Welcome, Tom. Tell us
how much of yourself you write into your characters.
Intentionally? Very little, though it’s hard to hide my
sarcasm and humor in some of my characters. But I’m always surprised when I go
back to earlier novels I wrote and see how much of myself and those around me
is actually in there.
When did you first
discover that you were a writer?
I didn’t try my hand at writing until around eight years
ago. That first partial manuscript was horrible. I’m talking burn-it-and-spread-the-ashes-where-they’ll-never-be-found
bad. After that, I attended conferences, read books on the craft, did whatever
I could to get better. The first validation that I could do this came when an
agent (the wonderful Linda S. Glaz) offered to represent me.
I didn’t know you
were also a Hartline author. I am, too. Tell us the range of the kinds of books
you enjoy reading.
In a lot of ways, writing has impacted my reading because I
tend to spend as much time analyzing the story as I do getting lost in it. I
used to be a big Tom Clancy fan, though his novels had too much technical info.
Lately, I’ve been reading WWII non-fiction and some fantasy novels.
How do you keep your
sanity in our run, run, run world?
There are plenty who’d argue I haven’t kept my sanity. I’m
pretty much on a news blackout at the moment, and I really limit my social
media time. I try to avoid as much negativity and arguing as possible.
How do you choose
your characters’ names?
This is seriously one of the most difficult parts of writing
for me. I use random name generators, research popular names for the time. All
that stuff. It’s not uncommon for me to change a character’s name several times
during the writing process. Since I write series, it’s vital I find a name that
will resonate with readers.
What is the
accomplishment that you are most proud of?
In life, it would be the fact that I’ve been married to the
same woman for 38 years (and counting). As far as writing, getting all my books
traditionally published is pretty exciting.
If you were an
animal, which one would you be, and why?
Ah, the animal question. Way better than the tree question.
I absolutely love wolves. Beautiful animals. Not sure I’d want to be one
though. I prefer my meat cooked.
What is your favorite
It’s hard to beat pizza. Or Tex-Mex. Or ice cream.
What is the problem
with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it?
Procrastination. I tend to go out of my way to find ANYTHING
to do other than write. And on the days I sit down to work, it seems that
something inevitably happens to interrupt me. What works best for me is to
decide I’m going to write for x amount of time per day, regardless of word
count. When I get in that routine, I make decent progress. Up until the point I
fall out of that routine again.
Tell us about the
featured book?
Collision of Lies is the first in a series featuring Amara
Alvarez, a detective in the San Antonio Police Department. Amara stumbles
across a clue regarding a horrific accident years earlier between a freight
train and a school bus filled with children. Despite her hesitation to believe
what she’s being told, she pushes forward with one faint hope. One of the kids
may still be alive.
Please give us the
first page of the book.
Thirty seconds.
If they were still arguing, she’d call the cops then. Let
the professionals deal with them.
Amara Alvarez leaned her athletic frame outside the diner’s
booth to get in the man’s line of sight. He glanced up and she shot her best
death stare his way. Clenched jaw, narrowed eyes, the works.
No effect. The man and woman continued their argument or breakup
or whatever was happening. He bounced between whispers and shouts. She
alternated between screaming and sobbing.
The couple, both appearing to be Hispanic and around thirty years
old, had been at it for nearly an hour. Of all the restaurants in San Antonio , did they
have to come here? Today? Her initial empathy toward the pair had faded a long
time ago. Most folks would’ve recognized the impact of their outbursts on
others. Not these two.
As a result, Amara’s mood had risen to level-ten irritation.
Her Saturday morning ritual of a quiet meal at the Breakfast Bodega was ruined,
thanks to them. Was it so much to ask? That people keep their personal matters
Ronnie, the heavyset weekend manager of the diner, had
stopped by their table twice with little impact on the theatrics. Most of the other
customers had shoveled their meals into Styrofoam containers and fled the
scene. Not Amara. This wasn’t her first battle of wills.
The red second hand on the wall clock hit the 12. She
grabbed her phone, sighed, and laid it back on the table. Five more minutes. If
they were still going, she’d call the police then.
You have my
attention. How can readers find you on the Internet?
The best place is my website, TomThreadgill.com. All my books and
links are listed there too. I’m also on Facebook, where I occasionally
post random stuff. Oh, and I send out a monthly email with chances to win free
books, so anyone interested can sign up at my website.
Thank you, Tom, for
sharing this book with my blog readers and me. I’m eager to read it.
Readers, here are links to the book.
Collision of Lies - Christianbook.comCollision of Lies
Collision of Lies
Collision of Lies - Au
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I am definitely intrigued by this one!
Melanie Backus, TX
Thanks, Melanie! I had a lot of fun writing this book. Good luck in the drawing!
Hey Lena and Tom! Collision of Lies sounds like a page-turner!
Caryl K in TEXAS
This sounds like a must read from a new author to me. Blessings from WV.
This sounds really good. Count me in, please. Linda in SoCal
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Sounds like an interesting book, one I'd definitely read:) I live in Deer Lodge, MT, where my husband is a minister. I would love to win a print copy of Collision of Lies! Thanks for the opportunity! Lual Krautter Email: krautter62520AToutlookDOTcom
Sounds fascinating FL
I’ve heard really good things about this book and it sound interesting. Thanks for the opportunity.
Mindy from NJ
Caryl K, good luck!
Lucy, I know the author personally. He's a good guy. You'll like his books. :-)
Linda, good luck to you too!
Lual, would love to visit Montana. I've got a niece who lives there and the photos she shares are beautiful!
Nancy, good luck!
Minday, I've heard good things about the book too. I refuse to hear bad things about it. :-)
Sorry about spelling your name wrong, Mindy! Spotted it as soon as I hit the enter key...
Sounds like an interesting book. Thank you for the chance to win a copy.
Wendy in Nebraska
wfnren at aol dot com
Sounds intriguing FL
Hi, Wendy and Nancy! Good luck in the drawing!
Sounds like a must read! This is a New Author to me. Thank You for the chance to win. SARAH OHIO
Hi, Sarah. Good luck!
Enter me in your awesome giveaway!!
Conway SC.
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