Tell us about your
salvation experience.
This always feels like an awkward question to me because I
didn’t have a Damascus Road
type of conversion. There have definitely been points in my life when I
deepened my relationship with God—there still are points like that—but I don’t
remember a time of not believing. Even as a child, I believed. It’s been a
blessing—because life isn’t easy! God is good but life is hard.
You’re planning a
writing retreat where you can only have four other authors. Who would they be
and why?
Phillip Yancey, Barbara Kingsolver, Malcolm Gladwell and
Walter Isaacson. Each talented writer is overly blessed with skills I’d like to
improve on. Phillip Yancey—his biblical knowledge and story telling ability.
Barbara Kingsolver or Jodi Picoult (either one!)—for characterization and plot
development. Malcolm Gladwell—his brilliant insights into history and current
events. Walter Isaacson—a top notch biographer. I will pepper them with
questions during the entire writing retreat…until they get fed up with me and
insist on leaving.
Do you have a
speaking ministry? If so, tell us about that.
Could I re-phrase that? I accept speaking events that are
related to my book ministry. It’s been very positive to develop and sharpen
speaking skills (used to terrify me!), but mostly, I enjoy interacting with
people. Right now, most of my speaking events have focused on lessons from the
What is the most
embarrassing thing that has happened to you and how did you handle it?
Well, that’s not hard! Most recently, I spoke at an event
without realizing that a pink Velcro hair roller was stuck to the back of my
jacket. Mortifying! Someone finally removed it and handed it to me with a sly
grin on her face. Ah well…this author gig is constantly reminding me not to
take myself too seriously.
People are always
telling me that they’d like to write a book someday. I’m sure they do to you,
too. What would you tell someone who came up to you and said that?
Then write. Each day, every day. Treat your daily writing as
piano scales—practice, practice, practice. Set goals, join a writers’ group,
attend writers’ conference, get experience in all kinds of writing (church
newsletter, blog). Develop a tough skin for constructive criticism. Study the
publishing business. Most importantly, just write!
Tell us about the
featured book.
If you don’t mind, I’m going to let a review from Publisher’s Weekly describe The Haven: Popular Amish romance
novelist Fisher (The Choice) continues her Stoney Ridge Seasons series with a
stand-alone tale focusing on Amos Lapp’s middle daughter, Sadie. Returning from
Ohio where
she has spent the winter with older sister Julia and her husband, Sadie picks
up an unexpected traveling companion. Instead of the safety and support she
expects from her Amish friends and family back home in Pennsylvania , Sadie bristles as hurtful
perceptions are formed primarily based on gossip and innuendo rather than
truth. She does, however, develop a confidence in Will Stotz, an intern for the
county’s game warden who moves onto the Lapp farm to oversee two nesting
falcons. Their relationship complicates Sadie’s relationship with Gideon
Smucker, a local boy who has had his heart set on Sadie since they were
children. Fisher’s style is light and engaging. Her setting may be a simple
Pennsylvania Amish community, but the struggles of faith, trust, and
forgiveness are common to a wide-ranging audience. Moral elements are so deftly
woven into the plot that most readers will learn the lesson before realizing
there is one.
Please give us the
first page of the book:
It never failed to amaze Sadie Lapp how the most ordinary
day could be catapulted into the extraordinary in the blink of an eye. She was
still a little dazed. She couldn’t shake the feeling that it seemed her whole
life had been leading to this particular moment. She had a strange sense that
this day had come into her life to change her, to change everything.
But that didn’t mean she felt calm and relaxed. Just the
opposite. She felt like a homemade sweater unraveling inch by inch. As she
caught her first glimpse of Windmill Farm, she hoped that, maybe, things could
get straightened out, once she reached home.
Sadie had spent the winter in Berlin ,
Ohio , helping Julia and Roman, her sister and
brother-in-law, settle into Rome ’s
childhood home. A part of every day was spent shadowing Deborah Yoder, an
elderly Old Order Amish woman who was known as a healer. Knowing of Sadie’s
interest in healing herbs, Rome arranged a meeting with Deborah that resulted
in a part-time job. A part of Sadie wished she could have spent years studying
and watching the wise old woman.
But last week, Sadie woke and knew she needed to return home.
When Sadie told Julia, her sister’s face fell with disappointment. She had
expected Sadie to stay through the summer and tried to talk her out of leaving.
But Old Deborah understood. “The wisest people I know,” she had told Sadie,
“learn to listen to those hunches.”
The taxi swerved suddenly, jerking Sadie out of her muse. A few
more curves in the road and she would be at Windmill Farm. She hoped the family
was there for her homecoming. Wouldn’t it be sad to try to surprise everyone,
only to arrive to an empty house?
Maybe she should have called first, to let her father know she
was coming. But he would have asked her why she was changing her plans and she
didn’t want to say. Maybe she should have at least tipped off Fern, their
housekeeper. The one person she knew she couldn’t confide in was Mary Kate, her
twelve-going-on-thirty-year-old sister. It was well known that M.K. liked to
babble and tell. She was the self-appointed bearer of all news—truth or
Sadie gazed out the window. Coming home felt harder than she
thought it would be. The family was much smaller now. It would be quieter
without Rome and Julia. Without her brother, Menno. Even Lulu, Menno’s dog, was
living with Rome and Julia now. Sadie leaned her head on the back of the seat
and closed her eyes for a moment, remembering. They used to be a family with a
mom and a dad, three sisters and a brother, and crazy Uncle Hank. Pretty
Until her mom passed and her dad, Amos, developed heart trouble.
Then Uncle Hank found a housekeeper in The Budget. The sisters secretly
called her Stern Fern. She took some time to warm up to, but she was just what
the Lapp family needed. Sadie would have to add the Bee Man to the “just what
we needed” list too. When Roman Troyer came to live at Windmill Farm last
summer, life took a happy upturn. For Julia, especially.
But then Menno died in a terrible accident and his heart was
given to his father. Everything changed again.
They weren’t a normal family anymore. Julia had married Rome and
moved to Ohio. And wasn’t that also the way life went? Sadie thought, moving
the basket beside her out of the direct sun. One minute you felt like laughing,
and the next thing you knew, you were crying. She glanced at the basket. Would
she ever feel normal again?
I loved book one in
this serried. I know I’ll love book two as well. How can readers find you on
the Internet?
Oh…I love to connect with readers! I can always be found at, plus
on Facebook
and Twitter suzannewfisher. Thanks for hosting me today!
Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Haven, The: A Novel (Stoney Ridge Seasons)
Haven, The: A Novel (Stoney Ridge Seasons)
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I love reading about the Amish!
Monica Ontario Canada
I will have to track down the first book in the series if I win this one!
Patty in SC
florida girl here
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
Please enter me! This sounds like my cup of tea! :)
Amada Chavez, NM
This sounds like a great book!
From the black hills of SD!
I have really been enjoying reading Amish books lately. I wouild love to read this one.
Jo from Southern Arizona
I love Suzanne's books! You can tell she does her research. The Keeper was wonderful, and I've been anxious to read The Haven.
Lisa in Washington State
I would love to win a copy of this book.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
thanks for hte chance to read suzanne's latest novel
karenk....from PA
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
definitely a fan of Suzanne. Thanks for the chance to read this
cheryl in IL
'msboatgal at
I would love to read this! I'm in MN.
Such a fabulous interview. THE HAVEN looks wonderful.
Mary P
I loved the first book in this series, and just reading this excerpt brought tears to my eyes all over again! Whether I win or not, I will be getting this book :)
Anne, rural NC
I have bought and read every Suzanne Woods Fisher book from the time she first started writing, with the exception of The Keeper, (which I have), but got behind on! She is definitely one of the finest authors of Amish fiction out there! I would love to win this, so that I can read the two back to back! Thank you!
Diana in SC
I enjoy Suzanne's Amish books so much! I'd really like to read this one.
Beth from Iowa
I love Amish books. I'm ashamed to say I haven't read any by Suzanne.
Amy C
i would love to be able to give this to my Mom as she recuperates from emergency surgery. Of course, that means i have to get the first books in the series, too.
Marianne from northern Alberta
I really love to read anything Amish and Suzanne does such a great job with her writing. Would love to read "The Haven".
from South MS
Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks! Portsmouth, VA
Enter me!!
God Bless!
I love reading about the Amish from different authors perspectives.
Donna, Tx
Please enter me,I would love to win this book.I love amish books.Thanks...Jackie Tessnair from N.C.
The Amish genre is so fascinating and I would love to win this one, please count me in. Blessings!
Enter me this book looks great!!
Sharon Richmond
Hi Lena and her readers! So sorry I didn't pop by earlier this week--I thought the interview was scheduled today. Thank you for your warm and encouraging comments! Thank you, Lena, for hosting me on your blog. Warmly, Suzanne Woods Fisher
Would love to win this book...Dee-Dee's Nana
Would love to win this book, love Suzanne's books....Angela
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