Welcome back, Nancy . Please tell us
about your salvation experience.
I was baptized as a child. I thought I was saved, but when I
was in my twenties, a friend gave me some books by Hal Lindsey. I loved the
first two, but the third one, The
Liberation of Planet Earth, was so boring. It just repeated the same
message over and over. That Jesus died for our sins. That we could exchange our
sin-filled lives for His new life. A life filled with His Holy Spirit. We could
be a new person.
You see, when I was young the church we attended only asked
that I agree that Jesus Christ was the Son of God. I had no idea about the
“Great Exchange.” That I could be a new creation.
One day I was on my way to work. I remember exactly where I
was. I gazed over at the book I’d tossed on the passenger seat. I told myself I
just couldn’t finish it and began to recite its message over and over. My
intention was to mock the book and make light of the repetitious message. And
then suddenly…the light went on and I saw what salvation really was. That night
when I got home from work, I got down on my knees and accepted Christ as my
I love testimonies of
the unique experiences people experience when they finally understand the whole
story of the gospel. You’re planning a writing retreat where you can only have
four other authors. Who would they be and why?
Oh, my. You know, I think I’ve have to invite my Suspense
Sisters. We work together on a blog so I think we should have a retreat. They
would be: Mary Ellis, Patricia Bradley, Elizabeth Goddard, Ellen Kennedy, and
Roxanne Rustand. I know that’s five, but I couldn’t leave anyone out!
Although I haven’t
read anything by Ellen Kennedy (and I’d love to), I love the writing of all the
others and a couple of them are good friends of mine. Do you have a speaking
ministry? If so, tell us about that.
No. I’ve spoken to groups several times, but I really don’t
enjoy it. I’ve been told that the people attending liked my messages. Someday I
may jump into it again, but I really need to get some topics prepared so I can
practice ahead of time. That would help with the nervousness!
What is the most
embarrassing thing that has happened to you and how did you handle it?
I remember an incident that happened when I worked at The
Salvation Army. A lady that worked there showed me a picture of her brother. He
had a funny look on his face. I laughed and asked her why he looked like that.
Then she told me he was mentally and physically disabled. I was so embarrassed.
She was very gracious and kind and smoothed it over. But boy, I’m very careful
now when people show me pictures of their family!
One time, I asked a
friend I hadn’t seen for quite a while when her baby was due, and she wasn’t
pregnant. I’m very careful not to do that again. People are always telling me
that they’d like to write a book someday. I’m sure they do to you, too. What
would you tell someone who came up to you and said that?
I tell them that writing is a craft. You have to learn it
and it takes time. I also suggest they get involved in ACFW. There are so many
resources available to new writers.
Yes, way more than
when I started writing novels. Tell us about the featured book.
Blind Betrayal is the third book in my Defenders of Justice
Deputy U.S. Marshal Casey Sloane has worked at the St. Louis
Marshals office for two years and is given a routine assignment to help
transport a reporter to D.C. to testify before a grand jury. Valerie, the
reporter, was writing a story about an up-and-coming environmentalist who
suddenly disappeared and, she later discovered, whose backers purportedly have
ties to a terrorist.
When the seemingly ordinary assignment suddenly takes a shocking turn, Casey is forced to put aside her own feelings about the unexpected reappearance of a man from her past as she and two other Marshals take Valerie on the run. And as it becomes dangerously clear Valerie's testimony has even bigger implications than they knew, they'll do whatever it takes to make it out alive.
When the seemingly ordinary assignment suddenly takes a shocking turn, Casey is forced to put aside her own feelings about the unexpected reappearance of a man from her past as she and two other Marshals take Valerie on the run. And as it becomes dangerously clear Valerie's testimony has even bigger implications than they knew, they'll do whatever it takes to make it out alive.
I’ve read Blind Betrayal. Please give us the first
page of the book for my blog readers.
As Martin waited to be murdered, he was surprised to find
that more than anything else, he felt offended. He wanted to explain to his
killer that he was a good son. That he’d been a loving brother to his special
needs sister. He’d always tried to be a decent man. He cared about people and
had given his life to protect the environment. Somehow, he felt it should
matter that on Christmas he worked at the downtown shelter and served dinner to
the homeless and poor of the city. Then there was the time he stopped to help a
woman who’d run her car off the road and into a tree. Martin smelled gas and
pulled her out before the car caught fire. Shouldn’t that mean something now?
How can readers find
you on the Internet?
My website is: www.nancymehl.com.
I spend a lot of time on the Suspense Sisters: www.suspensesistersblogspot.com.
They can also find me on Facebook.
Thank you, Nancy , for sharing this
book with me and my blog readers. I’ve loved all your books I’ve read. This one
was a real page-turner with so many twists and turns. They’ll want to read it,
Readers, here are links to the book.
Blind Betrayal - Christianbook.comBlind Betrayal (Defenders of Justice)
Blind Betrayal (Defenders of Justice Book 3)
Blind Betrayal: Defenders of Justice Series, Book 3 - Audiobook
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Wow, what a synopsis! Vivian Furbay of CO
"BLIND BETRAYAL by Nancy Mehl sounds like a wonderful book. Thank you for the opportunity to win. PA.Have a good week.
Thank you for the interview with Nancy Mehl. Love learning about authors that I want to read their books. " BLIND BETRAYAL" definitely sounds like a book that I'd love to read. Appreciate the chance to win a copy so I could explore the suspense in her written pages.
Kay Garrett from Mountain View, AR
2clowns at arkansas dot net
Nancy's book sounds like a real page turner I would enjoy reading. Thanks Lena for the interview and chance to win.
marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com
Great opening line. Thank you both for this opportunity. Becca from NY
This sounds like a wonderful story. I'd love to read more.
Linda in CA
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
This book sounds so intriguing. I'd love to win a copy of it.
Winnie T. in Utah
Would love to win this. Nancy Mehl always writes good books. Thanks for the chance.
Mindy from NJ
My thanks to Lena for featuring me on her blog. It's an honor! And thank you to everyone who leaves a comment. God bless you.
Thank you for the wonderul interview. Saying hello from drizzly Austin, TX today. We need the rain, so I’m grateful.
What a beautiful testimony Nancy! I pray that others who are trusting in "infant baptism" will read your testimony and have a heart understanding that becoming a Christian is a personal choice that each of us must make and that it is an exchange, a new life for an old one and the hope of an eternal life with the One who paid that price for us! Thank you also for writing books that are not just entertaining but are worthy of reading! May God continue to bless your talent with more great stories!
Looking forward to reading this book. Thank you Kristie tklovenestataoldotcom
Okay, you had me with those first lines. Now I have to read it! Thanks for the chance to win.
Forgot to leave my state in my comment
marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com
Maryann from New York
I'd love to read this book!
I love Nancy's books! I've been wanting to read this series!
Caryl K in TEXAS
Great series would love to win.
Lourdes in Long Island, NY
Nancy, I loved reading your conversion story. God's Grace and Jesus's obedience is a wonderful blessing for those of us who are not them. I also enjoyed reading about Blind Betrayal.
Connie from Kentucky
Looks good!
Abigail in VA
Enter me in your awesome giveaway!!
Conway SC.
this book is awesome! I just finished it!
Thank you for this eye opening interview. It's always fascinating to hear the different stories of how people truly come to KNOW Yeshua/ Jesus as their Savior. As for Blind Betrayal? Two thumbs up! :)
I LOVE Nancy Mehl's books! She writes some of the best romantic suspense out there. I would love to win Blind Betrayal.
Pam in OH
I have the first two book in this series upon recommendations by Kav Rees. She's made me a fan. :) Looking forward to this next installment.
Terrill - WA
Thank you for the testimony!
Natalya Lakhno from CA
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