Today is a really fun interview with the authors of this devotional book. I love each one of these women, and I know this devotional will lift you up and keep you laughing.
Sandie Bricker’s interview:
Have you written other nonfiction books?
I'm the team leader on Summerside's line of devotionals. We have another one coming out later in the year with Trish and me, along with Loree Lough (from Be Still) and Cynthia Ruchti, the newcomer to our team.
Do you have any other books in the works right now?
I'm working on three more novels to follow last year's Always the Baker Never the Bride, all of which will be set in the wedding destination hotel of the original. The first sequel (Always the Wedding Planner Never the Bride) is due out this fall.
What kinds of hobbies and leisure activities do you enjoy?
I'm an armchair interior designer, addicted to HGTV. I'm also an activist for dog rescues and the humane treatment of animals, as well as an avid fundraiser for ovarian cancer research. In fact, a portion of the proceeds of each of the devotionals, including this one, will be donated to the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund for their ongoing effort to find an effective diagnostic tool and eventual cure for ovarian cancer. I'm a survivor of the disease,as is my co-author, Diann Hunt, so it's a very personal battle for me.
What do you want the reader to take away from the book?
We're writing these fun, contemporary devotionals to minister to women just like us--busy women with a real need for finding a way to keep our relationship with the Lord at the forefront of everything else. My prayerful hope is that every woman who reads our book will be blessed in that way, reminded that there's hope beyond the storm, and able to take even just a few quick moments to remember His love.
Where on the Internet can the readers find you?
Web stie:
Facebook: Sandie Bricker
Kristin Billerbeck’s Interview:
What would you like for our readers to know about you personally?
My journey is nothing like I thought it would be!
Tell us about your family.
I have four incredible children. Three boys (16, 15, 12) and one lovely daughter (10). I LOVE teenagers and pre-teens and I know this isn't normal, but they are so interesting and funny and delightful. I can't wait to see what they all turn out to be. We also have an adorable Yorkie-Pom named Fiona who sits under my desk while I write.
Have you written other nonfiction books?
Yes, I wrote Facing Terror with Carrie McDonnell, an Iraqi missionary who was the only survivor of a terrorist attack that killed her husband and three other missionaries.
I didn't know that, Kristin. Interesting. Do you have any other books in the works right now?
Yes, Perfectly Invisible, a young adult novel for Revell; A Billion Reasons Why, a romance for Thomas Nelson and Smitten, a novella with Diann Hunt, Denise Hunter and Colleen Coble.
What kinds of hobbies and leisure activities do you enjoy?
I knit while my sixteen year old and I watch "Ghosthunters." He's a fact man and fills me in on all the history beyond the show. It's a great segue into spiritual discussions. Something you're not likely to get regularly from a teenager.
Why did you write the featured book?
Ovarian cancer, which this book will benefit, is very personal to me. Not only have I watched two friends struggle through it, but my Nana was diagnosed with it years ago. I prayed while she was in surgery. Her Stanford oncologist said her body was riddled with the cancer. I'll never forget his face as he stripped off his surgical cap and said, "Nothing. There was no cancer." I want all ovarian cancer to end this way and that's the reason I feel so strongly about this devotional and what it can do for awareness for the disease.
I, too, have had close family members and friends with this terrible disease. What do you want the reader to take away from the book?
I want them to enjoy their time with God. It shouldn't be pulling teeth to spend time with the One who loves you immeasurably.
Where on the Internet can the readers find you?
Twitter: KristinBeck
Diann Hunt’s Interview:
What would you like for our readers to know about you personally?
I’m a two-time cancer survivor and am thankful for every breath I take! God has miraculously given me the gift of joy and I praise Him for my life, all of it, the good and the bad (though I have to say I enjoyed the good part a whole lot more). I’m thankful for eyebrows, eyelashes and two-inch hair! :-) Mostly, I’m thankful for YOU and the opportunity to serve you.
Tell us about your family.
I’ve been married for thirty-five wonderful years. We have a daughter, son and six grandchildren (five girls, one boy, bless him). We love to spend time together and do so every chance we get.
Have you written other nonfiction books?
No, this is my first nonfiction book. Though I love to read nonfiction as well as fiction.
Do you have any other books in the works right now?
Yes, I’ve recently finished my fiction book, Love Letters in the Sand that is scheduled to release this summer with Summerside Press. It’s a warm-hearted romance set in 1957.
I really want to feature that book on this blog, too. What kinds of hobbies and leisure activities do you enjoy?
I love to read, knit, study God’s Word and journal. I also love to spoil our grandkids. :-)
Me, too, all of the above. Why did you write the featured book?
I battled ovarian cancer this past year, and it was a way I could give back. Knowing part of the proceeds would go to ovarian cancer research was a huge motivator for me. I want to alert other women to guard their health. Also, I’ve always wanted to write devotionals to encourage the busy woman, who doesn’t always get that extra time for study, to find golden nuggets of truth and apply them to her life. Though I hasten to say this book is not meant to be the full meal for anyone. It’s a snack until you have time to sit down to a feast before the Lord. :-)
What do you want the reader to take away from the book?
The JOY of the Lord is her strength. Life is hard but God is always good. Stay in the Word. Trust Him. Enjoy the journey!
Where on the Internet can the readers find you?
My website:
My blog with four other authors:
Debby Mayne’s interview:
What would you like for our readers to know about you personally?
I’m a habitual eavesdropper. Everywhere I go, I listen to conversations around me, and sometimes I can’t help but interject my thoughts. Most people don’t seem to mind, and I’ve made some very good friends when they realize I’m harmless.
You are so funny. Tell us about your family.
I’ve been married to Wally for more than 30 years. We have two beautiful adult daughters, a handsome son-in-law, and the cutest little granddaughter ever.
Have you written other nonfiction books?
I was one of the writers of Be Still…and Let Your Nail Polish Dry that came out in 2009.
Do you have any other books in the works right now?
Sweet Baklava from Abingdon Press released in March 2011. I’m finishing Unlikely Match, the third Heartsong Presents in a series set in the Sarasota, Florida, Mennonite community. This book will go to book club members in December 2011 (Shades of the Past came out in March 2011, and Trusting Her Heart in September 2011). Next fall, Appalachian Weddings, Barbour’s 3-in-1 Heartsong Presents repack of my West Virginia series will be available in stores. Trish Perry and I are working on an anthology for Summerside Press entitled Love Finds You on Christmas Morning that will be out in September 2011. Waaaaay in the future—2013 and 2014—I have a women’s fiction series coming out with Abingdon Press. The first three books in the “Class Reunion” series are All Prettied Up at the Cut ‘n Curl, Fancy Is as Fancy Does, and Stylin’ with Ms. Prissy Big Hair.
What kinds of hobbies and leisure activities do you enjoy?
My absolute favorite pastime is reading. I love to go for long walks around alligator-infested swampland (I live in Florida) and on the beach at sunset (the West Coast of Florida). I enjoy playing a lot of different sports, but I’m not very good at any of them.
Why did you write the featured book?
I had such a wonderful experience with Be Still…and Let Your Nail Polish Dry, there was no way I could turn down the opportunity to work on the Bad Hair book. I’m fans of all the other authors, making this experience even more fun! I pray that our stories will speak to women, and I think they will because we shared so many different experiences. I also like the fact that we’re donating some of the proceeds to OCRF because this organization has helped so many women who are diagnosed with ovarian cancer.
What do you want the reader to take away from the book?
I want women to enjoy our stories, see that they’re not alone in the trials of life, and find something in the scripture verse and prayer as they read each devotion.
Where on the Internet can the readers find you?
Facebook: Debby Tisdale Mayne
Trish Perry’s Interview:
What would you like for our readers to know about you personally?
I’d like them to know that I love people, I love to laugh, and I feel amazingly blessed by the life God has given me. Honestly. Sometimes I can’t believe how kind and generous He’s been to me. I wish every one of my readers a life as blessed as mine.
Tell us about your family.
I have a gorgeous adult daughter who’s the most upbeat young woman I know. She’s married to a terrific young man who actually loves to communicate conflicts away (can you imagine?), and they live (with my hilarious grandson) about an hour away from me. And my sweet, brilliant son is a freshman in college, studying cinema. He’d like to make films like Lord of the Rings and Braveheart. My kids are amazing people—they’re my friends for life.
Have you written other nonfiction books?
No! I never thought I would enjoy it. But I thoroughly loved writing these devotionals, especially because of the many things God revealed to me while I researched each verse.
Do you have any other books in the works right now?
Yes, I have two books releasing in the spring of 2011 (Unforgettable, with Summerside Press, and Tea for Two, with Harvest House Publishers). I have a Christmas release—Love Finds You on Christmas Morning, with Summerside—in September 2011, which Debby Mayne and are writing together. I’m on another devotional team for the follow-up to Bad Hair, and I’m writing a novella (working title: “Labor of Love”) for a Barbour Publishing collection with the working title of The Midwife’s Legacy. That has a March 2012 release date.
What kinds of hobbies and leisure activities do you enjoy?
Naturally, I’m a big reading fan, of nearly every genre, both inspirational and secular. And I love good films and funny or intriguing television shows. Time spent with my local girlfriends is a real treat, and I do that whenever we’re all able to fit our schedules together.
Why did you write the featured book?
I was impressed with Summerside’s Be Still and Let Your Nail Polish Dry, so when I was invited to join the Bad Hair girls, I jumped at the chance. I had written a single devotion here and there in the past, but never so many as this. I thought it would be an enjoyable change of scenery from fiction, and I was right. I’ve loved getting to know my fellow authors on this project. Wonderful women! And I think the devotionals will touch a lot of hearts and make readers laugh on occasion as well!
What do you want the reader to take away from the book?
I’ve been using Be Still as my daily devotional for the past couple of weeks, and I hope readers will experience with Bad Hair what I have with Be Still. Even though each day features a single verse, I’ve been reading the entire chapter from which each devotional verse is taken. So I’ve felt deeply enmeshed in God’s Word and direction before reading the application each day. The application provided through the devotional has been like a delectable dessert each morning. I’m amazed at how often an issue in my life has been addressed either by something in that Bible chapter or by something the devotional author has written. I hope the Bad Hair readers experience that same sweetness each day.
Where on the Internet can the readers find you?
Facebook: Trish Hawley Perry
Wow! Ladies, this has been a really fun interview.
Readers, here's a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog.
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The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 6 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.
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I'm excited to be the first to comment and say I'd dearly love to win this book. I had the distinct privilege of meeting Sandie and Debby at the ACFW this past September, and of course know the other esteemed authors (and have most of their books). Humor is so needed in today's world and these ladies grace us with it through their wonderful books. Blessings from JoAnn in southern Indiana.
What a delightful interview with all of you. And I LOVE the principle behind the book. What a great devotional.
coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com
Sounds like a humorous book...thanks for putting it out there:)
A great devotional for us gals...who often had 'bad hair days!'
I would love to be entered to for a chance to win this book!
Lorna from Alberta
lornafaith at gmail dot com
Thanks for all the interviews with these lovely ladies!
Newnan, Georgia
Ladies, thank you for sharing a little about your own journeys. It is so encouraging and uplifting.
what a great book....please count me in...thanks :)
karenk...from pennsylvania
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
Boy, this does sound like one encouraging books!
Thanks, Lena, for featuring Bad Hair and the five of us and giving us a chance to interact with your readers.
I'm actually using the book myself right now for devotionals, since I hadn't yet read what my fellow authors wrote. It truly is fun and moving!
Blessings to all of you in the drawing.
When authors known for writing with a sense of humor write devotionals, you know those are going to be enjoyable words of inspiration. I've certainly had my share of bad hair days!
I'm a huge fan of Sandie Bricker and Kristin Billerbeck's work. I've yet to read Trish, but now seems like a good time.
Pick me! Pick me!
Claire Koenig, San Francisco Bay Area
I love devotionals! Please enter this gal from Ontario, Canada. Thanks!
What a wonderful line up of authors! Thanks for all the interviews. Non-fiction is not my favorite to read, but I do like devotionals. I also like that some of the proceeds from this book will be donated to ovarian cancer research. My mother-in-law died of this.
With these authors, I know this book will have humor but also plenty spiritual blessings. I'd love to win.
This books sounds like a great book to start or end your day.
From the Bible Belt
So many families have been affected by cancer. I know mine has deeply. I think this is a wonderful thing these ladies are doing with some of the proceeds. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy.
Anne, rural NC
Thanks for posting these interviews, Lena. You're always a blessing. I have a copy of the book already, so I don't need to be entered in the drawing...although everyone who reads these devotionals will want to secure a copy for a friend, including me. The lives, faith, humor, and insights of these women can't help but encourage others to do as they do--delight themselves in the Lord!
Oh this looks like such a delightful book. I'd really love to win thanks for the chance
live in ND
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
Thanks Lena for the interviews. I had heard Diann was battling with cancer again, so trust that is behind her. i would love to win this book. Thanks for the chance mitzi_wanham[at]yahoo[dot]com
from Arizona
Love these authors and I totally
qualify for this book as I have
impossibly long hair and continual
bad hair days!
-Lovely from NY
Sounds like a great book and I would also love to win it....
This sounds like a great book I would love to read......I also have long hair and I sure know about BAD HAIR husband is a minister, I would be honored to win this book and pass it around to my friends after I read it.......
Angela C.
What a great read! Would love to win a copy!!!
Kari in Oregon
I also have long hair and I would love this book.....
Shirley T.
Sounds like a great book! Thanks for the chance.
Nancye in Kentucky
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
Please drop my name in the hat... this sounds like an awesome book!
Anna W. from GA
I want to be entered!!! I'm from TN.
Thanks for interviewing us for your blog, Lena. Writing this book with the other four authors was a huge blessing and one of the best experiences I have had in publishing. We pray that we're able to touch people's heart and make them smile as they read each devotion.
Hey, JoAnn!! Great to see you here. Thanks so much for the good words about our books.
And Patricia, thanks for calling me out as one of your faves. I think you'll really enjoy this devo. I acted as the creative lead on it, and I can tell you ... these other writers blew me away!
Pam, I'm so sorry about your MIL. Ovarian cancer is such an evil enemy ... but we're doing everything we can to support OCRF in their battle against it. Thank you for joining our fight.
Thank you to everyone who dropped by to say hello and enter to win a copy of the book. And Lena, as always ... love you like crazy. Thanks so much for having us!
I LOVED the first book. I know this one will be a hit! I appreciate the authors sharing some of their deepest thoughts and experiences. It has enriched my walk with the Lord. Each lady brings so much to the book and I enjoy reading the devotionals.
What a great mix of authors, several I've read and a couple new to me! Thanks for the info and chance to win!
Julie in MN
I have this book and am loving it!! Don't enter me; just wanted to say thanks for the interviews....learned even more about these great ladies!!
From GA
Greatinterview, I lost my Mom to cancer.. So delighted to hear the wonderful news of healing!
d_stevens310 at from SE Nebraska
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