Welcome, Eva Marie. God has really been
moving in your writing life. What do you see on the horizon?
I have a book due the first of the year which releases—I
think—in early 2014. Another book—the third in the Cedar Key series, titled Slow Moon Rising—releases in May 2013.
And, I just signed a new contract with Broadman & Holman for a book not due
for two years. Can you believe that? J
That’s wonderful. Tell
us a little about your family.
My husband and I live in a lakefront house (we call it The
Lake House) with our two dogs. We have children and grandchild with another
grandson on the way next month.
Has your writing
changed your reading habits? If so, how?
It actually has made it more difficult. I often find myself
reading as though I’m editing the work. Which means I read sooooo sloooooowly.
I have to remind myself to let go and just enjoy!
What are you working
on right now?
A work for Abingdon Press titled The Last Will in Testament.
What outside interests
do you have?
Knitting. I love walking trails. I love travel. And I’m a
pretty good photographer.
How do you choose
your settings for each book?
I really don’t. They choose me.
If you could spend an evening with one historical person,
who would it be and why?
Besides Jesus, of course (well, we spend a little time
together every day anyway…) I’ve been researching my family history. There are
quite a few of my great-greats I would love to sit down and talk with. To find
out why they did what they did. Moved where they moved. Chose what they chose.
I have learned that my family is full of interesting characters. I also have a
better glimpse into who I am because of this research.
What is the one thing
you wish you had known before you started writing novels?
That one day it would be more about the business of writing
and less about the writing. I would have enjoyed that time when all I had to do
was write.
What new lessons is
the Lord teaching you right now?
So many lessons. I’m constantly being reminded to trust Him.
“I’ve got it,” He says. Every day.
What are the three
best things you can tell other authors to do to be successful?
Write well.
Be willing to learn.
Pray hard.
I totally agree with
each of those. Tell us about the featured book.
Unconditional is the
novelization of the movie by the same title (www.UnconditionalTheMovie.com
). This movie (and book) tells the story of a man named Papa Joe Bradford who,
with his wife Denise, gives hope and a future to the at-risk children of our
country. They started their ministry, unbeknownst to them at the time, in Nashville . But that
influence has extended far.
The movie’s screenplay was written by a talented man named
Brent McCorkle. Brent also directed the movie, edited it, and I believe he
wrote some of the music for the film. Truly a brilliant work. Being a part of
it—even as small as my contribution was—has been such an honor.
Writing the book from the screenplay and the screener meant
I had to do more than just tell what I saw on the screen. I had to think
outside the box. What we see on screen—no matter if all the questions are
answered or not—we don’t question so much. But in a book, we do. So, I got to
answer questions like “What made Papa Joe sick?” and “How did Samantha and
Billy meet? Fall in love? Why didn’t they have children of their own?” I also
was able to dive into the emotions, much like the actors have to do in order to
play the character. The whole experience was marvelous. And cathartic.
Please give us the
first page of the book.
Chapter One
Life used to be so beautiful. So
full of magic and possibilities. Wonder and excitement. There wasn’t anything I
couldn’t do. Couldn’t be. Couldn’t go.
When I was a child, I would sit for
hours drawing and dreaming up crazy stories to tell all my friends.
Multi-colored crayon tales etched by wild imaginings. Stories about a place
where the sun always shone. Or a place where a tin man could carry a little
red-headed girl to the farthest point of the universe, way above the earth, on
feet made of fire. Or, in another story, set on a lonely island way out in the
middle of the ocean, where a deer and a platypus lived in disharmony. They sat
back to back on this tiny piece of land, never acknowledging each other. Until,
one day when they were both thirsty, the deer climbed up a coconut tree so they
could share a drink. And after that, they were the best of friends.
I thought my stories would inspire
the world, make it a better place somehow. I was such a dreamer. And for a
while it seemed that all my dreams would come true.
Billy Crawford was my world. The man of my dreams. The man I promised to love and
honor and cherish until “death do us part.” Believing, of course, that death
would never really come. Or, that if
it did, it would be a long way off in the future. Too far away to worry about
today. Or even tomorrow.
Billy worked for the power company.
I used to proudly brag, “Wherever it’s dark, Billy brings light.” Billy would
laugh and say, “But only if there’s a switch to flip.”
While Billy made the world
brighter, I wrote children’s books, letting all who would read know—one story
at a time—that the fairy tale did exist. Everyone and anyone could have all
they wanted and more. All they had to do was believe in their dreams.
But how quickly dreams can be
shattered. In one second. With one gun. One bullet cracking the silence of one
A dragon had come to slay my
But, that killer didn’t just take
Billy’s life. He took mine, too. Like Rapunzel, he locked me in a dark, cold
tower, where I lived alone, unable to climb down to where the world was green
and warmed by sunshine. Colors had faded to black and white. The places
that—once upon a time—had freely been mine were now barred to me.
Very lyrical. You
have me hooked. How can readers find you on the Internet?
Thank you, Eva Marie. I'm thrilled to learn about this book and the movie it's based on. I know my readers are too.
Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Unconditional: A Novel
Unconditional: A Novel
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The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.
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If first come first served worked, it would look like i might be a shoo-in. Thanks for the great interview, and yes, Eva Marie, i'm hooked like Lena is! Thanks for the chance to win.
marianne from northern Alberta
Thank YOU!
Eva Marie
Eager to read "Unconditional" & would love a free copy!
Great to meet you @ Maranatha Christian Writer's Conference in Muskegon, Michigan. You are an inspiration to many - I'm on chapter 4 of my 1st devo book.
Blessings, Teresa
I would love to win! I can't wait to see the movie. :D
Thanks for the chance to win!
-Rosie from OH
Thanks for the great interview. Unconditional sounds like a great book that I want to read.
Jo from Southern Arizona
Would love to win. Portsmouth, VA
I like the sound of this!
Monica Ontario
Thank you, everyone! Teresa, it was great to meet you too!
Eva Marie
I have not seen UNCONDITIONAL. I also look forward to reading your novelization.
Mary P
Eva Marie,
I LOVE your novels...thanks for the chance to read your latest.
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
(from PA)
I would love to win Unconditional. Thanks for the chance!
Judy B from Indiana
Thanks for the opportunity to get this book.
Lyndie Blevins
Duncanville Tx
Unconditional sounds very good! (By the way, I have always loved the name Eva Marie.)
Beth from IA
Great interview! Loved the movie and cant' wait to read the book! Hope I win!
Gail Mundy from GA
Enter me!!
Sharon Richmond
I've seen excellent reviews for "Unconditional" and would love to win a copy. Thanks for offering this giveaway!
Nancee in Michigan, that it!
I've heard this is amazing! I'm in MN.
You have me hooked, too! I'd love to read the rest of it!
-Melissa from TX
Looks Interesting!
Enter Me!
Blanch, NC.
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