Welcome back, Beth. God
has really been moving in your writing life. What do you see on the horizon?
Professionally, I’m launching a Destination Wedding series
in 2015. Spiritually, I’m praying more and more to understand how I am
collaborating with God as I write.
Tell us a little
about your family.
My family is God’s best blessing to me. My husband and I
have been married 34 years. We have one son and three daughters—and we are also
blessed with one daughter-in-love and two sons-in-love. Our youngest daughter
is almost 14. We have one GRANDchild, with a second due in 2015. And I am so
thankful for how my family supports me as I pursue my dream of writing.
Has your writing
changed your reading habits? If so, how?
Now that I’m on deadline—or just off deadline, or waiting
for rewrites or edits—I don’t have as much time to read as I would like. I find
my downtime is usually around Christmas or spring break and I go through
several books then.
What are you working
on right now?
I’m finishing up Can’t
Buy Me Love, the novella that will launch my Destination Wedding series in
May 2015. It has a bit of a Pinterest story line and involves a Manhattan destination
What outside interests
do you have?
I love to walk—I walk a minimum of three miles a day with a
friend. We use the time to talk and to pray for our families. I also love to
watch football—I am a very vocal Broncos football fan. And I love hanging with
friends and family for game nights.
How do you choose
your settings for each book?
So far each of my books have somehow been tied to Colorado , which is where
I live. I love Colorado
and there are so many beautiful locals here. This was true for A
November Bride, which is set in Denver
and included some of places I’ve been to in Denver , including the aquarium.
If you could spend an
evening with one historical person, who would it be and why?
I would like to visit with Maya Angelou. I have a blog, In Others’ Words, that is all about quotes.
I have quoted Maya Angelou a number of times and respect her greatly. It would
be fun to sit down and have a conversation with her.
What is the one thing
you wish you had known before you started writing novels?
My agent, Rachelle Gardner, told me this recently: We’re
involved in publishing, Beth, not brain surgery. There is never any reason to
panic. I wish I’d learned that truth earlier.
What new lessons is
the Lord teaching you right now?
The Lord is teaching me to not put him last in the writing
process—to not write a book and then ask him to bless it. But rather, to walk
with him daily, hour by hour, as I write my stories. It all goes back to the
idea of “collaborating” with him as I write.
What are the three
best things you can tell other authors to do to be successful?
1. Find a mentor.
2. Find someone else to mentor.
3. Expect to fail and always learn something from that
Tell us about the
featured book.
A November Bride is the last in the Harper Collins A Year of
Weddings novella series. I was thrilled to be invited to participate in this
project. A November Bride tells the story of Sadie and Erik and asks the
question: Can a decades-long friendship marred by two romantic missteps lead to
happily ever after?
Please give us the
first page of the book.
This was Sadie’s star moment. The reason she collected
recipes and watched cooking shows. Why she made color-coded, computerized
grocery lists cross-referenced by availability and quality of items, store
locations, and layouts. Spent hours shopping for fresh produce and meats and
poultry—and sales, always sales.
At last, it was time for the presentation of the prepared
She turned from the professional-grade oven, heat wafting
against her back, dampening the cloth of her white chef jacket. Was it still
clean? With a flourish and a well-practiced smile, she held the steaming dish
aloft in her gloved hands. Inhaled the aroma of chicken in the bubbling sauce
of Italian dressing, and topped with lightly browned, grated Parmesan cheese.
At the last second, she remembered to nudge the oven door closed with her
Hold the smile. Always hold the smile.
“Oh, this smells delectable.”
Ugh. Maybe not the best word. Too late now.
Sadie set the deep red stoneware dish on the waiting trivet,
turning it just so, knowing a trusty cameraman would capture just the right
angle. “Boneless chicken breasts. Grated cheese. Italian dressing. And, for
those of you who are gluten- free, I used a coating of crushed cornflakes
instead of bread crumbs.”
She stood tall, despite the tightness in the small of her back,
recounting the other dishes she’d made that day.
And smile.
“There you have it. A week’s worth of dinners: chicken Parmesan,
chicken piccata, salmon Sedona cakes served with English muffins, crown rack of
lamb, and braised beef short ribs. ” She resisted the urge to push the bangs
back from her face. The focus was on the meals she’d prepared, not her.
“On the next segment of Your Personal Chef, I’ll share
another week’s worth of dinners, including—”
When notes from the “Peer Gynt Suite no. 1” sounded from her
smartphone on the desk in the corner of the kitchen, Sadie closed her eyes, her
mouth twisting. “A call? Really? We were almost finished.”
Silence—and then her phone sounded again.
How can readers find
you on the Internet?
Website: http://www.bethvogt.com
Twitter: @bethvogt
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/beth_vogt/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorBethKVogt?ref=hlThank you, Beth, for sharing this new book with us today.
Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
A November Bride - Christianbook.com
A November Bride (A Year of Weddings Novella Book 12)
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The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.
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I think A November Bride sounds like a fantastic book. Thank you Beth and thank you Lena!
Melanie Backus, TX
This sounds like a wonderful story. I would love to read it.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
My sister would love this book, so I'm entering for her, lol.
J.C. -Indiana-
I could always use some ideas for some meals :)
dkstevensne AT outlook DOTDom
dee from Nebr.
I loved learning more about Beth Vogt and her writing process! Thank you for sharing the wonderful interview and giveaway.
Britney Adams, TX
Sadie and Erik's story sounds very sweet! Thanks for the chance to win a copy!
Kristen in OK
kam110476 at gmail dot com
I love Colorado and bridal books!
This is the perfect combination for me!!!!
I would be overjoyed to win this book!
Loved the interview!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Many Blessings and Smiles :)
Charlotte Kay, Georgia
Another of Beth's books. Wonderful! Now I have a question, though, "Does the book winner ALSO get a week's worth of prepared menus so that they have a week free to read the book without responsibility of cooking?"
Love to be that winner.
Vera in the middle of North Carolina
Thanks for the interesting interview, Beth and Lena!!
I haven't read any of Beth's books and would love to read "A November Bride"!!
I am so anxious to read Beth's book!! Thanks for the chance!
Jackie Smith in GA
NOVEMBER BRIDE is on my bucket list and I'd love to read and review it. I agree that Colorado is beautiful; we were there this August and drove up Pike's Peak!(wow!), saw Grand Junction and Colorado NM, saw Black Canyon of the Gunnison NP, rode the Durango-Silverton RR, and saw Garden of the Gods and the Trading Post. So much to see, so I guess we'll have to go back. sm California wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com
thanks for the chance to win this wonderful book
live in ND
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] cojm
I enjoyed Beth's first book. "A November Bride" sounds like another book I'd like to read.
Thanks for the giveaway and the interview.
Always enjoy your interviews Lena!
Donna, TX
So fun to drop by and see everyone's comments! I'm sorry to say that a week's worth of meals are not included with the free e-book, though. And it sounds like "sm" hit all the tourist spots when she visited Colorado -- Garden of the Gods is a favorite place of mine to walk. I also include it in my e-novella "You Made Me Love You." It's always fun to be a guest on your blog, Lena. I love connecting with readers -- ones I've "met" before, as well as new ones.
I read and enjoyed each of Beth's first three novels earlier this year. Would love to read this novella on my Kindle.
Patty in SC
A November Bride sounds like a great read. I lived briefly in Denver Colorado as a child and I have fond memories of the beauty of the Rockies. I'm looking forward to reading this story. Thanks for the giveaway.
Loraine from TX
This sounds great! Love the cooking angle! :-)
Binghamton, NY
mybabyblessings AT gmail DOT com
I've enjoyed every book I've read by Beth and I'm sure this one is very good. And she even included us gluten free people!
Tonja (VA)
I love cooking shows! A November Bride sounds terrific.
Merry in MN
This books sounds really awesome and I can't wait to read it! I would be so blessed to win this book! Things have been very difficult for me right now, I have been spending a lot of time in the hospital for treatments and I love to read, but like I said, I am waiting for permanent disability to come through and I sometimes can't afford food, never mind a good book so I would really love to win a book! Thanks so much for the opportunity to win! God Bless You and Your Family! Have a wonderful, blessed day!
Frances from Deltona, Florida!
I look forward to reading this novella.
I should have mentioned that I live in South Carolina.
Looking forward to reading it!
Lori P from CA.
jlipayer (at) charter (dot) net
Sounds like a winner! Dana from Memphis!
Danajeweler@ y mail dot com
Sounds delightful (and frankly I am also suddenly hungry). Thank you for the wonderful interview. I love learning more about the authors I enjoy. Thanks!
Prescott, AZ
I would love to read this! My two most favorite things to do is cook and read. I'm from Illinois.
I love food related books. I will have to put this on my TBR list. lisajcowell(at)cs(dot)com in Ohio
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