Welcome back, Rhonda. Tell us about your
salvation experience.
My family were evangelists when I was a child. My uncle
preached and my mother, grandmother, uncles and aunts sang. When I was eight I
accepted the Lord in a small church somewhere in either Texas
or Oklahoma .
I’ll have to ask Mom which state but I know in my heart that was the night Jesus
came to live in my heart.
You’re planning a
writing retreat where you can only have four other authors. Who would they be
and why?
Wow, that’s a hard one but here is my short list: Janet Lee
Barton, Aaron McCarver, Diane Ashley, and the rest of the Bards of Faith. Okay,
that’s cheating but I can’t narrow it down. I have so many writer friends who
have blessed and helped me in my publishing adventure. Of course, you are at
the top of that list too Lena .
It has been a special
pleasure in my life to know you so well for a long time. Do you have a speaking
ministry? If so, tell us about that.
I have a small speaking ministry, meaning I only speak when
asked. Recently, I spoke at the Southwest Christian Writer’s Association in Durango , Colorado ,
on Patience, Persistence, and Publication. I love talking about writing and the
Lord, so I am willing to do both J
What is the most
embarrassing thing that has happened to you and how did you handle it?
I also do a little acting, yeah didn’t know that, did
you? Anyway, the most embarrassing thing
for me was that the mic that had been clipped to my blouse popped off while I
was walking across the stage during a Christmas pageant performance. I managed
to kick it back up into my hand without falling. The audience thought it was
great fun but I’ll be honest, my face was red!
I didn’t know that
about you Rhonda, and I’m surprised we never talked about it since I’ve been
involved in drama most of my adult life. People are always telling me that
they’d like to write a book someday. I’m sure they do to you, too. What would
you tell someone who came up to you and said that?
I’d advise them to read the type of books they want to
write, join a writer’s group, and do some powerful praying.
Tell us about the
featured book.
Taming the Texas Rancher is the 3rd Love Inspired Historical in
this series. It is Hannah Young’s story, she is in both The Marshal’s Promise and Groom
by Arrangement. You don’t have to read the other two to read Taming J
but I wouldn’t mind if you did. Hannah is a schoolteacher who is ready to
return to her roots and prove that she can help run a ranch. Her hero, Daniel
Westland simply needs a wife fast so that he can inherit his family ranch
before his brother up and marries first. Imagine his surprise when Hannah
arrives, and states she wants his love and to work with him on his ranch,
before they get married.
Please give us the first page of the book.
Granite, Texas
Spring 1886
“What are
you doing here?” Daniel Westland scowled at his younger brother, Levi. He’d
been running late and seeing his brother standing there looking freshly cleaned
and pressed was not what he’d expected. The wildflowers in his Levi’s hands
spun daintily in the breeze that swished about them as the stage coach pulled
to a stop.
Dust filled the air, and both men
shaded their eyes against the grit. As soon as the horses came to a complete
stop and the dust settled, Levi answered. “I imagine I’m here for the same
reason you are, big brother.”
Levi grinned. His green eyes
sparkled with mischief. Daniel’s scowl deepened. Surely Levi hadn’t sent off
for a mail-order-bride also. But then again, maybe he had. Daniel pulled his
hat further down on his forehead to shade his eyes from both his brother and
the sun.
How can readers find
you on the Internet?
I love hearing from readers so they are always welcome to email me at rhondagibson65@hotmail.com or
become a regular visitor at my website: http://rhondagibson.blogspot.com Thank you, Rhonda, for sharing your life and your new book with us on this blog.
Readers, here's the special Kindle book that is free all week.
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Her Christmas AngelReaders, here are links to Taming the Texas Ranger. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Taming the Texas Rancher - Christianbook.com
Taming the Texas Rancher (Love Inspired Historical)
Taming the Texas Rancher (Love Inspired Historical) - Kindle
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I enjoyed reading Rhonda's interview.
I love the title of her book.
Thanks for the free Kindle book too.
Janet E.
So glad you stopped by Janet E. I hope you enjoy the ebook, it was my first historical novella. My writing has changed over the years but I still think it's a nice story :) I hope you do too.
Great interview Rhonda and Lena! I really enjoyed it!
Got to go check out those books now. :)
Thanks for the free ebook! Looking forward to reading more of your work :)
Heidi, CA
Thanks Janet and Heidi!!
Lena, thank you for the great interview and the free ebook. What a wonderful surprise! Taming of a Texas Rancher sounds like my kind of book. I am married to a Texas rancher and I love my life. I know this will be a great read!
Thank you for the opportunity to be a winner.
Melanie Backus, TX
Oh that book sounds great!!! I would love to win a copy. I actually also downloaded your free book yesterday :-)
Thanks for the chance to win.
Brittany McEuen
nothing like a good Texas cowboy - love western romances
cheryl in IL
Oh, I love Love Inspired Historicals and TAMING THE TEXAS RANCHER sounds great! I would love to win a copy of this book! Thank you for that opportunity. I have already downloaded the ebook and look forward to reading it as well.
Britney Adams, TX
You always review such wonderful sounding books! Looks like another great one!
Donna, TX
Thanks everyone for stopping by. I am blessed to have Lena interview me and post my books! Can't wait to see who wins Taming The Texas Rancher :)
I enjoyed The Marshal's Promise, I remember Hannah from that book. I also downloaded the free ebook too!
from VA
You had me at Texas and Ranger. How fantastic.
Mary P
I love the ranches and mail ordered brides. Enjoyed the interview. Thank you for the free ebook. Thank you for the chance of a giveaway.
Barbara Thompson in LA
Thanks for the free ebook! I enjoy novels about the west, cowboys and romance and this sounds good. Would love to win. sharon, CA
Hi, Rhonda!
Enjoyed your interview, & would really love to read your book. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy!
Books about Texas, cowboys and ranching are right down my alley. I know I will enjoy this one. Thank you for the interview and the chance to win. Judy C. in Louisiana,
So happy to see so many of you downloaded the free book and are looking forward to reading Taming The Texas Rancher :) Thank you all for stopping by!
Having read Rhonda's work before I know I can trust that this is another one worth the effort. Thanks for the opportunity to receive a copy.
A J Hawke
thanks for the chance to read this novel :)
from PA
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
I love Historical Fiction. I've downloaded the free book, but haven't had a chance to read it yet -- It's our fall break and the kids are keeping me busy! Can't wait to read your stories Rhonda!
Tonja (Virginia)
Thanks for the free kindle book! I hope to read it this week. Taming the Texas Ranger sounds good - love the series!
Beth from Iowa
Oh, what an interesting beginning! I love this series by Rhonda and can't wait to read Taming the Texas Rancher.
Merry in TX
Enter me this book looks soo interesting and I can't wait to read it!!
Sharon Richmond Bryant
I always love mail-order bride stories!! Thanks for the e-book, too!
Binghamton, NY
mybabyblessings AT gmail DOT com
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