One of the authors to debut the line is Andrea Boeshaar. I'm happy to introduce Andrea to you. I've known her for many years, and I love her writing.
Welcome, Andrea. Describe yourself for readers.
I'm a published author of 36 novels, novellas, and nonfiction. I'm a certified Christian life coach and I teach writing workshops. I've been married for more than 30 years. My husband and I have 3 adult sons, all of whom are married, and 2 precious grandchildren. That's me in a nutshell.
How do you find time to spend with God?
It's not easy, I'll admit to that. Somedays I grab snippets of time. I talk to the Lord frequently and I read my Bible. I feel God speaks to me through His Word. One of my favorite verses, one that keeps me writing in spite of life's troubled times is Zechariah 4:6 "Not by might nor by power but by my spirit says the LORD of hosts."
Who are your favorite authors? Favorite books?
I have numerous favorite authors -- too many to list. But I can tell you the names three of my many favorite Christian novels: "The Scarlet Thread" by Francine Rivers; "Whispers From Yesterday" by Robin Lee Hatcher; and "Once There Was A Way Back Home" by Louise Gouge.
Tell us about your publishing history.
I had a rocky start. I began writing romance, intending to be the next Danielle Steel. Then, in 1991, God turned my life around and shortly thereafter I began writing books that honored the Lord Jesus Christ. That's when the fiery darts began to fly. Ever since I've learned the enemy throws one speed bump after another into a Christian's straight and narrow pathway. But, for me as a writer, trials make me more sensitive and more dependent on the Lord, and, I believe, a better writer, one who can relate to needy and wounded hearts.
Tell us about your current novel, Love Finds You in Miracle, Kentucky.
Sure. It begins when my main character, Meg Jorgenson, wants a fresh start, miles away from Chicago and a failed relationship. She takes a teaching position in the tiny town of Stanford, Kentucky, and moves in with her grandmother who lives in the nearby rural area called Miracle. She determines to rediscover her father’s side of the family and vows to steer clear of smooth-talking men. Before long, however, Meg is smitten but it’s eight-year-old Cammy Bayer who wins her heart. The young girl has spent much of her life in a wheelchair but firmly believes that God will heal her someday.
Cammy’s dad, Vance. has devoted his life to caring for his young daughter and he is delighted by the attention she receives from her new teacher.
But will Meg and Vance see eye-to-eye when it comes to an experimental procedure that might grant Cammy the use of her legs? Will they open their minds to the miracle of healing and their hearts to the miracle of love?
How did you develop the idea for this book?
I actually had the idea for this story back in 2005. I sort of had a vision of what I'd like to see happen in the story. I began working on it, but received contracts and deadlines for other books so I set it aside. Then, earlier this year, when Summerside Press contacted my agent and asked that I submit a proposal, I thought this story fit what the publisher was looking for -- and it did!
List your three most recent books.
Love Finds You in Miracle, Kentucky - Summerside Press
Courting Disaster - Heartsong Presents
Prescription for Love - Heartsong Presents
What are you working on now?
I've got some ideas and I'm putting proposals together now for several different publishers. Next book set to release is Dixie Hearts featuring my novel Southern Sympathies (Heartsong Presents/Barbour Publishing)
Where can readers find you online?
My website is: http://www.andreaboeshaar.com/
Thank you, Andrea, for spending this time with us.
As a retired teacher, I am attracted to books about teachers and their students. This sounds like a wonderful story. I would love to be included in the drawing for this book!
Oh, this sounds like a very wonderful book. I love books. I'm a teacher too so this sounds down my alley. I'd love to win it.
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
I'm not a teacher, the way the world thinks of teachers, but just one that passes the good news of Jesus and shares His truths to whoever I can.
I was thrilled with the three books you specifically mentioned, Andrea! Two I actually know well. I've read and loved "The Scarlet Thread" by Francine Rivers and "Once There Was A Way Back Home" by Louise Gouge (a personal good friend of mine). Hadn't heard or seen the other one: "Whispers From Yesterday" by Robin Lee Hatcher. If that is the same caliber as the others, I better start watching for it.
I agree, when we start doing the Lord's work, His enemy starts working overtime to get us to trip up and fail. If he can get us to focus on him instead of the Lord and His wishes then he has won that battle. Continue to persevere!
I saw three Miracles mentioned: The town name, miracle of healing and miracle of love. Sounds like you have woven them all three into a delightful touching story.
Pam Williams
cepjwms at yahoo dot com
Great interview! This really sounds like a wonderful book! I would love to be included in the drawing!
I have been reading great things about this new line of books. Her book sounds so wonderful! Please enter me in your marvelous book drawing. Many thanks, Cindi
I love Andrea's stories and this sounds like another good one. Pleas enter me!
Appreciate the wonderful interview and the introduction to another awesome author and blog page... both are now bookmarked so I have easy access for future visits... The book sounds wonderful and I appreciate the opportunity to receive it... thank you... may the LORD bless with HIS awesome presence...
I have a great respect for teachers. I had some wonderful teachers and my daughter has been blessed with great ones as well. It's sad that they are so underpaid. I would love to read this book.
angelleslament @ gmail.com,
I always find it so exciting when I find a new(to me) Christian author. I like reading the books and then recommending them to other moms in my local MOPS group - or donating them to our MOPS library. Please enter me in your giveaway!
That sounds really great a new publishing company. The books looks great and I have read several of Andreas books Please enter me
ausjenny at gmail dot com
This sounds like a very touching story. I'd love to read it.
I'd love to read this book.... Please enter me...
kaite8407 (at) gmail (dot) com
I've enjoyed Andrea's writing in anthologies and would love to read her new book. Thanks for the interview and giveaway.
cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net
What a beautiful cover. I'd love the chance to win this this.
This sounds like it is an extremely interesting book. I would love to win a copy of it. Please enter me in the drawing.
Please enter me. forest_rose[at]yahoo[dot]com
What an exciting new start for Andrea. It sounds like a great book too. I wou ld love to win it.
This sounds like a good book, I'd love to be entered to win it, thanks
This sounds like a great story! Please count me in for the drawing. Thanks!purposedrivenlife4you (at) gmail (dot) com
Please count me in!
frog123 (at) cyipcom (dot) net
Sounds like a lovely book
What an amazing book! I'm always grateful to find excellent Christian authors & Andrea Boeshaar's book sounds like something I would want to share with others!
Most of the Christian writing that I have read has been about cults or end of days stuff. This sounds so refreshing and would love to win and read this.
I love books that include adult-child relationships. I would love to win this book.
Sounds like a great read. WOuld love a chance to check it out. Thanks!
I am from Stanford, KY and I love reading Christian fiction, so I intend to read this book.
I love Andrea's books! All of them! Please, if you haven't drawn a winner yet add my name too.
I'm so excited because my story, The Bride Wore Coveralls, is in Dixie Hearts, along with Andrea's. To have my name linked with hers is such an honor. One I don't take lightly. Thank you, Lord!
Debra Ullrick
The Bride Wore Coveralls
Déjà vu Bride
Dixie Hearts
What a beautiful cover! I would love to win this book! Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks!
I would love to win this...please enter me in this giveaway!!
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