So far my books have covered a variety of spiritual topics. I like to write about God’s unconditional love, and that showed up in Just As I Am and Sincerely, Mayla. Many times, the spiritual themes come straight out of my personal life, like with Stuck in the Middle and Age before Beauty. Those books focus on knowing God as the perfect and loving Father, and not allowing our relationship with our imperfect, earthly fathers to interfere with that.
In Murder at Eagle Summit, the spiritual theme is again very personal to me. The main character has done some things in her past that she isn’t proud of, and she’s keeping them buried. She learns that God can cleanse her and make her whiter than snow. There’s an old hymn called “Whiter than Snow.” The fourth verse goes like this:
Lord Jesus, before You I patiently wait;
Come now and within me a new heart create.
To those who have sought You, You never said "No"
Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow.
What an awesome lesson, and one I need to hear over and over again.
Don't we all? What other books of yours are coming out soon?
This year is a busy one for me. The second book in the Sister-to-Sister Series, Age before Beauty, just came out in February. Of course, Murder at Eagle Summit comes out this month. And then in June, Scent of Murder will hit bookstores. That story follows Murder at Eagle Summit and A Taste of Murder (October, 2008), and focuses on the third member of the classical music trio. It’s probably the most suspenseful book I’ve written so far.
If you could spend an evening with one contemporary person (not a family member of yours), who would it be and why?
Billy Graham. You may find this odd, but I didn’t know much about the man until last year, when I heard Jerry Jenkins (who worked with Graham on his autobiography) speak about the time they spent together. The way he described the peace that flows from Billy Graham made me want to meet him. Obviously, God has given this humble man a unique gift, and I’d love to hear him talk of God’s grace and redemption in person.
I admire him, too. How long have you known that you wanted to be novelist?

What can you tell authors who have been receiving only rejections from publishers?
I feel your pain! If you’ve ever read any interviews with me, you know I collected a TON of rejections before my first book contract. (143 – gasp!) But then after the contract for Just As I Am, I started selling everything I submitted. I didn’t really think I was immune to rejection, but I did enjoy four years without experiencing it. Until recently, when I received a particularly painful rejection, and I was surprised at how depressed I was. I’d thought after ten novels and dozens of articles published, I could handle one, “Sorry, but this isn’t right for us.” Let me tell you, it still stings. I still called my mother and cried.
So I can say with completely authority: rejection is a part of the profession. If you really want to pursue this crazy business, get used to it. And I mean that in the most loving way possible – get used to it. Don’t let it stop you. Learn to deal with it, and to get over it as quickly as you can. There are so many reasons for rejections. Some of them you can control – like your own skills. You can work to improve them. Some reasons you can’t control – like the market. A couple of years ago, I attended the editor panel at an ACFW conference and watched all the editors say they wanted to acquire contemporary fiction, no historical. All the historical fiction writers in the audience heaved a huge sigh of despair. Last year at the same panel, almost every editor said they’re actively acquiring historical romance, and this time the heavy sighs came from the chick lit writers. As a writer, you cannot control the market. All you can do is write the best book you’re able to write.
Publication is not the measure of how good you are as a person. It is not the end-all and be-all of life. So don’t base your self-worth on achieving it. If God called you to write, then write. Set goals, and work toward achieving them. Don’t let rejection affect you enough to sidetrack you.
Very well said. Now tell us about the featured book.
I’m excited about this book, my seventh and the first set outside of my home state of Kentucky. The classical trio introduced in my last romantic suspense, A Taste of Murder, head west to play at a wedding in Park City, Utah. A romantic ski resort seems the perfect place for a wedding. Until a murder on the slopes turns everyone at Eagle Summit Resort into suspects … or maybe victims. Liz Carmichael, the bride's cousin, saw a shadowy figure on a chair lift in the middle of the night. But was it the victim or the killer? Liz goes to the police -- and finds herself giving her report to her ex-fiancĂ©, Deputy Tim Richards. After a three-year estrangement, she could finally make things right with Tim. Unless the killer finds her first.
I have a terrific video trailer, created by Tinkertime Productions. You can watch it on my website (http://www.virginiasmith.org/) or here’s a link to the video on Tangle: http://www.tangle.com/view_video.php?viewkey=00a94b40fbcc1505920a
How can readers find you on the Internet?
My website is http://www.virginiasmith.org/. I also have a bi-monthly eNewsletter, with a sign-up form on my website. I keep my website updated with lots of fun stuff, including giveaways. And not just of my books – I give away other people’s books, too, like you, Lena. I’ve recently ventured into Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/people/Ginny-Smith/1557400143) , and I’d love to get new Friends there.
Thank you, Ginny, for spending this time with us. I always enjoy it.
Readers, if you don't live close to a store that carries this book, here's a link where you can order it:
Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Don't forget to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won.
Thanks for a great introduction and interview. And thank you Virginia for your take on rejections. So it's okay to call Mum and cry, even when you're a real author... that makes me feel better. Would love to read your books.
Sheila, I don't think we ever grow too old enough to cry on our mothers' shoulders!
I love Virginia Smith's writing. Please enter my name in the drawing.
Great trailer for the book! I would love a chance to win Murder at Eagle Summit. Thanks.
Thanks for sharing the interview. I loved Ginny's book "Age Before Beauty" I would love the opportunity to win this book.
I love Virginia Smith's books. I have read Murder by Mushroom. I loved it. I love the LS suspense line of books. I also have several of her books in my tbr pile. I'd love to add this one. Thanks.
Thanks for the interest in my book, everyone! So glad you like the trailer. I think the lady who created it for me, Cindy Sproles, did a fantastic job.
I loved "Age Before Beauty" and would love to get entered in the drawing for this book as well.
This sounds like a great book. Awesome interview. Thank you for the entry.
Please include me in your giveaway.
You are certainly a prolific writer!
Best of luck with the books you have coming out. Thanks for the chance to win your book. Cindi
Oh please enter me I love ginnys books. love the look of this book.
good interview
I just love Virginia, and Murder At Eagle Summit sounds wonderful. I think that a lot of us need that reminder of God's grace and love. I simply have loved what I have read to date. Murder By Mushroom was a blast, Just As I Am and Sincerely Mayla was also a treat. I also loved the Sisters series so far, but I am a suspense lover at heart!
I so terribly appreciate Virginia's outlook in her life and her books. I appreciate the reminder to keep God our center. :)
Please enter me in your giveaway.
Would like to be entered in the giveaway. Thank you.
As always Virginia you have done it again and writted a great book. Please enter me into the contest to win one.
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