Paula Vince is one of my writing friends who live in Australia . I’ve featured Paula before,
but it’s been a while. I’m thrilled to have her on the blog again.
back, Paula. Why do you write the kind of books you do?
They are the kind of books I’ve found I’ve
learned most from. Although I love many genres, I live in the contemporary
world and find the challenges experienced by characters in our fast-paced,
media-driven times easy to relate to. I also like the opportunity to show that
the twenty-first century can be as fun to live in as “the good old days.”
when you came to know the Lord, what is the happiest day of your life?
Although giving birth to each of my three
children is surely up there, I’ll choose another day. Before having them, I’d
suffered several early miscarriages and was wondering if that situation would
ever change. Although I was feeling quite sick, I remember the day an
ultrasound technician said, “There’s a tiny baby here, and you can clearly see
the heartbeat.” That little baby is now a young man aged 19, but I’ll never
forget how happy and excited I was that day.
has being published changed your life?
I think the biggest impact has been in my
confidence level. It makes a world of difference to know that somebody has
thought enough of my books to risk publishing them, and trusted that they would
are you reading right now?
It’s a new novel called, How Sweet the Sound by Amy K Sorell, set
in the southern states of America ,
somewhere I’m very unfamiliar with.
is your current work in progress?
I haven’t started a new story yet. I’ve
only recently finished the polishing touches of Imogen’s Chance, so my
head is still full of those characters and their plight. I do have a few
unformed ideas beginning to float around.
would be your dream vacation?
I’d love a tour to each of the sacred sites
and wonders of the world. That way I’d be cheating a bit, by getting to see a
lot of our planet in the one vacation.
do you choose settings for each book?
I usually stick to my own local
environment. I’ve lived in the Adelaide Hills of South Australia since I was a teenager, so
I’m familiar enough with it that I can write more convincingly and effectively
than if I had to research. It’s a great place for a setting, with an
interesting history of battling pioneers, and a different beauty and colour for
each season. If I ever do need to do a little research, it’s usually no more
than a day’s drive away.
you could spend an evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it
be and why?
I’d choose an old High School English
teacher of mine, who encouraged me to keep writing. He was a trendy and popular
teacher, so I appreciated his efforts to single me out to praise my writing, as
I was shy and unsure of myself. I’d love to show him my books and say thanks
for old times.
are your hobbies besides writing and reading?
I love bushwalking, cooking, and
is your most difficult writing hurdle and how do you overcome it?
It’s probably dealing with the earliest
feedback from friends and family. At that stage, I get anxious and read into
their facial expressions messages which they aren’t trying to give. I overcome
it by remembering that their tastes in reading material differ from mine, and
they’re trying to help.
advice would you give to a beginning author?
Don’t expect the first draft to be perfect.
I think we have an automatic tendency to get discouraged at the outset, but the
truth is that first drafts always need revisions, no matter how many books
we’ve ever written. We need to get used to the idea that each project may take
far more work than we expect.
us about the featured book.
My heroine feels guilty and partly
responsible for a couple of horrible events which happened when she was
younger. One day she vows to return and fix things up if only she gets the
chance. For Imogen, back-tracking means returning all the way from America to South Australia . She finds that one of her
old friends, Asher, has a problem which seems impossible for her to help with.
As he’s one of the people she feels most wary about facing again, she’s unsure
how she should behave around him. And she dreads the possibility that her
secrets will be exposed.
Imogen’s Chance blurb:
She has given herself a chance to fix her
personal history. But will old mistakes bring up new emotions?
Imogen Browne longs to make up for past
mistakes before she can move on. She quietly resolves to help the Dorazio
family, whose lives she accidentally upset. Her biggest challenge is Asher, the
one person who may never forgive her. And he is facing a crisis of his own.
Imogen must tread very carefully, as trying to fix things may well make them
A sensitive story about misplaced loyalty,
celebrating life and falling in love. Can family secrets, concealed with the
best intentions, bear the light of day?
give us the first page of the book.
Ginny squirmed, turned her pillow over and
sighed. The worst part of staying with the Dorazio family was being sent to bed
by Mrs Dorazio—Aunt Marian—at nine o’clock, even though there was still a tinge
of daylight visible through the chinks in the blind. Becky’s breathing was
already even, and the usual few hours of boredom and homesickness stretched
ahead of Ginny.
Humping her back beneath the covers, she
pressed her face into the pillow, trying to smother her thoughts. It never
worked. They just got shaken up a little, and then jostled each other through
her head. Her mind insisted on reviewing each day before she could sleep.
least I might get to see The Twelve Dancing
Princesses tomorrow. Seth Dorazio had
offered to take Ginny and the twins to the movies, but they couldn’t agree on
which to see. Seth had ripped a piece of shiny, gold construction cardboard
into fifty tokens which he’d hidden all around the house, and the person who
found the most would get to choose the movie.
So far, Ginny and Becky had pooled together
their eighteen tokens while Asher had discovered twelve. Twenty tokens were
still concealed but Aunt Marian had announced it was bedtime, and she never
listened to protests. Ginny and Becky would have to find the others in the
morning. They just had to. There was no way Ginny would sit through the silly
movie Asher wanted to see, about racing cars and basketball players. She and
Becky hadn’t thought of checking the back of the laundry cupboard yet. Or
behind the dishwasher, or under the plastic thingy in the cutlery drawer….
If I
was Seth, where would I choose to hide tokens? That
was a challenge, to imagine the way a cute fourteen-year-old boy would think.
Movement along the passage caught her eye.
can readers find you on the internet?
Please visit my blog,
Twitter, @PaulaVince1
I also blog for
www.christianwritersdownunder.blogspot.comThank you, Paula, for sharing both the new book and your life with us today.
Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Imogen's Chance
Imogen's Chance - Kindle
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The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.
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Portsmouth, VA
I would love to read this book.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Hi Diana and Linda,
How are you? I always enjoy meeting new international friends.
I enjoyed the first page thank you. Love the idea of hiding tokens.
Mary P
Hi Mary,
I hope you get a chance to read the book, and see where the prologue leads.
Enter me!!
Sharon Richmond Bryant
Looks to be a good book and I'd love to win and read it. I mostly read Amish fiction, Western romance, and
Southern romance so contemporary fiction will be good for me as a change of pace. sm CA wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com
Hi Sharon and SM,
Thanks for saying hello. Yes, not only is this book contemporary but Australian, which I hope you'll enjoy. Good luck with the draw.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Sydney Harries GA
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