Wednesday, April 20, 2011

THE UNEXPECTED BRIDE - Debra Ullrick - 2 Free Books

So glad to welcome Debra back. What are some of the spiritual themes you like to write about?

Overcoming rejection. Never measuring up. Unforgiveness toward others and ourselves. Unanswered prayer frustration. Feeling abandoned by God. (We know He doesn’t abandon us, but sometimes when adverse circumstances or major problems arise in our lives it sure seems like He does. So I like to write about how He really was always there during those times. Sometimes we just don’t see it at the time.)

What other books of yours are coming out soon?

In September 2011, Christmas Belles of Georgia and A Log Cabin Christmas will be available. Plus, The Unlikely Bride, the sequel to, The Unexpected Bride, is coming out in January 2012.

That's quite a lineup. If you could spend an evening with one contemporary person (not a family member of yours), who would it be and why?

Wow just one, huh? hehe Seriously, a television producer. I would tell them about my professionally written screenplay for, The Bride Wore Coveralls. Why? Because mud-bog racing is becoming more popular, therefore, I think the fast paced, action-packed racing, the Ford/Chevy rivalry between male and female, the southern culture, and the monster trucks would make a great movie.

What historical person would you like to meet (besides Jesus) and why?

Jane Austen. I love that era and her stories. They’re Cinderella stories at their best. Plus, I find it intriguing and amazing how when it came to marriage and friendships, connections, power, and money were everything to them. Even more important than love.

How can you encourage authors who have been receiving only rejections from publishers?

I would tell them to ask God to send them an experienced author/critique partner who understands their style and voice. One who won’t try to change that, but will work with it. One who can help them grow in their craft so that they can keep submitting. Randy Ingermanson told me one time that if you do find someone like that, to hold onto them because they are worth their weight in gold. He is right. I have that someone in my life. Plus, one must keep in mind just because one publisher rejected their story, doesn’t mean everyone will. That was just one person’s opinion. Another may love it. Mostly though…Don’t Give Up!

Tell us about the featured book?

Because I have always been fascinated with the south and Jane Austen’s stories, I thought it would be fun to create a heroine whose background was both worlds. Rainelle Victoria Devonwood’s father was British and her mother was a southern belle. Rainee has the joint mannerism’s of both of those lifestyles. This story was originally titled: You Ordered What? Because unbeknownst to my hero, Haydon, his brother orders a wife for him by answering and advertisement in Haydon’s name, knowing Haydon has vowed to never marry again.

Here is the back cover blurb: After the disaster of his first marriage, Haydon Bowen has no intention of marrying again. Unfortunately, his brother has some intentions of his own, and plans to see to it that Haydon finds happiness once more. So he answers a "groom wanted" advertisement—in Haydon's name—and sends Haydon to meet his new bride at the stagecoach stop!

For beautiful, cultured Rainelle Devonwood, any dangers she may face in the Idaho Territories are preferable to staying with her abusive brother. So even when Rainee learns she's a mistakenly ordered bride, she won't let Haydon drive her away. She's up to the challenge of life on the difficult, demanding frontier...and the great challenge of opening Haydon's heart again.

Please give us the first page of the book.

Paradise Haven, Idaho Territory 1874
Chapter One

If Rainelle Devonwood’s mother knew what she was about to do, she would roll over in her grave. Grave. That one word ripped at Rainee’s heart, but she refused to cry in the presence of the strangers surrounding her. She lowered her head and pressed her fingers over her eyelids in hopes of holding back the flood of tears. Oh, Mother, you would be astonished to know what I have done. But even you would understand why I did it. If only you and Father were still alive. Then I would still be at home, living without pain and suffering. But, Mother, I had to leave. I just had to.

In the small confines of the dusty stagecoach, only one thing gave Rainee a measure of peace about her drastic decision—her betrothed had assured her he loved the Lord. Otherwise she would have never gone through with her plans to marry a complete stranger.

As you know from my book Love Finds You in Golden, New Mexico, I love mail-order bride stories. How can readers find you on the Internet?

Readers can find me on Facebook, Shoutlife,,
my website
or my blog

Thank you, Debra, for stopping by the blog today.
Readers, here's a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 6 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.


Judy Cooper said...

This is a book that I know I will enjoy. The setting is in the South, and I'm a terrible romantic for an old gal in Louisiana. Thanks for the chance to win. Judy C.

Katie Marie said...

Ohh, please enter me for a chance to win this book! :-)

~ Katy
from Florida

Paula Vince said...

It sounds like a beautiful, entertaining read. I live in Australia, so if international readers are eligible for this draw, being international, I'd love to have a chance.
Paula V

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great book! Can't wait to read it!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Kari in Oregon

scottsgal said...

thanks for the chance - nice interview
msboatgal at

Claire Koenig said...

I love Jane Austen too - would love to read this from that perspective! Please enter me in your drawing.
Claire Koenig, SF Bay Area, CA

Debra Ullrick said...

Thank you, Judy, Katy, Paula, Kari, scottsgal, and Claire for stopping by.

Judy, I'm so sorry to burst your bubble, but, The Unexpected Bride, isn't set in the south. :-( It's set in the Idaho Territory. My heroine is from the south. But, don't let that stop you from reading it, okay? ~wink~

Paula, I would be willing to ship it to Australia if you win. That is, if Lena allows it. We'll have to ask her. What say you, Lena?

scottsgal, I'm glad you enjoyed the interview.

Claire, ah a gal after me own heart. Another Jane Austen fan. I own every movie version of hers and have watched them at least 25 to 50 times each. Do I sound addicted? hehe Obssessed? Hmmm is that bad? Nope, nope, nope, nope. I just know good stuff when I see it. hehehe

Thanks again everyone for stopping by.

Debra Ullrick

Lorna Faith said...

I love any books that are reminiscent of Jane Austen and combining it with a mail order bride...awesome!

I would love to be entered for a chance to win your book:)

Lorna from Alberta

lornafaith at gmail dot com

Courtney said...

Ooohhh Sounds like such a great book! Please enter me in for a chance to win it!

from Washington


Debby Mayne said...

Sounds like a wonderful book, Debra!

I love the spiritual themes you mentioned. They're all universal and should touch the hearts of most readers.

Debra Ullrick said...

I love mail-order bride stories, too, Lorna. For a long time there weren't many to be had, so years ago, I decided to write my own. It was so fun combining the British culture with the Southern culture.

Thank you, Courtney, for stopping by.

Edgy Inspirational Author said...

Hey there. Love Debra's work. I don't need a copy so don't enter me into the drawing. I plan to read this book very soon. I can't wait!

Debra Ullrick said...

Hi Debby! ~~Waving profusely~~

I want to minister to people like I was ministered too. What a better way to do that without sounding preachy than a romance book. After all, wasn't Jesus giving His life for us the ulitmate love story?

Mary Connealy said...

HI DEB!!!!! Wow, fantastic picture.
Don't enter me in the drawing Lena. I've got my copy ordered.
YAY! Deb. I love your work.

Debra Ullrick said...

Hi Michelle! Thanks for stopping by, and thanks for your kind words about my books. You rock!

Debra Ullrick

Debra Ullrick said...

Did you order a dozen, Mary? ~wink wink~ Hey a girl can dream, can't she?

Thanks for stopping by, and for ordering a copy of my book. You rock too!

Missy Tippens said...

Great interview! Debra, you write about some of the same themes I usually write about. :)

Oh, and I live in Georgia.

Debbie Kaufman said...

Hi Debra:
Wow, Jane Austen and the South! What a cool combination. Can't wait to read The Unexpected Bride!

Debra Ullrick said...

Great minds think alike, eh, Missy? hehe

OOOOO I'm SOOO jealous that you live in the south. Always wanted to move there, but hubby loves Colorado and his mountains. Well, with any luck and a passle of prayer, someday I will get to at least visit the south. I have found southern people to be the most friendliest, hospitable people ever. Not saying people who live in other places aren't friendly or hospitable, they are for sure, but there is something about southerners that lures me in. *smiling*

Thanks for stoppying by, Missy!!


Debra Ullrick

Debra Ullrick said...

Hi Debbie! I can't wait for you to read it either. *grin*

Thanks for stopping by!!!!

Debra Ullrick

Mystery and Mayhem said...

Very nice interview, and I love marriage of convenience books.

Mystery and Mayhem said...

Forgot to say where I live. It's in Canada, east coast.

Trish Perry said...

I love the idea of combining Austen with the South, Debra! Sounds great!

And here's hoping you get that dinner with the TV producer. What a nice dream, huh?

Trish in Virginia

Debra Ullrick said...

Hi to Barbara in Canada!

*A great big granny-from-The-Beverly-Hillbillys wave to you and to Trish!

Yeah, Trish, it is a nice dream. Actually, my husband met a man at our church that is associated and works for film makers. Hubby talked to him about my book and the man gave my hubby the name of a film producer to contact. Gulp. Haven't mustered up teh nerve yet to call them.

Thanks, ladies, for stopping by.


Anonymous said...

This sounds like a good book. Please enter me in the drawing.
angela from KY

Giveaway Lady said...

I have never heard of any books by this author before but I saw it on the Love Inspired site. Looks really good! Please enter me:) Thanks from IL.


Missy Tippens said...

Debra, come visit any time! We have some nice mountains here as well. :)

Melissa Jagears said...

The mention of Austen turns my head and the mail order bride makes it a win! ;)


Debra Ullrick said...

Hi Charity. Thank you for taking time to stop by and say hello and to enter your name in the drawing. You've not ever read any of books before, I hope you have an opportunity to now. *smiling*

Hello Angela. I'm glad The Unexpected Bride sounds like a good book. Whew. hehe

Greetings to Karenk from PA.

And Missy, if I ever get that way, I have to stop by and meet you.

Thank you everyone for beebopping over her to Lena's blog. You all rock!

Debra Ullrick said...

Melissa, hopefully the book itself will turn your head too. *grin*

Thanks for stopping by.


Kym said...

This books looks great ! what a nice interview :)

Happy Easter to all !

kym in ri


Debra Ullrick said...

Thank you, Kym, for your kind words. Lena sure knows how to ask the right questions, doesn't she? *smiling*

Karen Kirst said...

Congrats on your new book, Debra! The cover art is beautiful! And I like marriage of convenience stories, too. Looking forward to reading this one! I'm in NC on the coast (for now. Who knows where the Marines will send us next!

Debra Ullrick said...

Thank you, Karen. I think the cover is beautiful too. The designer did a fabulous job and definitely captured the essence of the book. Wish I could thank them personally.

Do the Marines move you often, Karen?

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great story! How do you pronounce Rainee?

Debra Ullrick said...

Thanks, Leanne. Rainee is pronounced Rain with a long e. Like in eek!

Unknown said...

Congratulation! Wow! Look what God is doing!
Your Friend, JoAnna (from back home)

windycindy said...

I hope she gets a tv movie from her book ~ The Bride Wore Coveralls...
Great interview!
Many thanks, Cindi

apple blossom said...

love the love inspired books please add my name to this drawing. thanks

I live in ND

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

Janet said...

I look forwards to hearing more about Christmas Belles of Georgia. :) gahome2mom/at/gmail/d/com

kylady717 said...

This book sounds lovely, would love to be one of the winners..Thanks

Mona G./Ohio

Abigail Mitchell said...

looks like a wonderful book, please enter me in the contest.
Abigail Richmond
Blanch N.C.

Unknown said...

Debra!! This sounds really good! I have read: Sense and Sensibility
Pride and Prejudice
Mansfield Park
Northanger Abbey
and Emma!!!

And watched Emma, Sense and Sensibility (2 versions!) and Pride and Prejudice (2 versions!)

And I LOVE frontier stories! Sounds like the book for me!

-------Marji S.

Marji said...

LOL! Steve and I share an address!

It's really me, MARJI!!

Merry said...

I love the twist on the mail order bride. Please include me in the drawing, I've enjoyed Debra's books.
Merry in TX

Ginger Solomon said...

I would love to be entered to win this book.

Ginger Solomon in Alabama

J.J. Jenkins said...

I am laughing so hard.In my imagination I pictured the writer of "The Bride Wore Coveralls" to be a little more "tomboyish" and plain! Debra you are beautiful! Too glamerous to be Mudbogging!

Did this interview come before or after recent lessons on reviews? It was so encouraging for us future writers to see how the subject of this interview fit in with what God was teaching us on the ACFW loop earlier. Did you plan it that way or are you used to devine inspiration?

I am a fan of TBWC and know I will love everything you write, with your unique insights and creative characters.

Please enter me in your drawing as well, I always cherish your books!
~Cheri Horgan

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a wonderful book, please enter me for the drawing.

Angela C./Ohio said...

I would love to read your book!
I'm in Michigan.

dancealert at aol dot com

Jackie S. said...

I would love to read your book, sounds like an enjoyable read! Thanks for the chance! I live in GA.

misskallie2000 said...

Hi Debra, I have not read any of your books but I am adding to my wish list. I can't wait to read The Unexpected Bride. Thanks for stopping by to chat and share with us.
Thanks for the opportunity to enter giveway Lena.

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

Coolestmommy said...

Wow, wow, wow!!! Totally hooked on the beginning. Thanks for sharing!

coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com

Debra Ullrick said...

OMG! I wish I would have checked back since the day this was posted. I had no clue that anyone else would post a comment. But...I'M SO GLAD YOU ALL DID!! THANK YOU SO MUCH! And thank you for all your kind words. I can't wait to send two winners a copy of my book.

God bless you all.

Debra Ullrick

amber said...

please enter me!!

afren07[at]gmail[dot]com in TN

rbooth43 said...

I can't wait to read The Unexpected Bride. I am hooked after reading the first page. Being a Southern woman, I love reading Christian books of the South.
Rebecca from NC

Anonymous said...

Would love to win this book, it sounds wonderful...

Shirley T./Illinois

Anonymous said...

I hope I'm not too late to leave a comment. I don't need to be entered in the drawing. I just finished reading my ARC. Fantastic book! If y'all don't win the drawing, please do yourself a favor and buy one! You won't be sorry!

Deb Piccurelli

Bakersdozen said...

I know I will love this book by reading the review. I enjoy reading about this time period. I live in S. California.

MaureenT said...

Would love a chance to win this book!