Wednesday, September 02, 2015

MYSTERY RIDER - Miralee Ferrell - One Free Book

Welcome back, Miralee. You have a lot of books out now. What is your favorite setting to use in your books?
I’m a nut for anything horse, farm, or ranch related (which is why you see one of those things in many of my books). I’d have to say any or all of the three are my favorite.

What do you look for when you’re shopping for a book to buy for yourself?
I look for great character development, plot twists that surprise me, and a story that resonates to the point I have a hard time forgetting it—but mostly—a hard time forgetting the characters. They’re even more important to me than the plot. If the plot is strong but the characters are weak or not believable, I might not even finish the book.

I know what you mean. Give us a little tour of the setting for this book.
It’s set in Oregon in the middle of the Columbia River Gorge, not far from the base of Mt. Hood. Truly God’s country! Orchards, hay fields, timber, streams, lakes, mountains, and wonderful trails for horseback riding. I only live about 30 minutes away from where the book is set, and I love it!

What other books do you have coming out soon?
The next release is on Jan. 1, 2016, and it’s book four in the Horses and Friends series, Blue Ribbon Trail Ride, which also has a mystery in it. Kids will love it! Then I’m back to romances, as I’m taking part in three novella collections. Cowboy Brides releases with Barbour spring of 2016, then my company, Mountain Brook Ink, is releasing Heart of a Cowboy (also a historical romance) March 1, as well as In Love and War, a collection of contemporary romances June 1. When those are finished I’ll be back to writing full-length historical romance again. Plenty to do!

I really want to feature those on my blog. Please give us a glimpse inside your home.
Our home is for sale, so I’m not sure how long this will be factual, but it’s a 4300 square feet custom built, two-story home on 11.5 acres in the country, with a number of flower beds, lots of grass, a huge garden area, and a small, spring-fed pond. We’ve decided to downsize to get ready for retirement for my husband, and I’m looking forward to the next adventure!

Is this novel part of a series or a stand-alone book?
It’s a four-book series, and this is #3.

Tell us about the story.
The entire series follows three kids, Kate, her best friend Tori, and their friend Colt, as they tackle horse problems, solve mysteries, have adventures together, and learn great life-lessons. This particular story has a mystery thread as the kids try to figure out who the mystery rider is that goes past Kate’s house at dusk on a black horse, with the rider cloaked in a long duster and hood. They also contend with an uneasy relationship with Melissa, a girl who gave them some grief in the second book and appears to be trying to be their friend, but they’re not sure they can trust her. I think kids who read the first two will enjoy getting back into the world of Horses and Friends!

Please give us the first page of the book.
Odell, OregonUpper Hood River Valley
Summer, Present Day
Kate Ferris sprawled on the grass next to the newly painted paddock fence on her parents’ farm. “Thanks for your help, guys. It sure goes faster with more than one person working.” She shot a sideways glance at Melissa Tolbert, still barely able to believe the girl who had always been so unfriendly at school had shown up and offered to help. “You’re not bad at slapping on paint.”

Melissa leaned back on her elbows and grinned. “Even if Colt didn’t keep his word to not splatter me with it.”

Red-headed, freckled Colt Turner removed a long piece of straw from between his lips. “Hey, you said not to make you look like the rest of us, but I didn’t make any promises.”

Tori Velasquez, Kate’s best friend, rolled her eyes. “We should get the brushes cleaned and the rest of the paint closed up and put away before you two start fighting again.”

“Not fighting.” Melissa arched one golden brow. “Just discussing.”

“Whatever.” Tori smiled. “I was kinda wondering …” She eyed Melissa.

(Miralee here)…sorry, readers….I’m going to have to cut it off here, as the answer she gives is a huge spoiler for something that happened at the end of book two…and if you or your child haven’t read it yet, I’d hate to ruin it for you!

Interesting. How can readers find you on the Internet?
Several places:
My website:

Thank you, Miralee, for sharing this new book with us. I really want to know who the Mystery Rider is.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Mystery Rider -
Mystery Rider (Horses and Friends) - Amazon
Mystery Rider (Horses and Friends) - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


Melanie Backus said...

I love Miralee's books and would love to read this one. Thank you for a great interview, Lena and Miralee!

Melanie Backus, TX

kim hansen said...

Cool. North Platte NE.

Beth Gillihan said...

My daughter would love this! Thanks for the chance to win!

Beth in Montana

Miralee Ferrell said...

Thanks, Everyone!! This is book three, and it's best read after reading book one and two to get acquainted with the characters and what's happened so far with the kids. I wish you all could have a copy! Actually, it's half price right now in all ebook formats, but I don't think it will be much longer.


Mary Preston said...

This sounds like a book & series that my daughter will enjoy.

Mary P


Jackie Tessnair said...

Sounds great!I love the cover.Jackie Tessnair N.C.

Cindy W. said...

Would love to win. This book sounds great!

Cindy W.

from Indiana

Cindy W. said...

Would love to win. This book sounds great!

Cindy W.

from Indiana

Abigail Mitchell said...

Looks awesome! Please enter me.
Blanch, NC

kam110476 said...

Hi Miralee & Lena! My niece loves the Horses and Friends series! I got her the first two books already and really loves the mystery in the stories. She'd be tickled pink to get the third as well!
Kristen in OK
kam110476 at gmail dot com

kam110476 said...

Hi Miralee & Lena! My niece loves the Horses and Friends series! I got her the first two books already and really loves the mystery in the stories. She'd be tickled pink to get the third as well!
Kristen in OK
kam110476 at gmail dot com

kam110476 said...

Hi Miralee & Lena! My niece loves the Horses and Friends series! I got her the first two books already and really loves the mystery in the stories. She'd be tickled pink to get the third as well!
Kristen in OK
kam110476 at gmail dot com

GrandaddyA said...

I love Miralee's books.
Edward A in VA

Miralee Ferrell said...

I'm seeing a number of familiar faces who stopped by and I'm so tickled! Thank you all for your interest and support of my books over the years. I appreciate you all!!!

Sharon Richmond Bryant said...

Enter me in your great giveaway!!
Conway, SC.

R Merr said...

My daughter loved the first two in this series, and she is looking forward to getting her hands on number three! This is a great series. Coming from Maine!

Miralee Ferrell said...

I love hearing from the parents whose kids have read the first two books and enjoyed them. Thank you so much for sharing!!

Miralee Ferrell said...

Thanks, Sharon! I'm tickled your granddaughter is enjoying my series!

Brenda Arrington said...

Thanks for this great giveaway. Would love to win.

Connie Porter Saunders said...

These books are great and I appreciate this interview and giveaway!
Connie from KY
cps1950 at gmail dot com

Alisha said...

Great interview! I just finished reading the first book in this series and I thought it was great! I'm currently reading the second book and I would love to read this one as well. Thanks for having this giveaway and for the chance to win!

~Alisha L. in Florida