That’s a tough one. Jessica, the teenage niece who has trouble fitting into the Amish community, is close to my heart since I remember the feeling of not fitting in during my school days.
What is the quirkiest thing you have ever done?
I’ve been known to be a bit of a goof. I guess it would be when I hopped up on one of those carousels in front of a Kmart to ride it along with my oldest son, who must’ve been two at the time. I was wearing a little backpack purse, and it was scraped along the concrete wall, causing it to tear. My son thought I was cool, and my mom and I had a good laugh about that. And yes, I replaced that purse.
When did you first discover that you were a writer?
I wrote silly stories and shared them with a friend in elementary school and then got into writing fan fiction that included my favorite television characters and athletes in junior high through college. Those “books” I only revealed to a few close friends. I began calling myself a writer after college when I finally joined a writer’s group and decided to pursue a career.
Tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading.
I love a variety. On my bookshelf, you’ll find everything from Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum and Motor Mouth series, NASCAR romance by Pamela Britton, inspirational novels by Robin Lee Hatcher and Karen Kingsbury, and many Amish inspirational books.
How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world?
Some days my life is utter chaos. Aside from writing, I work full-time. I have two awesome little boys and a dear, sweet husband on dialysis and awaiting a second kidney transplant. Beyond that, I’m a volunteer with the National Kidney Foundation. Writing is my stress reliever. Once the boys are in bed, I relax and power-up my laptop while my hubby tinkers in the garage with his latest car project.
How do you choose your characters’ names?
For my first book, I compiled a list of common Amish names and picked my favorites. Also, a couple of my characters, including Rebecca and Lindsay, are named after characters in the very first novel I ever finished.
What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of?
My husband’s kidney failure has taught me a lot about what’s truly important in life, and I’m an advocate for organ and blood donation. I’m proud of being a blood donor and for signing up as an organ donor. I’m not a match for my husband, and, if we’re unsuccessful in finding him a match, I’m on board to give a kidney through the paired donor program in order to get a kidney for him.

Hands down, a spoiled house cat. I have three -- Molly, Ashlee, and Jet. They have the most pampered lives! Their only stress occurs when the bowls are empty.
What is your favorite food?
Popcorn and Diet Coke!
Tell us a little about your journey to publication.
I was writing romances and signed with my fabulous agent, Mary Sue Seymour, in 2005. After writing seven of those novels (yes, I said seven!), through my deep faith, I felt a calling to move to inspirational. I’m half-German, and my father immigrated to the United States with his parents and siblings in 1929. He once told me that the Amish speak the same dialect as our relatives, so I feel a connection to them. I’ve always had a great respect and fascination with their faith and simple lives. I began reading other Amish authors, and I was moved to create my own series. Mary Sue sent out my proposal, and Zondervan picked me up two months later.
What is the problem with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it?
While working on book #2 in my Kauffman Amish Bakery Series, I contracted a horrific case of Writer’s Block after quickly banging out 100 pages. I commiserated to Becky Philpott, my fantastic development editor, and she sent me a detailed spreadsheet, outlining the chapter number, scene number, point of view, date, time, setting, and event. While I’m not usually that detailed with my outline or synopsis, the spreadsheet forced me to map out the book, scene-by-scene. That exercise forced my muse to return from her vacation, and I plotted the remainder of the book. The spreadsheet was a living document, meaning it changed as the book unfolded, but it kept me on track and focused.
What advice would you give to others who are trying to get their first book published?
Surround yourself with other writers. Join a group, such as American Christian Fiction Writers and Romance Writers of America, attend local chapter meetings and sign up for on-line discussion loops. You’ll learn more than you can imagine from other writers, both published and unpublished. Also, it may sound cliché, but don’t give up. Rejection is heart breaking, but you’ll become a stronger writer every time to send out a query.
Tell us about the featured book?
The Kauffman Amish Bakery Series centers on the fictional Older Amish Kauffman family, who live in Lancaster County, PA. In book one, A Gift of Grace, Rebecca Kauffman's tranquil Old Order Amish life is transformed when she suddenly has custody of her two teenage nieces after her "Englisch" sister and brother-in-law are killed in an automobile accident. Instant motherhood, after years of unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child of her own, is both a joy and a heartache. Rebecca struggles to give the teenage girls the guidance they need as well as fulfill her duties to Daniel as an Amish wife.
Rebellious Jessica is resistant to Amish ways and constantly in trouble with the community. Younger sister Lindsay is caught in the middle, and the strain between Rebecca and Daniel mounts as Jessica's rebellion escalates. Instead of the beautiful family life she dreamed of creating for her nieces, Rebecca feels as if her world is being torn apart by two different cultures, leaving her to question her place in the Amish community, her marriage, and her faith in God.
Please give us the first page of the book.
Rebecca Fisher Kauffman’s pulse fluttered as the large SUV rumbled down the narrow rural road past the rolling farmland and green pastures dotted by heifers. The cows chewed their cud and nodded their greeting as if welcoming her back. The serenity of the lush, open fields intersected only by clusters of white farmhouses filled her soul with a peace she hadn’t felt since she’d left last month.
Pushing the cool metal button on the door, she cracked the passenger window open and breathed in the sweet, warm, moist air, free of exhaust from overcrowded city roads. The SUV negotiated a sharp bend, and Rebecca’s heart skipped a beat when the three-story farmhouse came into view. A smile crept across her lips.
The whitewashed, three-story, clapboard house stood humbly near the entrance to her family’s forty acres. The newly painted white picket fence was a stark contrast to the house’s green tin roof, speckled with brown rust that told of its age. The green window shades were halfway up, and the windows were cracked open to allow the springtime air to cool the house naturally.
A sweeping porch welcomed visitors entering the front, and a white barn, almost the size of the house, sat behind it.
How can the readers find you on the Internet?
You can find me at: www.amyclipston.com, http://www.amyclipston.blogspot.com/, and
http://www.amishhearts.com/. You can also find me on Facebook.
Thank you, Amy, for spending this time with us.
Readers, here's a link where you can buy A Gift of Grace:
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Congratulations on your debut novel. Our road to publication sounds a little familiar. Mary Sue has been my agent for the past three years. I'll be praying for your husband to receive his transplant for continued strength for you.
I have always been fascinated by the Amish people and this sounds like such a great series. Please enter me in the drawing.
A Gift of Grace storyline sounds very intriguing. I would love a chance to win it. Thanks!
Great interview. A Gift Of Grace sound great. Please enter me in your drawing.
I have a copy of this book and its wonderful. Amy Clipston is a fantastic writer. I hope to be reading more of this series. I know I'm waiting anxiously for the next.
Thanks for the wonderful interview!
Welcome and congrats on your debut novel! It sounds great. Amish people and their culture and religion always intrigued me; I would love to read your book. Please count me in :)
God bless you.
That was a great interview! I look forward to reading A Gift of Grace!
This book sounds terrific. I love Amish inspirational. That's the word, inspirational, that makes Amish books so wonderful to read. They are inspirational--at least all the ones I've read so far. Please enter me. You are a new author for me.
desertrose5173 at gmail dot com
I love Amish books. This one sounds oh, so good. I'd love to win it. thanks.
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
Its nice to see a new author and I'm a huge fan of Amish novels.
I really enjoyed the interview, congratulations on this debut novel. Please add me to the list for this book giveaway...I'd love to read it. Thank you!
Good book! Keep up the good work
Please enter me! I love Amish fiction and trying out new authors in the genre! I'd love to give Amy's book a read. :)
I've read it and it's a great book. :) Amy does a great job and I can't wait for #2. :)
Please enter me in the giveaway. I enjoyed reading the excerpt. Thanks!
Please enter me. I love reading about the Amish! I grew up less than 2 hours away and visited Lancaster often. I now live in GA and don't get to visit that often, so instead I read books.
I loved reading about your new book and would love to win it. I am so glad to hear that organ and blood donation has a special place in your heart. I don't know anyone personally who has needed organ transplantation but I am registered to be a organ donor. I tried to give blood but they said my veins were too small, whatever that means. Loved reading the interview and congratulations on your debut novel.
Sounds Great!!
Please enter me in the drawing.
This sounds like it is going to be a good series. I love Amish stories. Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks!
Sounds awesome! Please enter me!
Anna W.
Please enter me to win a free copy of your book as a love to read about the Amish people.
Sounds lovely. I like Amish books - they put familiar questions in a safely unfamiliar setting and really make me think.
I love Evanovich too! And your book sounds so interesting, I read my first Amish novel awhile back and really liked it! I hope I win! And congrats on your debut!
Would love a chance to win this book. Thank you.
Wonderful interview! Always fun to learn about a new author. A Gift of Grace sounds really good.
This looks so interesting Please enter me.
I love the cover.
Hi Amy,
Another new writer for me to acquaint myself with. I have recently found the Christian Fiction genre and I am soaking up as much as I can as fast as I can. Keep up the good work.
Please enter me in your contest.
I am a new subscriber and follower and would love to win this book, a great review for a great book I am sure
cenya2 at hotmail dot com
Please enter me for this contest. Thanks.
Love books with amish people- they are always so great. Please enter me in your giveaway. THanks
Great interview, Amy! Please enter me! Thank you.
I love the cover. Please enter me.
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