I’ve written about hearing God’s voice, discerning light from darkness in a gray, confusing world, and trusting God in spite of the odds, but I’m biggest on pointing people toward hope. Seizing and clinging to hope despite obstacles is a bedrock theme in Reluctant Smuggler, the third book in my To Catch a Thief series of romantic suspense. You’ll find threads of the hope theme in everything I write. In Evidence of Murder, my February 2009 release for Steeple Hill Romantic Suspense, the deeply wounded hero must find reason to hope again, with the assistance of the heroine, even as they battle a faceless monster out to kill them. It was a challenging, fun, and personally moving book to write.
What other books of yours are coming out soon?
In June 2009, Witness to Murder releases from Steeple Hill Romantic Suspense. One of the secondary characters from Evidence of Murder becomes the main character in this one. I'm excited to take readers into the world of TV journalism, as well as a touch of the exotic from another continent. Here's a teaser: After a TV news reporter discovers a bracelet handcrafted by her long-deceased Nigerian mother on the wrist of a murdered fashion model, she digs to find the mysterious connection between herself and the murder victim. Her search for roots disturbs buried secrets that a killer will do anything to hide.
If you could spend an evening with one contemporary person (not a family member of yours), who would it be and why?
I’d have to say Francine Rivers. She’s a writer I admire very much. Her work inspires me to become better and better. Maybe one day I can write classics like Redeeming Love and the Mark of the Lion series. I’ve never had the privilege of meeting her in person, but I hear she’s a humble, wonderful person and a joy to be around. I think I’d like a bunch of that to rub off on me!
I met Francine when she was the keynote speaker at the first ACFW conference we had in Denver. She's everything you've heard and more. I admire her walk with the Lord as much as I love her writing. How long have you known that you wanted to be novelist?

At least since the sixth grade. That’s when my love of reading morphed into a passion to give others the same pleasure I received from reading a good book. The dream of becoming a published novelist has been born and died several unsung deaths over the course of my life. Then at about the turn of the century, the passion flamed once more, and evidently it was the Lord’s timing for it to come to pass. Several years of concerted effort and three full manuscripts later, Multnomah Books picked up my To Catch a Thief series, and the dream came true! Wherever I go on a speaking engagement, I like to tell people that if God will bring a cherished dream to pass for this nobody-in-particular from nowhere-special, He will do it for them too.
You aren't from nowhere. I've often wondered if since you're from Minnesota, and my father's family is from there, could we be kin to each other. Maybe some kind of cousin. What can you tell authors who have been receiving only rejections from publishers?
Write, write, write; grow in craft; study the market; network with writers, editors, and others in the industry; don’t despise the day of publishing small pieces, and persevere, persevere, persevere! As long as you know you’re obeying the Lord’s plan for your life, it doesn’t matter how long it takes for that first book to be contracted. Oh, and don’t jump ahead of God and try any shortcuts. Believe me, they’ll just end up being longcuts. Patient endurance is the ultimate virtue in this business and brings great rewards!
Excellent advice. Now, tell us about the featured book.
Here’s a teaser for Evidence of Murder: When a new business owner finds on her property photos of a decade-old mass murder, she and the surviving son of the massacre become targets of a desperate and powerful killer.
I chose my home state of Minnesota as the setting for the book, and took the opportunity to explore fun and exciting areas—from the Twin Cities, to the Mississippi River, to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area. I also had a blast researching new careers. The hero rents houseboats on the Old Miss, and the heroine is gearing up to open the doors of her dry cleaning business. Dry cleaning is a lot more interesting and involved than one might think. And the heroine, with her own background of tragedy and struggles with faith, makes an excellent foil for the suffering hero.
How can readers find you on the Internet?
My web site is http://www.jillelizabethnelson.com/. I offer a book review blog, plenty of opportunities to win books, my speaking topics, personal details, an appearance schedule, and of course, a page chock full of information about my published and upcoming books. The books page contains video and audio material, as well as excerpts.
Thank you, Jill, for spending this time with us.
Readers, you can order the book using this link:
Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Don't forget to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won.
WOW, Jill! I'm impressed. I wouldn't have guessed this was your FIRST Love Lnspired suspense novel. I've read many books and just thought (no, I can vouch for) you a pro in this genre.
Sounds like the next book, Witness to Murder, is going to be equally as good. I'm wondering if it would be good for people to order the two as a set so they can move right on into the next one after finishing Evidence of Murder. June is coming fast...
I don't need to be entered in this drawing, Lena, just wanted to drop in and share with all who will read the comments how grand this book is and suggest they put it at the top of their "Next to get" book list.
Pam Williams
cepjwms at wb4me dot com
Would love to read this book, sounds great!
ladystorm282001 at yahoo dot com
This sounds like a great book. I would love the chance to win it. Thanks so much.
Sounds intriguing! Please enter me.
I really like the Love Inspired suspense line, and this one sounds great! Please enter me!
Leah Guinn
I really enjoy Jill's books. I would appreciate being entered in this drawing. Many thanks, Cindi
This book sounds so good. I love to read suspense novels. Please enter me in the drawing.
I love it, spirit and mystery!!!
Please enter me!
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com
I loved the Reluctant series, Jill is a wonderful writer. Please include me for Evidence of Murder, thanks.
Since my debut women's fiction novel--They Almost Always Come Home--(releasing early next year) is set in the wilderness across the water on the Canadian side from Minnesota's Boundary Waters Canoe Area, I'd love to read your book, Jill. Thanks for the opportunity, Lena...and for your diligence in promoting Christian fiction!
Wow! I love Love Inspired line of books. This sounds wonderful. I'd love to win this book.
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
I also really love the Love Inspired suspense novels. This sounds like a good book. Thank you for the entry.
I've read all of Jill's other books, but i would like to read this one!
Please enter me!
Hi, Dear Friends:
Thanks for all the kind comments. I think I'm blushing. Yep, I am.
Pam, yes, Witness is a related book to Evidence in that readers will encounter some of the same characters. They are, however, completely stand alone.
Cynthia, researching the Boundary Waters was a fun part of writing the book. I have an avid outdoorsman cousin who has trekked the area many times. He was a great resource. I hope I did the beautiful wilderness area justice.
Blessings on all you dear readers! I'm so glad people still take the time to enjoy books.
Great interview, Lena & Jill. I always love learning more about the authors I read. Characterization is very important to me as a reader. Jill's characters are always engaging. I'd love to win Evidence of Murder, and I'll put Witness to Murder on my list.
Becca.dowling [at] yahoo [dot] com
The small portion I read made me want to read the rest!
Please enter me!
Oooh, sounds good...and set in my state. It's a must read book!
I would love to win this book.
Not sure if I'm too late for this, but if not, please add my name to the draw.
I love reading suspense novels. Evidence of Murder sounds excellent! Please enter me in the drawing.
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