Thank you for having me here, Lena, and hello to everyone visiting!
I wrote a few aspects of myself into the main character in Love’s Rescue, Jessica Hale. Jess gets her fierce determination from me (don’t you love it when people tell you that you “can’t” do something, just so you CAN do it and prove them wrong? =) ). From me she also gets her great love of horses, the need to feel the wind in her hair, and her enjoyment of simple pleasures. The rest comes from places you may find unexpected—from strangers I meet only in passing, whose actions or humor or caring or uniqueness memorably touches me.
What is the quirkiest thing you have ever done?
I danced down Hollywood Boulevard with a mime in a tux.
When did you first discover that you were a writer?
I always loved to write, but had never considered writing as a career. The real discovery came in a God moment. After I graduated high school I prayed one night, and asked Him what I was supposed to do with my life. I heard His voice beside me. “You’re supposed to be a writer.”
Tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading.
Romance, suspense, historical (fiction and nonfiction), mystery, inspirational, romance, chick-lit, some paranormal, and biographies. Oh, and I love a great romance. =)
What other books have you written, whether published or not?
I have written devotional series for missionary wives and many other inspirational devotions, Christian plays for mentally handicapped adults, and another historical romance which involved time travel.
How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world?
I’m mom to three young teens who all have lively, quirky humor, and I’m blessed with wonderful friends. When you surround yourself with good people and laughter, you can get through anything.
How do you choose your characters’ names?
Baby name books, historical records, and movie credits. Some key grips out there have no idea they have cowboys named after them.
What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of?
Professionally, this book. It’s my first full-length novel to be published, and the dream of half a lifetime. Personally, that I’m raising three children who every day are a miracle.
If you were an animal, which one would you be, and why?
An eagle. I’d love to fly over green forests and high mountains, warmed by the sun,

What is your favorite food?
Strawberries. That’s the job I want in heaven—to tend God’s berry fields (and be chief taster).
What is the problem with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it?
Self editing. I had to learn to write in free-flow thought first and touch up later.
What advice would you give to an author just starting out?
Join a good writers’ group and a good critique group. Great information, great inspiration, great opportunities.
Tell us about the featured book?
The blurb by Whitaker House tells it nicely:
A Dividing Conflict
In 1863, the War Between the States is dividing more than just a nation. To escape the conflict, Jessica Hale and her family flee their Kentucky homestead and head for the Nevada Territory. Her brother, Ambrose, committed to the Confederates, rejoins the Kentucky militia and is disowned by his father. But the worst is yet to come.
A Heroic Kidnapper
When Unionists presume the family to be Confederate sympathizers, they set a devastating fire to their home. All alone and then “kidnapped” by cattleman Jake Bennett, Jessica is taken to a ranch deep in the Sierra Nevada wilderness. Can she overcome her resentment toward Jake for failing to save her family?
The Depths of Love
When Jake launches a plan to help Jessica’s brother escape from prison camp, she sees him for the honest, good-hearted Christian man that he is and now knows the depth of his love for her. Through the lingering smoke and smoldering ashes from her ruined home and murdered family, will Jessica see a future with Jake?
Please give us the first page of the book.
Carson City, Nevada Territory. April, 1860
She was going to lose him.
Jessica Hale pushed back the brown tendrils the wind whipped into her eyes, her fingers trembling. Further down the road her brother handed the last of his cases to the driver on top the stage, then tossed his hat through the coach window onto a seat with an air of resolve. He turned and strode toward her.
His long, wind-tossed sandy hair and mustache gleamed brightly in the morning sun, like gold coins intermittently hidden by shifting dust. His sky blue eyes—eyes that had always teased her, understood her and patiently guided her—now attempted to disguise unspoken regret as he smoothed a hand over each of the sorrel coach horses, and calmly took in the young town he was leaving behind. She knew better. He was going to miss this, the town and their parents. But his heart called him home. Ambrose was every inch a Kentucky gentleman. He always had been. Her throat tightened.
She couldn’t help but smile. Jessica. Like always, he spoke her name with that same flowing, deep timbre of the brook they had often played in as children.
“Now what is that smile for?”
“I love the sound of your voice.”
“You do?” Ambrose’s eyes sparkled at her in amusement. “You never told me that before.”
“Well now you know.” She loved the Southern lilt of it, loved the quiet honor he wore with the same ease that he wore his greatcoat. She took a deep, steadying breath. “Are your bags loaded, then?”
“They are.” Lightly he added, “The driver was kind enough to strap them down. With the rough going, I’ll get bounced out long before they will.”
Her smile faded. “Perhaps you should stay.”
I can hardly wait for my copy to get here. How can readers find you on the Internet?
I’m at Click on the Bookshelf page to view the book trailer and to enter a drawing to win a Western guest ranch vacation for two, or one of many other prizes, beginning July 7, 2009, the day the book releases.
Thank you, Tammy, for spending this time with us.
Readers, here's a link where you can order Love's Rescue:
Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won.
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is book looks awesome!
Please enter me for this drawing.
Oh this book sounds great and I love the cover :) My favourite food is strawberries too - Maybe we'll see each other on those God's field in distant future...
Please count me in
I absolutely love the cover of this book! Gorgeous! I'd love a chance to win!
Hi, Katherine! If you'd like to see some reviews, I've compiled them at, the second half of the page.
Also, if you enjoy the genre, there's a list of Western and Prairie Romance authors and their newest and upcoming releases all in one place--, again, second half of the page. The authors' name link to their Web sites. =)
Greetings, "Host"! (You must love dogs too. I have an American Eskimo Dog--she loves barking at trucks.) Yep, I've always loved strawberries, especially sliced, slightly sugared, and piled over hot, homemade biscuits!
Hi Sherrinda! We've bumped into each other at a couple of blog recently. You're determined to win a free copy, aren't you? You remind me of the main character of Love's Rescue, Jess! =)
I loved your interview! Tending God's strawberries!! What a wonderful idea. Your book sounds terrific. Nothing like a broke in pair of cowboy boots! Blessings, Debbie Lynne Costello
What a beautiful cover! I think it's a great story.
I'd love to win a copy of Love's Rescue. God bless you.
Sounds like a wonderful story and I love that cover.
Love historical books. This sounds like a wonderful book. I also loved your quirkiest thing. cute.
Please enter me in this contest. Thanks.
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
Hi Debbie Lynne, Martha, Cherie,
and Abi! Thank you so very much for stopping by!
Glad to see there's other strawberry fans out there! I've recently found that melting down Nestle's chocolate chips and swirling strawberries into the melted chocolate is fantastic! Of course, I'm taking the scientific approach and am trying other chocolates as well. LOL!
Yep, Abi, Hollywood in general is pretty quirky, and fun. You never know what you'll experience. =)
It sounds like a great book! Please enter me in the drawing. ~Abby
This book looks really great. I would love the chance to win a copy. Please enter me in the drawing.
Thank you
I'm glad you're surrounded by friends, Tammy. As they say, "It takes one to know one." Thanks for offering the free book. It's amazing how when you give, give, give, you get, get, get. I hope you get lots of bonuses in life!
Sounds really neat. My husband's the strawberry lover in our family.
I LOVE the first page. It has all the elements that reach my senses. I can see it. I can hear it. I can smell the breeze when it plays with the characters' hair. Blessings!
Naomi Musch
I'm excited there are so many great new author's! I love Civil War romances so I know I will really enjoy Love's Rescue! I'd love to win!
A great giveaway, count me in.
cenya2 at hotmail dot com
I have never heard of this author before and love to hear of new authors. Keep it up Lena. I have always loved your newsletter and blog. I also love your books.
I love strawberries when in season and miss living in Arizona where I could have them year round. But they are not my favorite food. I would love to win this book and review it as I post on 6 sites now as a reviewer. God annoint and use you in a mighty way.
Happy Friday, Abby! You're entered!
(Apologies I didn't reply yesterday--I was ducking tornados. It's never dull in the Midwest! LOL!)
Peachy Kath, you're entered too! Are you a newlywed? Ahh, real life romance . . . =)
Laney, you'd said, "I hope you get lots of bonuses in life!" That is so dear to me. You just made my week. The best bonus of being a writer by far is that I get to connect to wonderful people like you and share encouragement and inspiration. Thank you so very much.
Sheila, I love to home-make lemonade in a blender with ice. Throwing in a big handful of strawberries is one of the best uses for the berries that I've found. Yum! =)
Thank you, Naomi! That's what I was aiming for--that readers experience the story firsthand, that the reader tears across the red-earthed Nevada desert on horseback with the wind in her hair, that the reader slips into a cool, purling stream on a hot summer's night. I grew up loving the escapism of fiction. I want my readers not just to read the story, but to live the adventure. =)
Hi, fellow-Civil-War-enthusiast-Renee! The last surviving Civil War soldier died just ten years before I was born, in 1959. He was 117. It's tough not to love history when it comes so close to touching you. =)
Welcome, Marjorie! You're in the drawing!
Hi, Squires! I used to live in Arizona too. Know what I miss most? The orange trees in bloom. I love driving by the orchards in spring when the air is perfumed with a scent like orange soap. It's worth flying back in spring just to smell it. It's one of the scents candle makers should add to their collection IMO!
I love historical fiction. This looks good. Thanks for the chance.
I love to see a new author published, and Tammy's book is already on my reading list. Thank you for the interview and chance to win a copy.
cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net
A historical? Definitely count me in the drawing. Thank you.
desertrose5173 at gmail dot com
Welcome, Wendy, Carole, and Carmen! Thank you for your comments! You are entered in the drawing!
This sounds like a very good book. Please enter my name in the drawing. Thank you.
I don't need to be entered in the drawing because I own a copy and have read it! My goodness it is a MOST EXCELLENT read. I highly recommend it and I can't wait for the other books in the series. The cover is beautiful but let me tell you Tammy makes the pages come to life. I want to live on Jake's ranch!
Even though this is her debut book she writes like a seasoned pro.
Can you tell I loved the book?
Kudos Tammy...can you write faster?
Sherry K
Carly, my dear, you are entered!
Sherry K--I am so delighted you enjoy the book! Can I write faster . . . I am working on it. And I want to live on Jake's ranch too. =)
I would love to win a copy of "love's Rescue", please enter me into the draw.
Thanks so much
Sounds very exciting.
Please enter me!!
I would love to be entered in the book drawing. It sounds so wonderful, I can hardly wait to read it!
Happy Friday, Pat, Kristen, and Esther! Thank you so much for visiting. Each of you is entered!
Wishing you cowboy dreams,
This looks fabulous!!
Wonderful interview, wonderful author.... appreciate the opportunity to be included in the drawing....
Hi Patty and Cleda,
Thank you for your kind comments! I agree--the interview was done well--informative and entertaining, and not just for you. Have you ever thought about the nuttiest thing YOU'VE ever done? LOL!
Sounds awesome! Please enter me!
Anna W.
Hi, Anna! You are entered!
Love’s Rescue sounds wonderful.Please enter me in the giveaway.augustlily06(at)aim(dot)com.Thank you.
Happy Wednesday, Emma! Great name, btw. You just might find a character with the same name in Love's Rescue.
When I first saw your book in the CBD catalog, I thought it sounded interesting! I can't wait to read it.
Thank you for the wonderful interview.
Sugar and grits . . . Are you from the South? I lived in Kentucky when I was ten, and until then I'd never heard of grits. LOL! It seems to be regional--for instance, do you say "water fountain" or "bubbler"? "Soda" or "pop"? =)
I hope you love the book!
Looks like a interesting new author. would love a chance to win!
Welcome, Ladybug! LOL--I'm most interesting when I'm tired. Then I laugh at everything until my eyes water, and those around me laugh just because I'm laughing so hard!
You're entered to win a copy of Love's Rescue (and to have a chance to laugh at some cattlemen who ATTEMPT to get away with teasing Jessica Hale)!
What a great cover. Please enter me.
Hi Mystery Lady,
The drawing took place last Friday. I'm sorry you missed it. If you're interested in the book and would like to find out more, feel free to visit
God's blessings for a beautiful rest of the day! =)
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