Welcome back, Bonnie.
Why do you write the kind of books you do?
Gosh, because they are fun to write. I love romance, and
I’ve discovered I love to write in the first person, as I did in Butterfly Dreams. I enjoy putting my
heroines and heroes in gut-wrenching emotional situations. Maybe I have a cruel
streak in me. I hope that isn’t why.
Besides when you came
to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?
Of course the day I married my Dave. But, also the days each
of my children were born, and especially when I finally had the daughter I
longed for. And, when she had my first grandchild, another daughter. I guess
those were days, not just one.
It is hard to choose
just one. How has being published changed your life?
I used to think I spent a lot of time at my computer. Now,
it’s more – more self-promotion via emails and on Facebook. For years I have
moderated a small online prayer chain, a group of women all over the U.S. and one in Norway . That hasn’t changed. My
husband gave me a Fit-Bit (hoping to get me to move more?), but I still haven’t
worn it.
What are you reading
right now?
A Christian romance that is just so-so. So, I put it aside
when Ane Mulligan sent me her Chapel
Springs Revival, a super entertaining book.
What is your current
work in progress?
The sequel to Butterfly
Dreams, then a sequel to A Winning Recipe. I recently turned
in A Cup of Love, one of my novellas.
My publisher combined all three in an anthology called Recipes for Romance.
What would be your
dream vacation?
I think I already had it thirty-eight years ago when we went
to Sweden
to visit Dave’s relatives. I would love to go again, but I don’t think many
relatives are still living.
Second place would be to go back to Lake
Louise , B.C. where we stayed in the gorgeous resort Dave’s parents
spent their honeymoon in.
I’m not terribly adventurous. I’ve been blessed to travel
quite a bit, in my younger years, and if I loved a place, I always want to
return to it. I guess I’m big on memories.
How do you choose
your settings for each book?
Super simple. I really do like to write about places I’ve
lived and visited. Newport Beach and Scottsdale are givens because I know every street and
entertainment venue; and Family Secret,
a novel yet to come, is partially set in Sweden . My latest novella is set in
Cambridge Springs , Pennsylvania , of which I have fond memories.
If you could spend an
evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?
Probably Deb Macomber, but Dan Walsh is a close second. Of
course I’ve spent a lot of time with wonderful authors at ACFW conferences –
Deb Raney, Katy Kushman, Gail Gaymer Martin, Janice Thompson, Cynthia Hickey
and you – the list goes on.
As for Deb Macomber, I am fascinated with her non-fiction
books, such as One Word and Knit Together, and what inspired her to
write them. I would love to pick her brain for ideas for my only non-fiction
book, Email Angels.
I’ve spent time with
Dan Walsh and his wife. You’d really love them. What are your hobbies, besides
writing and reading?
I love to go to real estate open houses. I am an open house
junkie. That’s probably what inspired me to write about “the house,” as Kate
calls it in A Winning Recipe.
Writing is no longer a hobby, but reading is my one biggie.
In addition to seven devotionals each morning, I love to read the newspaper,
and I read fiction every night.
What is your most
difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?
The beginning of each story is frustrating and draining for
me, except for the beginning of A Winning Recipe. That just popped
into my head.
I re-write beginnings until I’m blue in the face, and
sometimes have other writers and my husband critique them. Yet, I’m never
totally satisfied.
What advice would you
give to a beginning author?
The old “never give up” line and pray, pray, pray. God
didn’t put stories on your heart for no reason. God doesn’t mumble or stutter,
and His Word is never void.
Tell us about the
featured book.
Kate is a bit of a control freak, who likes to know ahead of
time where she is going and what is going to happen. Lance is a go-to guy who
eats huge breakfasts and has no problem praying in public in restaurants. Both
are meatloaf contestants in a national cooking contest, thus the subtitle
Meatloaf Magic for Love Everlasting. Kate resists falling for Lance until he
almost forcibly grabs her elbow and steers her to a cab for an evening of
coffee and chocolate. She decides it is fun, and at least she isn’t obligated
to pay for the cab or the treats. Still, after dating for months, Kate has no clue
what Lance does for a living. When he buys a house for them she almost freaks
out and ends their relationship. Kate does become rather adept at solving the
mystery of the dead roses delivered to her door. Her Golden Retriever Sandy
plays a big part in healing their romance, as does Mr. F.F. who owns the
company that sponsored the cooking contest.
Note: A few readers had issues with Kate’s Christianity, yet
she is a strong believer and a loving person, even to the one person who tries
to destroy her romance with Lance. I hope readers will see that in her.
Please give us the
first page of the book.
Kate Williams leaned over the snaking line of moving
luggage, anchored her feet firmly, bent her legs and reached for her suitcase.
“Watch it!”
A man three times her size elbowed Kate aside. Her suitcase
passed by, out of reach. She sent him a venomous glare as he strolled off in
his three-piece navy suit. Frustrated, she put her hands on her hips and bit
her lip. The bags came around the carousel again, and she snatched at the
handle of the oversized case tugging with all the toned muscle in her slender
arms. Just when she thought she could pull it over the rubber edge, she lost
“Dog gone it!” The black monster with its identifying pink
ribbon lumbered around the carousel for the third time. Maybe if she ran to the
other side where there were fewer people.
But then she’d have to schlep her bulky carry on, and by the
time she got there the errant bag would be back here. It was the crowd around
her, people pushing close to get their own bags, that prevented success. If
only everyone would give each other a little space. She decided to yell.
“Excuse me!” No one moved. Her voice got louder. “Excuse
Still they ignored her. If she didn’t get through it would
pass by—again.
How can readers find
you on the Internet?
I love to hear from my readers. I can be contacted at bengstrom@hotmail.com (be sure to put
book title or BOOK in the subject line; Facebook https://www.facebook.com/bonnieengstromauthor?fref=ts or
check out my website at www.bonnieengstrom.com.
You can write to me at 8776 E. Shea
Blvd. , 106-528, Scottsdale , AZ 85260 .
This has been a special treat, Lena ,
to be interviewed by you. You ask such good questions. Thank you so much for
this opportunity.
It's my pleasure to feature you again on my blog.
Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
A Winning Recipe: For meatloaf magic and love everlastingA Winning Recipe (Christian Contemporary Romance): For meatloaf magic and love everlasting
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This sounds like a fun read! I'd love to check it out!
J.C. -Indiana-
This sounds like a sweet romance looming. I'd love to read more.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Sounds like a good one, Bonnie! Thank you, Lena!
Melanie Backus, TX
would love to win. Angela in KY
A very, very cute cover.
Mary P
Sounds like a good read. Kim A
North Platte Nebraska
Thank you all for your gracious comments. I hope you do read A Winning Recipe and enjoy it. I'm so glad you like the cover, Mary. My publisher (www.forgetmenotromances.com) and I struggled with it. Of course, meatloaf on the cover wouldn't be very appealing for a romance novel, lol; and, a depiction of the couple seemed run of the mill. We finally settled on a Golden Retriever since Sandy plays a pretty big part in the novel. Thanks again.
Bonnie Engstrom
Sounds like an interesting book that I would enjoy.
Edward A in VA
Thanks for sharing Bonnie's interview and excerpt. This sounds like a fun read!
Connie from KY
cps1950 at gmail dot com
Sounds like a fun read. Thanks for the chance to win a copy. Also enjoyed the interview.
Brenda in VA
What a fun cover. This sounds like it would be fun to read as well.
Deanne in PA
Enter me in your great giveaway!!
Conway, SC.
If the first page is any indication, this will be fun to read! And, a new to me author - double win! Would love to win the book!
Pam in Ohio
Such a cute cover! I enjoyed the first page and know I would enjoy the rest. Thanks!
Beth from IA
thanks for the chance to win
live in ND
ABreading4fun[at] gmail [dot] com
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