I’ve always loved mysteries. I started with Boxcar Children,
then Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys, then Agatha Christie. Since I love to read
them, it seemed only natural for me to write them.
Besides when you came
to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?
When I had my kids and grandkids.
How has being
published changed your life?
It made me believe that I am a real writer. The fact that someone
thought my stories were good enough to put out there into the world has been a
true blessing to me. It’s given me confidence to keep going.
What are you reading
right now?
I’m reading a science fiction book called The Rook. It’s a fun book about people
in the government with secret powers.
What is your current
work in progress?
Another mystery in Pinion Creek, this one involves Tori and
her twin sister Libby. There have been two murders, and the twins’ brother has
been arrested for the crime.
What would be your
dream vacation?
We’re actually going to Scotland in the spring. I can’t
wait to see the green countryside, and all the things I read about in books.
How do you choose
your settings for each book?
It’s sound advice to write what you know, so I chose a small
town in the mountains of Colorado .
I live in Colorado , and I patterned Pinion
Creek off a mix between a real town called Estes
Park , and a larger city like the one
in Denver metro
where I live.
If you could spend an
evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?
Marilyn Hickey. I feel she has so much wisdom to impart, and
I could listen to her for hours.
What are your
hobbies, besides writing and reading?
I love to play golf, eat out, and take walks in nature.
What is your most
difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?
Finding time to write is difficult these days with a full
time-plus job. It’s hard to switch my brain from the left analytical side that
I need for my job to the right creative side. I’m not sure I’ve overcome it
yet. Still working on it though!
What advice would you
give to a beginning author?
Keep learning. Go to every conference you can, read all the
writing books you can get your hands on, and keep going even if it seems you
aren’t getting anywhere. At the right time, God will bring it to pass if you
don’t give up.
Very good advice. Tell
us about the featured book.
Maggie Schreiber finds her Aunt Esther murdered in the quiet
neighborhood of Pinon
Heights . In order to deal
with her loss, Maggie begins to read Aunt Esther's diaries, but before she gets
far, most of the books are stolen. Then, her sister is attacked, and her house
is set on fire. At the funeral, Esther's life was celebrated for her generosity
and caring, but what was really going on with Aunt Esther? Can Maggie stay
alive long enough to protect her sister and discover what secrets the diaries
Please give us the
first page of the book.
The body rested where she fell, and he stared at her, bile
rising in his throat. Why wouldn’t she listen? In the adjoining room, a jagged
piece of a china cup sported an unbroken pink rose, smirking up at him,
taunting in its simplicity. He ground it under his heel, and wiped the dust on
the rug. Everything had to be perfect, nothing could be left here to identify
him. He itched to leave, jumping out of his skin, but haste now would prove
A thud echoed through the house. He froze, his heartbeat
elevating. Was someone upstairs? There couldn’t be. His palms began to sweat. Maybe
it came from outside. If someone was up there, they would have peeked down the
stairs by now, it was human nature. Which meant they could identify him. With a
shaky hand he grabbed a knife, and started for the stairs. Only one way to be
Footsteps tromped on the wooden front porch. He jumped, knocking
against a chair. Cursing under his breath, he positioned the knife handle in
his closed fist, an extension of his hand. Why hadn’t she told him she was expecting
company? The visitor fumbled around until the doorbell rang. Maybe they’d go
away. Or if someone was on the floor above, it would draw them out. Either way,
he couldn’t risk any witnesses.
How can readers find you
on the Internet?
My blog, An Encouraging Word can be found at www.cewaterman.com
Facebook – www.facebook.com/chriswaterman.547
Thank you, C E, for
sharing this book with me and my blog readers. I love reading mysteries and
suspense novels, too.
here are links to the book.
Deadly DiariesDeadly Diaries (Pinion Creek)
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I do love a good thriller and this sounds like it fits that bill. Count me in. Linda in SoCal
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Sounds like a good one!
Melanie Backus, TX
Thank you for the interview with C E Waterman. Always fun to learn more about author's whose book you enjoy. Can't wait for the opportunity to read "DEADLY DIARIES". Reading the first page just make be want to read this book on my TBR list even more.
Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy!
Kay Garrett from Mountain View, AR
2clowns at arkansas dot net
Thank you for sharing another new to me author. Happy and blessed New Year from WV.
I'd love to read Deadly Diaries. Sounds like a good mystery!
Wow! That first page is an attention-getter! Would love to read Deadly Diaries!
Pam in OH
OH!MY! Deadly Diaries sounds like a page-turner!
Caryl K in TEXAS
Enter me in your awesome giveaway!!
Conway SC.
Sounds great! Thanks for this giveaway!
Connie from Kentucky
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