Welcome, Yvonne. I'm reading The Vigilante's Bride right now and loving it. Why do you write the kind of books you do?
I am a long-time fan of western movies, action, guns, horses, military, and romance. I write what I like to read. And I like helicopters, as well as horses.
Besides when you came to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?
It would be a toss-up between my wedding day and the day my daughter was born.
How has being published changed your life?
It hasn't, not in any major personal way. I still write pretty much what I like, but I don't like the deadlines.
What are you reading right now?
Tim LaHaye's Thunder of Heaven, not my usual genre.
What is your current work in progress?
It's still up in the air, but I think it will be the next book in this Texas Ranger series–Gus's story.
A River to Cross just came out this month and readers are asking for him. I go back and read about him, wondering what it is he has that is so appealing to readers, besides looks, brains, and shooting from the hip.
What would be your dream vacation?
A week or two at a dude ranch with my granddaughter, who rides like the wind. I haven't done much riding recently, and I probably couldn't keep up with her now. She jumps and is better than I ever was.
How do you choose your settings for each book?
Since I'm writing western historical romance, time and place are both important. For Westerns, I research the timelines to see what happened where and how I can use it.
If you could spend an evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?
Rachel Maddow because she's funny, politically savvy, and wicked smart. J. K. Rowling, also.
What are your hobbies, besides writing and reading?
Cooking, politics, pottery. I used to have a ceramic studio, and still like to get my hands in clay.
What is your most difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?
Time. I'm a slow writer. I love the way words draw pictures and fit together. I hate having to write and watch the calendar.
What advice would you give to a beginning author?
Give yourself a couple of years to learn the craft and get your "writing legs."
Join a writers' chapter group that meets once a month and attend meetings.
Join a national writing group in your genre, i.e., Children's Writers of America
Romance Writers of America, Mystery/Paranormal/Western, Whatever.Also join on-line writing groups and critique groups; take workshops.
Don't lock yourself away. Writers need other writers as much as they need air.
As soon as you have something done--even just a chapter--submit it to a couple of contests on line. You're not entering to win; you're entering for the feedback. If it's wonderful, you need to know. If it isn't, you need to fix it. But first you need to know what to fix.
Contests can cut months/years off your way to publication.
And enjoy it.
You're not writing for the Pulitzer. Yet.
Tell us about the featured book.
A River to Cross takes place in El Paso, Texas, and is loosely based on fact. In real life, Mexicans did assassinate a local newspaper editor five years before this story started. In an attempt to draw the U.S. into another war, Mexican soldiers storm the courthouse and go after the heroine's brother, the editor of an El Paso newspaper. When things go wrong, they grab the heroine and take her with them.
Texas Rangers are secretly sent across the border to bring her back.
The Texas Rangers still exist today, a highly respected organization that collaborates with the CIA and the FBI.
Please give us the first page of the book.
Here it is. Elizabeth Evans has just moved to Texas to live with her widowed brother Lloyd. She has accompanied him to the courthouse that morning, where he is going to speak to the townspeople.
Chapter 1
County Courthouse
El Paso, Texas
August 9, 1886
Elizabeth Evans lifted her skirts and sprinted up the back stairs of the courthouse.
At the third floor landing, she hauled open the heavy door and propped it with her hip. Grinning, she called down to her brother, puffing up the steps. "I don't believe it. You can't keep up with me, Lloyd."
"It's ninety-eight degrees outside, and I'm ten years older than you." Flushed and out of breath, Lloyd Madison frowned at the small woman in ruffled green silk and trudged up the last few steps to the landing. He took her elbow and steered her into a long corridor with a pair of tall brass doors at the end.
Lloyd pointed to the silent elevator. The clock above it said 11:10.
"A few more minutes and that elevator would've been fixed, and we could've ridden up like normal people," he said.
Elizabeth let out a little hoot of laughter. "Ha! Not with Mexico right across the river. In this part of the world, a few minutes means tomorrow or next week. Besides, only an idiot would ride up in that rickety birdcage you call an elevator."
Lloyd laughed and threw an arm around her. "Hush, Brat. It's modern and it's perfectly safe. The town spent a lot of money on that elevator, and it's only Nervous Nellies like you who won't ride in it." He hugged her. "You little skeptic. My readers are going to love you. You're on their side already."
A guilty grin burst across her face. "You picked that up fast," she said, laughing.
"I run a newspaper, remember? That's my job."
I know I'm going to love reading this one, too. How can readers find you on the Internet?
Thank you, Yvonne, for spending this time with us today.
Readers, here's a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog.
Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)
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The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.
If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.
Good morning, Lena and Yvonne. Thanks for the interview - i love "getting to know" new authors! well, new to me. Also, thanks for the giveaway. i would love to win. mitzi_wanham[at]yahoo[dot]com at Peace River Country, Alberta
Hi all (including Patty) Glad you liked Vigilante's Bride. To tie in with the release of this new book, the publisher made Vigilante's Bride a free download on Amazon for the month of August. Yvonne Harris
I read a longer excerpt elsewhere and wanted to keep on reading! I haven't yet read any of Yvonne's books but this is one I definitely want to read. Thanks for the opportunity to win "A River to Cross."
A River to Cross was fun to write about. When I was in Albuquerque visiting my son, he took me to a nearby park. The Rio Grande ran through it. It couldn't have been more than 20 feet wide and only knee deep, if that. Big flat stones lay across it and I could have stepped over to Mexico and not even gotten my feet wet. I felt disillusioned, I must say. To me, that had always been a huge river in my mind. Not really. That depends on the season. Yvonne Harris
Sounds very interesting, I love books that are set in Texas. I haven't read any books by this author but I can tell they are good. Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks! God Bless! Abigail Richmond Blanch, N.C.
I would love to win this book! Please enter me. I'm a subscriber and follow via gfc. I posted this to my blog: http://dancealertreads.blogspot.com/2011/08/christian-writers-world-characters-who_21.html
I LOVE contests! Entering a writing contest is a great idea. I also like that your historical novel is based in fact. Sounds great!! This goes on the to-read list for sure. I'm from Ohio. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
This book sounds great! Thank you for the chance to win, Ms. Harris.
Kelly Y. in Virginia
I always think of "Walker: Texas Ranger" whenever the Rangers are mentioned. Thank you for sharing, your book sounds exciting.
coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com
Wow, this sounds like a great book! It will be interesting to see how things turn out.
From Mississippi
Thanks for sharing about the road to publication...I feel inspired:)
I love the 1st page of your book...please enter me for a chance to win!
Lorna from Alberta
lornafaith at gmail dot com
This book looks amazing. I would love to win this. Thanks for the chance to win this.
I am from Oklahoma.
Good morning, Lena and Yvonne. Thanks for the interview - i love "getting to know" new authors! well, new to me. Also, thanks for the giveaway. i would love to win. mitzi_wanham[at]yahoo[dot]com at Peace River Country, Alberta
And now 130 years later, can you imagine our world without those things called elevators!!!??
Thank you for this opportunity to win this exciting sounding book!
Thank you, Lena, and Ms. Harris!
madley (AT) cogeco (DOT) ca
I live in Ontario, Canada
I really would love to read this book. It sounds great!
Please enter me into the drawing for A River to Cross by Yvonne Harris.
~Tammi in Maine
dandtdearing [at] earthlink [dot] net
Please enter me in the drawing.
I enjoyed the interview with Yvonne. She is a new author to me and I'm looking forward to reading her books.
"A River To Cross" sounds like a good read.
God Bless,
Judy from Indiana
having gone to college in Texas I love books based there
cheryl in il
msboatgal at aol.com
I recently read the Vigilante's Bride and would love to read another book by this author!
Patty in SC
Sounds very interesting. Please enter me in the drawing.
Sharon Richmond
Blanch, NC.
Hi all (including Patty)
Glad you liked Vigilante's Bride. To tie in with the release of this new book, the publisher made Vigilante's Bride a free download on Amazon for the month of August.
Yvonne Harris
Oh yay! I loved Vigilante's Bride! I am sure I will love this one too! Thanks for the chance to win!
Sarah from Ohio
I read a longer excerpt elsewhere and wanted to keep on reading! I haven't yet read any of Yvonne's books but this is one I definitely want to read. Thanks for the opportunity to win "A River to Cross."
A River to Cross was fun to write about. When I was in Albuquerque visiting my son, he took me to a nearby park. The Rio Grande ran through it. It couldn't have been more than 20 feet wide and only knee deep, if that. Big flat stones lay across it and I could have stepped over to Mexico and not even gotten my feet wet. I felt disillusioned, I must say. To me, that had always been a huge river in my mind. Not really. That depends on the season.
Yvonne Harris
Wow. Sounds like a wonderful book. Please enter me!
Krista from Gresham, OR
I love to read historicals and A River to Cross sounds like one I would truly enjoy. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy.
Smiles & Blessings,
Cindy W. from Indiana
I enjoyed the interview with Yvonne. She is a new author to me. I would love to win a copy of, "A River To Cross" this books sounds so good!
God Bless,
Judy B in Indiana
Sounds very interesting, I love books that are set in Texas.
I haven't read any books by this author but I can tell they are good. Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks! God Bless!
Abigail Richmond
Blanch, N.C.
I would love to win this book! Please enter me. I'm a subscriber and follow via gfc. I posted this to my blog: http://dancealertreads.blogspot.com/2011/08/christian-writers-world-characters-who_21.html
Brenda from Michigan
dancealert at aol dot com
please enter me
I live in ND
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
Can't wait to read it!
Joyce in TN
I LOVE contests! Entering a writing contest is a great idea. I also like that your historical novel is based in fact. Sounds great!! This goes on the to-read list for sure. I'm from Ohio. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
A River to Cross sounds exciting and romantic. I'd love to win it!
Merry in TX
I love books written during this time period. Thank you for the chance to win a copy of A River to Cross.
Smiles & Blessings,
Cindy W.
i really liked her other book and this one sounds just as great. please enter my name in the draw. thanks,
I read the Vigilante's Bride, and enjoyed it. I would like to read this book, too.
Roanna from Ohio
Would love to win!
Sarah H
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