Welcome, Pamela. Tell us how much of
yourself you write into your characters.

What is the quirkiest
thing you have ever done?
PST: I have no idea, LOL! I can’t think of a single quirky
thing I’ve done or do. That’s a question for my children and/or friends J
When did you first
discover that you were a writer?
PST: One day I simply sat down and filled the pages of a
five-subject notebook with a story. That was just the beginning. More stories
came and more notebooks were filled, but not until I purchased a used word
processor and began typing them into manuscript format and submitting them to
publishers did I feel like a writer.
Tell us the range of
the kinds of books you enjoy reading.
PST: I read tons of spiritual non fiction but when it comes
to fiction – romance is my favorite genre and I read all sub-genres of romance.
How do you keep your
sanity in our run, run, run world?
Prayer and meditation! I can’t emphasize the importance of
quiet, quality time with God to stay centered and focused in your day to day
How do you choose
your characters’ names?
I don’t. My characters usually introduce themselves to me.
In fact, in my current WIP I had no idea the characters full name for quite
some time – all I knew was her husband called her “Mel.”
What is the
accomplishment that you are most proud of?
From the time I could articulate, my deepest desire was to
be a wife and mother. By God’s grace I’ve been blessed in that desire and those
are my greatest accomplishments.
If you were an
animal, which one would you be, and why?
A horse – these are some of the greatest and noblest of
God’s creatures and I love them so much!
What is your favorite
Bread-I love bread in its every form…white, wheat, pitas,
flatbread, pastries, etc. In fact, I love bread so much that when God asked me
to give it up for lent one year, I questioned… “Surely this isn’t You, Lord?”
Well, guess what? Yep, opened my bible for daily reading and turned straight to
Matthew 4:4 “Man shall not
live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the
mouth of God.” In case you’re
wondering, yes it was a sacrifice and yes, I did not eat a single slice of
bread or any bread-like substance (crackers, etc.) for six full weeks!
What is the problem
with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it?
PST: My greatest problem/roadblock is that I don’t write
conservative which has hindered my being published by a traditional CBA house.
However, I do stay within Christian principles and have been fortunate enough
to find readers who enjoy and are blessed by my work.
PST: Set in my hometown area of SW
Louisiana , The Visionary revolves around twins
Taylor and Trevor Forrestier…. A visionary is someone who sees into the future
Taylor Forrestier sees into the past but only as it pertains to her work.
Hailed by her peers as “a visionary with an instinct for beauty and an
eye for the unique” Taylor
is undoubtedly a brilliant architect and gifted designer. But she and twin
brother Trevor, share more than a successful business. The two share a
childhood wrought with lies and deceit and the kind of abuse that’s disgustingly
prevalent in today’s society. Can the
love of God and the awesome healing power of His grace and mercy free the twins
from their past and open their hearts to the good plan and the future He has
for their lives? Find out in…The
Visionary ~ Where the awesome power of God's love heals the most
wounded of souls.
Please give us the
first page of the book.
PST: Taylor Forrestier
awoke with a muffled scream. Her feet tangled in the bedcovers when she tried
to bolt, and she landed on the floor with a thud and a whimper. She kicked free
of the sheets and blankets then crawled into a corner. Eyes wide with horror,
she tried to make sense of the shadows that danced around her, to separate the
ones in the room from those in her mind. Her heart thundered. Breath escaped in
short pants. She drew her knees to her chest, took several deep breaths to keep
from hyperventilating, then closed her eyes and rested her head. Shivers
overtook her slender frame. A sob escaped. Oh,
God, would the nightmares ever cease, the ghosts ever rest in peace?
straightened her spine. Eyes still closed, she inched her way to the bedside
table. Her hand trembled when she turned on the lamp. The light forced darkness
from the room, but only one thing would push it from her mind. Agility born of
fear drove her to her feet. She fumbled into a sweat suit, socks and tennis
shoes, scraped her hair up into a ponytail, then fled.
* * * *
Broussard turned right off Lakeshore onto Bor du Lac Drive . Though the name of the
street meant “around the lake,” the stretch of road encircled only the eastern
shore along the body of water once known as Charlie’s Lake .
He parked his SUV in one of the far corners of the Civic Center ’s
lot, slipped the keys into his pocket, and headed out for a brisk walk along
the seawall. Though the early March morning air nipped at the skin, he noticed
others out and about.
chatted up ahead, joggers passed with a smile, a nod, or a murmured “morning,” and
someone on roller blades whizzed by. A flash of color caught the corner of his
eye. Alex watched a young woman jog down the steps, run along the water’s edge
and back up and around. Then she flew on down to the boardwalk.
How can readers find
you on the Internet?
Website: http://pamelathibodeaux.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/pamelasthibodeaux
Twitter: http:///twitter.com/psthib
Email: pthib07@gmail.com
Purchase Links for
The Visionary:
Amazon: http://amzn.to/n8as1b
Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/o3YrMq
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The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.
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Thanks for the interview and chance to win this book!
Patty in SC
Thank you so much Lena for hosting me on your blog today and Thank You Patty for stopping by.
Good luck and God's blessings to both of you!
Wow...this sounds like a true page-turner. Thanks, Lena and PST for a great interview and awesome giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win
marianne in northern Alberta
Hi ladies! Pamela, it's always so good to get to know you even better. I am so sorry family issues kept me from Bandera this time around, but I was sure there in spirit. Lena, howdy to you, too! I sure appreciate your comments at Petticoats and Pistols!
Hugs and blessings to you both.
Hi Marianne & Tanya!
thank you both for stopping by!
Good luck and God's Blessings.
The Visionary sounds so very good! Thanks for the chance to win it.
Beth from IA
I'm looking forward to reading THE VISIONARY. It looks like a wonderful read.
Mary P
Sounds like quite the page turner here. Another new to me author whose books I would love to check out.
Jo from Southern Arizona
Thanks for the opportunity to get this book.
Lyndie Blevins
Duncanville, Tx
Enter me!!
Sharon Richmond
Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks! Portsmouth, VA
Sounds interesting and tough emotionally; looks good! I'm from MN.
I would love to win a copy, please enter me in the drawing!! I live in Springfield, MO. Blessings! Darlene
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