Dear Readers, today I’m
introducing you to another of the authors of A Texas Christmas, and you’ll have another chance to win a
Welcome back, Darlene. Since you’re being published regularly,
what new avenues will your future books take?
I dived into Indie, e-book publishing when the Heartsong
book club closed down last year. I hope to continue writing with traditional
publishers, especially novellas and devotionals.
Since I now have more freedom in choosing “what next,” I’m
not certain what my focus will be. I’ve mainly written historical romance
(which I love to read and write). I’d love to write more mysteries—but it’s a
very different skill, and do I want to spend the time to develop it? I also
hope to complete several devotional books.
Who knows? God may set me on an unexpected path. Now that
I’m in a nursing home, with uncertain health, I’ve asked Him several times, “Am
I still supposed to write?” Every time I
ask, I get another assignment, keeping me busy. I’ve stopped asking!
What conferences will
you be attending this year? Will you be a speaker at any of them?
I can’t physically attend any conferences. However, I taught
a course at the At-Home Conference hosted by Karin Beery, for those members of
ACFW who can’t attend. I have taught several times in the past. This year’s
subject is on developing spiritual threads in our stories.
Even readers who complain that I use too much scripture in
my stories admit that they do shed light on the story. In other words, I
believe I have a gift for weaving spiritual truths into stories without getting
too preachy. I loved having the opportunity.
If you were in charge
of planning the panel discussion at a writing conference, what topic would the
panel cover, and who would you ask to be on the panel, and why?
Oh, you’re putting me on the spot. The hot topic these days
is self-publishing: do you aim for a traditional publisher or do you publish it
on your own. How do you decide? What are the pitfuls of self-publishing? How
can you make a success of it? I know at least two very successful Indie
authors, Cindy Hickey and Lacy Williams, and would research a few others.
Yes, and some of the
well-known, big name Christian authors have moved entirely to Indie publishing.
It’s a whole new publishing world out there. How important is it to you to be
active in writing organizations?
It’s very important to me. I belong to the local chapter
(OCFW) and national (ACFW) of American Christian Fiction Writers. I also belong
to Christian Authors Network (CAN).
ACFW keeps me in contact with the Christian writing
community, new authors, new venues to publicize my work, opportunities to pass
on what I have learned, a great research resource—not to mention the best
support system in the world. My mother
couldn’t believe the love and care we received from ACFW when my daughter died
several years ago.
CAN is more focused. All the members are professional
authors. The group is dedicated primarily to marketing and has a close
relationship with the Munce group, an association of independent Christian
Where in the
community or your church do you volunteer?
That’s hard in a nursing home. Last year I wrote devotions
from the book of Matthew which my local church used during Lenten Sunday
services. I donated a large number of books to the ladies’ group for their
reading pleasure and to use as door prizes and pass along where needs arise.
At my new nursing home, one of the churches that visits has
no pianist to accompany them. So I offered. My playing suffers from my
arthritic fingers but God still uses me, all praise to Him.
I also try to get to know the people around me, patients and
workers alike. I asked a housekeeper yesterday what he did outside of work. He
treated me to a 15 minute lecture on his many and varied interests, pleased
that someone wanted to listen. It was a reminder that I should ask more often.
There are places
where you can minister to people in a nursing home, and I’m glad you’re finding
them. Even in the two and half weeks I spent in rehab in August and September,
God used me to touch some of the workers, nurses, and other residents. He is so
awesome. Who are the five people who have made the most impact on your life,
and how?
I’ll start with my family: my mother, whom I respect more
and more the older I get. My children, Jaran and Jolene, both for the problems
they caused me and for the joy they brought me.
My friend Karen from my 6 years in Tulsa , when my marriage was falling apart,
and I had absolutely no self-confidence. She helped me see that my decisions,
which felt rushed, were actually the result of a long-time consideration of the
problems. I needed that confidence when I was left single, with two children
traumatized by abuse.
The members (I’m cheating, using groups of people as one) of
my first face-to-face writers’ group. In the days prior to ACFW, we
And if I was going to mention one more person, I would say
Pastor Bill, who agreed to adopt me as a member of his church when he visited
my roommate, and who continues to stay in touch and serve as an advocate for me
even though he retired and I moved.
The obvious, before anything else, so obvious I didn’t say
it—GOD! Amen, forever and ever!
If you could write
the inscription on your tombstone, what would it be?
Good question. How about, “God’s servant because He loved me
first and always.”
I love it. Tell us
about the featured book.
A Texas Christmas puts together six novellas previously
published elsewhere. My contribution is Face of Mary. In one of my most
obvious of biblical parallels, I reimagine the story of Joseph and Mary’s
courtship. “Joey” and “Polly” (Mary) has worshiped her best friend’s older
brother Joey since childhood. She held on to a chance remark made by Joey to
believe they were engaged. When he finishes law school, he returns
home—engaged. The story goes on from there, with her father’s failing mental
health and Joey’s disillusionment with his fiancĂ©.
Please share the
first page with us for my readers.
Polly Jessup dallied longer than usual in the bedroom she
shared with her two younger sisters. She wanted to look her best today. Not
only was Jean Carpenter celeb rating her engagement to Abraham Mott, but Jean’s
brother Joey had returned home after four years away.
Polly pulled her dark hair away from her face, but it
continued to fall into a center part. Should she wear it up? No, at seventeen
she was too young to dress her locks in the style of an old married matron,
even if she did feel that way some days. Taking care of four younger brothers
and sisters did that to a girl. She teased her fringe across her forehead,
hoping they might curl.
Joey Carpenter. “I
think I’ll marry you myself.” Her heart beat faster at the memory. How many
times had she repeated his words when she learned a new verse from the Bible or
studied something new? Even though she had retired from competition she
continued to hide God’s Word in her heart. She hungered for it almost as much
as she hungered for food, and prayed she would walk according to God’s law.
Did Joey even remember what he had said to her all those
years ago? Would he mention it when he saw her today? She blushed. He had
probably forgotten long ago.
Where can my readers
find you on the Internet?
Twitter: @darlene franklin
Thank you, Darlene, for sharing with us today. You're an inspiration to me, and I love your writing.
Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
A Texas Christmas - Christianbook.comA Texas Christmas: Six Romances from the Historic Lone Star State Herald the Season of Love
A Texas Christmas: Six Romances from the Historic Lone Star State Herald the Season of Love
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The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.
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Wow! I am so anxious to read this book. Thank you for sharing your story with us, Darlene Franklin. Blessings to you. :-)
I LOVE Texas and Christmas! This books sounds wonderful. Lena, thank you for the giveaway.
Caryl K in TEXAS
I love Christmas books! I'd love to win.
Colletta from PA
Melissa, this is one of several projects I've had the privilege of working with Lena on. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
Hi Caryl, the biggest state (almost) and the biggest holiday--what could make a better combination! Thanks for stopping by.
Hi Colletta, I appreciate your interest in this Christmas book. Good luck!
The book looks great. It sounds like a great book to read. I love Christmas books. They are so festive.
I love Darlene's books I learned of her a month or two ago on a Facebook party and have been hooked on her books ever since. Laurie from Green Bay Wisconsin
Hi,really love your books got hooked reading about the Morgan family:A Rangers Trail
and Lone star Trail,couldn't get enough of them .
Thank you for writing such wonderful books.
Hi Tammy, festive? That's a good one. Get us in the Christmas mood.
Laurie, has it only been a month? I've enjoyed getting to know you.
Elma, how interesting that you mention my two Morgan family books. I'm hosting a party in honor of German American Day, and I'll be talking about those 2 books as well as a recent novella.
A Texas Christmas is a fun read!
I love reading Christmas stories that have that feel good Christian theme through them. I enjoyed the interview with Darlene.
Cheryl in IL
Hi Cheryl! I look forward to getting to know you better as well. Good luck with the drawing.
Hi Cheryl! I look forward to getting to know you better as well. Good luck with the drawing.
Sounds like a wonderful collection, would love to read Darlene's contribution and yours too Lena!
Patty in SC
Hi Patty, They're a good group of stories! Wishing you well.
Thanks for giving one of us another chance to win this book. I am anxious to read these Christmas stories. Darlene, you have proved that we all have work to do and we should never stop spreading God's Word!
Connie from KY
cps1950 at gmail dot com
Hi Connie, good luck this time! Praise the Lord, He keeps me busy!
I love it! Magical! Heartwarming! Captivating! Exciting! Hopeful! Inviting! Wonderful! Two thumbs up, for starters
Addison, Texas
Gene, wow, what a bunch of heartwarming adjectives! Thanks.
Hi Darlene! So glad to see you again. It's funny, I was just thinking about you the other day (and praying for you!). I had won your "My Candy Valentine" a while back with an author interview on some blog (can't remember which now). And I loved getting to know you, your life story & your writing. Great to see you are spreading your wings a bit and go indie with your writing. I was sad to learn the Heartsong Presents line closed down last year. I have prayed for the authors that God will open new doors for their books. I pray the same for you, my dear!
Thanks for featuring "A Texas Christmas" 6 novella collection, looks really good with some terrific authors :-) Blessings to you & may God pour out His grace & peace on you today, tomorrow and forever!
I love Darlene's books. So entertaining! Certainly throwing my hat in the ring for this one.
Melanie Backus, TX
A lovely post thank you & I look forward to catching up with all of the stories.
Mary P
I love Texas and I love Christmas so this book with be wonderful for me. Thank you for the chance to win a copy.
I live in Indiana.
Cindy W.
Darlene, Your interview with Lena touched me. Isn't it amazing where God can use us? You have a world of opportunity living in a nursing home to witness and testify to God's glory.
Your novella, Face of Mary, sounds so good. I love Christmas stories and A Texas Christmas is right up my alley.
Judy B from Indiana
I am so ready for some Christmas stories & Darlene this sounds like one I'd like!
Dee S from Nebraska
My maternal grandparents had lived in texas for many years. kamundsen44ATyahooDOTcom. North Platte NE
Hi Trixie! How lovely for us to connect again. Thanks for stopping by,
Melanie, thanks for "throwing your hat" in. :) I appreciate your interest.
Hi Mary! All the way from Australia? How fun! Thanks for commenting.
Cindy, Indiana is a place I don't know much about athough I've been through there a time or two. :) I love telling Texas stories, I've lived in Texas or near Texas for most of my adult life.
Judy, I'm thankful my story encouraged you. May you have a wonderful Christmas with lots of good books!
Dee, my next novella (set for a November release) is set in Plymouth, Nebraska. Tobogganing for Two. In the meantime--good luck with this drawing.
Kim, so have you spent time visiting them in Texas? My story is set in the Piney Woods of east Texas.
The book looks and sounds very interesting, I would love the chance to read it!!!
Thanks for the giveaway!!!
Hi Sarah, I agree, Barbour does a great job with book covers!
Enter me in your amazing giveaway!!
Conway, SC.
Sounds like a book my wife would enjoy.
Edward A in VA
Great interview. I love hoe God uses us just where we are. Can't wait to read your book.
Blessings, Tina
Frederick, Maryland
Oops, that should be how
Enjoyed reading about you and your life. Thank you for the giveaway. This book sounds like a good read!
Phyllis from Illinois
Thanks for the interesting interview, Darlene and Lena!!
Love Darlene's stories - she is an inspiration!! Would love to read 'A Texas Christmas'.
Bonnie from Ky.
Looks awesome!!! Please enter me.
Blanch NC
Sharon, Lena does an amazing job, doesn't she?
Edward, I appreciate you thinking of your wife. How sweet.
Mrs. Tina, with Paul, I'll boast about my weaknesses, for then God makes me strong.
Hi Phyllis, glad to meet you. Thanks for your interest.
Hi Phyllis, glad to meet you. Thanks for your interest.
Bonnie, thanks for stopping by, I'm glad you found it interesting.
Bonnie, thanks for stopping by, I'm glad you found it interesting.
Hi Abigail, this is a great collection. Good luck with the drawing.
It's such a pleasure to see Darlene here! I am eager to read this wonderful collection!
Britney Adams, TX
Hi Britney, how ice of you to say.
It is nice to visit with darlene again. been a long time. She sure accomplishes a lot for living in a Nursing Home. Thank you lena for hosting her. I would love to win this book. Maxie (TX.) > mac262(at)me(dot)com <
Hi Maxie! It's good to see you again. Let's be friends on facebook or you can stop by my web so we can chat more often. (The same for everyone else, of course!)
I love Christmas. I enjoy reading stories as well. Thanks for the chance to win this great sounding book. I enjoyed the interview.
Brenda in VA.
Hi Brenda, I'm glad you stopped by.
love to read Darlene's book thanks for the chance to win this Christmas book
live in ND
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
I hope this comment finds you well Darlene.I am sorry to hear about your health.I will keepyou in my prayers.Thanks for continuing to write great books.Jackie Tessnair N.C.
Apple Blossom, I know I should remember your name . . .gret to hear from you again.
Jackie, thank you for the prayers.
Darlene's books are great and convey an important message without being preachy. I would love to read this !
Deanne in PA
So amazed, Darlene, at what you accomplish from your nursing home room! You are a great example of "bloom where you are planted"! Thanks for your example of contentment with whatever life deals you. sm wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com
Hello "sm." Learning to be content whatever my circumstances is a lesson I'm still struggling with this.
Thanks for the comment, Deanne. Since Jake and Becky a preacher and a preacher's daughter, there's a little more scripture sprinkled throughout the story . . .but I think it still works.
I love Christmas stories and these novellas look great.
Beth from IA
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