Welcome back, Jana. Why
do you write the kind of books you do?
I’ve always heard “write the kind of books you like to read”
and that’s exactly what I’ve done. I like realistic fiction as well as
autobiographies and some memoirs. I like real stories and I like to feel like
I’ve learned something in exchange for the time I have taken to read a book.
When you finish the last page of Door to Freedom, I want you to know
more about Sudan
and more about Muslims and more about the people who love them.
Besides when you came
to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?
The happiest day was the day Kris asked me to marry him,
because then I knew he wouldn’t get away! And also because it was the beginning
of a lot of years filled with a lot of adventures. Why wouldn’t that be the
happiest day?
How has being
published changed your life?
Being published has encouraged me to believe that I have a
message others want to hear. It has developed in me the willingness to receive
constructive criticism and grow better at storytelling for the sake of the
message. Being published has helped me accept that writing can be more than a
What are you reading
right now?
I am reading The
One-In-A-Million Boy by Monica Wood. If the second half is as good as the
first half, then I highly recommend it!
What is your current
work in progress?
I am up to my eyeballs in editing the sequel to Door
to Freedom. It is called Mercy
Triumphs and it will finish the Side
by Side trilogy. It should be ready for release in Fall 2017 and that is
super exciting to me.
What would be your
dream vacation?
I love to travel and I feel very blessed that I get to do a
lot of overseas travel. My dream vacation is to visit Italy . I have
been to Rome for one night because of a mix-up
with an airline, but one day I’m going to Italy on purpose!
How do you choose
your settings for each book?
I chose settings that I have been to personally for my
books. I like to be able to close my eyes and remember myself right there, and
then open my eyes and type what I see, hear, taste, and touch from my memories
of actually being there.
If you could spend an
evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?
My first book, Side by Side, was dedicated to “the real
Halimah.” I have not seen this beautiful young woman in many years and I would
like to spend the evening with her. Her courage to follow Christ no matter what
and to trust Him inspires me.
What are your
hobbies, besides writing and reading?
I like to make things and I mostly like trying projects that
I have never done before and I like DIY kinds of things. So I’ve made a
treehouse for my kids, a quilt for my son’s graduation, numerous 3D birthday
cakes, I crocheted a rug out of ripped up bed sheets, and I cut my kids’ beds in
half horizontally to convert them from platform beds to normal beds. My most
recent fail, though, was trying to repair an external hard drive by myself. The
silver lining was that I learned a lot about hard drives.
What is your most
difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?
For Door to Freedom,
my most difficult obstacle was trying to accurately portray life in a difficult
place in a way that is also entertaining. This involved a lot of trying to explain
things through story that are almost impossible to describe unless the reader
has seen it for themselves. This was a challenge, but I think I mostly got it
What advice would you
give to a beginning author?
Keep writing! And don’t give up. If you love it, do it and
keep your eyes open for opportunities, but don’t ever stop writing.
Tell us about the
featured book.
Door to Freedom is about following Christ. That phrase carries
infinitely different meanings depending on who you are and where you live. Mia
is an American Christian and Rania is a Sudanese Muslim and both have chosen to
follow Christ. What happens when opposition comes their way? That’s what Door
to Freedom is all about.
Please give us the
first page of the book.
“You’re a frog in a pot.” That’s what Mia Weston’s mother
would say when she heard the news. “The water is boiling all around you, and
you don’t even know it.” Maybe she was right.
Mia pondered the thought as she piled the breakfast dishes
in the kitchen sink. For two years she and Michael lived and raised their
family in North Sudan . The Islamic country
often made news headlines because of human rights violations and strict
adherence to Sharia law. She couldn’t blame her mother for being concerned. But
the Sudanese people Mia and her family knew were kind and friendly. Mia and
Michael planned to renew their contract with Kellar Hope Foundation and stay an
additional two years.
Mia imagined the conversation she would have with her mother
over video chat. Mia would explain, once again, how Kellar Hope Foundation was
providing food and clothing and better health care and education for refugees
in Sudan .
She would sell the vision for humanitarian aid organizations like Kellar Hope.
And remind her that by legally living and working in Sudan , they had a unique
opportunity to also share the gospel with their friends and neighbors. Then her
mother would remind her that Sudan
was not stable and that the risks outweighed the good they were doing. The
conversation would end with an agreement to disagree, and a sincere but sad, “I
love you, Mia.” Followed by her own frustrated, “I love you, too, Mom.”
That conversation would come later. First, she and Michael
would go to dinner to celebrate their decision to stay. He had already dropped
off nine-year-old Corey and six-year-old Annie at school and headed to the
foundation’s office to sign the contract papers. Beth, Mia’s best friend,
agreed to babysit Corey, Annie, and four-year-old Dylan. And to think that
Michael had cleared his schedule and arranged it all himself. He could be so
romantic sometimes.
For free sample chapters visit http://ow.ly/KjHs309eCXK
How can readers find
you on the Internet?
You can find me at www.JanaKelley.com
where I also have links to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.
Thank you, Jana, for
sharing this new book with us. I have a dear friend who is a missionary in Africa . I’m eager to read your story.
here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this
Door to Freedom - Christianbook.comDoor to Freedom: A Contemporary Novel
Door to Freedom: A Contemporary Novel - Kindle
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This sounds like a great read! Thanks for sharing.
Connie from KY
This looks like a great story! Would love to read it.
Abigail in VA
Oh I really want to read this one! I read the first book and really enjoyed it. :)
Thanks for the interview and giveaway!
Raechel in MN
Sounds like such a good story. I would love to read it!
Thank you for the chance to win.
Melody B (Que, Canada)
Wow - I haven't read any Christian fiction that is set in Sudan. Looking forward to reading this book. Thanks for the great interview - Jana tackles some interesting DIY projects! Elaine in Wisconsin
I would love to read this one and I thank you for the opportunity .
Melanie Backus, TX
Sounds like a wonderful story!
Caryl K in TEXAS
Enter me!!
Conway SC.
I loved the first book & cant wait to read this one.
Heather in Texas
Becky J from Idaho,USA - interested in the drawing ��So proud of you Jana & all your hard work to share these stories. You're an inspiration!
Thanks for the great review! Love to read this.
Beth from IA
Karin from Malaysia...loved book one and can't wait for another from jana!
Borgar from Norway.
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