Welcome, Joanne. Tell us how much of
yourself you write into your characters.
I share a lot of similarities with my character, Lonnie. She’s
shy and enjoys the simple things in life so she was like listening to a kindred
spirit. At the same time, writing Gideon was completely new. He’s cocky and
confident and keeps God at arm’s length, certain redemption wasn’t meant for
him. People tell me how surprised they are that I wrote his character which is
always fun to hear. We are so different and working through his sins and
struggles to his hopes and fears was quite an adventure. I’ve received letters
and emails from readers and hearing them talk about the characters has been
such a delight. A lot of them related to Lonnie and her faith, while on the
other hand, Gideon has developed quite a reputation as being the lady’s man and
the bad boy of Appalachia. Readers have expressed such joy over witnessing his
transformation from the beginning of the book to the end.
What is the quirkiest
thing you have ever done?
I’m about to reveal what a nerd I am…I’m a big “Lord of the
Rings” fan and once dressed up for Halloween as a hobbit. A girl hobbit. I even
had the funny little ears and the “ring” on a necklace. I worked at a candy
store at the time and everyone who came in got a laugh out of seeing a hobbit
behind the counter.
When did you first
discover that you were a writer?
For as long as I can
remember, I’ve had my nose in a book and my head in the clouds. Growing up, I
was one part Jo March, one part Beatrix Potter, and one part Laura Ingalls
Wilder. I was always writing, drawing, and living with my imagination in the
past. Being a writer was always my normal. I can never remember ever wanting to
be anything else. I am SO thankful that God made that dream come true!
Tell us the range of
the kinds of books you enjoy reading.
Surprisingly, I don’t really have a favorite genre. I read
mostly Christian fiction and while I love Historical Romance, I’m pretty much
drawn to any really good book. I love to have a broad mix on my bookshelf and
when I look back at some of the books that moved me deeply, it’s a variety of
genres and settings.
How do you keep your
sanity in our run, run, run world?
I try really hard to balance my time. Just recently I turned
in my edits for the second book in the Cadence of Grace Series. The editing
process is always tough and time consuming. I made a schedule to block out not
only writing nights, but family nights as well. It made it so nice to put my
work on the back burner when it was a family night and just enjoy being with my
husband and kids. We’d pop popcorn, drink cider and watch a movie or go for
walks. It was really nice.
How do you choose
your characters’ names?
For historical fiction, I always strive to find a name that
would have been around in a particular time or place. For this series, I
researched names specific to the Appalachian region through books and census
records. I fell in love with the name Lonnie. It’s such a simple, humble name
that it’s just the sort of name her parent’s would have chosen. I also loved
the name Gideon and knew right away that everyone would end up calling him
“Gid.” It’s fun because even the folks at my publishing house call him that.
What is the
accomplishment that you are most proud of?
The first thing that comes to mind is my three kids. They
are absolutely amazing. I love spending my days with them. They are some of my
best friends and greatest joys.
If you were an
animal, which one would you be, and why?
I think I would love to be a bird for the sheer pleasure of
What is your favorite
My favorite food is probably Mexican food. We live in
southern California ,
just a few hours from the Mexican border so there are a ton of amazing little
Mexican restaurants around here with homemade tortillas and the best salsas.
What is the problem
with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it?
Probably my greatest problem is simply time. I have three
kids five and under, and we homeschool. Simply finding the time to write is a
challenge. I usually write while they are sleeping which means I really have to
make myself focus during nap time. I grab my laptop, a cup of tea and put on a
little music which helps me get into the story. It’s one of my favorite parts
of the day.
Tell us about the
featured book.
Pretty Lonnie Sawyer is shy and innocent, used to fading
into the background within her family, and among the creeks and hollows of the
Appalachian hills. Though her family is poor and her father abusive, she clings
to a quiet faith. But when handsome lady’s
man and bluegrass musician Gideon O’Riley steals a kiss, that one action seals
her fate.
Her father forces her into a hasty marriage with Gideon—a
man she barely knows and does not love. Equally frustrated and confused by his
new responsibilities, Gideon yearns for a fresh start, forcing Lonnie on an
arduous journey away from her home in Rocky Knob.
Her distant groom can’t seem to surrender his rage at the
injustice of the forced matrimony or give Lonnie any claim in his life. What will it take for Gideon to give up his
past, embrace Lonnie’s God, and discover a hope that can heal their two
fractured hearts?
Gideon only ever cared about himself.
Now that Lonnie is his wife, will he ever be worthy of her heart?
Please give us the
first page of the book.
The night air brushed her arms, and Lonnie prayed autumn’s
cool breath could whisper her off—carry her into another life. Lord, help me.
She looked up at her pa and forced a tight smile. With his broad back to the
moonlit sky, his scruffy face was hidden beneath the shadow of a floppy hat.
Chestnut hair swirled against her cheeks, and she blinked, willing the breeze
to calm her nerves.
Joel Sawyer
arched a bushy eyebrow. "Don’t see what’s gotten ya so shaken up all a
She lifted her
chin. "I ain’t shaken." Her eyes dared him to say otherwise. "I
just don’t see why…" She bit her tongue at the tremble in her voice. Her
thumb traced the fresh bruises on her wrist—each small dent the same size as
her pa’s fingers.
your ma’s got a headache." Her pa’s growl was for her ears alone. His eyes
bored into hers, even through the lie. "Can’t go lettin’ Samson
down." Sour breath hit her face. "Now get on up there and sing for
these people."
Lonnie swallowed
and eyed the crowd that had gathered for an evening of dancing. With the first
autumn leaves blanketing the forest floor, it was sure to be the last of the
summer. She’d never sung for a crowd before and, at seventeen, felt foolish
when her heart pounded in her ears and her skin tingled with fear. If only
Samson hadn’t asked that her ma sing this night.
How can readers find
you on the Internet?
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/joannebischof
Website: http://www.joannebischof.com/
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/joannebischof/
My pleasure. My readers will enjoy your interesting interview.
Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Be Still My Soul: The Cadence of Grace, Book 1
Be Still My Soul: The Cadence of Grace, Book 1
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Great interview! I'd love to get my hands on this one!
Rosie from OH
I loooove historical romantic fiction! Takes me to another place!
Monica , Ontario
This book sounds great - the dynamics of a forced marriage and her abusive father. I can't wait to read it!
from the black hills of South Dakota!
this sounds like a book I'd enjoy.
We love Mexican food too and have some great authentic places near Chicago.
cheryl in IL
Be Still My Soul is number one on my wishlist.
Amy C
I absolutely love marriage of convenience stories! I've never heard of this author, but I'd love to get my hands on this book! Enter me!
Breanna from Indiana
Thanks, Rosie! I hope one lands in your hands!! ;)
Monica, so nice to meet a lover of historical romance--I completely agree! :)
Hi Lady from the black hills! Oh, I can just picture the views from your front porch :) So glad you're looking forward to the book!
Scottsgal, raising a chip and salsa in your honor. :) So nice to meet you! Glad the book sounds like a read you would enjoy!
Hi Amy! It's always a pleasure to see you :D number 1?! You just made my day!
Breanna, so glad you stopped in for the giveaway! I love me a marriage of convenience story too :) I hope you enjoy Lonnie and Gideon's!!
Please enter me! :) I'm still trying Joanne! :)
I really am very interested in your book and want to post a review on my blog to! :)
Amada (pronounced: a.m.a.th.a) Chavez, NM
John 8:12
What a lovely interview - I look forward to reading this book - I love the setting of it.
Thanks for taking the time to put this interview together. I have always felt that a book is a "gift of story" from the writer to the reader. I look forward to enjoying this gift.
Great interview! I really enjoy reading books like this so thank you for the opportunity of the giveaway!
Great interview. Books sounds like a great read. Thanks for the chance.
Kay from NY
Can't wait to read this one!!
~Marissa from Colorado
Please enter me! I can't wait to read this one. :)
Cathy from BC
It's always good to see you, Amada! I'm so honored that you want to read Be Still My Soul!! I hope one of these giveaways has your name on it!
Thank you, Kim. The setting being one that you love is exciting to me. Glad you entered!
Cheyanna, what a sweet way to put it :) Delighted that your looking forward to reading the book and glad to have crossed paths with you here on Lena's blog!
Hi Jo! My friends and family call me "Jo" so I especially like your name :) Thrilled that you enjoyed the interview! Nice to meet you!
Wonderful, Kay! So nice to meet a face from NY. I bet you are enjoying some yummy fall weather where you're at :)
Marissa, you are so sweet!! I'm honored that you're looking forward to it. I hope you enjoy it...blessings!!
Thanks Cathy!! Lovely seeing you and delighted that you enjoyed the interview! Waving up at BC :)
Very interesting interview!! Love the first page; so full of emotion, and the cold chill! Kathleen ~ Missouri
Please enter me to win. I would love to win and review this.
jrs362 at hotmail dot com
Another great read...hope its me!
Donna, TX
Wonderful interview. I grew up in Appalachia, and I'd love to read this one. I think my mom probably would like it too.
My heart went out to Lonnie. BE STILL MY SOUL is a must read for me.
Mary P
Sounds like a great book. I would love to win it. I'm from York, Pa. ejs8741@hotmil.com
oh, thanks for the chance to win
live in ND
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
Please enter me for this book. It sounds very good!
Beth from IA
Enter me this book looks great!!
Sharon Richmond
Kathleen, it is so wonderful to see you here! I have your review linked into my newsletter-you put so much thought and heart into it. Its just lovely!
Squieresj, honored that you're looking into reviewing the book. I'm glad you entered!!
Melody, nice to see you again! I hope one of these copies lands in your hands :)
Thank you Michelle! It's always exciting to meet someone from the region. I hope Be Still My Soul will be a read both you and your mom will enjoy. Blessings!
Mary, it means so much to hear that you connected with Lonnie on that heart level. Bless you for being here and for entering!
Rubynreba, I'd remember those cats anywhere. :) Thank you for entering the giveaway and I've enjoyed your comments!
Thank you Sharon! Waving at you over there in NC! :)
Looking forward to this book!
From Donna, TX
Sounds great! Very interesting. Please enter me. I'm from NC.
Enter me!!
Looks great! Please drop my name in the hat! :)
Anna W. from GA
Would love to win and read this book. Putting it on my wish list. Thank you for the chance to win.
Karen, Troy, NY
Please enter me! This looks interesting!
Kandra in TN
Please enter me in the drawing! Thanks for the interview :-)
g.gclermont AT gmail DOT com
Would love to win a copy of this book!
Judy B from Indiana
Thank you for a little peek, Be Still My Soul sounds stirring from the first page. Please add me!
Merry in TX
Melody, that's such a blessing to hear! I'm so glad!!
Hi Kate! Thank you for taking the time to read about it. Nice seeing you here!
Sarah, from NC...it's fun seeing all these North Carolina girls :) You are entered!! :)
You got it, Anna! Nice to meet you!
Hi Miss Ruby Kat, great seeing you again! Honored that Be Still My Soul is on your wishlist :D
Thank you so much, Kandra. You are entered!
Ganise, I'm still hoping that one of these books has your name on it!! :)
I've had my eye on this book for a few months, now. I recently seen several wonderful reviews of it on blogs I follow, so I'm now especially anxious to read it!
Lisa in Washington State
This is a must read book for me! I really loved this interview with Joanne.
I am drawn to the cover of Be Still my Soul. I don't know why I am so drawn but I really love it.
I would be thrilled to win a copy of this book.
Judy B from Indiana
So fun you went to work dressed up as a girl hobbit! :)
jswaks at gmail dot com
Would love to win a copy of Be Still My Soul. The library won't let me request it because it is out of my district. Thank you for the opportunity.
Kevlin, NY.
Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks! Portsmouth, VA
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