Wow, Blackmail had a lot of people contributing. My sister, Cindy Pittman, first and foremost. She’s in the oil and gas business in Louisiana, so having her to feed me information was vital. She is also the one who connected me with Charlie Boyd, an employee with the state in the conservation department. He walked me through oil rigs and facilities, even sending pictures, and helped me with some plot details. As always, my crit partners: Ronie Kendig, Dineen Miller, and Heather Tipton were invaluable in their input. And Cara Putman, Camy Tang and Cheryl Wyatt were also gracious enough to read my manuscript and make suggestions. I have two family members who serve as "readers" for my books, Lisa Burroughs and Krystina Harden, who give me great feedback from a reader’s point of view.
If you teach or speak. What’s coming up on your calendar?
If you teach or speak. What’s coming up on your calendar?
I just finished a hectic schedule of doing both, and since it’s the summer and my children are out of school, I’ve taken some time off. I am presenting at a writers’ group in Shreveport, Louisiana in August and September is the ACFW conference, of which I’m the conference director, so I’m pretty busy with that.
If you had to completely start over in another place, where would you move, and

Hmmm. That’s a tough one. I’ve had to do that before. If finances weren’t an issue, I think I’d like to start over in Paris. Or Italy. Or Greece. LOL Something totally different than what I’ve experienced in my life thus far.
If you could only tell aspiring novelists one thing, what would it be?
If you could only tell aspiring novelists one thing, what would it be?
You have to love words, the telling of a story to survive. It’s not enough just to want to write a book. Or be published. Or be successful. You truly have to love stories. This is a hard business with lots of disappointments and frustrations along the way. If you don’t have a deep love for stories, you might never succeed.
You’ve been asked to be in charge of a celebrity cruise. Who would you ask to take part, and why?
Stephen King, because well, he’s Stephen King and I’d love to just sit and chat with him. Dean Koontz, for the same reason. And I think I’d put Stephanie Meyer and JK Rowling on the yacht as well—think there would be some very stimulating conversations going around. Especially if I added in Angie Hunt, James Scott Bell, and Randy Alcorn. Oh, that could be a lot of fun. :-)
Tell us about the featured book?
Blackmail is the final book in the bayou series. It was a little bittersweet to say goodbye to my friends at Lagniappe, but I was glad to have the opportunity to write the final book, giving closure to all the folks in my bayou town. Blackmail focuses on Sadie Thompson, who some will remember from all the way back in book one. The resident "bad girl" of Lagniappe. This is her story of redemption and turning her life around.
What is next for you?
I’m super excited about the upcoming release of my first trade size romantic suspense, Deliver Us From Evil. B&H Publishing releases the book in February. It’s a story that dug deep into my heart back in 2005 and deals with the very vital issue of human trafficking. I hope everyone will read the book and enjoy it as much I loved writing it.
You'll have to come back in February when it releases. Where can the readers find you on the Internet?
Thanks, Lena. I always love visiting your blog. :-)
And I love having you, Robin.
Readers, here's a link where you can order Blackmail:
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I just loved the interview. Plese enter me in the drawing. Would love to read.
Have read a couple of the Bayou series. Will hate to see it end. Please enter me in this contest for the final book in the series.
desertrose5173 at gmail dot com.
Blackmail sounds like a great suspense story. Please include me, thanks!
I love Love Inspired Suspense books. Please include me. Thanks
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
We moved from the UK to the US. I guess that counts as starting over. Two countries separated by a common language, but I still want to write. Sounds a great suspense story. Just what I need.
I really enjoyed the interview. The questions you asked Robin were great and made me think about what my answers would be to those questions. Thanks.
Gail Mundy
I would love to win this final book of her Bayon Series! Many thanks,
Linda--It was a bit bittersweet for me to end the series as well. I've felt like the folks in Laginappe are friends. But it's nice to know I can always reread the books to visit them! :D
I hope you all will check out Deliver Us From Evil when it releases in February. It truly is the story put on my heart years ago.
Thanks again for having me, Lena. And of course I'll be back in February! I always love visiting your blog.
Thanks for the interview!! I'd love to win this book.
Awesome interview, Lena and Robin!!
(No need to include me in the drawing.)
great interview! I always enjoy love inspired suspense :)
This sounds like a great series I will have to check out. Also really look forward to your new book, Deliver Us From Evil. Sounds very good. Thank you!
I loved the interview and Blackmail sounds great! Please enter me in this contest.
I love the Bayou series! I'm so sad it's going to be over... But at least there's one more for me to read!
very interesting interview. I would like to be included in the drawing. :)
This looks like an interesting book I have read a few love inspired suspense books and would love to read this one Please enter me
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