I love writing historical romances because (a) studying history has always been an interest of mine and (b) I’m a romantic at heart. I wrote 27 historical romances for the general mass market before I answered God’s call on my heart to write faith-focused fiction. At that time, I began writing contemporary women’s fiction that dealt with somewhat weightier topics, issues that many women and men face today such as marriages in crisis, alcoholism, fear in uncertain times, etc.
Besides when you came to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?
Sorry. Must name two days: the days my daughters were born. My daughters are my finest legacies.
How has being published changed your life?
Gracious! I’ve been doing this so long that I hardly remember the “old” life. I started writing my first book in 1981 and it was published in 1984. I worked a full time job until 1990 when, the month my ninth book was published, I quit my job to write full time. That’s what I’ve been doing ever since, and I feel very privileged to be someone who makes a living doing what I love most.
Writing has brought me a large circle of friends. That’s certainly been one of the highlights of being published, having a community of friends who also hear voices in their heads.
I agree that the community of Christian writing friends is one of the best benefits of being an author. What are you reading right now?
As I answer this question, I have just finished reading a book for endorsement, Yesterday’s Embers by Deborah Raney (excellent!). Next up on my Kindle is Try Darkness by James Scott Bell.
Those are both really good books. What is your current work in progress?
By the time this interview is published (I’m writing it 7 months in advance), my WIP will be something I haven’t even thought of yet. But right now, I’m working on the second book in The Sisters of Bethlehem Springs series. The series features heroines who have jobs/careers that are unusual for women to hold their day. The first book, A Vote of Confidence, features Gwen who is running for mayor of Bethlehem Springs. The second book features a female wrangler on a cattle ranch.
What would be your dream vacation?
I would love to spend a month in England and Ireland. Visits to Tuscany and Venice run close seconds.
How do you choose your settings for each book?
Most of my books are set in Idaho. I love my state and love sharing it with read

If you could spend an evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?
Since I’m answering this interview just before the November 2008 elections, I have to say I would love to spend an evening with Governor Sarah Palin (who once was a small town mayor like the heroine of A Vote of Confidence). I find her a fascinating woman, someone who has achieved a great deal while holding true to important values such as family and supporting a culture of life. Whether or not she is VP by the time this interview is posted, I would love a chance to visit with her.
I would love to sit down with her, too. What are your hobbies, besides writing and reading?
I took up knitting again after about a 25-year break and have really enjoyed making things for others.
What is your most difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?
Making things hard enough for my main characters, especially when I’m writing historical romances. (It’s a little easier to “torture” my contemporary characters.) Once I fall in love with my hero and heroine, I want them to fall in love with each other and to live HEA. So I have to resist the urge to make things too simple early on in the story. To overcome it, I have to remind myself that once I make it hard for them, the next step is to make it harder for them. And then make it harder still. If I fail to do so, my editors are great at reminding me to do so.
What advice would you give to a beginning author?
If God has called you to write, then write whether or not you ever get published. Persevere. Study the craft. Write one book, then another and another and another. You will learn far more by writing your novels than you will from any “how-to” books.
Tell us about the featured book.
In A Vote of Confidence (May 2009, Zondervan), the stage is set for some intriguing insight into what it was like during 1915 to be a woman in a “man’s world.”
Guinevere Arlington is a beautiful young woman determined to remain in charge of her own life. For seven years, Gwen has carved out a full life in the bustling town of Bethlehem Springs, Idaho, where she teaches piano and writes for the local newspaper. Her passion for the town, its people, and the surrounding land prompt Gwen to run for mayor. After all, who says a woman can’t do a man’s job?
But stepping outside the boundaries of convention can get messy. A shady lawyer backs Gwen, believing he can control her once she’s in office. A wealthy newcomer throws his hat into the ring in an effort to overcome opposition to the health resort he’s building north of town. And when the opponents fall in love, everything changes, forcing Gwen to face what she may have to lose in order to win.
How can readers find you on the Internet?
My web site is at http://www.robinleehatcher.com/
I blog at Write Thinking: http://robinlee.typepad.com/
On Facebook, I can be found at: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=714395468
Robin Lee, thank you for spending this time with us. We'll have to feature the female wrangler book, too.
Readers, if you can't wait to get your hands on A Vote of Confidence, here's a link where you can order it:
Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. The only notification you'll receive is the announcement post on th is blog. Be sure to check back in two weeks to see if you're a winner.
I would love to win Robin's new book, her heroine sounds fun and feisty. Thanks!
I love the idea of women in interesting jobs. Should be a great series. And it's nice that you'd like to visit England. I certainly recommend it.
Historical fiction is my favorite because like Robin, I love history (I have a degree in it) and I love a good romance!! I just finished Wagered Heart by Ms. Hatcher and would love to read A VOTE OF CONFIDENCE! Please enter me! Have a great day!
Sounds like a great book!
Hi, Robin,
It sounds like a great book and I would love to win it.
I am also a writer and I definitely aree with you about the only way to learn how to write a novel IS TO WRITE A NOVEL.
God bless,
Linda Cacaci
Some how my email entrance got mixed with another. I love historical fiction and would love to win Robin's book.
desertrose5173 at gmail dot com
What a woncderful interview! Robin writes positive books, and we have become friends, though we haven't met in person yet. I have Robin on my FACEBOOK friend list. Three cheers for Robin Lee Hatcher!
I love Robin Lee Hatcher's books. I really like this book and the characters.
Throwing my name in the hat : )
Great interview, Robin and Lena. Robin, you are great for Idaho tourism. I couldn't wait to explore the area based on one of your books. :)
That sounds so delightful! Thanks for posting the link over here from Facebook, Robin!
Please do enter me in the drawing. Thanks!
hope_chastain at yahoo dot com
(I'll try to remember to check back!)
Delighted to see so many comments from readers and writers here. I've loved writing this series of books (currently working on the third one). I hope whoever wins a copy of A Vote of Confidence will fall in love with Bethlehem Springs and all the characters who bring the town to life, just the way I have.
I'm super excited about this book! Please enter me.
i would love to read a Robin Lee Hatcher book!
Sounds like a fun historical novel
This book sounds great. Please include me in your giveaway.
would love to win this book. i enjoy Robin's writing. please enter my name in the draw.
sarahwoll at hotmail dot com
This sounds a nice heroine book! Toss my name in the hat, please. :)
I'd love to win Robin's book. Thanks!
Please enter my name.
Thanks, Debbie
I love knitting too! And historical fiction, there is just something wonderful about going back in time. It really draws one into a book! Great interview!
Love Robin's books and would love to win one, please put me in the pot and draw me out LOL.
May God Bless
Thanks for the chance!
Please enter me in this giveaway. The books sounds so interesting, especially since I am into politics, and this is a novel with a taste of mayoral politics. :)
Thanks so much for the opportunity!
Ooooo, Robin, your latest sounds sooo good -- sign me up, Lena, and thanks for the opportunity to win Robin's new book.
Robin's book sounds great and the cover just pulls me right in. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.
cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net
Put my name in the pot to win a copy of A VOTE OF CONFIDENCE.
As a prepublished writer I would prefer an hour to talk with Robin Lee Hatcher. Sarah Palin would be interesting to interview but the wisdom that Robin Lee Hatcher has as a very successful author would be priceless.
This books sounds very interesting. Please include me in the drawing. Thanks!
Great interview. Please enter me in the drawing.
Please enter me also!
I'd really appreciate a chance to win this book! Love the cover, too!
This sounds like a book I would really enjoy. Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks very much!
Carrie (at) turansky (dot) come
I would love to win a book from Robin, I have one that I boought and she is a great writter.
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