Susan, I love your new photo. God has really been moving in your writing life. What do you see on the horizon?
This life was something that took me by surprise – I had always thought I’d be a missionary. And I’d like to think I still am. *grin* So, my only goals are to write the best books I can, to the best of my ability. I’m so blessed that God gives me some excellent stories to write. So, I hope He takes them and does amazing things with them.
Tell us a little about your family.
Oh, I’m so biased…I have four amazing children who are now teenagers. I think the teenage era is when you reap the rewards for all the runny snot years. (Although those are fun, too, just in a different way). I love seeing my teenagers discovering the people God created them to be, each with their own interests, from drama and singing, to sports, to reaching out into the community. My husband runs a posh hotel, and I am so blessed to be able to stay home and write.
Has your writing changed your reading habits? If so, how?
It’s sort of wrecked them, honestly. I am SUCH a picky reader now, and hate that about myself. A great book is one where I turn off my editor and just enjoy. I do like series, and when I find an author, I tend to buy everything they have. I try to read widely, also, from secular fiction to biographies and literary fiction. My favorite book recently has been Marley and Me. What fun!
What are you working on right now?
I just turned in Double Trouble, the second of my “Trouble” collection, featuring a character named PJ Sugar. She’s a wanna-be PI, and I’d like to think she’s my alter ego. The series is set in a fictional version of my hometown, so it was fun to “go back” there and write about all my favorite haunts. It’s mystery and suspense, and humor and romance all tied together.
What outside interests do you have?
Outside interests? You mean there is more than writing? I love my church, and being outside. In the summer, I garden, and hike and canoe and camp. I also picked up a new sport this summer – skydiving. Okay, I only went once, but in my head, I’m a skydiver. I can’t wait to go again!
You're more brave than I am. Of course, I would have done it, too, when I was your age. How do you choose your settings for each book?
I choose places I’d like to visit, or something that holds a particular story element – like Alaska, and being lost in the mountains, or Kellogg (PJ Sugar’s town) a cute hamlet outside of Minneapolis on the lake. I like to invest myself into setting, so I usually travel there so I can get a great feel for the place. Then, it’s easier to make it come alive.
If you could spend an evening with one historical person, who would it be and why?
Abraham Lincoln (and his wife!). Because increasingly, I’m impressed with leaders who have to make difficult decisions. And I’d like to know the kind of person who can do that well.
What is the one thing you wish you had known before you started writing novels?
That it gets HARDER every novel! Every novel you’re competing against YOURSELF to be better. I love the competition, and the push, but sometimes not the angst!
What new lessons is the Lord teaching you right now?
To throw myself into His arms, approaching the throne of grace boldly, and trusting Him to have His way in my life. I tend to be a control freak, so it’s a daily discipline for me.
I know. I've had a deep walk with the Lord for several years, but He's drawing me even deeper right now. What are the three best things you can tell other authors to do to be successful?
Take criticism well, strive to learn, constantly, and enjoy life (because, there IS more than just writing). Life gives us material to write about.

Finding Stefanie is the third book in the Noble Legacy collection – about the sister to Rafe and Nick. She has put her dreams on hold to run the family ranch for the past ten years, and it’s time for her to find that maybe they didn’t pass her by. I also brought in Lincoln Cash from Taming Rafe, and gave him a secret. It was a fun book to write because of the themes – what strength, exactly, does a man bring to a woman? And vice versa. I hope reader’s enjoy her story.
I know I did. How can readers find you on the Internet?
I have two places – my author site,, and my site for aspiring writers – where I blog about writing craft, and have a community for writers.
Thank you, Susan, for spending this time with us. It's always a joy to have you stop by.
Readers, leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of Finding Stephanie. But if you don't win, or you don't want to wait, click on the link below.
This book sounds so interesting. I'd love to win it.
I am impressed by her Abraham Lincoln answer and reasoning. He would be a great person to spend the evening with. Since that can't happen, I would love to win her book to spend a few evenings with!
Sounds good. I would love to win a copy of the book.
I always enjoy Susan's interviews!
Her book centers on the sister and that I like. It would be fun to see what she is made of. Many thanks, Cindi
If Susan loves mountains, she must leave MN to find them. :) It was fun meeting her briefly at the ACFW conference! I'd love to win her book! I love this series and haven't had a chance to read her last book. Please enter me to win.
Blessings in Christ,
Mimi B
mnjesusfreak at gmail dot com
I have the first book about Rafe and would LOVE to win this newest one. Thanks for sharing the interview and the peek at Susan's new book. Miralee
Finding Stefanie is on my wish list! Add my name please, thank you.
I would love to read this book.. Please enter me in for your drawing thanks
katie8407 (at)gmail( dot )com
Sounds great! Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks, Lena!
TinaDeeBooks [at] gmail [dot] com
This is a new series to me. I'm really interested!
Please enter me!
mjf926 at gmail dot com
I would love to win this book!
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
Hey all! thanks for stopping by and for wanting to read Finding Stefanie! (and yes, I leave MN to find mountains. *g*) Have a blessed day!
I agree with Susan - picky about reading! As soon as I took some courses on writing I learned how to read, much to my dismay. At least now I understand why I like or don't like a particular style.
Enjoyed getting to know a little more about Susan. I love her books! This Buffaloe is a huge fan!
i would love to win this book. I've seen the series in a few spots, and Can't wait to read it!
Hi Lena and Susan
I've been following Susan's teachings on writing a novel (My Book Therapy)and find very interesting and helpful. Thank you for such a wonderful resource.
Please enter me for the drawing
Best wishes
Ruth Dell
ruthdell (at)
I know nothing about Susan or her books so would love to win and find out more. Thanks.
Enjoyed the interview, and love getting to know new authors. I'd love to be entered in your giveaway.
Thank you,
I would also love to win the book. I have a similar story to yours.. God has also given me stories, and recently I was published... Thanks for your story, it gives me inspiration for mine!
Christina Cooper
If I Only Had One Wish
I am a new member of 'My Book Therapy' but you know what? I've never read a Susan May Warren book.
I was just so impressed with her at the ACFW conf that I joined the club.
Great interview. It sounds like an exciting book.
I loved the first two, can't wait to read the third!
This whole series sounds great. I enjoyed Susan's interview and hope to eventually read her books.
cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net
This is a new series to me. Sounds very interesting! Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks.
Oh, I'd love to add this to the other's in the set...
Thanks for chance to win!
Would love to win a copy of Susan's book. This series sounds like lots of fun to read.
I hope i'm not too late!
i have the others in the series and would love to complete it!
Sounds so good! Please enter me in the drawing.
This looks like a great story. I would love to win it.
I love all of Suzi's books! And she knows the mtns. well since she once lived in the mountains of Eastern Tennessee. I always get so into the books that I feel as if I am one of the characters. Susan, just keep up the good work. I love you and am proud to call you my friend and sister in Christ.
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