old—ways to get to know Him. There are so many facets to the relationship Jesus made available to believers that I don’t think I’ll ever run out of book ideas!

What other books of yours are coming out soon? Enchanting the Heiress, the third book in the Hearts on the Heath series just released. My next project is a novella scheduled for late Fall 2022 that contains a story my readers have been asking for since my first book came out. I’m excited to bring Lord and Lady Blackstone to life for them.

If you could spend an evening with one contemporary person (not a family member of yours), who would it be and why? I love spending time with my family, my writer friends, and my church life group. Outside of those close relationships, however, I would have to say that I would want to spend an evening eating tacos with Annie F. Downs. (If I could, I’d fill the table with the women whose public ministries have impacted my life, but I’m assuming I’m supposed to choose just one.)

Annie has taken so many different twists and turns with God in her life and has made a ministry that is accessible and impactful and reaching people in so many ways. I would love to hear more about the work done behind the scenes both personally and professionally to make that happen.

What historical person would you like to meet (besides Jesus) and why? Cliché though it may be, I’d want to meet Jane Austen. I would enjoy getting an unfiltered, unedited look at her thoughts and how she viewed the world. The more I learn about the time period, the more I understand how truly clever and cutting edge some of her writings were. There’s a reason her stories have stood the test of time and it would be incredible to learn more about that from her.

How can you encourage authors who have been receiving only rejections from publishers? Look past the “no” to see what is actually being rejected. There are so many reasons publishers can’t take on a book besides not liking the writing. They have to consider the author’s platform, how the book compares to everything else in their catalog, whether or not their sales team is confident in how to push it. Getting a rejection does not mean your book is bad.

There are some things you can fix or improve and other things you can’t. Fortunately, there are many avenues to publication these days. Be constantly pushing to improve your craft, look for the signs that you’ve written the best possible book, then push forward until you find the publication method that is right for you.

Tell us about the featured book. Enchanting the Heiress is the story of a meddlesome young woman who sticks her nose into the business of a man who prefers living life through observation. The ensuing tensions reveal cracks in the foundations both of them have built their lives on. When it all comes crumbling down, they must decide whether or not to rebuild themselves and their lives separately or together.

Along the way, both of them learn that God doesn’t want to be a distant figure in their lives, but a connected one. Jonas has been using scripture as a wall to keep people out while Harriet has been clinging to ideas formed in the pews of the church but without any real Biblical basis. As they grow closer to each other they are forced to consider that God really does want to reveal Himself to them in a real, personal way.

How can readers find you on the Internet? All they need to do is spell my name correctly! I can be found at where they can sign up for my monthly newsletter of book news, fun links, and devotions. I can mostly be found hanging out on Instagram at @kristiannhunter, but you can also find me in your favorite podcast player co-hosting the show, A Rough Draft Life.


Please give us a peek inside the book.

December 1817 Newmarket, England 

How could Jonas Fitzroy possibly follow his twin sister’s directive to stop watching over and protecting her, when she actually believed in the crazy plan she’d just laid out to him? 

“Stop talking for a moment and let me think,” he said as he set aside the cloth he’d been using to buff the saddles filling the Hawksworth tack room. He’d been working at the estate for only a handful of months, but it had been a refreshing change of pace from the traveling circus he and his sister, Sophia, had worked with the past few years. The only downside had been how difficult it was to keep his sister out of the curfuffle she’d created when she’d brought them here in the first place. 

One dangerous pitfall had led to another, but at least she’d fallen into all of them with good intentions. 

This time, however . . .

Thank you for sharing this book with my blog readers and me.

Readers, here’s a link to the book.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory or country if outside North America. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 2 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. Love the book cover and title. The book excerpt is very intriguing and makes me want to read the book in print format.
    Boy would I love to read & review the book in print format.
    This book sounds like a terrific read & best seller
    Happy Easter
    Crystal Stewart from PA in the USA

  2. I really love this cover! The book sound great!
    Elly -Indiana-

  3. Captivating and memorable. Anne in NM.

  4. This unique historical interests me greatly. Pearl-NM.

  5. I have this on my wish list. Thank you for sharing. Blessings and Happy Resurrection Day from WV.

  6. I can't wait to read this!
    Abigail in VA

  7. Enchanting the Heiress sounds like a must read.
    Caryl K in TX

  8. Enchanting the Heiress seems like a delightful read. I've always wondered what heiresses do with their time, energy and money.

  9. I'm in Ohio and can see Lake Erie from my window.

  10. Sharon Bryant8:04 PM

    Enter me in your awesome giveaway!!
    Nichols SC.

  11. I’m from Mississippi. I won Tracie Peterson’s book on one of your giveaways. When can I expect it to be shipped? Thanks!

  12. Anonymous5:02 PM

    I think that you can never go wrong with a Kristi Ann Hunter novel, they're always so good.
    Perrianne Askew from central Texas
    perrianne (DOT) aksew (AT) me (DOT) com

  13. Sounds so good! Thanks for sharing.
    Connie from Kentucky

  14. A enthralling and beautiful historical which interests me greatly. Anne - NM.

  15. Sounds captivating and unforgettable. Pearl in NM.
