I am not sure what I’ll end up writing next year, because of
all the changes in the publishing world, but for the rest of this year I’m
writing mysteries. I will also continue writing historical romance—and
historicals with mysteries in them.
Tell us a little
about your family.
My husband and I and our two youngest (of six) children
moved from Maine to Kentucky two years ago, when Jim retired.
We’re now closer than before to all of our adult children but one (my mystery
co-author Megan lives in England )
and our eight grandchildren. We live a very low-key life. The two kids still at
home are students.
Has your writing
changed your reading habits? If so, how?
I’ve always read a wide variety of books, both fiction and
nonfiction. Now I spend more time “keeping up” with what others are writing in
the genre of my works in progress, and also on nonfiction research reading.
What are you working
on right now?
Today I am working on a mystery for Guideposts. This will be
#26 in the Patchwork Mysteries series, of which I have written four. Several different
authors are writing these books, so that Guideposts can publish one a month.
It’s great fun. Right now the main character is preparing for a big event that
will actually take place in the next book, so I’m coordinating her activities
with Camy Tang, who will write book #27. Hint: it involves a special dress,
flowers, and a cake.
What outside
interests do you have?
I have long term interests in history and genealogy, as well
as logic, education, animals, handcrafts, and needlework.
How do you choose
your settings for each book?
Sometimes they are chosen for me by the editors, but if it’s
totally up to me, I usually start with the basic plot of the story and set it
wherever it will play out best.
If you could spend an
evening with one historical person, who would it be and why?
I’d love to talk to Captain James Cook, the explorer. He was
a brilliant man and a real hero in my opinion.
What is the one thing
you wish you had known before you started writing novels?
I had no idea about the editing process that happens after
your manuscript is bought. I wish I’d had a better understanding of this and
all that the book goes through before final production.
What new lessons is
the Lord teaching you right now?
To wait and let Him do His work.
What are the three
best things you can tell other authors to do to be successful?
Read a lot, write every day, and network.
Tell us about the
featured book, Lady Anne’s Quest.
Lady Anne believes her prayers are answered and she’s at
last found her long lost uncle. Unwilling to let her meet him on her own, Dan
Adams accompanies her to her uncle’s ranch. But both are convinced the man
claiming to be her uncle is an impostor. They decide to continue the search for
the new Earl of Stoneford.
But now the swindler is on their trail, hoping to steal
Uncle David’s inheritance. Dan has his hands full trying to protect Anne, but
he finds he must guard his heart just as carefully. Even though he’s good at
keeping her safe, he knows he’ll never convince Anne to become a farmer’s wife
in Oregon when she has her sights set on
returning to her home in England .
But as Anne’s quest becomes even more difficult—and dangerous—she begins to see
Dan differently. Will she soon be envisioning a new life in America ?
Anne gulped. How could this man be her uncle? Impossible.
She sucked
in a deep breath. Though he repelled her, she must use her manners and greet
him warmly. He was now her closest living relative. Or was he? Could there
possibly be two men named David Stone in the territory? Perhaps this was all a
Her stomach
plummeted at the thought, but she pasted on a smile.
“Hello. I’m searching for Mr. David
Stone. Would you happen to know where he lives?”
He laughed, a big, noisy guffaw.
“Why, sweetheart, you’re lookin’ at him.” He moved down onto the next step, and
Anne backed away, into the solid bulk of Dan Adams.
“Daniel,” she gasped.
Dan touched her back only for an
instant, and she took comfort from that reassuring pat. He stepped around her,
between her and the stranger.
“Howdy. Are you Mr. Stone?”
“Yes, I am,” the other man said. He
held out a meaty hand. “I’m this little gal’s uncle. And who might you be,
“My name is Daniel Adams.”
The man’s eyes narrowed to slits as
they shook hands, as though he was trying to categorize his guest, but Dan
didn’t offer more information.
Anne recovered at least a portion
of her poise and moved up next to Dan. “I’m sorry, but you’re not at all what I
expected.” She eyed the man. He was several inches taller than she was, but not
nearly as tall as Daniel. She gazed at his fleshy face, his flinty eyes, and
his slicked-back, badly barbered hair.
She longed to bring out the
miniature portrait in her handbag, but an inner restraint told her not to. This
man could not be the same one who posed for the portrait twenty years ago. Or
could he?
“You wrote that you wanted to see
me and give me some news,” the man said. “Come on in.”
Anne looked at Dan. He arched his
eyebrows, seeking her opinion.
“Well, I. . .”
“Come on.” The man started up the
steps again, beckoning with his beefy arm. “Millie’s got supper ready.”
Anne swallowed hard and looked to
Dan again. He held out his crooked arm. She took it and walked with him up the
steps and into the little house.
Her eyes took a moment to adjust to
the dim interior. The house appeared to be divided into two rooms, and they had
entered the kitchen. A cook stove stood to the right, with a stovepipe reaching
up and bending to meet the chimney. A rough wooden table stood in the middle of
the floor, and a woman came past it with her hands extended in greeting.
“So you’re little Anne.” She smiled
broadly and seized both Anne’s hands. “Oh, my, what a lovely young woman you
are.” She threw the man a reproachful glance. “David, you should have told me.”
He shrugged. “Didn’t know. This
here’s Millie.”
Anne found it hard to rip her gaze
away from him and appraise Millie. The woman’s thick auburn hair hung loose
about her shoulders, and she wore lip rouge. Beyond that, the dim lighting left
her in mystery, but her gathered and flounced dress looked to be of decent
quality, unlike the man’s clothing.
“Is this your husband?” Millie
“No,” Anne said quickly. “Dan is
just a friend. He offered to ride down here with me, since I didn’t want to
travel alone.” She eyed the stocky man as she spoke, hoping to shame him at
least a little for not offering to go to Corvallis
for her, but he only smiled and nodded.
“Well, let’s sit down, folks. You
must be hungry. Millie’s been keeping a pot of stew simmering all day. We
thought you might get here this afternoon.”
Millie hurried to a bank of
curtained shelves on the far wall and pushed the calico curtain aside. “I only
set up for three, but you’re welcome to join us, Mr. Adams.” She turned with a
tin plate and a thick china mug in her hands.
“Let me help you,” Anne said.
“Oh, no, that’s all right. Sit
right down.” Quickly Millie laid another place setting for Dan. “Just grab that
little bench by the window, Mr. Adams.”
The four of them sat down at the
table, and Millie began ladling out portions of stew. No one mentioned giving
thanks for the food, which Anne found unsettling. The Stones had always been
God-fearing Anglicans. She glanced at Dan, and he gritted his teeth then said,
“Would you mind if I said grace?”
Their host stared blankly at him,
but Millie said, “Go right ahead.”
Anne closed her eyes. She’d never
heard Dan pray before, but his quiet words soothed her.
“Dear Lord, we thank you for a safe
journey and for the food we are about to receive. Amen.”
“Amen,” Anne whispered. She opened
her eyes. Millie stood with the ladle in her hand, watching Dan as though
waiting for a cue to continue serving.
“So you had a good trip down here
from Corvallis ?”
the man asked.
“Well enough,” Dan said.
He looked at Anne. “And did you
come all the way across the country, or did you sail?”
“We came by wagon train,” she said.
“Is that right?” He shook his head.
His drying hair tumbled willy-nilly down his forehead. “Rough trip. Isn’t that
right, Millie?”
“It’s bad enough.” She handed him a
bowl of stew. “Pass those biscuits around, David.”
The food was more palatable than
Anne had dared hope, and she ate two biscuits with apple butter and a large
bowl of beef stew.
“Your stew is delicious,” she said
to Millie. “Thank you so much for feeding us.”
“Yes,” Dan said. “Mighty fine meal,
“Oh, it’s nothing.” But Millie’s
smile said it was something. “What was the family news you hinted at in your
letter to David, Miss Stone?”
Thank you, Susan, for stopping by and visiting with us today.
Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Lady Anne's Quest (Prairie Dreams)
Lady Anne's Quest (Prairie Dreams)
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What a great interview, Lena and Susan. i love it when i learn new things each time i read an interview. i love the premise of the novel. it sounds good. Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway.
Marianne from northern Alberta
mitzi underscore wanham at yahoo dot com
This book sounds great!
Amy Campbell
Southwest VA
I read the first book in this series and really enjoyed it. One of the better books about the Oregon Trail/westward journey I thought!
Patty in SC
This sounds like a book I'd really enjoy.
Wendy from FL
Enjoyed the interview. Thanks for the chance to win this book.
Beth from Iowa
Ohh! This book is on my wishlist!
I live in PA.
collettaskitchensink [at] yahoo [dot] com
rmjagears AT gmail DOT com
Thanks, everyone! I loved writing this series. Having lived in the Eugene, Oregon area, it was a special treat to write about it.
I'm a big fan of Susan's writing. This sounds like a wonderful book
cheryl in IL
msboatgal at aol.com
Living in Australia you can imagine that we learned a LOT about Captain James Cook in school. He is down as one of the first to discover this beautiful southern land.
I am looking forward to reading LADY ANNE'S QUEST.
Mary P
I would love to read this book.
Buffalo, MN
sound's and look's interesting, would Love to read it. enter me in the give away Thanks
Joanna Richmond
Blanch NC
Ooh, sounds good! Thanks for the giveaway!
Anna W. from GA
would love to win.
angela and tacobelle from KY
I love all the books by Susan Paige Davis. Her books speak to my heart and mind. Thank you for the opportunity to try for this book.
Dallas area, TX
Looks Interesting! Please enter me!
Blanch, N.C.
Thanks, ladies! I hope everyone is keeping cool. It's "only" 102 here this afternoon.
Thank you Lena and Susan for another great interview. Your Book looks so good I can't wait to read it, please add me to your Giveaway.
Happy 4th of July!
I live in S.Illinois
Would love to win a copy of Lady Anne's Quest. Thank you for the chance.
I live in Indiana.
Smiles & Blessings,
Cindy W.
Book sounds great would love to win.
Lourdes in Huntington NY
Sounds like a book I'd love to read, Thanks for the giveaway!
Liz R in AL
Enter me this book looks like a great read!!
Sharon Richmond
Blanch, NC.
please enter me thanks for chance to win
live in ND
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks! Portsmouth, VA
I don't trust that guy! Not her uncle but a "gold digger!" Hmmm... would like to win to find out what happens!
Kathleen ~*~ Missouri
So looking forward to reading this book. Dee-Dee's Grandma/Illinois
Thanks for the peek at Lady Anne's Quest, I can't wait to read it!
Merry in TX
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