Welcome back, Rich. God
has really been moving in your writing life. What do you see on the horizon?
I’m getting more and more requests to teach. This is
exciting, since I love helping others. I’ve also spent a lot of time recently
helping others get their books ready for self-publishing. It’s so fulfilling to
see someone’s dream of getting their story online come true.
Tell us a little
about your family.
My wife is a life and business coach, so our work is
portable. We have a grown son and daughter, and each has a son … so we have two
James and I have two
great grandsons. They’re so much fun. Has your writing changed your reading
habits? If so, how?
I love reading now more than ever. However, now I’m looking
for what holds my interest, what gets me into the character’s head, and how the
author paces the story. Such amazing talent out there!
What are you working
on right now?
I’m just beginning my fourth novel, Shattered Glass, about a
glass artist. The story is still in the brainstorming stage, so I don’t know
what happened, who did it, or even the main character’s name yet. But I’m
anxious to find out!
What outside
interests do you have?
My wife and I do marriage mentoring for engaged couples,
preparing them for marriage. We also co-lead a church growth group. We bought a
small travel trailer at the end of last summer, so we’ve enjoyed getting out
into nature a little more on some camping trips.
How do you choose
your settings for each book?
Some of this comes from reader feedback. So many commented
on how much they love my fictional settings of Perilous Cove and Storm Lake,
that I based my third book, Desperation Falls, in the same
setting. I really like the advantage of developing a community of businesses
and secondary characters that give continuity to the books, even though the
main characters are new. Although fictional, I grew up in areas like Perilous
Cove and Storm Lake , so I’m writing from experience. I
know the flora and fauna, the woodsy and fishy smells of the mountains and
coast, the lingo, how the roads twist, the ethnic heritages of the old
families. I write what I know, and I love the area. In fact, I want to live at Storm Lake !
If you could spend an
evening with one historical person, who would it be and why?
I’ve always been a fan of 20s–30s Fords, so I’d like to meet
Henry Ford in his early days, before he began building the Model T in 1908. I’d
like to hear his passion for what the automobile could be.
What is the one thing
you wish you had known before you started writing novels?
How much fun it is to finish books and have people love
them. Wow, what a rush! Since Desperation Falls is in the same setting as Storm Song, I included a map of Storm Lake
in it. One reader said: “It’s exactly like I envisioned it!” So cool! I should
have started writing about twenty years earlier.
What new lessons is
the Lord teaching you right now?
The critical value of faith. It’s the basis of our trust in Him,
the confidence that He has our best at heart, and the hope we have for our
future with Him.
What are the three
best things you can tell other authors to do to be successful?
It’s all about the character.
1. The natural inclination is to tell the action, but action
means nothing without us first caring for the character. Get us into their
head. Make them real to us. Know their wants, desires, fears, embarrassments,
and strengths, and bring those out in the story.
2. “Sense” the world through them. Too often characters
travel through scenes objectively, not being present by touching, smelling,
hearing (those 5 senses), and the story reads like the character is
disconnected from the scene. Description is fine, but do it through the
3. Show the reactions to events. Sort of like #2. I helped a
new writer who wrote about going to an airshow and seeing the Blue Angels, then
going home and swimming in the pool. I asked: “Were the Blue Angels loud? Did
you like them? Was it cloudy, humid, hot?” He responded: “Oh, yeah! It was just
like that!” But he hadn’t put us “there” in the scene by giving character
reaction. So critical. We fixed that.
Tell us about the
featured book.
Back cover copy:
A year after surviving a shocking attack, former Los Angeles cable TV carpenter Lena Blaylock buys some
dilapidated fishing cabins on the shore
of Storm Lake on California ’s
Central Coast and fixes them up as rentals. It’s
the fulfillment of a dream, and a chance to build a new life free of her
violent past. But she never intended sharing this unique setting with
mysterious ex-lawman Alex Stone, or damaged teenage runaway Teal Kinshaw.
And she especially didn’t plan on sharing Desperation Falls
Camp with a dead body.
As the hot summer progresses, Teal becomes a vital part of Lena ’s life. And after a few barbecues together under the
stars, Stone rises several notches from irritating to intriguing.
But when Lena and Teal unwittingly expose information from
Lena’s past, it triggers a murder attempt on a friend in Los Angeles . Then a local girl at the lake
disappears. Are they connected?
Teal’s own past might be a critical key, but only if she
reveals all her ugly secrets. She could lose her new boyfriend, and the
by-the-book local sheriff will throw her back into foster care.
Please give us the
first page of the book.
“You’d better step away from that laptop, buster, or I’m gonna have to get my new gun.”
“You’d better step away from that laptop, buster, or I’m gonna have to get my new gun.”
Lena McKinley’s husband, Bobby Blaylock, had grabbed their
MacBook the moment he’d come home from the office. It wasn’t like he didn’t
spend enough time on his work laptop he carried everywhere.
Bobby raised his hands. “Don’t shoot.” He flashed her his
movie-star grin, not a bad imitation for someone not in “the industry.” He
might be a Los Angeles assistant district
attorney, but he had star qualities in Lena ’s
“I promise I won’t be long, babe.” Bobby’s head dipped in
concentration as his fingers flew and clicked. “I just have to copy some files
on the office server.”
She recognized Bobby’s laser intensity as he slipped back
into work mode. Clearly, breaking his focus tonight would take some extra
effort. She walked behind the couch and snaked her arms around his neck. Bobby
half closed the laptop screen, hiding his work. Something big and secret.
Whatever it was, it deepened his worry lines when he didn’t notice her watching
him. He turned into her kiss, his lips soft and warm against hers.
“You taste like pasta sauce,” he said, licking his lips as
she broke the kiss. He reached an arm around her head and pulled her down until
they met again.
“Okay, Mr. Hotshot Attorney,” Lena
mumbled against his mouth. “I’m giving you a two-minute warning. I busted my
butt on this anniversary dinner. So if you’re not done with work, I’ll have to
arrest you.”
Bobby trailed kisses along her jaw toward her ear. “Are you
going to use handcuffs?”
He’d reached the sensitive spot on her neck and Lena ’s knees went weak. She would have chucked the whole
dinner idea right then if she hadn’t heard a splat and sizzle from the other
room. Lena put a hand on his chest.
“If I don’t get back to the kitchen, the pasta will boil
over and you’ll be cleaning the stove.”
Bobby raised an eyebrow, then released her. “Later then.”
It was a promise Lena would
hold him to.
“I’ll be done soon,” Bobby called as she hurried toward the
Of all the guys who’d gone gaga over her cable TV
persona—including a few memorable nut cases who gave her the creeps—he was the
one who had wrangled an introduction by calling in every favor he could with
the show’s production people. Lena kidded with
her friends that he’d had to fix a thousand parking tickets to win her hand. It
was probably true. But she was the lucky one.
For their first date, he’d come to her door not just with
flowers but also with a super cool Leatherman Multi-Tool with belt sheath. She
almost wore it on the date.
So most of the time Lena
didn’t mind that he was tenacious in his work and passionate about his cases.
She understood. She was just as bad when it came to tools. Just not tonight.
Plus, she had a special gift for him. The flat box on the
dining table contained her renewed contract—never a sure thing in LA—and she’d
had the studio officially change her last name to Blaylock. From now on, it
would read that way on the show credits, and allow Bobby to boast all over
again to his colleagues that he’d married the sexy carpenter from the Nail It! TV show. She grinned. He’d love
I love your main
heroine’s name. How can readers find you on the Internet?
Thank you, Rich, for sharing this new book and a slice of your life with us.
Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Desperation Falls (Perilous Safety) (Volume 3)
Desperation Falls (Perilous Safety Series)
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Portsmouth, VA
This sounds like an interesting story that I would enjoy reading.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
i loved rich's first two books...can't wait to read this one!
heide in shingletown, ca
Thanks, Heide!
Thank you for sharing this interview and excerpt, as well as the opportunity to win!
Britney Adams, TX
Thank you for the interview and the opportunity to win.
Melanie Backus, TX
Thank you for sharing today. I enjoyed this.
Mary P
I don't read a lot of romantic suspense, but this certainly sounds intriguing!
Patty in SC
I haven't read any of Rich's books yet but this looks interesting
Thank you from Ohio
My wife is amazed when readers refer to my books as romantic suspense! :-)
I don't think they fit the specific definition of the genre, but they're close.
Enter me!!
Sharon Richmond Bryant
This sounds like an exciting story - would love to read it! Arizona
I like romantic suspense and also have not read any of your books. Winning a book is a great way to try a new author to me. Thanks for the interview and the contest. sm, CA wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com
Desperation Falls sounds like a book I'd really enjoy. I haven't read any of the author's other books, but I really like suspense, especially if it has a little romance. Thanks for offering a copy.
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