It really depends on the character. For most, I would say
there’s about 25% of me in them. I really like to write about people who are
not like me. I gravitate toward historical figures or characters who do things
that I wouldn’t do (good or bad). I like to explore their minds, figure out
their motivations. If they’re villainous, I enjoy the challenge of making them
somewhat sympathetic (as in the case of Lord Bromby).
What is the quirkiest
thing you have ever done?
This is a tough one because most people who know me would
tell you Quirky is my middle name. A better question might be, “What’s the most
normal thing you’ve ever done?” Ha! I might go with my bat rescue story in this
instance. A few years ago, I found an injured bat on the sidewalk in our
neighborhood. It was a tiny little thing, and it was August and the temperature
was in the nineties. My heart just broke when I saw it there on the ground, so
I called animal control while I researched a bat rescue. By the time animal
control got there, I was on my way outside with a shoe box and a towel. I
thanked the officer for arriving so quickly but told them I’d found a bat
rehabilitation center instead. Then I drove the bat about twenty miles to a
rescue facility.
Interesting. When did
you first discover that you were a writer?
I knew I was a writer when I was a little kid. My grandfather
asked me to write a story about a ghost with six toes that lived on their
street. I relished this task, going to the trouble to illustrate and deliver it
in booklet form. My grandfather was thrilled with the finished product, and
this fueled me to write more stories. By fifth grade, I was writing longer
stories and plays, and by high school, I had friends asking me to write fan
fiction of sorts, starring them and their favorite singer, actor, etc. in the main
roles. I feel like I’ve always been a writer.
Tell us the range of
the kinds of books you enjoy reading.
I am a super-picky reader. If I read the first three
chapters of a book and it’s not grabbing me, I’ll move on. I love, love, love
psychological thrillers and scary stories and literary fiction that deals with
hard-hitting issues. I also like classic literature, and I listen to a lot of
audiobooks. I rarely read “light” books or romances or anything that’s
run-of-the-mill fare. If a book can grab my attention in the first two or three
pages and keep it all the way through to the end, then it will most likely be
forever on my “favorites” list.
How do you keep your
sanity in our run, run, run world?
I’m not sure that I do keep it. Ha! I wake up really early,
I try to do all my writing between 4:30 and 6:30, and then I’m off to my day
job, so by evening I try to make time for my husband and our three dogs. Late
afternoon is my decompression time.
How do you choose
your characters’ names?
For Dangerous to Know, I tried to do a
spin on the historical figures’ names. Lord George Gordon Byron became Lord
Gregory Gordon Bromby. Annabella Milbanke became Isabella Bankmill. In other
novels, though I try to pick a name that I really like for my main characters
(a name I might have used on my own child if I’d had one), but I try to make
sure it’s easily pronounceable for the reader. There’s nothing more irritating
than reading a book and trying to figure out how to say the main character’s
I so agree with that.
It will pull me right out of a story. What is the accomplishment that you are
most proud of?
I don’t often think of myself as an accomplished person, but
I guess I’m really thankful that I had the opportunity to travel and live in
foreign countries when I was in my twenties. I lived and worked in London and Melbourne ,
Australia , and
the experiences I gained there were invaluable. I learned a lot about myself
and people in general while living abroad. I wouldn’t ever trade that.
If you were an
animal, which one would you be, and why?
I’m so thankful I’m not an animal, although I love animals more
than just about anything else on earth. If I had to be an animal, I’d be one of
our three dogs. They are literally the most spoiled creatures alive. Barring
that, cats seem to fare pretty well. They do just fine on their own, and they always
seem highly amused by the world around them. Also, God equipped them with very
decent self-protection.
What is your favorite
Hands down, spaghetti.
What is the problem
with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it?
The middle of a story is always my blocking point. I’ll fly
through the first hundred pages of a novel, and then the middle often holds me
up for weeks. I usually have to move forward, write the end, and then go back
to the middle.
Tell us about the
featured book.
Dangerous to Know is based on the historical figures of Lord
Byron and Annabella Milbanke. Byron achieved rock star fame in 1812 with the
publication of his epic poem Childe
Harold’s Pilgrimage. Born with a clubbed foot, Byron had a troubled childhood—his
father abandoned the family when Byron was very young, and he was abused by his
nurse. All of these occurrences colored his outlook on life. Even so, Byron was
wildly intelligent, creative, and talented. He was also extraordinarily good
looking and people were naturally drawn to him. Unfortunately, he was also
agnostic and obsessed with his own damnation. Annabella Milbanke hailed from a
background of wealth and nobility. She was a well-bred young lady—Byron’s equal
in intelligence but his reverse in faith. She was a true believer and devout in
her Christian faith, but she made the mistake that so many other young women
make in the assumption that she could win Byron over to her beliefs. The result
was disastrous.
Dangerous to Know is really a cautionary tale about the dangers
of “following your heart” when God warns us that our hearts are deceptive.
Please give us the
first page of the book.
March 1812
“Don’t look at
him, dear. He’s dangerous.”
Bankmill glanced at Aunt Lydia
before turning her gaze once more toward the subject of the older woman’s
warning. She had yet to have a proper look. The grand salon of Holland House
was a whirling kaleidoscope of moving bodies. Ladies, arms encased past their
elbows in white gloves, dressed in elegant billowing gowns, whirled with their
partners as they moved through the paces of the waltz. The man in question was
shielded from her view by the forty or more guests standing around the fringes
of the dance floor—at least half of them clustered around the man himself.
“Pray tell,
how is he dangerous, Aunt Lydia ?”
Underneath the
curls so carefully arranged against her forehead, Aunt Lydia ’s brow
arched with impertinence. “I have read his poem.”
“Do you mean Heralds
of the Morning? Oh, yes. I have only begun reading the poem, but I find his
words quite illuminate a certain romantic way of thinking. Did you not enjoy
the work, Aunt?”
Aunt Lydia ’s
furrowed brow and pursed lips made apparent she did not. “The poem is a
shocking journey through foreign lands—all too free thinking and questioning of
moral decency. Why, one would think the poem was not written by an Englishman
at all.” Extending her fan, she fluttered it back and forth in front of her
face as though she might faint at any moment. Small gusts brushed against
Isabella’s cheeks. “Have nothing to do with him. Your mother and father did not
send you to London
to fall under the spell of Lord Gregory Gordon Bromby.”
How can readers find
you on the Internet?
My website:
Thank you, Megan, for
sharing this new book with us. I know my readers will be as eager to read it as
I am.
Readers, here are links to the book.
Dangerous to KnowDangerous to Know - Kindle
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Kingsport TN
This looks very interesting! I like to learn about true lives. Would love to read this.
Abigail in VA
Hi Katie, Melanie, and Abigail,
Thanks for stopping by.
Melanie and Abigail, I'd love to know your thoughts after you read it.
Thank you so much for hosting me!
Megan, your book should wonderful. I love how you have taken real people from history and spun their story into an intriguing tale.
Sandy Q TX
Sorry ... that was supposed to be "sounds", not "should". sigh
I had the privilege to read an advanced copy of DTK and thoroughly enjoyed it! Kelly from Virginia
Thanks. It was a labor of love, but I hope it carries a cautionary message as well.
Thanks, Kelly!
I have read Dangerous to Know and the story is amazing. Love it!!
Thanks, Melissa!
Thanks for the interview. This book looks and sounds fascinating. I'd love to win a copy.
Winnie T in Utah
Thanks, Winnie. I’m glad you stopped by.
The sounds like a very interesting story and I am wondering what happens to this couple. Vivian Furbay of CO
Enjoyed the interview. Sounds like a book I would enjoy!
Beth from Iowa
Hey Lena and Megan! DKT sounds wonderful!
Caryl K in TEXAS
Enter me in your awesome giveaway!!
Conway SC
I'm familiar with Megan Whitson Lee and excited to read her historical.
Terrill - WA
Thanks for stopping by, Sharon, Ruby, Terrill, Vivian, and Caryl,
Sorry I'm just now replying. If you choose to read, let me know what you think!
This certainly sounds intriguing!
Connie from Kentucky
This is a nice article.Thanks for sharing.I have learned many things from your post
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