Welcome, LuAnn. Tell
us how much of yourself you write into your characters.
Only A Glimpse is my debut novel. In writer’s conferences I’ve attended,
I was told to write what you know. I know myself, so I’d say I’m like my main
character, Keedryn. There are differences, but our personalities are similar along
with the desire to do our best for God. She loves her family and wants to be a
blessing to others, as I do.
What is the quirkiest
thing you have ever done?
On a long car trip two years ago, my teenage daughter and
her best friend wrote a song they wanted to record from the back seat of our
car. My husband and I used one of our phones and videotaped our daughter as she
played her ukulele, and she and her friend sang. Because we had the phone
propped up front, hubby and I were also in the recording. We laughed a lot and
recorded several takes of their silly song about animals before they got through
it without messing up.
That sounds like fun.
When did you first discover that you were a writer?
Writing a novel has been my heart’s desire for as long as I
can remember. In elementary school, I wrote my first story called, “The Dog
That Had Kittens.” (I understood nothing about genetics.) In college, I enjoyed
my creative writing class and answering essay questions. My love for writing continued
to grow, but I didn’t write regularly until six years ago when I was encouraged
to write a monthly blog post for my church. That led to writers’ conferences,
critique groups, a writing coach, and Only A Glimpse.
Tell us the range of
the kinds of books you enjoy reading.
My favorite genres to read are Christian contemporary
romance, historical romance, romantic suspense, cozy mysteries, and women’s
fiction. I also enjoy reading books that teach me how to improve my writing.
How do you keep your
sanity in our run, run, run world?
I start each day in God’s Word and prayer. I can’t survive in
this world without Him. In addition, I’ve been working hard at getting outdoors
more to enjoy the sunshine and to walk. When the weather is nice, I enjoy
sitting on my back-porch swing and reading a clean romance.
How do you choose
your characters’ names?
My heroine in Only A Glimpse is named after a woman
I met a few years ago. Her kindness and generosity made a great impression upon
me. I named another character after a person on a television show my daughter
watched when she was younger. For a few names, I researched popular baby names
for a particular year.
What is the
accomplishment that you are most proud of?
My family is my greatest accomplishment, although the Lord
gets more credit than I do. My husband helped with that too. He and I married
forty-five years ago, and we have three children and three grandchildren.
If you were an animal,
which one would you be, and why?
A blue heron. Their graceful flight, smooth landing, long
neck, and their love for water make them beautiful to me.
What is your favorite
I have two. I thought pizza was the worst food anyone could
eat until I tried my first piece in seventh grade. We never ate it at home, but
one day in the school cafeteria, I gave in and ate a slice because I’d forgotten
my lunch. I loved it, and it’s been one of my favorites ever since. My other
favorite is chocolate ice cream. I don’t think I need to give any explanation there.
It’s chocolate and it’s ice cream!
Chocolate is my
favorite ice cream flavor, too. What is the problem with writing that was your
greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it?
My greatest roadblock was getting my first book published. I
took advice from the people I approached in the publishing industry and revised
my book as they suggested. I kept persisting in my search for an
agent/publisher until I found one who said “Yes.”
Tell us about the
featured book.
Only A Glimpse released in early March and is the first novel
in a three-book Christian contemporary romance series called Love Comes Again.
Keedryn Reynolds is a widow and executive assistant to Blake Conner, a great-looking
boss, but the anguish in his heart hides his better qualities. Keedryn wants to
work hard and do her best for God, but Blake can’t find anything positive to
say about her work. Although she’s not interested in romance, she would like a
better working relationship with him. She feels led to share God’s love and realizes
she’s sharing hers too.
Please give us the
first page of the book.
My boss, Blake Conner, flung open his office door a few
minutes before 1:30 p.m. and stormed toward me with a scowl on his face. I
peeked behind me and back at him. He planted his hands on the edge of my desk. I
stood and braced myself for one of his daily onslaughts.
“These minutes are inadequate.”
I flinched at the sternness of his voice.
He straightened and slid a sheet of paper toward me. “You attended
the meeting. Didn’t you? Incorporate these edits and get them correct this
time.” He plopped the remaining pages onto my desk. “They must go out soon. I
don’t appreciate your making me appear incompetent. You should know that by
I glanced toward our suite door when Chad Warren, our president,
entered. To my relief, he frowned at my boss and not me. Chad stared at Mr. Conner and
nodded toward Conner’s office.
The two men hurried inside and shut the door. I stood at my
desk with my mouth open. What was his problem? I couldn’t have messed up that
much. As an administrative professional, I’d taken thorough notes for twenty
years. I knew how to take minutes. But I hated to think I caused my manager
trouble with our president. Would Conner be fired like the VP in Legal last
week? I put my hand on my chest. Or were they discussing my termination since I
seemed to bring my boss so much anxiety? I knew he’d try to convince Chad that I was
How can readers find
you on the Internet?
To learn more about my Love Comes Again book series, please
check out my website at www.luannkedwards.com.
If you’d like to connect, I’d love to hear from you!
Website’s contact page: https://www.luannkedwards.com/take-action
Amazon author page: www.amazon.com/author/luannkedwards
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/luannkedwards
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LuAnnKEdwards1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/luannkedwards
Thank you, LuAnn, for
sharing your debut novel with my blog readers and me. I look forward to reading
the rest of it.
Readers, here are links to the book.
Only a Glimpse: Christian contemporary romance (Love Comes Again)Only a Glimpse: Christian contemporary romance (Love Comes Again Book 1) - Kindle
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This sounds like a story I would enjoy reading. The cover is pretty. Linda in SoCal
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Pretty cover FL
Sounds like a good read!
Melanie Backus, TX
Hi, Linda! I'm glad you like the story idea and the cover. Thanks for stopping by!
Hi, Nancy! I love roses and they play an important part in the book series. Thank you for your comment!
Hi, Melanie! Thanks so much! I appreciate your comment!
Hello from WV. I would love to read. Thank you for the chance.
Hi, Lucy! My mom called me Lucy, and my main character's last name is Reynolds. Thanks for your comment!
Enter me in your awesome giveaway!!
Conway SC.
Hi, Sharon! Thanks for stopping by!
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