Seasons of Love is set on a cranberry farm. The characters from the other stories appeared in my story during the cranberry harvest.
Did you enjoy working with the other authors in the collection?
I’ve known these authors since I started writing fiction so they were very easy to work with. They’ve been a huge part of my writing career, giving me encouragement, critiques, and support.
Did it take a lot of interaction?
Since the stories were only loosely tied together, there was minimal interaction regarding the planning and writing. But then we each read the others’ stories.
Have you ever been to Massachusetts?
Yes, I’ve traveled extensively in my job as a high-level account executive for a software company. In fact, one of the first places I visited outside of my home state of Texas for the company was Salem, Massachusetts.

How was the setting chosen?
Years before ever writing the story I’d seen a news clip about cranberry farming and knew that I wanted to set a story there one day. When the opportunity to write a story set in Massachusetts came up, I already had the perfect setting.
What do you like most about this collection?
The suspense and the setting.
What book are you currently writing?
Again, I love interesting settings. My current project for Heartsong Presents is set in North Dakota on a decommissioned missile site. Disarming Andi will release in March 2010.
Tell us a little about your family.
My husband pastors a small church in Oregon. I have three sons—10, 9, and 5—and a 17-year-old daughter who is preparing to leave for Scotland next month on a missionary trip. She went to South Africa last year. My story, O Christmas Tree, in Barbour’s Christmas Homecoming 4-in-1 collection due in September, is based on her travels and includes some of her experiences.
What is the first page of your story in the collection?
Sacramento, California
"I’ve got a proposition for you. Call me,” a familiar voice crackled from the answering machine.
Grandpa? Riley O’Hare set her sack of groceries on the counter as she replayed the message.
The clock on the sage-colored wall displayed six thirty. Grandpa was on the East Coast. No way would he still be up at nine thirty. She’d have to wait until morning before she could call him. She hated waiting and stared at the ceiling while the annoying computerized voice detailed the time and stated that she had another message.
“Riley, it’s Eric. You there? I tried to reach you on your cell today. I’d love to have dinner with you tonight, but I’ve got that meeting with Tom Carling at Solution Sciences, remember? Actually, you could join me. It never hurts to have a beautiful woman on your arm. Italiano’s at six thirty.”
“Too late,” she said and huffed at his comment. It irritated her that he acted as though they were supposed to have dinner tonight. When would he get it? He didn’t seem to understand that things were over between them. Riley shuddered.
Eric Rutherford only saw her as eye candy to impress his colleagues. Everything revolved around his work as a business consultant—though she couldn’t blame him for that. Her career as a regional account executive for Morris & Associates consumed her, as well. Most people didn’t have time to live their own lives anymore.
Anxious to be rid of thoughts of Eric, she hit the Delete button hard and long. The answering machine responded that all messages had been erased.
“What? Argh.” Riley examined the caller ID list to see whose calls she’d missed since she’d just accidentally trashed all the messages. John’s work number appeared last. She called her brother back, getting no answer; then she tried his cell. Still no answer, so she left a message.
After she finished putting away the groceries she’d grabbed on the way home from work, she popped precooked chicken strips onto a paper plate and into the microwave, then pulled the tab off a diet soda. It fizzed over the top and onto her beige blouse.
“Ack!” She whirled around and held it over the sink. When the soda’s overzealous carbonation died down, she wiped the can with a paper towel and set it on the counter while she cleaned.
Frustration overwhelmed her. She didn’t have th e energy to cook a decent meal. Life had been hectic since graduating from college with a business degree. Three years of her life had flown by since then. Was this what it was all about?
Where can the readers find you on the Internet?
Beth, thank you for spending this time with us.
Readers, you're going to love reading these three romantic suspense stories. Here's a link where you can order Cranberry Hearts:
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Hi! Cranberry Hearts sound really interesting! Please count me in on the giveaway :)
Congratulations to all three of you on the release of Cranberry Hearts. It sounds really good. I would love to win a copy. Thank you.
I've been waiting for this book to be released ~ please enter me!
Thank you.
I loved Wild Prairie Roses so please inlcude me in your giveaway.
This one really sounds intriguing, wonder what messages were lost and what was on them. Could me anything. Please enter me. Thank you.
desertrose5173 at gmail dot com
Great interview, Beth!
Loved reading your interview, Beth!
Sounds Interesting.
It’s time to read a great new romantic comedy, entitled Classes Apart.
This is an adult sporting comedy that follows the fortunes of Paul Marriot, the secretary of the Barnstorm Village Sunday soccer team and coach of a school cricket team in Yorkshire, England. The story describes the remarkable camaraderie between the players and supporters of this little club and their desire to achieve success. The team had previously been known more for its antics off the field, rather than their performances on it.
During his time at the club he meets and becomes involved with Emma Potter, who is the sister of James Potter, a major player for their bitter rivals Moortown Inn. Thus, begins an entangled web of romance and conflict. He also begins working at Derry High School, a school with a poor reputation of academic success, where he becomes coach of the school cricket team. Here he develops an amazing relationship with the children and they embark on an epic journey.
Congrats on Cranberry Hearts. I would love to read this book! Please count me in.
I would love a chance to win Cranberry Hearts. Cranberry harvesting sounds interesting. Thanks!
This sounds like a good book. Thanks for the opportunity.
Three graet writters in one book how good can you get, sure hope I can win this one.
This like a great book. I am really interested in reading it. :)
That was a fun first page. I could just imagine her hand on that button. Ouch! Congratulations on the books and I'd love to read them.
It sounds like an interesting book,
Love a chance to win this book. Sounds like a good one. Thanks
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
New England is one of my favorite settings for books, so I can't wait to read Cranberry Hearts. Thank you so much for the giveaway.
cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net
I like the first page and would love to read the rest! Thanks for the interview and chance to win!
Three romantic suspense stories in one book! What a wonderful sounding
collection. Thanks, Cindi
Sounds very interesting. Would love to win a copy.
Great choice on the name "Riley" :)
Do you know how magnets attract each other, given putting the proper sides together? This book seems to be drawing me to it. I think I hear these stories are calling my name. I haven't signed up for many books recently but I couldn't help myself to at least ask for you to add my name to your drawing. Thanks. Sounds like a great set of books!
Pam Williams
cepjwms at wb4me dot com
I would love to win Cranberry Hearts, please enter me in the giveaway!
This looks good too. please enter me also.
This book sounds really interesting. It seems to be different from many other books out there. Please enter me in the drawing.
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