Dear Readers, Kellie
Gilbert is one of my very dear writing friends. She was in my critique group
for awhile. I love her books. The stories are contemporary and deal with hard
issues, and her writing draws me in from the first word. This book is a the top
of my to-be-read pile, because I’ve been working on publishing the Christmas
book I shared with you a few days ago.
Welcome back, Kellie.
What are some of the spiritual themes you like to write about?
I love to feature strong female protagonists, often women
who work in various professions, who encounter life-changing circumstances they
never see coming. Like in real life, these characters must examine the props
they use to feel loved and secure, the ways they replace what only God can
truly provide. My books typically don’t have strong spiritual threads, but the
themes and metaphors are certainly there.
I also like to write about marriage, and the choice couples
must make to stay together when so much in our world tries to tear apart life
long and God honoring commitments. That is the particular theme of the book
that just released—A Reason to Stay.
What other books of
yours are coming out soon?
Like I mentioned, A Reason to Stay just released this
week. This is the third in a four-book collection of novels in the Texas Gold
collection. Each of the books is set in a metropolitan area of Texas . This book is in Houston .
Next June, the final book What Matters Most will debut and will showcase a political backdrop
set in Austin .
If you could spend an
evening with one contemporary person (not a family member of yours), who would
it be and why?
I would like to spend an evening with President Obama—just
him and me. I have a few things I’d like to share with him. *winks*
Now a historical
person, but not Jesus.
This may be cheating a bit, but I’d love to meet and talk
with John, the author of Revelation. I’m intrigued with the idea that he spent
so much time with Jesus—ate with him, traveled with him, slept near him. Yet,
when he saw him for the first time in glory, he fell as though dead. So . . .
what was THAT about?
How can you encourage
authors who have been receiving only rejections from publishers?
Oh, this is one of my favorite topics. Never before have authors
had so many wonderful options. Despite any changes in the publishing industry
as a whole, there will always be readers. So, my encouragement is this: WRITE! And
be BRAVE! Do things you haven’t tried. Embrace new opportunities. And think out
of the box. There are authors making great incomes and building readerships in
unique new ways.
So—be a Tigger . . . not an Eeyore. Most especially, if you
are a believer and write for Christ. My goodness, what is there to be afraid
Tell us about the
featured book.
This story is so very close to my heart because it features
a young mismatched couple (she’s an ambitious news anchor and he’s a
championship bass fisherman) who fall in love, marry, and then the real world
sets in. Family tensions, work situations, priorities . . . all the things that
pull couples apart come at them with full force. Soon, they believe they’ve
made a mistake. Despite loving one another, they believe the lie that if you’re
not happy all the time, you shouldn’t be married.
A Reason to Stay is my testament to marriage.
You’re so right,
Kellie. In over 50 years, we went through a lot of tough things that could have pulled us apart,
but I praise the Lord for helping us grow through them. Please give us the first page of the book.
EXCERPT from A Reason to Stay (Baker/Revell):
There’s no need to fix something that isn’t broken.
At least that was what Faith Marin’s mother always said. And
goodness knows, her mother was never wrong.
Unfortunately, the station’s executive news director had
expressed the exact opposite sentiment in his office yesterday. “Okay, listen.
I’m not saying what we’re doing isn’t working. I’m only suggesting we might
have to consider changing things up a bit. No one else is going to keep Faith
Marin’s star shining. You have to do that for yourself. Right now, your Q score
remains high, but you and I both know this is a nearsighted business. Viewers
are fickle, which is why we spend an inordinate amount of time and money
keeping the Faith on Air brand fresh and relevant.” Clark Ravino pointed at the
stack of Nielsens on the corner of his desk. “And sometimes a bit of
recalibration is in order.”
“Are you saying the show’s brand needs recalibrated? Or
mine?” He’d been getting a lot of pushback on her series after folding to her
campaign for the station to take a risk on quality programming, instead of the
popular morn-porn shown on nearly every other station in their market area.
Personally, if she had to see Miley Cyrus gyrating half naked one more time, she
would be sick to her stomach.
The devilishly handsome man sitting across from her slowly
placed his starched shirtsleeves on top of the desk and steepled his fingers.
“To be honest, the answer is both.”
“Oh, c’mon, Clark . Are we
really going to be another butterfly station, never landing long on anything
serious, instead fluttering on to the next pretty flower that smells good? And
then the next?” She’d had this argument with Clark
on numerous occasions. “Look, whoever is coming up with this nonsense is simply
not giving women enough credit. Our viewers are smarter than that.”
He gave her a patient smile. “You’re missing the point.”
She scowled. “We went over all this last month. You agreed
the show was getting too fluffy, that we needed to incorporate stories that
significantly contribute to women’s lives.”
He tapped on the stack again. “The demos are telling us
otherwise. The Most Valuable Viewer age is getting younger every day. I don’t
need to tell you the station’s news shows subsidize the entire rest of the
day’s programming. Even a tiny drop in household rankings is material when it
comes to advertising dollars.” He pointed to the ceiling. “You can argue all
you want, but that’s what matters upstairs.”
From across Clark ’s desk,
Faith squared her shoulders and looked her producer directly in the eye. “So
the line you fed me months ago over dinner at Brennan’s was bunk? You said if I
agreed to stay on the morning desk, you’d help make Faith on Air Houston’s
premier morning show, that you’d let me do the kinds of stories that would
position me to move on to a national market.”
He stood, came from around his desk, and placed his hand on
her shoulder, but not before letting his fingers casually brush against her
neck. “I’m on your side, remember?”
Faith had played that entire conversation over and over in
her mind, losing valuable sleep last night. And it showed in her reflection in
the makeup mirror this morning.
How can readers find
you on the Internet?
My website is
Links to all my social media accounts are on the homepage. I’d also invite
readers to sign up for my newsletters so they get notices of all future
I will always want to feature you and your books on my blog.
Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
A Reason to Stay -
A Reason to Stay: A Texas Gold Novel (Texas Gold Collection)
A Reason to Stay (Texas Gold Collection): A Texas Gold Novel - Kindle
Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)
Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.
The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.
If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:
Thanks for sharing this great interview and first page. I agree that many young couples believe that unhappy on a given day means a marriage isn't working. Oh, the stories I could tell after almost 47 years of marriage!!
Connie from KY
cps1950 st gmail dot com
I've not read any of Kellie's books yet, but I've read some good contemporary fiction recently and look forward to more!
Patty in SC
CONGRATULATIONS Kellie on the release of A Reason To Stay!!!!! I'm so excited for you.
Caryl K in TEXAS
I adore Kellie and her magnificent stories! Thank you, ladies, for sharing this wonderful interview and giveaway. I can wait to read A Reason To Stay!
Britney Adams, TX
Hi everyone! I see some dear friends and some new friends! (hi Britney and Caryl) Just let me start by saying I adore Lena Dooley. I've never met anyone more willing to mentor and help promote authors. She has a huge following, and for good reason. This gal knows how to write books! It's a pleasure to be a guest on her blog today, and I thank you all for stopping by and checking out A REASON TO STAY. My heart is tender towards long-term marriages....I know the work each anniversary represents....and the joy. Hope you enjoy following Geary and Faith, as they learn the blessing of choosing to stay!
would love to win. Angela in KY
Hi Lena. Thanks for hosting Kellie. This is so true about marriage. I would love to win her book. Thanks Kellie for all of the good books you write. Maxie (TX.) > mac262(at)me(dot)com <
Such a great excerpt thank you.
Mary P
I love to see books that delve into the complexities of marriage. Don't get me wrong, I like a good romance, too, but they seem to most often speak about young, new love. Thank you, Kellie for this book and I wish you continued success with your writing.
Terrill - WA
This sounds like a good book. Fiction books dealing with trouble marriages are not as prevalent. I am looking forward to reading it. Thanks for the interview and giveaway!
Loraine in TX
I would love to read this book. It sounds interesting.
Edward A in VA
I've read 2 of Kellie's book and loved them - this one is definitely going to be added to my reading list. I have a daughter that's been married 9 months - I keep telling her that most couples are mismatched in the beginning but to hang in there because it's so worth it. Elaine in Wisconsin
I loved the first two books, would love to win!
Kelsey in CO.
Awesome review,the book sounds like an awesome read!!! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!!!
This sounds good!
-Melissa M. in TN
Love the cover! Sounds like a great read! Thanks for the chance to win!
Beth in Montana
Congrats on your newest release.kamundsen44ATyahooDOTcom. North Platte Nebraska
This sounds SOOO good!! Can't wait to read it!
J.C. -Indiana-
Kellie is a new author to me. This sounds like an interesting book and I love the Houston setting.
marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com
Maryann in NY
I love Kellie's books and I cannot wait to read yet another winner!
Melanie Backus, TX
Enter me in your awesome giveaway!!
Conway, SC.
Oh my, I'm loving the premise of this story! Marriage can be hard work at times, and to do it without Christ in it's center is crazy, lol!! The first page drew me in, thank you for the chance to find out the rest. Loved the author interview :-)
Trixi in OR
Your covers are always so pretty! I'd enjoy reading this one!
Dee S in NE
What a beautiful cover on this one. I am looking forward to reading this !
Deanne in PA
We were married 44 years and certainly discovered that every day wasn't full of love and laughter! My husband met his Savior this past February, and I would give anything to have any of the days back- good or bad. Definitely, enjoy every day and count your blessings if you still have your spouse. sm wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com
Looks good! Enter me!
Blanch, NC
I look forward to reading this. Thanks for the giveaway.
Brenda in VA
Marriage certainly does take a lot of commitment but it sure is worth it! Having Christ at the center makes is all possible. I'd enjoy this book very much.
Beth from IA
I've heard great things about this book and would love to read it.
I've heard great things about this book and would love to read it.
Forgot to add I'm Pam in Ohio.
A Reason to Stay sounds so good... please add me to the drawing!
Merry in MN
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