Because I write about Crimes Against Children FBI agents, I get this question often. Especially from moms. And I love having the opportunity to explain. My heart is to show God’s redemptive hand even in our worst nightmares and also to explore the Christian life beyond the Sunday school answers that don’t work for many of us when life hurts. Suspense is a unique venue to address those issues because I get to tell a fast-paced and exciting story mixed with the depth of tackling big questions through real-life characters. I also hope that the research I pour into the story and the perspective of the villains will help us as parents remember to pray hard and lean on the Lord in all areas of our lives.
Besides when you came to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?
As a mom awed by the tough and wonderful privilege of parenting, I’d have to say my happiest days were when my three newborns were each placed in my arms. With my last child, I almost died in childbirth and remember praying as people scrambled around me, “Please, God, I just want to hold her.” And then she almost died after childbirth and had to be put on oxygen. My getting to hold her came after hours of tears and fears. But the moment she was placed in my arms was so God-kissed, I’ll never forget it.
Yes, they are such a miracle. I have loved watching my children and grandchildren grow and mature. And thanked God that He entrusted them to us How has being published changed your life?
It’s made a regular at Starbucks and Godiva to survive. ;-)
Being an author has also changed my perspective on life. I’m living a dream and don’t want to take that for granted. It’s a tough business in so many ways, but there are so many amazing things too. Like the wonderful people: authors, editors, agents and the great folks at my publishing house. And the thrill of my children telling any readers they meet about how awesome a writer their mom is.
Writing has also drawn my family closer together. They’re part of everything I do. From story ideas, titles, and character names to booksignings and teaching events. They’re my first audience and my prayer warriors.
What are you reading right now?
It’d be easier to tell you my favorite authors (the ones I’ll stay up waayyy too late to read) since what I read is constantly changing. I love Sharon Hinck, Mark Mynheir, Robin Jones Gunn, Cindy Woodsmall, Claudia Mair Burney, Trish Perry, and Mary Griffith. Their work leads me worship as I read and that’s why I’ll read them rather than sleep.
What is your current work in progress?
That’s a tough question to answer because I have three projects (all suspense) on the prayer table and I’m researching, praying and getting to know the characters in all three and waiting to see which one I’ll get to complete first.
What would be your dream vacation?
Two weeks at the beach with no sunburn, unlimited Starbucks, swimming with dolphins and some cool restaurants and shops to enjoy in between surfing with my kids and reading great books.
Can I come along? How do you choose your settings for each book?

Like a number of elements to my stories, they sort of choose me. More accurately, the Lord impresses ideas, names, themes, plot ideas and settings as I start with one or two ideas and grow from there. I like to stick with places I’ve either lived in or visited. But there’s a plethora to choose from as I was an Army brat and moved every three years growing up. And now I love to tag along with my husband on business trips.
If you could spend an evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?
I would love to hang out with Steven Curtis and Mary Beth Chapman. My husband and I have met them a few times over the years, but it’d be amazing to sit down for an evening with this couple who have weathered some intense storms and held onto Jesus.
They are an encouragement to so many of us. What are your hobbies, besides writing and reading?
I love scrapbooking, playing basketball, and teaching. I used to collect teddy bears and still have a good number of the ones I collected from all over the world.
For several years, my husband gave me a Valentine bear each year. What is your most difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?
The most difficult writing obstacle I have to tackle every time I sit down to work on a new project or release a book baby into the world is the issue of believing truth and not lies. It’s so easy to get discouraged in the writing life and consider giving up. But when I focus on the Lord and on His call and what He has to say through me, there’s peace.
The old Enemy of our Souls does tell us authors a number of lies, doesn't he? What advice would you give to a beginning author?
I would say the most vital thing to remember is who God is and what He has to say through you. Then when you sit down to write, open your heart and your past to the Lord and allow Him to use it through the pages of your story. That way you and your readers will sense the presence of the Lord and be touched.
Tell us about the featured book.
Here’s a sneak peek at the back cover blurb for Enduring Justice…
Hanna Kessler’s childhood secret has remained buried for over two decades. But when the dark shadows of her past threaten to destroy those she loves, Hanna must face the summer that changed her life and the man who still haunts her memories.
As a Crimes Against Children FBI Agent, Michael Parker knows what it means to get knocked down. Difficult cases and broken relationships have plagued his entire year. But when the system fails and a white supremacist is set free, Michael’s drive for retribution eclipses all else.
A racist's well-planned assault forces Hanna and Michael to decide between executing vengeance and pursuing justice. The dividing line between the two is the choice to heal. But when the attack turns personal, is justice enough?
I'm intrigued. Can hardly wait until my book comes. How can readers find you on the Internet?
I’d love it if readers would visit my Heart Chocolate home on the web: http://www.amywallace.com/.
I can also be found in the blogsphere at http://peek-a-booicu.blogspot.com/
And four times a year, I send out my Dark Chocolate Suspense newsletter packed with heart chocolate thoughts, tips on keeping kids safe, nice and easy recipes and some inside info on the writing life. You can read past newsletters and sign up at http://www.amywallace.com/Newsletter.html.
Hearing from readers is a highlight of the writing life! So please stop by my home(s) on the web and leave a note on the blog or in the Heart Chocolate guestbook. I look forward to hearing from you!
Thanks so much for having me on your blog, Lena! It was great to visit here today!
And thank you, Amy. I love having you.
Readers, here's a link where you can order the book:
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Sounds a fascinating story, and dark chocolate and Starbucks too! Mmm. Just went over to visit your site and your blog Amy. And I loved meeting you in this interview.
Working on FBI cases about children is heart-rending, but so encouraging when one is found, hopefully unharmed. And one must 'endure' the justice system. Thanks for sharing your heart.
I also liked your interview and I looked at your blog, you authors stay busy. Hope you had a great Mother's day and may God Bless
A wonderful interview. Thank you for sharing! Though I'm now craving chocolate.... *grins*
Sounds like a wonderful book. Thanks.
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
This book sounds like a wonderful book along with chocolate and Starbucks. My, oh my. What a treat.
Sounds like one I would really enjoy reading. Thanks for the opportunity to try.
Sylvia G
I also have a large Teddy Bear Collection! My favorite is a rendition of the original Pooh from England! Please enter my name in this delightful author's book drawing. Many thanks, Cindi
looks like an amazing read! I love suspense, I love chocolate and crave it when the suspense and chocolate come together! thanks for the awesome chance to win the book!
Amy has been all over the blog world it seems! I'd love a chance to win her book.
Mimi B
mnjesusfreak at gmail dot com
this book sounds great, I recently ordered the first book of this series from Amazon and I am so excited to discover Amy's writing.
please count me in for the giveaway
QallieQ (at) gmail (dot)com
I loved the first 2 books in this series and can't wait to read the 3rd installment! Thank you for sharing your wonderful stories with us.
I'm of to find some chocolate...
Wow, thanks for all the wonderful comments! I had no idea how many kindred spirits I'd meet by linking chocolate and suspense. ;-)
Thanks, Lena, for having me here for this interview! It's always a pleasure to visit with you online and in real life!
I would really like to read this book. Please enter me.
Intrigued is what I am. Please enter me to win a free copy.
Just from the short summary, this book has drawn me in. Please enter me in for the drawing. Thanks!
Wow that's interesting for sure! And that part about your childbirth almost made me cry!
I hope I win!
I love to read stories about the FBI (sometimes the suspense gets me and I read ahead.. :O ) Please enter me in this giveaway.
I haven't read any from this series but it sounds fascinating from the reviews I've read. Please enter me for a chance to win.
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