Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Big 5-OH! - Sandra D Bricker - Free Book

Welcome back, Sandie. God has really been moving in your writing life. What do you see on the horizon?

The future’s so bright, I had to buy a new supply of shades! I don’t really know why the Lord chose this time and place after so many years of spinning my wheels. I’ve just finally come to know that His thoughts aren’t my thoughts, His ways not mine, and now I’m just happily riding the wave. I’ve sold several more books over the last couple of months that will keep me writing for the next two years. In addition, there are some talks about Always the Baker, Never the Bride being adapted for film. I’m really excited about that because that’s where my writing roots originated. I went to film school to learn screenwriting while I lived in Los Angeles, and I’m a movie NUT. That would be the best turn ever.
Tell us a little about your family.

I don’t really have “family” in the usual sense. My parents are both gone, and I’m now single with no children. I have a couple of awesome cousins that I keep in touch with via Facebook, but I’m a walking depiction of that scripture about how God sets the solitary into families. I’ve sort of made my own family out of longtime friends.

You're certainly a member of the ACFW author family. Has your writing changed your reading habits? If so, how?

The primary change in my reading habits is that I just don’t have the time to read like I used to. My stack of books I’m eager to read has spilled over into three enormous ones. And my writing habits are still very regimented because I also work a day job, so 40+ hours each week belong to someone else. My weekends have sort of become like an All Writing All The Time channel.

What are you working on right now?

I’m writing The Big 4-OH!, the sequel to The Big 5-OH!. And I’m collaborating with four other authors for a devotional we’re doing for Summerside Press.
What outside interests do you have?

I’m a dog lover in Biblical proportions, so I’m very involved in fundraising and volunteer work for various rescues. There’s also the care and feeding of my film addiction. And I’ve just purchased my very first home, so that’s an ongoing project.
How do you choose your settings for each book?

In the case of my Summerside books, of course they make the choice. But with the others, I like to use settings I know well. My father was a lifer Marine Corps officer, so we moved around a lot. I like to think of those years as early research.
If you could spend an evening with one historical person, who would it be and why?

Just one? Hmm. I think I’d like to hang with Mary, Jesus’ mother, for a while. She’s a case study in faith that I’d like to really dig into deeper.
What is the one thing you wish you had known before you started writing novels?

Not to waste so much of my time writing what **I** thought I should write, but to follow that still small voice instead and head right into the journey.
What new lessons is the Lord teaching you right now?

To trust Him and His plan for my life. Some days, it’s just important to stand very still and quiet in order to hear what He’s saying.
What are the three best things you can tell other authors to do to be successful?

• Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all of this other stuff will be added after that.
• Delight yourself in Him, and He’s got your back on the other stuff.
• And finally … finish, finish, finish. DO NOT get caught in the maze of proposals before you learn how to finish a project from Fade In to Fade Out.
Tell us about the featured book?

Olivia Wallace has a birthday curse . . . or so she thinks. It was a broken heart on her 16th, a car accident on her 21st, pneumonia on her 30th, and a fall down a flight of stairs on her 35th. There were Ohio blizzards on her 38th, 39th, and 40th; and six days before her 45th, she lost the love of her life to a heart attack. Numbing grief stole that birthday and a couple more to follow and, on the morning of her 48th birthday, she received the call she’d dreaded ever since losing her mom so many years ago…she was diagnosed with stage-3 ovarian cancer. The doctors didn’t hold out a lot of hope, but Liv survived and maintained her faith. Now she’s in search of a safe haven and a time to regroup in the Florida sunshine. But what she actually finds is the biggest birthday surprise ever!
Please give us the first page of the book.

Prudence leaned over the edge of the pond and gazed sadly at her own reflection.

“What’s happened to me?” she exclaimed. “I looked like a perfectly normal young donkey when I left home this morning.”

“The journey has taken its toll,” Horatio HootOwl replied. “But just one dip in the Enchanted Pond, and you’ll surely be revived.”

Prudence lifted her head and closed her eyes.“Braaaaaaaay,” she whimpered. “Oh, me, oh, my. Braaaaaay.”

“No, no,” Horatio said, rubbing his feathered wing over the fold of Prudence’s smooth ear. “One dunk in the water, and then a nap in the sun, and you’ll be good as new. You’ll be a new Prudence.”

She chuckled at that. “Do you promise?”

“I promise,” said her friend. “You’ll be a brand new Pru.


Liv dug the shovel into three inches of snow and pushed as hard as she could, then tossed it to the side of the driveway. Three more reps followed before the muscle down the back of her arm throbbed in response. It used to take much longer for her old body to react to physical labor in this way.

Time marches on, she thought. Whether we like it or not.

“Hey, neighbor!”

Liv looked across the white meadow between them and waved at her friend Hallie, who stood at the edge of her garage next door.

Three kids filed past Hallie, all of them bundled up in coats and boots, hats, scarves, and gloves. At thirteen, Jason was the oldest. He had reached the bottom of the driveway by the time Scotty, the ten year old, hurried past his mother. Katie, age six, scampered behind her brothers, then she turned and waved at Hallie.

“Later, Mommy.”

“Later, sweetie.”

“Hey, wait up, you guys,” the little girl called.

“Boys, wait for your sister and walk with her all the way to the bus stop, please.”

Jason didn’t so much as slow down, but Scotty came to a full stop until Katie reached him. The two of them skated along the patches of ice on the sidewalk.

Liv’s heart pinched a little as she watched them. She’d had more than her share of obstacles over the years that had kept her and Robert from having children of their own. Hallie was blessed to have a houseful, and Liv envied her that.

“Coffee?” Hallie called out to Liv.

“Half an hour?”

“I’ll bring cake.”

The thought of cake cheered Liv right up, and she returned to the chore of shoveling a channel up the driveway so that Hallie could bring it safely to her.
How can readers find you on the Internet?

My Web site: http://www.sandradbricker.com/
My blog: http://sandradbricker.blogspot.com/

Thank you, Sandie, for dropping by today.

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The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 6 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

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grannyvon said...

This is probably the best interview I have read about an author. IT WAS GREAT! I like that Sandra is a animal lover. I have had one cat and two dogs, one at a time, and all a rescued animals. I want to read this book it sounds great. My hat is off to Christian writers. Thanks for the entry. ybutler@oppcatv.com

Author and Editor Sandra D. Bricker said...

Grannyvon: What a sweet note! I'm so glad you enjoyed the interview. Lena is a pro, so she makes it pretty easy.

I love to hear that all your animals have been rescues! Bless your heart.


Southern-fried Fiction said...

I LOVED The Big 5-OH! And I adore Sandie. She's become one of my top 10 favorite authors! :) Love your humor, girlfriend. I pray God will richly bless you!

And Lena, you don't need to include me in the drawing, but I did want to drop by and say "hey" to Sandie. :)

Jan Cline said...

I agree with the advise to finish a work. It's a real test of your abilities and perseverance. Good interview with an author I would like to read!

kathy taylor said...

I love the idea of a birthday curse. I'm so glad that Sandra has been featured today. So many people are without traditional families, and we need to extend ourselves to singles, and that includes their pets. I was single until I was 35, and I had great friends who were willing to embrace me. I thank God for them. The Big 5-OH sounds wonderful. I've seen it somewhere, and I can't wait to get my hands on it!

Author and Editor Sandra D. Bricker said...

Ane and Jan, I'm so happy you stopped by! And Kathy, I'll be hoping you win a copy of my book here. Thanks so much for the great comments.

Debra Ullrick said...

I am Sandie's number one fan. I love everyone of her stories. In fact, every time I finish reading one, I say...this one is my favorite. Well, they can't all be my favorites. Or can they? Sandy's style is so unique and her characters are awesome. Only one problem...every time I finish a story I'm sad because I want more and I want to spend more time with her characters so I'm always sad to say goodbye to them.

I love what you said about not wasting time writing what "I" want, but to listen to that still small voice. Boy do I need to be reminded of that and often. Try on a daily basis. Or moment by moment basis.

Fabulous interview and questions, Lena. And even better answers, Sandie.

You don't have to add my name to the list, Lena. I already have a copy of The Big 5-OH! which I loved!

God bless you both as you endeavor to serve God through your writing.

Debra Ullrick

Carol said...

I'm always looking for Christian writers and this book sounds really good. I'm past the Big 5-OH and now looking at the BIG 6-OH!!
choco1950(at)netins (dot) net

Author and Editor Sandra D. Bricker said...

Thank you so much for stopping by, Debra. It's true, folks. She really IS my number one fan. I get such encouragement from this chickadee!

And Carol, thanks to you as well. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance!

holdenj said...

Looks like a great book, I know I would enjoy reading it. Sandra sure sounds full of life, a great interview too! Thanks for the chance to win.

runner10 said...

Great post. I recently had the big 4-oh!!

Cindy W. said...

Sounds like exciting things are happening for you Sandra! Congratulations! I have read several reviews for The Big 5-OH! and it is a must read for me, especially since I'm a few years past the Big 5-OH and quickly approaching the Big 6-OOOHHH!!!

I would love to win a copy of The Big 5-OH! Thank you for the opportunity!

Smiles & Blessings,
Cindy W.


Linda Kish said...

This sounds like a terrific book. I would love to read it. We live in a house full of rescue animals. Loads of cats and dogs.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Kim W said...

The books sounds really good! Loved the interview. Very good advice.

Nancye said...

Sounds like a great book!! Thanks for the chance.

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Anita Yancey said...

This sounds like the perfect book for me. I would so much like to read it. Please enter me. Thanks!


Cynthia A. Lovely said...

I have heard about this book but
never read this author. It sounds
like she has a great sense of
humor - please do enter my name.

Desiree said...

This sounds like a fun book! Maybe because I am pushing 50! Thanks for the opportunity to get to know the author and win her book!

Coolestmommy said...

This book looks hysterical! I'm interested to see how the whole story plays out.

Janet said...

My baby sister turns the Big 4-OH! this year. lol A devotional sounds great too.


Wendy said...

Sounds like a fun book!

Judylynn said...

Please enter me in this giveaway - Thanks!


Patsy said...

Sounds like a great book. Enjoyed the interview. Thanks goodness for Christian writers.

misskallie2000 said...

Great interview. I am an animal lover and like knowing if the author is also. I have 3 cats and by the end of month will have 4. They keep me entertained with their antics. I am so glad I found Christian Fiction writers where I don't have to skip or skim parts I don't want to read.
Thanks for hosting this great giveaway and for the opportunity to enter.

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

dancealertreads.blogspot.com said...

Great interview! I would love to read the book
dancealert at aol dot com

Nancye said...

Sounds like a great book! Thanks for the chance.

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

wmmahaney said...

This book really sounds good. I would love to read it.

hippmom said...

Sounds like an enjoyable author! Look forward to reading this book.

angelahipp (at) charter (dot) net

rubynreba said...

Great interview. Love to be entered.

Marla said...

This sounds like my best friend's story. Would love to win this book for her.


Bluerose said...

Please enter me. I would love to read this one, and I think my momma would like it, too. :)

Theresa N. said...

After reading this much I'm very curious to see what happens on her 50th.
Theresa N