Welcome back, J M. Why
do you write the kind of books you do?
Growing up in a family with the history the Hochstetlers
have, I was naturally drawn to historical accounts by the time I was in high
school. It wasn’t dates, events, and places—the usual subjects of history
textbooks—that especially drew me, but people. I wanted to know what the lives
of the people of bygone ages were like, whether they were leaders or the common
people of the day. What did they share in common with us today? And how were
they different, and why?
I believe that we can’t understand ourselves and our own
time without understanding what shaped us, both events and people. Only by
learning from history can we avoid the mistakes of the past and also benefit
from great advances that were made. Over time, as a way of making sense of all
that, I began to write novels about people set during historical eras that
especially interested me.
Besides when you came
to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?
I have three daughters, and I have to say that the day each
was born and the day each of my grandchildren was born were the happiest I’ve
How has being
published changed your life?
It’s made me feel a greater connection to my audience and a
deep responsibility to write stories that not only entertain—which certainly
has to be the first priority or no one will read them—but also in an organic
way to educate, and then encourage readers to a higher standard. I’m committed
to representing the historical period along with the people, society, and
culture I’m writing about as accurately and authentically as possible; to portraying
human nature realistically, in a way that communicates universal truths and
offers personal insights that are life-changing for readers.
What are you reading
right now?
I’m researching my next book, so I’m reading a lot of
resources on Native Americans, specifically the Lenape and Seneca tribes. I
just found a particularly helpful, very well researched children’s textbook
published in 1985, now out of print, titled The Magic Moccasins. I’m developing
a high regard for children’s and young adult stories that are deeply
researched, and this is one of the most detailed I’ve found on several Native
American tribes, including the two that appear in my current project.
What is your current
work in progress?
I’m working on The
Return, book 2 of the Northkill Amish Series, which I’m writing with my
fifth cousin, multi-published author Bob Hostetler. This is the story of our
non-resistant Amish Hochstetler ancestors, who came to this country from Europe in 1738 and got caught up in the French and Indian
War. Readers can find more information about them and the series at www.northkill.com.
What would be your
dream vacation?
I’d love to travel the Alsace
region in Europe and Switzerland ,
where my Anabaptist ancestors originated, and follow in their footsteps as they
emigrated to America .
I’d also incorporate side trips to Germany ,
Austria , Italy , and Greece . Those are countries I’ve
always wanted to visit. New Zealand
and Australia
also have a great appeal to me. It would be wonderful to spend several months
visiting all these countries and sampling local history, culture, and cuisine.
How do you choose
your settings for each book?
The historical era I choose to write about essentially
determines the settings of each of my novels. The Northkill series is set along
the Pennsylvania frontier and in Ohio Territory
in the 1750s and 1760s because that’s when and where my ancestors lived. My
American Patriot Series takes place during the American Revolution, and each
volume is set in the particular theater of war the book covers. Book 1, Daughter of Liberty ,
is set in the Boston area, and the sequels move
to New York , Philadelphia ,
and Fort Pitt ,
and also into Ohio
Territory as the war impacts
the Native American communities. The remaining volumes will follow the
characters to France and onto
the high seas with the expansion of the naval war, and then return to the
Southern states as the land war in America
moves south to its conclusion at Yorktown ,
Virginia .
If you could spend an
evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?
Right now it’s Dr. Ben Carson. I’ve read his life story and
seen him on TV a number of times, and I’m incredibly impressed by how he
overcame a difficult childhood due to the strength and love of his mother, an
emphasis on education, and a deep relationship with God to become this
brilliant, compassionate, wise, and truly civil man. There’s no one like him on
the public stage today. He amazes me, and I would love to get to know him
What are your
hobbies, besides writing and reading?
I love to spend time playing in my garden. I could do that
all day long. And I’m getting back into scrapbooking, which I had to set aside
for a couple of years because of writing projects. But I’m discovering that
participating in one art strengthens others as well. Antiquing is a particular
love as is playing around with my home’s décor. In another life I would have
been an interior designer. Or maybe a landscape designer. Or an archeologist.
Or an artist…
What is your most
difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?
Balancing research and writing is the hardest. I could
easily bury myself in research for months on end, but then I would never get
the story written. So there comes a point at which I have to force myself to
put aside my research resources and just write!
What advice would you
give to a beginning author?
Read, read, read. Then write what you love to read. Write
about subjects you’re deeply passionate about. Don’t worry so much about
getting published. Worry about writing the very best story you can write, and you’ll
find an audience.
Tell us about the
featured book.
Valley of the Shadow is Book 5 of my American Patriot Series.
Elizabeth Howard is a prisoner aboard a British prison ship in New York Harbor , surrounded by the might of the Royal
Navy. British General William Howe has summoned Brigadier General Jonathan
Carleton to surrender to him or she will be executed. Carleton knows, however,
that Howe will never release her, but will surely execute them both as soon as Carleton
surrenders. From heart-pounding battles on the high seas, to the rigors of
Valley Forge and the Shawnee ’s savagely fought
wars to preserve their ancestral lands, Valley of the Shadow continues the
thrilling saga of America ’s
founding in an inspiring story of despair, courage, and triumph.
Please give us the
first page of the book.
Thursday, 30 October,
11:05 p.m.
In the flickering candlelight the words swam and blurred
before his eyes. Clenched in his hand, the paper shook.
Brigadier General Jonathan Carleton stared at the letter, his
mind gone blank. A wave of terror and rage squeezed the air from his lungs and
brought bile into his throat.
By degrees he became aware of the gusting wind that beat
against the inn, the sudden bursts of freezing rain flailing the window panes,
his own ragged breath. Despite the heat radiating from the hearth’s blaze,
chill sweat trickled down his brow and beneath his worn buckskins, darkly
rain-slicked from the downpour his Rangers had ridden through. He swallowed
with difficulty and forced himself to focus on the letter’s signature.
William Howe.
Knight of the Bath .
Commander in Chief of His Majesty’s forces on the North American Station.
“Jon, what is it?”
Behind him, Colonel Charles Andrews’s voice sounded hollow
and far away. Ignoring his friend, Carleton studied the words scrawled boldly
above Howe’s name as though, if he willed it, they would say something else.
That the American cause was entirely lost. That Washington had
surrendered to the British. That Howe’s entire army waited outside the door to
escort Carleton to the scaffold, there to hang for treason.
Not this.
Sounds interesting. How
can readers find you on the Internet?
They’ll find my personal website at www.jmhochstetler.com. For information
about The American Patriot Series, go to www.theamericanpatriotseries.com,
and for information about the Northkill Amish Series go to www.northkill.com. I’m also on Facebook at
.Thank you, Joan, for sharing this book with me and my readers.
Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Valley of the Shadow - Christianbook.com
Valley of the Shadow (American Patriot Series)
Valley of the Shadow (The American Patriot Series Book 5)
Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)
Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.
The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.
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Thank you for sharing Joan's Valley Of The Shadow. I would love to read it.
Melanie Backus, TX
The series sounds amazing. Is that a painting on the cover?
Mary P
Thanks for stopping by, Melanie and Mary! Good luck in the drawing to both of you.
Mary, the painting is Combat d'Ouessant, 23 juillet 1778 by Théodore Gudin. It portrays a naval battle between France and England on July 23, 1778, which took place less than a year from when Valley of the Shadow is set. It's perfect for the story and was a serendipitous find!
Squee! I can't wait to get my hands on Valley of the Shadow! Thank you so much for the interview and giveaway.
Amy C
Wonderful interview with Joan! I can imagine myself aboard the ship on the cover. I would love to read Valley of the Shadow.
Caryl in TEXAS
A prisoner aboard a British prison ship ! That sounds like a great story line...
Dee from NE would like to read this book! !
I think Ben Carson would be very interesting to visit with too :)
You're so welcome, Amy! Best wishes for the drawing! :-)
Glad you stopped by, Caryl, and good luck in the drawing!
Deanna, I tried to make it exciting. Thanks for dropping by and good luck in the drawing!
Sounds like a great story, and your writing seems quite alive!
-Melissa M. in TN
I enjoy historical books set in the American revolution. The cover is perfect for the book!
Beth from IA
This sounds like one that will definitely hold my interest. I enjoyed the interview, also. Thanks for the chance to win.
Brenda in VA happygrammaof3@comcast.net
Hi, Melissa, Beth, and Brenda! I'm so glad you dropped by. Best wishes to all 3 of you for the drawing!
I am so glad to enter this drawing for Joan's book. Anything she writes is of interest to me! I hope I am a winner.
I am from Illinois. I forgot to include that on my entry.
Hi, Phyllis! I'm delighted you dropped by and entered the drawing. Good luck!
Hi Joan,
I loved your book 'Northkill" and am excited about this series of yours as well! Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent with us and the history of your ancestors! God Bless!
MammaG, you just made my day. Thank you so much! Blessings back at'cha and good luck in the drawing!
What a great historical period in which to write. It's not only the beginning of our country, but a time when so much was in transition. Thanks. I'll be sure to look this up.
I also agree with you about research. It is hard to blend time discipline between that and writing. Good for you.
Hi Lena and Joan. Thanks for this interview. I have some of Joan's books and would love a chance to win this one. Thanks for the chance. GOD bless you both. Maxie (TX) > mac262(at)me(dot)com <
Hi Lena and Joan. Thanks for this interview. I have some of Joan's books and would love a chance to win this one. Thanks for the chance. GOD bless you both. Maxie (TX) > mac262(at)me(dot)com <
Now look at that cover, wow ! It's beautiful yet powerful at the same time. Sounds like a very interesting read !
Deanne in PA
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