I first became acquainted with Liz way back when I first got on the Internet. And over the years, we've crossed paths several times. It's always a special treat to spend time with her whether in person or here on my blog. Welcome, Liz. What would you like
for our readers to know about you personally?
I'm a woman who has loved the Lord and his Word for 30 years, and I’m thrilled whenever I have the opportunity to speak, write, and teach about the women of the Bible. Though I’m probably best known for focusing on those Bad Girls of the Bible, I’m discovering Good Girls like Ruth have plenty to teach us too.
I'm a woman who has loved the Lord and his Word for 30 years, and I’m thrilled whenever I have the opportunity to speak, write, and teach about the women of the Bible. Though I’m probably best known for focusing on those Bad Girls of the Bible, I’m discovering Good Girls like Ruth have plenty to teach us too.
Tell us about your
I’ve been married to my dear husband Bill for 26 years. We have a married son who is 25, and a daughter who is 23. Both are college grads (whew!) and both are terrific storytellers. We are a traveling family, and delight in exploring new places together.
I’ve been married to my dear husband Bill for 26 years. We have a married son who is 25, and a daughter who is 23. Both are college grads (whew!) and both are terrific storytellers. We are a traveling family, and delight in exploring new places together.
Have you written
other nonfiction books?
Oh, you bet: Bad Girls of the Bible, Really Bad Girls of the Bible, and Slightly Bad Girls of the Bible, plus Unveiling Mary Magdalene, Rise and Shine, Embrace Grace, and my latest The Girl’s Still Got It. Each one has Scripture at the heart of it, and mercy all over it. I am ever aware of how dependent I am on God’s unfailing love and unending grace.
Oh, you bet: Bad Girls of the Bible, Really Bad Girls of the Bible, and Slightly Bad Girls of the Bible, plus Unveiling Mary Magdalene, Rise and Shine, Embrace Grace, and my latest The Girl’s Still Got It. Each one has Scripture at the heart of it, and mercy all over it. I am ever aware of how dependent I am on God’s unfailing love and unending grace.
Do you have any other
books in the works right now?
For the last dozen years, I’ve been moving back and forth between historical fiction and biblical nonfiction. I love both genres and am grateful to have readers who are willing to take that journey with me. My next book is A Wreath of Snow, a Victorian Christmas novella set inStirling ,
Scotland , in
1894. SO excited about this one! It releases October 2.
For the last dozen years, I’ve been moving back and forth between historical fiction and biblical nonfiction. I love both genres and am grateful to have readers who are willing to take that journey with me. My next book is A Wreath of Snow, a Victorian Christmas novella set in
I really must feature
it on the blog. What kinds of hobbies and leisure activities do you enjoy?
Like most writers, I adore a good book and always have several going at once. Historical novels mostly, but I enjoy a well-written fantasy too. I also love watching movies, traveling, taking photos, and singing in my church choir.
Like most writers, I adore a good book and always have several going at once. Historical novels mostly, but I enjoy a well-written fantasy too. I also love watching movies, traveling, taking photos, and singing in my church choir.
Why did you write the
featured book?
The book of Ruth is so rich! It’s an incredible story, for starters, and beautifully told. It’s also historically significant, and spiritually timeless. What Ruth’s kinsman-redeemer, Boaz, did for her, our Redeemer does for us—he chooses, he protects, he provides, he redeems, and he claims us as his bride. In Ruth 1:16 Ruth declares her allegiance to the God of Israel and never looks back. What a woman! What a Savior! After four years of teaching the book of Ruth from the platform, then creating two historical novels around her story, I was eager to write a nonfiction book and video Bible study using a verse-by-verse approach, which is my favorite way of both learning and teaching.
The book of Ruth is so rich! It’s an incredible story, for starters, and beautifully told. It’s also historically significant, and spiritually timeless. What Ruth’s kinsman-redeemer, Boaz, did for her, our Redeemer does for us—he chooses, he protects, he provides, he redeems, and he claims us as his bride. In Ruth 1:16 Ruth declares her allegiance to the God of Israel and never looks back. What a woman! What a Savior! After four years of teaching the book of Ruth from the platform, then creating two historical novels around her story, I was eager to write a nonfiction book and video Bible study using a verse-by-verse approach, which is my favorite way of both learning and teaching.
What do you want the
reader to take away from the book?
I think the heart of Ruth’s story is about trusting God—with our past, however hairy, with our present, however challenging, and with our future, however frightening it may seem to us. Ruth stepped out on faith and literally walked her talk, which makes her a wonderful role model for women through the ages.
I think the heart of Ruth’s story is about trusting God—with our past, however hairy, with our present, however challenging, and with our future, however frightening it may seem to us. Ruth stepped out on faith and literally walked her talk, which makes her a wonderful role model for women through the ages.
Here, there, and everywhere! Please stop by and say hello...
Thank you again, Liz, for spending this time with us.
Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
The Girl's Still Got It: Take a Walk with Ruth and the God Who Rocked Her WorldThe Girl's Still Got It: Take a Walk with Ruth and the God Who Rocked Her World
Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)
Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.
The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.
If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.
I have read great things about this book. I would love to win a copy of, "The Girl's Still Got It!"
Thanks for this giveaway and enjoyable interview with Liz!
Judy from Indiana
Love, love, love Liz and her books! Still remember laughing (and crying) during your talk at Northwestern Bible College many years ago. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of Ruth's story.
Sharon from Eagan, MN
I always enjoy Liz's books. Cute title and cover!
Beth from Iowa
I think I've read all of Liz's fiction books, but never any of her non-fiction. Would love to start with this one.
I love Liz and all her books! Would love to read this one too. :)
Cathy in B.C. Canada
I love Liz's books. She is a great writer and speaker. If you have a chance check out her Ruth Rap on You Tube. Very funny.
Deb V - Ohio
Thanks Lena and Liz for the great interview. The Girl's Still Got It is an interesting title for Ruth. Was this your first choice for the title, Liz? Reading all the blogs, i now realize that this isn't something the author always control over. Thanks for the chance to win
Marianne from northern Alberta
So blessed to read your comments, dear sisters! I'm glad you've heard good things about my new book, Judy. ;>) And Sharon, I'm coming back to Northwestern in 2013 and hope to see you there! Patty, I'm eager for you to give this nonfiction a try because you'll find lots of storytelling elements used throughout the book. Deb, I'm tickled you mentioned my "Righteous Ruth Rap" on YouTube. Had a ball recording that in Little Rock! And finally Marianne, YES, "The Girl's Still Got It" was the title I wanted from the beginning. Blessings to each of you!
oooo, a giveaway! Pick me in Tennessee! :) Penny
Can't wait for Liz's new book! I first met her as a speaker in Lafayette Indiana 15 years ago before I ever read her books. :) Loved her then, love her now!
Hi My name is Tina. I live in Port Saint Lucie, Fl
I really enjoy Liz and her books, she is rich in expressing her characters and what they offer, she is so amazing!!
Would love to read this one!!! Have a blessed week and weekend!!
Tina Ross
This looks like an incredible Bible Study. I love Liz Curtis Higgs and have read all of her fiction books. I would love to win a copy of this book and see if her non-fiction is as good or better than her fiction.
Judy Cooper from New Jersey
I heard Liz speak at Mt. Hermon this year. I came away with a whole new perspective on Ruth and how this book of the Bible is so telling and full of instruction. You just have to see it with fresh eyes.
Thanks for sharing...
Jan Cline from Washington State
I love all of Liz's books and can't wait to dive into this one. It'd be even better to win a copy!!
Thanks for the great article.
Would love to win this book! LOVE her "Ruth Rap" video!! Liz is my favorite author, fiction or non-fiction. She is a great speaker as well. So funny, yet so right-on with scripture!
Vicki from Virginia
I absolutely love Liz Curtis Higgs. She has a gift for bringing her characters to life! The story of Ruth is one of my all time favorite and I would love to win a free copy!
Adeline Petross
Louisville, KY
I LOVE Liz's Scottish sagas!
Monica from Toronto, Canada
Liz is an amazing author and speaker. Would love to add this book to my collection.
Donita from Oklahoma
I loved Liz's historical fiction books about Ruth, and I can't wait to dive into this new book!
I have read a number of Liz's books and find them fantastic. Not only are her fiction books a great read but they also carry a very powerful message. Thank you Liz.
I would love to win a copy of this book so I can share it with my friends.
I have read almost every one of Liz' books - each one has educated, inspired, entertained, & touched me! Her books come alive and make bible study so much easier. Would love to win her newest! Thanks!
I'm so excited to read this book! Lizzie, I think you wrote it just for me. Hehe!
Brenda Branson
I am in love with your bad girl books and really LOVE THE STORY OF RUTH--I am off to share this link and join your pinterest. HOPE I win, sorry ladies LOL
I really want to win this for my daughter. She has accepted the Lord into her life, but doesn't realize her potential b/c the enemy keeps bringing up her past and she listens. She is not living up to her full potential and I believe this book will help her alot! She is trying to make some positive changes in her life, but ends up in the same ole rut. Thank you for the opportunity to win this for her! I believe it will be life changing!
Diana in SC
Plus she is 38 and has never married and always picks the wrong guys, and she needs a Boaz in her life! :)
Diana from comment above~
I love Liz's books. I first "met" Liz when she was a DJ on WAKY radio in Louisville, KY. I've heard her speak a couple of times and love her books. She is such a blessing!
Sheila, from KY
Girlfriends, I'm honored to see how many of you popped over here from my Facebook page to check out Lena's wonderful book-centered blog! Of course, I want everyone to win a book, because you are so precious to me. The Lord bless you!
I'm not sure if this draw extends to New Zealand, but I am from Christchurch and LOVE Liz (heard her here in 2009 and 2012!) and love her books & the book of Ruth; it would absolutely WONDERFUL to win this latest one :-D xAli from ChCh, NZ
I would love to win this book by Liz Curtis Higgs. Thank you for the chance. One of my favorite books of the Bible is Ruth...would love this!
Kelly Y. in Virginia
kelly *at* dkcountryarts *dot* com
You're awesome. I love this statement you made, "think the heart of Ruth’s story is about trusting God—with our past, however hairy, with our present, however challenging, and with our future, however frightening it may seem to us." I'm sold. That's no surprise. :)
Yea! Liz is a fave author and THE GIRL'S STILL GOT IT will, I'm certain, not disappoint.
God bless you both!
Mary Kay
Lovely to meet you Liz. THE GIRL'S STILL GOT IT is now on my wish list. I love the sound of your Christmas novella too.
Mary P
I LOVE your books...all of them...Thanks for the chance to read Ruth's story!
karenk...from PA
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
The book sounds like something I would enjoy. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy.
Tammy from Florida
I've heard wonderful things about this book and know that Liz's writing is always encouraging. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy.
Anne, rural NC
I would love to win a copy of The Girl's Still Got It. I enjoy Liz's books, and look forward to reading more of them.
Thank you for entering my name into the drawing.
Tammi in Maine
this sounds like a good book thanks for the chance to win
live in ND
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
Enter me!!
Sharon Richmond
Blanch, NC.
This one sounds like a good one. Thanks for giveaway!
Amy Campbell
Southwest VA
I am really looking forward to reading this one! I really liked "Bad Girls of the Bible". Please enter me.
Krista in Oregon
I see my friend, and reviewer, Diana already beat me over here! Liz is such an impressive person, as is Lena. What a great combo here! Lena, don't enter me. Am going to get Diana a copy and make her share it with me, lol!
Yippee Skippee, thank you Carrie! And Liz, am hoping I have a new daughter in the future...will let you know!
I enjoyed the Interview, thank you. Please enter me in your Giveaway for "The Girl still got it" it sounds so good.
I live in S.Illinois
Great interview. I enjoy learning how, when, etc an author began writing. I read "Hear Burns My Candle" and loved the story. Have 'The Girl's Still Got It" on my wish list. I love stories taken from the Bible and characters from the Bible.
Thanks for the opportunity to enter giveaway.
Brenda from Georgia
misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
I love the book of Ruth!
Please enter me.
Nadya - TX
Have never read a book like this, but would give it a try....sounds interesting.....Faith's Nana/Ohio
Love Liz's books and would love to win this one...thanks Shirley T.
Please enter me in the drawing. Portsmouth, VA
Would love to win this book. Angela C.
I loved the Bad Girls of the Bible books SMS Ruth has always been one of my favorite Bible stories. Would love to win this book!
Liz R in Al
The Girl's Still Got It sounds so uplifting and encouraging. Please add me!
Merry in TX
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