Debby Mayne: I liked the idea of connecting these stories through family, which is where love starts. To give it a unique twist and show that people can find love at any age, I wanted to write about a widowed grandmother.
Paige Winship Dooly: Our stories feature three granddaughters coming home for their grandma’s wedding. Each has been away for various reasons, and I decided to do a rebel with a deep heart who felt she didn’t deserve happiness after she left her fiancé at the altar. I gave her a redeemed hero, the fiancé, to work with. It was a fun story to write.
Elizabeth Ludwig: Brainstorming with such a talented group of writers is a wonderful thing. When we first started tossing around ideas for a Christmas anthology, ideas were flying fast and furious. Thankfully, Debby has a solid head on her shoulders and got our group to focus on one particular theme that flowed throughout all four stories. I firmly believe that it’s because of her guidance we were able to put together a proposal that snagged Barbour’s interest. Anyway, using Debby’s idea of a common thread, I created a character whose passion for publication had driven her away from home. It’s only when she learns that her grandmother intends to remarry that she dares return to face the people she loved, and who she’d desperately disappointed.
Elizabeth Goddard: My teenage daughter was on a missions trip in South Africa, soon to return. I knew immediately that mine would start with a missionary returning home for Christmas. The fun thing was that as I was writing the summary—I think it was midnight as the group worked together on this—Rachel called. She had just stepped onto Texas soil—her return destination.
What are you reading right now?
Debby Mayne: I have a stack of Christian chick lit, Southern humor books, romances, and quirky mysteries.
Paige Winship Dooly: Calico Canyon by Mary Connealy
Elizabeth Ludwig: I read a lot of books that are similar to my own—call it research. Recently, I finished The Wiles of Watermelon by Lynette Sowell, Of Mice and Murder by Mary Connealy, and Misfortune Cookies by Linda Kozar. These are all very talented ladies, so I knew when it came to writing cozy mysteries, I had my work cut out for me.
Elizabeth Goddard: Sahara by Clive Cussler, and I’m looking forward to reading George Bryan Polivka’s Blaggard’s Moon.
What other books have you written, whether published or not?
Debby Mayne: My published works include mostly romances, one mystery, and a devotional with other authors. My upcoming releases are Peachtree Dreams, Love Finds You in Treasure Island, Florida, Noah's Ark, Be Still…and Let Your Nail Polish Dry, and this anthology (Christmas Homecoming).

Elizabeth Ludwig: Believe it or not, I started out writing historicals. My first was a western I titled The Surrendered Heart. From there, I went on to create a series of Scottish historicals, none of which will probably ever see the light of day, though I thoroughly enjoyed writing every word. My published works include Where the Truth Lies and two more cozy mysteries in that series, Died in the Wool and A Black Die Affair, respectively. This novella, I’ll Be Home for Christmas, was quite a difference experience for me, but I loved doing it, and hopefully, I’ll write many more novellas in the years to come.
Elizabeth Goddard: Seasons of Love released in 2007 and as part of a 3-in-1 as Cranberry Hearts in 2009, and Portrait of a Murder, 2009.
What is the hardest thing about writing a part of a novella collection?
Debby Mayne: The timeline and consistency among the characters.
Paige Winship Dooly: Making sure the characters are consistent in each book, and that the stories flow well.

Elizabeth Ludwig: I really felt the pressure of writing something that was up to not only my own standards, but of the other authors in this collection as well. I don’t know why I felt that way—these ladies were completely supportive the entire time and I enjoyed working with them. Still, I did not want them to be disappointed.
Elizabeth Goddard: Making sure the stories flow well together, we’re all on the same page even in the small details.
How did collaborating with this team impact you?
Debby Mayne: I became very good friends with them.
Paige Winship Dooly: We worked together on proposals before, and through this experience I was able to get to know all three women better.
Elizabeth Ludwig: This was a whole new experience for me. Aside from making three wonderful new friends, I really learned what it takes to collaborate effectively on a project that all four people have a vested interest in.
Elizabeth Goddard: It was the first time for me to meet and work with these ladies—now I have wonderful new writing friends!
How do you choose your characters’ names?
Debby Mayne: We started out using Christmasy names. However, when another name was needed, I used my baby naming book.
Paige Winship Dooly: It varies. For this story, I used Noelle in order to blend with the Christmas carol title, and Rocky, the solid hero, just seemed to fit with Noelle and the setting. Sometimes the names are in my mind first, and I build the story around the characters. Other times I have the story in mind, and have to write using “H” for hero and “h” for heroine until I know the characters well enough to name them. Then I use baby books or online searches to find the best name and meaning for those characters.
Elizabeth Ludwig: Our main characters all had Christmasy sounding names, so that part was easy enough—I mean, how many “Christmasy” names can you think of, right? For the others, it was a matter of choosing a name that fit the character’s personality. I usually spend a few days rolling possibilities around in my head until I come up with something that fills the bill.

Elizabeth Goddard: That was easy enough—I just stuck with names that fit in with a Christmas theme.
What did you want the reader to take away from your story?
Debby Mayne: Since my heroine and hero are in their 60's, I wanted to show that people can find love at any age.
Paige Winship Dooly: I love the thought that you can always come home again, and that it’s never too late to make amends and communicate with people you love.
Elizabeth Ludwig: My story is loosely based on the parable of the Prodigal Son. With this in mind, I tried very hard to achieve a modern retelling that would speak to anyone’s heart who knows what it feels like to wander away from home. Ultimately, I wanted the reader to realize that with God, there is no distance too great that we cannot return to Him.
Elizabeth Goddard: That sometimes God’s will for our lives can change direction, and we need to be receptive to that.

Debby Mayne: The professionalism of this organization keeps me on top of the needs of the market. I've also made some wonderful, lifelong friends.
Paige Winship Dooly: Yes, I’m a member, and I enjoy the people and the connections that are built. We have a conference each year, online groups for each area, the e-mail loop, etc. It’s a wonderful way to network.
Elizabeth Ludwig: I am a member of ACFW, and have been since 2002. I joined because having received so many rejections to the proposals I was sending out, I knew there was still something I needed to learn. I figured an experienced group of writers like the people I would find in ACFW could only help. Boy, was I right! For those authors just starting out, I say align yourself with others who have the same goal. You will be encouraged, challenged, uplifted. . .everything it takes to make it in this competitive business.
Elizabeth Goddard: Yes, I’m a member and joined in 2001. I don’t think I’d be writing a thing if it weren’t for the encouragement I’ve received in this organization.
What is the best piece of advice you received as an author?
Debby Mayne: Don't take revision personally.
Paige Winship Dooly: Do it now.
Elizabeth Ludwig: If God has called you to write, don’t give up, no matter how trying the effort. While waiting for publication, I grasped onto Habakkuk 2:2-3 and repeated the verses to myself often. Now, whenever I autograph a book, I add the reference as a reminder that God is faithful to fulfill that which He has called me to do.
Elizabeth Goddard: Never give up.
Thank you, dear friends, for spending this time with us.
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Hi! I love the interview ant novellas sound very interesting. They bring lovely memories of holidays nad Christmas.
I just love Christmas books, please count me in for this great giveaway.
cenya2 at hotmail dot com
Granddaughters coming home for their Grandma's wedding?? Sounds too good to pass up. Please enter me.
desertrose5173 at gmail dot com
I have a friend who loves these Christmas anthologies! I'd love to get this for her...and me too!
XOXO~ Renee
Please enter my name in your draw. Thanks.
Coming home for Grandma's wedding...hmmm...that's a different twist! I can't wait to read these Christmas stories ~ which I love any time of year. :)
Thank you, ladies, for the great interview!
~ Lori
Hey Marjorie,
I'm a huge fan of anything Christmas...especially books!
Good luck in the drawing.
Linda and Lori,
We tried to come up with a twist to an old story...coming home for Christmas. Hope you enjoy our spin on an old classic!
Great interview, ladies. A lot of talent represented here, Lena.
Love the unique twist! I can't wait to lose myself in these stories.
I love Christmas, and I can't wait to read these stories. I would love to have a copy. And, Lisa, don't give up on that Scottish historical. I would still love to see it in print.
Sandra Robbins
I would love the opportunity to win this book! I would post reviews on my blog after reading it! Please enter me!
Please enter me!
connieed53 at aol dot com
Wonderful interview! I love all these wonderful Christmas books that are coming out. Thanks for the giveaway.
I love having books that I can bring out just for the season. These novellas sound great, and it's interesting to see how they work together.
Oh, I love Christmas stories. Novellas are wonderful. four in one. Nice. I'd love to win this book. Thanks.
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
With these very talented authors, Christmas Homecoming has to be wonderful. Congratulations on the release. Looking forward to reading a Christmas book to cool me off in the midst of Orlando's hot weather.
I love Christmas books.
Please, enter me.
LND: Thanks, Lena, for more great interviews!
EG: My favourite word in the writing realm is "consistency". I'm glad to see that you worked on that to ensure that the stories flowed well.
DM: I love the idea of a book about people in their 60s finding love. As I'm now in my 50s, I find that this idea is entirely plausible.
PWD: I think that "do it now" is great advice for most things in life! Well said!
EL: Congrats on changing romantic genres. That must have been difficult to do, but what a great feeling you must have for having attained that! Way to go!
Thanks to you all for offering another great giveaway. Like everyone else here, I'd love to read this book too!
I love Christmas stories! I read them all year long, not just at the holidays. I'd love to win! gcwhiskas at aol dot com
I love Christmas anthologies. I've seen the trailor on this book, it's awesome! I can't wait to read it.
Please enter my name in the drawing...Thanks!
wonderful interview, enjoyed reading it. Love Christmas books, thanks for the chance to win
I love Christmas, and reading stories about Christmas. Please enter me in the giveaway.
It's still hot here, but I am already getting in the mood to read Christmas stories! This book sounds like a wonderful collection of stories. I like that they are all connected. Thanks for the chance to win!
I love Christmas stories and this looks good.
I really enjoy Christmas stories beginning around this time year. It gets me geared up for Christmas. Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks!
Good interview. the book looks really good too. love the idea of on of the books having someone coming back from a mission trip. (I also love the south africa accent)I really love christmas books.
I really enjoy Christmas novellas, as they're just the length I need during the busy Christmas season. Thank you for the chance to win a copy of Christmas Homecoming.
cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net
Great interview! Each novella sounds great! I love stories that are connected through family ties and being able to see how they each perceive the family.
Would love to win a copy!
Like I said last time, I love all of these Christmas books! And the story about the missionary girl sounds like a fun read!
Hello - I love Christmas books, please count me in for the drawing!
dancealert at aol dot com
I like the interviews and love the Christmas books, I read them all year it doesn't have to be just at Christmas.
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