Welcome, Beverly . Why do you write
the kind of books you do?
My friend and author, Terry Kay, who has had several of his
books made into movies for Hallmark, suggests that we do not write to tell a
story but to discover a story. The stories I usually discover have Southern
settings and historical threads, which interest me, and I hope interest my
Besides when you came
to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?
My children’s births are right up there at the top. I’ll
never forget the nurse handing me the babies for the first time. Such precious
faces, such joy!
How has being
published changed your life?
Having books in print has amped up the time I spend marketing.
I was already investing toward that end, but now, I’m intentional about my
marketing efforts.
What are you reading
right now?
I just finished reading a novel I missed when it first came
out, Elizabeth Musser’s, Words Unspoken.
I first met Elizabeth at the ACFW conference in Minneapolis several years
ago after I’d read Swan House. I fell
in love with her and her writing. I’m now reading Charles Martin’s Unwritten.
What is your current
work in progress?
I’m working on a screenplay from which I will also write a
novel. The title has been with me a long time, and the story is a coming of age
tale about the search for beauty amidst tragedy. It’s still cooking, but that’s
what I know so far.
What would be your
dream vacation?
I love history, so visiting places with a story always
appeals to me. For example, I’d love to visit Charleston , South Carolina
and walk up every street with a guide who could tell me each house’s
How do you choose
your settings for each book?
Again, I write stories with some historical context, so that
component usually dictates where the books will be set.
If you could spend an
evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?
A challenging question, but if I were to choose someone
related to writing, it would be Jan Karon. She has always been a mentor to me
through her writing, and we have corresponded briefly. I have a note of
encouragement from her hanging over my desk. I admire her for her perseverance,
and I love her writing, which meant so much to me during a particularly
difficult time in my life.
What are your
hobbies, besides writing and reading?
For most of my life, I’ve been a church musician. Though not
involved every Sunday, now, I continue to enjoy singing with a Symphony Chorus
and spending time at the piano. I have an art degree and still dabble in
What is your most
difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?
I’m never at a loss for story ideas, so at times, my biggest
challenge is narrowing down the story possibilities. Once I’ve done so, I have
to resist the urge to second guess, go back, and pick up another option.
What advice would you
give to a beginning author?
I have a writer’s group I started a few years ago, and based
on my own experience as well as the experience of others, it’s going to take
longer than you think to reach your goals. That’s why it’s important to know
why you’re writing and to review those reasons often. We can’t survive on
moments of inspiration. We need to be disciplined in our writing endeavors to
build a body of work.
Tell us about the
featured book.
All June Callaway wants is a simpler life and healing from a
tragedy when she moves from Atlanta to the
charming town of Toccoa near historic Currahee Mountain . However, her discovery of a
mystery-laden treasure with a World War II connection makes her life even more
complicated and threatens to waken a fear that would take her back down a road
of heartache and grief. Colorful town characters help her along and the
mountain itself bestows an unimaginable gift on her, but will she be able to
push past her fear and solve the mystery in time? Can she, as the stranger
suggested, “do it afraid”?
Please give us the
first page of the book.
“I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty
and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full victory . . . . Let
us beseech the blessings of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking.”
~General Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969)
Somewhere over the English Channel
June 6, 1944
C-47 engines roared in Silas Braham’s head—still he nodded. He
tried to keep himself alert, mentally reviewing the jump procedure, though he
should be able to do this jump in his sleep, having practiced it so many times.
His buddy, Les, punched him on the shoulder. “Hey, Silas,
you gettin’ sleepy?”
“Yeah, must be those new motion sickness pills we took.”
Imagine taking a pill to keep you from throwing up.
“That’s what I was thinkin’.” Les gave him a grin that
betrayed the seriousness of the mission.
“You know, this ain’t no practice. It’s the real thing.”
“The real thing,”
Silas mumbled rubbing his sweaty palms on his legs.
He and the men in the seats around him hated the relentless
exercises back at Currahee, which included three-mile runs up the mountain. Now
he was thinking they weren’t such a bad idea. In spite of the training, his
confidence wavered, and he wrestled with icy fear. Before them were variables
for which no amount of drills could really prepare them. Somehow, he had
already outlived his feelings of indestructibility.
How can readers find you on the Internet?
I have blogged for several years at One Ringing Bell (http://bev-oneringingbell.blogspot.com)
where you will find “peals of words on faith, living, and writing.” You may
also visit me on my website, www.BeverlyVarnado.com
or my Facebook author page at https://www.facebook.com/BeverlyVarnadoAuthor
Thank you, Beverly, for sharing this new book with us.
Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Home to CurraheeHome to Currahee: When her tragic past intersects with a hero's mysterious legacy, what she does next can change everything
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Lena, thanks for having me on a Christian Writer's World!!
I am certainly intrigued by Home To Currahee. Beverly Vernado is new to me and I thank you for a great interview with her.
Melanie Backus, Tx
It's been so long since I've seen you in Covington at our EMACW meetings. I would love to read your new book. Are you available for booking in 2015? Colleen has passed the gauntlet to me (I'm the new director of the group). I would love to chat with you. -Lisa Hetzel, GA
Lisa, I hear wonderful things about your leadership of the East Metro Atlanta Christian Writers. Would love to speak with you about 2015!
My "to read" list keeps getting longer! In Indiana!
A new author!! Yay :)
Danielle, music to my ears.
Sierra, thanks for coming by.
Enter me!!
Sharon Richmond Bryant
Sharon, appreciate you dropping by.
This sounds like a marvellous read thank you.
Mary P
I would love to read this book, sounds original.
Springfield, Oregon
My sister got married at Toccoa Falls, so this is set just down the road from me. Well an hour or so down the road=)
Patty in SC
I enjoy World War II era stories and mysteries so this looks like a good fit for me!
Beth from IA
I work in the church library. I'm already thinking of readers who would love this book, including me. Thanks for entering me in your giveaway.
Janet E.
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