Welcome back, Tanya.
Why do you write the kind of books you do?
I don’t know why I write the books I write. An idea comes.
It intrigues me. I try to find the faith challenge in the concept and I write
it. I don’t understand it but I appreciate how the Lord lets me work through
things in my writing.
Besides when you came
to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?
I was so stressed at my wedding I can’t say it was that day.
I’ve had many, many wonderful days in my life but I’d have to say one of the
highlights was the day I sold my first book.
Being published has changed my writing in several ways. Now
I get to write full time instead of squeezing it in my spare time. I have many
more friends but the most important change has been having a community of
readers who have become friends as well. So now I have someone to talk to about
my books!
What are you reading
right now?
I’m getting ready to start How to Charm the Beekeepers Heart by Candice Patterson.
What is your current
work in progress?
My current work in progress is doing revisions on a romantic
suspense I just sold to Love Inspired Suspense.
What would be your
dream vacation?
I’ve had some pretty awesome vacations. Europe. Egypt.
Petra. Motorhoming across the U.S.
Right now, given my current schedule, sitting on the beach in the Caribbean sounds pretty good. Lol.
How do you choose
your settings for each book?
They choose me. As I said, my husband and I travel a lot.
Sometimes when I go to a place, something just strikes a chord and won’t let go
of me until I’ve built a story around it. My first visit to Santa Fe was like that. Something about the
place just compelled me to find a story to fit. The same with Sedona Sunset. Never Ending Night came about when I read about a Civil War battle.
So … they choose me and won’t leave me alone.
If you could spend an
evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?
Mel Gibson and not for the reasons some people might imagine.
He’s a master craftsman. His life has had the highest of highs and the lowest
lows struggling with alcoholism. No matter how low he gets, he picks himself
up, brushes himself off and moves forward without giving in to despair like so
many others do. I honestly don’t think someone could do that without an
intense, personal relationship with and love of Jesus. And on top of all that,
he brings those highs and lows into his movies and shares those realistic
struggles with us. I wish I had the courage to do that. Amazing.
What are your
hobbies, besides writing and reading?
Travel. Tennis. Hiking.
What is your most
difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?
In writing I’m a storyteller not a word crafter. I have to
work at it constantly. And in life, storytelling very often gets in the way of
listening. I work on that too.
What advice would you
give to a beginning author?
Take grammar seriously. You have to know the rules to break
them. After that write constantly.
Tell us about Santa Fe Sunrise.
I love this book. I suppose because I love Santa Fe and the
curious mélange of atmospheres there. History. Art. Culture. They all blend
into a feel that is distinctly Santa Fe. I also the love the hero. He appeared
in Sedona Sunset and grew so much in
Santa Fe that I hardly recognized him. Also, I think I’m a little like the
heroine, Rafaella. Devoted to family. Determined to honor her heritage but
trying to be practical. So busy doing so many things she forgets to sit at the
feet of the Lord and listen. I guess that’s enough without giving away too much
of the story!
Please give us the
first page of the book.
Brett Fraser couldn’t move his neck. He’d caught a few
hours’ sleep hunkered into the crevice between his car seat and the door. His
right hand throbbed with tiny needles as the circulation came back, and his
knee, wrapped around the gearshift, wouldn’t unbend even after he sat up.
As soon as I get off
this back road and locate Santa Fe, I’m going to find a nice hotel, a shower
and a king-sized bed.
Sleeping in his car had definitely lost its charm. After six
months of a self-imposed sabbatical touring the great Southwest, he was ready
for some creature comforts.
One thing for sure, he’d seen some spectacular country. The Grand Canyon with its sheer drop-offs and hidden valleys.
Lake Powell ’s amazing mixture of colors—blue,
green and a thousand variations of rust. Canyon de Chelly, the Navajo’s sacred
place, with its smooth, sheer walls of swirling sandstone and cliff dwellings.
Absolutely unbelievable.
He might not know where or how he fit into it, but one thing
was clear, God had a plan. Anyone who’d witnessed these spectacular sights had
to recognize the Master Artist at work.
Case in point: the sunrise in front of him.
In Arizona ,
fire burned the skies during sunrise and sunset. Bright golden light and
fireballs of orange and gold lit the horizon. But here, in New Mexico , the colors were softer, more
subtle. Above the dark ridge, the horizon was streaked as if by a paintbrush
with bands of subtle gray blending into purple, then mauve, and finally pink.
How can readers find
you on the Internet?
Tanya Stowe
Prepare for the Extraordinary
Twitter: @TanyaStowe1
here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this
Santa Fe Sunrise - Christianbook.comSanta Fe Sunrise
Santa Fe Sunrise - Kindle
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Sounds like a good one! Go, Tanya!
Melanie Backus, TX
Thanks, Melanie. It's one of my favorites.
I grew up in New Mexico and love Santa Fe. I would love to read this.
Connie Leonard
Hey Connie, I was born in Alamosa, Colorado, just a hop skip and a jump from Santa Fe.
Sounds like a good read. north platte nebraska.
Been to North Platte, too, Kim. My son and his family lived in Omaha for a while. They loved it so my granddaughter went back.
I've never been to Santa Fe bit I would definitely like to see a sunrise there and I look forward to reading this book.
Connie from KY
Hey Connie, Hope you enjoy it!
Enter me in your awesome giveaway!!
Conway SC.
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