I believe there is a piece of yourself in every character you develop. With that said I’d like to add that not one character I’ve written is me. Characters are simply that, characters. You take bits and pieces of people, places, events and meld them into a unique personality for each novel. But you can’t get away from the fact that some of you is in each and every character you create.
What is the quirkiest thing you have ever done?
I don’t know that this is the quirkiest but while researching and writing Photo Op, I purchased the same camera my character Dena Russell began her photography career with. This gave me a feel for the instrument and woke up my interest in digital photography. After all the years of working with this hobby I’ve probably spent more on my photography hobby than I earned from that book.
When did you first discover that you were a writer?
Originally I wrote a couple of books for Homeschooler about the Internet. I did it primarily as a help aid to other homeschooling parents. The Internet was fairly new at the time. In fact, this new thing called the World Wide Web was just starting, along with this wonderful new place called Yahoo. It was after I finished the second book for homeschoolers that a scene popped into my head. So, I went to my office, sat down at the computer, and three days later had a 45,000 word story. Three months later, I had had six stories and a belief that God was calling me to become a fiction writer for Him.
And I'm glad for that. Tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading.
I love having poetry read to me, I don’t however enjoy reading it myself, except for A.A. Milne’s work. I love C.S. Lewis Narnia series and have read them several times. I love historicals, contemporary, action adventure, mystery and suspense. I enjoy watching sci-fi but haven’t read in that genre. I also love reading reference books about a variety of subjects but primarily about historical times and events.
How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world?
LOL, sanity what’s that? Seriously, I enjoy closing my eyes and meditating on the Lord. Or going out by some running water and relaxing. I guess that’s why I had a waterfall put in our fish pond. I love sitting on the rock bridge, watching the water, the fish and letting my imagination run wild.
How do you choose your characters’ names?

What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of?
My family. Professionally it would be starting American Christian Fiction Writers.
If you were an animal, which one would you be, and why?
My dog, Corky, he’s got a great life and he’s thoroughly loved and cherished as well as giving us a great deal of love.
What is your favorite food?
Chocolate is there any other choice?
A larger percentage of writers choose chocolate, me among them. What is the problem with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it?
Grammar, punctuation have never been my strong suit. My husband helps me a great deal with this but I have learned a lot more than when I first started writing. I still have a lot to learn. I only dangle my participles in conversation of my characters now. I suppose I do that just to get a rise out of my husband. It’s actually a long running joke between us.
Tell us about the featured book.
Harbor Hopes is a repack collection of three of my novels set in the fictional town of Squabbin Bay, Maine. Photo Op, the novel I mentioned earlier, is the first in the series. Dena is a photo journalist and is 52. Wayne the hero is 42. I choose to write an older couple because of the fact that not all who fall in love are young. Trespassed Hearts follows when Dena hires a photographer, Jordan Lamont, to work for her so she can spend more time with her family. Miranda (Randi) Blake is a friend of Wayne’s daughter who works in the local seaside restaurant and owns her own computer business. Jordon & Randi meet when she spills lobster bisque all over him. Wayne and Dena meet when Wayne opens a door and the cream pie Dena has in her hand lands on her face. So for the third story, Jess (Wayne’s daughter) meets Krispin Black by accidentally running over his canoe with her dad’s lobster boat. The third book was hardest because Krispin wasn’t a Christian in the first part of the book. In reality Krispin is not a pleasant or likeable character when you first meet him.
These stories all sound interesting. Please give us the first page of the book.
Dena glanced into the rearview mirror and touched up her lipstick. Grabbing her fully loaded cameras and backpack from the passenger seat, she ran into the church.
“Hey Mom, didn’t think you were going to make it.” Jason wiped his hands on a semi-white apron. “Get in late last night?” He kissed her cheek.
Dena returned the affection and stepped back. “Yeah, I was busy developing some pictures and lost track of time.” She glanced at her wristwatch. “I’m not that late.”
“No problem. Your booth is outside. The teens set up a few lobster pots and buoys. I think they did a real good job. But you’ll probably want to rearrange things.”
“Probably.” Dena chuckled.
Jason knew her all to well. Since she had been professional photographer since he was a teen, he had seen her work many photo shoots. Asking her to donate a full day of work wasn’t too unusual. She’d do anything for her son. Plus, the money raised would help support the youth ministries at Jason’s new pastorate.
Billy and Susie ran into the church kitchen. “Grandma!”
Dena’s joy spread from her heart to her open arms. She knelt to meet them. Billy, eight, thrust his arms around her. Susie followed with equal enthusiasm, and Dena reached down to catch herself from landing on her backside. “How are grandma’s little ones this morning?”
“Okay.” Billy kissed her on the cheek. “There’s so many booths, Grandma. And lots of food.” Any more enthusiasm and I’d need to wear earplugs, she mused.
Dena stood up, straddling Susie on her hip. “And what about you, pumpkin?”
How can readers find you on the Internet?
My Web page http://www.lynncoleman.com/
19th Century Historical Tidbits Blog http://www.historicaltidbits.blogspot.com/
I’m on Facebook as well, simply search for Lynn Coleman
Thank you, Lynn, for this peek into your life and book.
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Great post. This re-packaged book sounds interesting.
OH WOW! I forgot to leave where I reside.I live in Eastern North Carolina where right now we are having a bit of cold weather,such is usual at this time of year.Bring on SPRING,please.
Bless you for making this win possible! I would LOVE to win this book!
Charlotte Kay, OHIO
charsaltz at yahoo dot com
I love how the three books are combined into one...
Great interview and I would
appreciate being entered in this
book drawing.
Many thanks, Cindi
I would love to read this book.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
A book about older people falling in love. Sounds great. i am living in Arizona. thanks for the post, and for the chance to win. mitzi_wanham[at]yahoo[dot]com
I like stories that focus on the lives of the secondary characters and gives you a chance to see more of an in depth look at their backgrounds in the following stories. Would love to read this book.
I live in California.
Please enter me!
I'm from Michigan.
I'm a subsciber
I like you on face book
dancealert at aol dot com
Thanks for writing about older (than normally found in books) people falling in love. Although, I don't think they are THAT old!
coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com
This book looks like a neat read. Please count me in on the giveaway!
~ Katy
from Florida
I love books with older characters...even though they're still younger than I am...LOL
judy from Aberdeen, NJ
My name is Angela and I live in Kentucky. I would love to win a copy of this book. Thanks!!!!
please include me in this giveaway
i'm from ND
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
Great interview. Would love to win this book.
Recently the Lord has blessed me with the opportunity to become acquainted with Lynn. She's wonderful! I just finished reading her Fighting for Bread and Roses and loved it. It's a great story, and any woman who has held a job will be able to relate to it.
Hi Lynn, I love the way you introduce your characters. lol Sounds like a clumsy lot of folks. I enjoyed your interview and your accomplishments in all areas. You are a busy lady. I would love to read your book Harbor Hopes. Sounds like a story I would love to read. Thanks for stopping by to chat and share with us.
I am a Georgia Peach, or peanut?
misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
This looks good!
Ann Lee Miller
Gilbert AZ
This sounds like a book I'd enjoy! Thanks for the chance!
Nancye in KY
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
what an inviting cover - sounds great
i'm in Illinois
msboatgal at aol.com
Hi all,
I'm so glad you've come by and read my interview with Lena. She's a dear friend and I'm truly blessed to know her.
I truly did have fun writing those stories, as with all my stories.
I can't wait to see who wins and who I can send a book to.
In His grip,
Maine is the one place I want to go someday, so I would love to read this book collection! Thank you for the opportunity to win copy.
Anne, rural NC
please count me in...thanks
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
How neat to have all three stories together! Thanks for the chance to win! I'm from MN.
Harbor Hopes sounds like a delightful set of stories, I love that one of them has older characters. We're never too old for love!
Merry in TX
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