Welcome back, H.L. What
are some of the spiritual themes you like to write about?
One theme I’ve used several times is the hindrance in our
spiritual grown from unresolved guilt. Whether the guilt comes from a moral
failing, such as a sojourn to the far country, or blaming ourselves for things
that are not our fault, the guild can impact our relationship with God and with
Another theme I’ve used is the folly of self-reliance which,
on the flip side, is lack of trust in God. In my stories, I’ve used many
high-IQ characters with great abilities. It is sometimes hard for such people
to see the truth that they are inadequate, flawed, and that they must depend on
God. The black moment of the story is a great place for characters to learn
this lesson.
What other books of
yours are coming out soon?
I’m currently releasing book 2 in my Witness Protection
Series, but book 3, the last book in the series, is in the mill and will
release this fall.
If you could spend an
evening with one contemporary person (not a family member of yours), who would
it be and why?
It’s a toss up between Del Tackett and Ravi Zacharias. The
“why” part is the same for both. After studying the subject for years, I still
have questions about the biblical worldview and how to live it out in this
world and in our society. Either of them could field my questions.
What historical
person would you like to meet (besides Jesus) and why?
So I can’t choose Jesus. Okay, I’ll pick his brother, James.
I’d like to know what he thought about his brother before Jesus began his
ministry and when James wholeheartedly believed that Jesus was the Messiah.
Also, it would be interesting to know what it was like growing up with Jesus as
your big brother.
You’re right. That
would be interesting. How can you encourage authors who have been receiving
only rejections from publishers?
There is often some useful information in a rejection. If
so, learn what you need to in order improve your writing in the areas indicated
by the rejection. If you receive no useful information, you can try replying
and asking the publisher if you had the manuscript professionally edited would
they allow you to resubmit it. If they say yes, then you know you need to work
on your craft. Hiring a good editor is a great way to accelerate up the
learning curve. But sometimes rejections do not reflect any deficiency in your
writing. If you believe that is the case, then keep looking for a good
publishing match for your story and keep submitting it.
Tell us about the
featured book.
No True Justice is a high-action romantic suspense story—set in
the beautiful Central Oregon desert near Lake Billy Chinook and Crooked River
Ranch—about a young woman who was coerced into witness protection, not to
protect her, but to shut her up.
After testifying in a high-profile court case, Gemma Saint,
a young intern at an influential media outlet, is forced into WITSEC by corrupt
DOJ officials to silence her, when Gemma’s testimony at a retrial threatens
their elaborate conspiracy to control the upcoming presidential election. Gemma
learns from her WITSEC Inspector that her identity was compromised and someone
in the DOJ has sent a black ops team to kill her. After her Inspector is shot,
Gemma sees only one chance to survive and resume her old life—expose the
conspiracy, completely.
She seeks help from Lex James, a young investigative
journalist. For Lex’s help, Gemma offers him the biggest story of his career.
But Lex was recently given custody of his deceased sister’s four-year-old
twins, Josh and Caleb, and must consider their safety. Sparks fly when Lex and Gemma meet, and the
boys see their mother in Gemma. But can she endanger this fragile family, or
should she run away, sacrificing her life and the course of her beloved country
to protect Lex and his two boys? Lex has difficult choices, too. But the highly
gifted boys, Josh and Caleb, have their own opinion about what should happen,
and they will apply all 200 of their IQ points to get what they want.
Please give us the
first page of the book.
July 4th, Madras , Oregon ,
10:45 p.m.
Happy birthday, America ! I—I
still love you.
As Georgia Simpson, she did love her native land, though she
could not shake the feeling that her government had done her a grave injustice.
A deep boom jarred her head and resonated in her chest.
The explosion filled the late evening sky with a brilliant
display of red, white and blue lights that shot outward like a microcosm of the
big bang. Then the lights floated downward and, within a few seconds,
disappeared into the indigo sky.
And so ended the finale of the Madras Fourth of July
celebration at Sahalee
Park .
The crowd cheered.
The band struck up a rousing rendition of “It’s a Grand Old
Families and friends celebrated together.
But Georgia Simpson
would walk home as usual … alone. If she had to be alone tonight, she could
choose not to be Georgia .
After eight months in WITSEC, she had come to loathe the
name the Department of Justice had coerced her into taking.
“It’s safer to keep your initials, GS,” they had said.
But she was Gemma Saint. Her life as Gemma was satisfying
and filled with excitement. Georgia
would gladly return to being Gemma, if she had the opportunity.
The problem was, according to the DOJ, the life expectancy
of Gemma Saint roughly equaled that of a free-drink award on her Starbuck’s
How can readers find
you on the Internet?
Website: http://www.hlwegley.com
Twitter https://twitter.com/hlwegley
Facebook author’s page: https://www.facebook.com/HLWegley
Many of my readers have friended me and use my FB profile
Facebook profile: https://www.facebook.com/harry.wegley.1
Thank you, H.L., for
sharing this new book with us. I loved the first book in he witness protection
series so much. I’m eager to read this one.
Readers, here are links to the book.
No True Justice: Witness Protection 2 (Volume 2)No True Justice: Witness Protection 2
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I love Wegley thrillers. Great interview!
Thanks, Robin! I'm working on another thriller with romance right now.
This sounds like it will be exciting to read. I really enjoy those types of stories.
Linda in CA
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Thanks for stopping by, Linda. This was a fun story to write. One lesson from it, on the lighter side, is never, ever underestimate 4-year-old genius twins who are laser focused on what they want and the people they love.
Sounds like a real page turner with some romance! Very interesting! Vivian Furbay of CO
I've not read any of Wegley's work before and would love to read this one.
Vera in Central North Carolina
Vivian, It seems I've branded myself with TWR, Thriller With Romance. Most readers like this combo ... all except those who want only the thrills and chills.
Vera, I hope you do get to read this one. The best I've written in this subgenre, according to my wife, is Voice in the Wilderness.
I love romantic suspense and would love to win this book. I have not read any of Wegley's books before, but I like broadening my author list.
Connie in Texas
Would love to have this book!
Abigail in VA
Connie, I hope broadening your author list includes me. :) If you like high-action romantic suspense, then you'll probably like my stories.
Nice story and characters. Love the suspense and also romance. Waiting for more exciting stories to come.
Sounds like a winner! Melanie Backus, TX
Enter me!!
Conway SC.
Hi, Melanie, Sharon and Travel Blogs!
Thanks for your interest in my story, No True Justice. Good luck in the giveaway.
I'm deep into the writing of the next book in that series. Time to get back to work.
So glad I found this post. Thanks for being here.
Connie from KY
sounds wonderful! Shelia from Mississippi
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