Saturday, October 24, 2009

Winners!!!! Winners!!!! Winners!!!!

~Tami is the winner of Love Finds You in North Pole, Alaska, by Loree Lough.

MichelleV is the winner of A Bride of Honor by Ruth Axtell Morren.

Charity is the winner of A Case of the Heart by Beth Shriver.

Marjorie is the winner of Plain Promise by Beth Wiseman.

Please send me your mailing address in one of two ways:

Click on View My Complete Profile, then use Email link
Go to and click on Contact Me.

You must claim the book within 6 weeks of winning.


Marjorie/cenya2 said...

I am so happy to have won Plain Promise, thank you so much.

Janet said...

Congratulations Winners! :)

Lori (sugarandgrits) said...

Congrats to all the winners! Enjoy your books!

~ Lori

Michelle V said...

Thank you!! I sent you an email.
