I think there is a little of me in most of my characters! LOL! Some characters, like Jane in Snow Angel, closely match my personality and how I handle difficulties and trauma. Other characters, like Serena in The Duchess and the Dragon, are more a melding of some favorite people in my life (my sister!). But the best thing is when a character suddenly becomes real and takes off on their own. It’s like having a child. You see some of yourself in him/her and then they do something or say something that totally surprises and delights you. That’s when God’s vision for the character really shines through.
And that's a defining moment in the story, for sure. What is the quirkiest thing you have ever done?
Oh, my. There are many! My favorite snack is fish crackers (poured right out of the bag into my mouth) and cottage cheese (also stuffed into my mouth with the fish crackers). While writing, I twist my hair around my index finger, sometimes even tying the swatch with one hand into a knot, which I then jerk on in concentration. By the end of a night of writing, I look like one side of my head has dreadlocks. I sleep with Vick’s smeared under my nose every night (my husband really loves that – going in for a goodnight kiss and then backing away suddenly with a “you smell like an old woman!”) Hey, it serves two purposes – LOL! Okay, that’s enough confessions from me!
When did you first discover that you were a writer?
When my heart swelled with a greater love than I’d ever known for God after writing a song lyric to Him.
Tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading.
Historical romance, some contemporary romance, women’s fiction, history books, magazines of all sorts, books on writing craft, some marketing books, some psychological books, poetry, short story anthologies, classics. If it’s left out somewhere, I’ll pick it up and read it.
What other books have you written, whether published or not?
My first attempt at a novel was Made in Heaven featuring all the favorite scenes from my favorite historical romances over the years, just with a different set of characters. It was quite a mash-up. To date I’ve written five historical romances, one contemporary romance and a biographical short story that wants to grow up and be a novel real bad but I keep saying to it, “No. Get back in your drawer!”
How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world?
Not very well this week! My fifteen year old just got his driver’s permit, and I’m praying it won’t become a run-run-mom-I-ran-over-something world. I kind of like the roller coaster of life though, I think of those people in the nursing homes and how hopeless, sad and lonely many of them look, and I’m just happy to have so many people in my life and so much to do.
How do you choose your characters’ names?
Sometimes I use online baby name sites. I really like to nail down the meaning of a name as I develop the character, helps me grasp a hold of them right at the beginning. I did have a cool surprise for my family in my next book, Wind Dancer. Isabelle is the protagonist who meets and marries Samuel Holt. So she becomes Isabelle Holt. My great-grandmother, who died many years ago, went by Belle Holt. I smile when I think of it and who might (in my family) figure it out.
My grandmother's name was Olina, but she Americanized it to Lena. I named the heroine in my second novel Olina in memory of her. What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of?
Aside from the day I decided to become a Christian, marrying my wonderful husband and having three sons, it would really have to be getting published. I worked really hard for that.
We all did. If you were an animal, which one would you be, and why?
Well, first of all, I would have to be a zoo animal. None of that pesky running from predators and eating raw flesh. And then there’s all the lovely press they get! Television, newspapers, people pressing their noses against the fence to get a glimpse.
Mama Panda Has Cubs In Captivity.
Panda’s are so cute . . . but I hate to imagine myself that fat. Maybe a rare, exotic tiger. Siberian with a white coat and blue-black stripes. Blue eyes would be a bonus. I always did want a white fur coat (fake of course!). Yeah. A Siberian Tigress.
What is your favorite food?
Aside from the fish crackers and cottage cheese? I’ll obviously eat just about anything. What’s more interesting to people seems to be the fact that I don’t like chocolate. Eyes bulge and mouths purse in distain whenever I have the courage to admit that.
A majority of the writers I interview say they like chocolate. What is the problem with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it?
Used to be point of view. When I first learned that I wasn’t allowed to head hop I felt like I was writing with one hand tied behind my back. Now? Getting to it every day. I’m still figuring out that bit.
But we can take the reader so much deeper into our characters staying in POV, and every writer wants that. What advice would you give to an author just starting out?

Pray. Work hard at it. Enjoy the journey, cause it’s LONG. Repeat as needed.
What would you like to tell us about the featured book?
The Duchess and the Dragon is a story about how love really does conquer all. Sometimes it takes time and working through issues, but growing up (together and separately), growing into the love that the relationship has the potential to be, will reap very satisfying rewards. It doesn’t hurt to believe in Once Upon A Time and Happily Ever After either! If I had a daughter, I would never tell her not to believe in such things. They are the story of heaven.
How can readers find you on the Internet?
My website, which my husband designed himself (I’m so proud of him!) is http://www.jamiecarie.com/
My blog is at http://jamieprose.blogspot.com/I’m also on myspace.com, shoutlife.com, redroom.com, facebook.com and if you really want everything I’ve ever posted online, you can Goggle me! Thanks!! :-)
Jamie, thank you for taking this time with us. I can hardly wait to read The Duchess and the Dragon.
Readers, leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. But if you don't win, just click this to order it:
Great interview! This sounds like a really great read and I would love to win this book.
I am always amazed when an author tells about the characters in the book taking off on their own. My imagination is a little short on both ends: thinking and writing. So this statement boggles my mind!
I feel the same way Jamie does, glad that I have so much in my life to do. I've told many people over the years I would be frantic if I didn't have things to do, boredom and idle hands are my scary phobias.
I REALLY like this statement about the book: "growing into the love that the relationship has the potential to be". I never thought about the relationships growing "into". Great to think on and practice in real life.
Pam Williams
cepjwms at yahoo dot com
I've been wanting to read this book!
Please enter me in the contest!
Thank you,
Becky C.
Please enter me. I've heard alot of good things about Jamie's books and would love to read it.
please enter me, i love jamie's books!
i read this book recently and would love to own a copy as I really, really, enjoyed it!
Love the new look, Lena ... and the interview too! Jamie, I read Snow Angel and loved it, so it would be great to get my hands on this book too, so please throw my hat in the ring.
Thanks so much!
gsus at charter dot net
Wonderful interview! I love finding out that I'm not alone in some of my weirdness! LOL I've read Snow Angel and it is so good. I'd love to have my name in the drawing.
Please throw my name in the hat as well. I would love to read this.
Sounds like a very interesting book and I enjoyed the interview. By the way, I love the new look on your blog. It's fabulous. I would love to win Jamie's book. Thanks.
I like her attitude about love conquering all! Her books sounds like a lovely one to read. Please enter me in your book drawing. Thanks, Cindi
I have been wanting to read this book for ages. love the way Jamie picks some names also. thanks for the interview
please enter me
ausjenny @ gmail dot com
This sounds like a wonderful read. Throw my name in the hat because I would love to win this one. Thanks for the opportunity!
Love the interview. This sounds like a wonderful book to add to my fast growing tbr pile. I'd love to win it. Thanks.
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
Terrific interview. Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks.
Great interview!~
highlandlovesong at yahoo dot com
I'd love to read this - and thanks for the interview!
I laughed at the part of the interview where you're deciding what animal you want to be... I think I'd choose a white tiger, too - they're so beautiful and regal. But you do know they eat raw flesh, even in captivity? ;-)
ladyufshalott at yahoo.com
I thoroughly enjoyed the interview, Lena!! Please throw my name in the hat, too!
orca0024 at yahoo dot com
The Duchess and the Dragon sounds intriguing, please add my name for the drawing. Thanks!
Loved the interview! Jamie doesn't like Chocolate? hmmm :) Please count me in for the drawing for this book. Thanks! purposedrivenlife4you (at) gmail (dot) com
I would love to win a copy. Please enter me.
treewaterduchess (at) yahoo.com
Please enter me!
frog123 (at) cyipcom (dot) net
Please count me in, sounds interesting!
jennifer at quiverfullfamiliy dot com
I read Snow Angel and loved it, so I would love to win this one. Thank you for a great giveaway.
cjarvis [at] bellsouth ]dot] net
Sounds interesting - I would love to read this book!
Wonderful interview! Sounds like a great book that I would enjoy reading.
Thank you for the interview. I'd love to read it.
Hello Ladies!!
I just learned that the interview was up or I would have commented to you all earlier! Thanks so much for all the lovely comments; you really blessed me.
Lindsey - don't burst my dream of zoo life!! LOL! I guess the occasional raw steak would be worth it if I had to be an animal!!
This blog rocks!! Thanks Lena!!
Take care all and God bless,
Sounds most interesting.I would love to read this book and pass on to friends and family.
i love jamie carie and woul love the chance to win her book. pease enter my name in the draw. thanks,
sarahwoll at hotmail dot com
i love jamie carie and woul love the chance to win her book. pease enter my name in the draw. thanks,
sarahwoll at hotmail dot com
great interview! Please enter me:
I would love to win this book! enter me!
I enjoyed the interview...lots of fun questions and answers. I love this type of book and would love to be added to your list for the giveaway. Thank you!
Sandy G.
Great interview! I would love to read this book. Please enter me in the drawing.
Wonderful interview! This sounds like a book I would enjoy reading!
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