Welcome back,
Christine. God has really been moving in your writing life. What do you see on
the horizon?
At the moment I am letting readers know about Londonderry
Dreaming, my first strictly romance novel with Pelican Books. But also
this year will be the release of Veiled
at Midnight Book 3 in my historical series, Twilight of the British Raj.
WhiteFire Publishing has also offered me the contract to write my non-fiction
account of my experience as a birthmom—a woman who relinquishes her child to
adoption—and my reunion with my birthdaughter 20 years later. Sometimes I get a
little breathless thinking about it all.
Tell us a little
about your family.
Like a lot of families these days, mine is a bit complex. My
husband and I have three grown children and three grandsons. But we also have a
wonderful relationship with my birthdaughter, Sarah. It’s so exciting right
now. Sarah is 35 and has just had her first child, a little boy. So now I have
4 grandsons. It broke my heart to give Sarah up as a baby, but it was best for
her at the time, since I was not married. I didn’t meet my dear husband until a
year after I gave Sarah up. But God is so good. These days Sarah and I have a
warm relationship as birthmom and birthdaughter. The best way I can describe
it, it’s a bit like favorite aunt and favorite niece.
Has your writing
changed your reading habits? If so, how?
Writing is such time-consuming work, so that I rarely get to
read just for fun. I’m either doing research for my novels, or reading for
review. Not much opportunity to just kick back in a hammock and fall asleep
with a good book in my hands.
What are you working
on right now?
Veiled at Midnight,
Book 3 of my historical series set in exotic India . The hero and heroine in this
book were just children in the first book, Shadowed
in Silk. Now Cam and Dassah are grown, and
in love. However, there is a lot against this couple being together. Cam is an English officer in the British army, and Dassah
is a beautiful young Indian woman. As a mixed-race couple in 1947, they have
much to keep them apart. Add to that, Cam ’s
struggle with alcoholism, misunderstandings, and treachery around them as Indian
is about to be brutally parted in two. This is an explosive era, the end of
British Colonialism. The historical figure of Lord Louis Mountbatten features
in this story as the last Viceroy to India . Talk about pomp!
What outside
interests do you have?
I love to garden with my mother who lives with us. And I
love to get away in the little travel trailer with my husband. Get outdoors and
enjoy God’s masterpiece.
How do you choose
your settings for each book?
So far those settings have chosen me. My favorite books were
written by the great MM Kaye, who wrote massive epics full of romance,
adventure, and action set in Colonial India. I wanted to write books similar to
that but from a Christian point of view. As for Londonderry Dreaming, the
setting of Northern Ireland
was too good to pass up. I was born in Northern
Ireland , and I simply had to write this story when
Pelican put out the submission call for their Passport to Romance line, and one
of the international settings was Londonderry .
If you could spend an
evening with one historical person, who would it be and why?
I would like to meet with Pandita Ramabai, the great Indian
Christian woman who did so much for suffering women and children in India .
Ramabai died in 1922 but her mission is still in existence today. It’s funny, I
think she did more even than Mother Theresa, but she remains fairly unknown in
the US .
I would be so intimidated to meet this wonderful woman, but she is the
inspiration behind the entire series Twilight of the British Raj.
What is the one thing
you wish you had known before you started writing novels?
That it would take me, drain me, take 99% of any leisure
time I had remaining in my day, but yet be the most exciting way the Lord has
used me to share His message of salvation. I’m tired, but it’s worth it, if my
stories convey to readers how wonderful the Lord is.
I’ve only read the
first book in the Twilight of the British Raj series, and you accomplished your
goal in that one. What new lessons is the Lord teaching you right now?
To not run ahead of Him, but remain in step with Him. The
only way to do that is spend time in prayer and listen.
What are the three
best things you can tell other authors to do to be successful?
Realize it will cost you a great deal—in money perhaps, but
mostly in time, but you need to learn how to write. Perseverance is your
friend—so keep at it. Write what you are passionate about.
Tell us about the
featured book.
In Londonderry Dreaming, Naomi Boyd and
Keith Wilson are two American people of Irish ancestry. She is an acclaimed New York artist and he’s
a music therapist. Years before, they met in Ireland and fell in love, but
Naomi’s grandfather separated them.
There is some secret root of bitterness between Ruth and
Keith’s grandparents that has kept Naomi and Keith apart, until both sets of
grandparents have passed on. Back in Ireland , a mysterious painting in the
attic of Keith’s grandparents’ house brings all those old questions up. The
interesting thing about Keith and Naomi is they are more comfortable with the
unspoken languages of art and music and must learn to verbally share their
hurts and true feelings.
This book is set against the majestic coastline of Northern Ireland .
Please give us the
first page of the book.
Keith couldn’t get the old song about marrying a girl like
the one Dad married out of his head as he dusted the heavy pewter frame of his
grandparents’ wedding photo. His Granda used to sing that song all the time.
Keith held the picture up to catch Londonderry ’s
wintry light streaming through the parlor window, his gaze moving from his
grandfather’s face to his grandmother’s. A girl just like ... He cleared the
roughness from his voice. Actually, someone like the girl that married his grandfather
was more what he was praying for in a wife.
Yeah, his sweet Irish Gran, no woman could even come close
to the gal she used to be. The way she used to bang the piano keys when the
family this side of the ocean had a good old knees up party with plenty of
singing and dancing. But her laughing eyes could turn to scolding as quick as a
storm coming off the Irish Sea . And then those
eyes melted within moments afterward with a hug, and most likely a chocolate
biscuit. Dear Lord, I’m going to miss her
and that wild sense of humor she had, not to mention her cooking.
The doorbell rang. Were his cousins back already with more
boxes? Garrick and Sandra had left only twenty minutes ago, but they needed a
load more containers if he was to ever get started on emptying this house.
He placed the photograph into the box of items he would take
back to the States. It would sit in a place of honor on his piano at home in Albany . As for the rest ...
What a royal mess he and his Irish cousins had made of the
first floor of this small, red-brick row house. To be fair he’d only just
started, but there were two floors and then the attic. Thanks, Gran, for asking me to take care of this for you—me of all
people. Now if all this stuff were musical gear he’d know what to do, but
what was he to do with his grandmother’s dainty things? She’d been so insistent
though, and he could never refuse her anything. She also knew he’d take any
opportunity to fly over to Ireland .
I can’t wait for my
copy to arrive. How can readers find you on the Internet?
I would love for new friends and followers on my blog www.ChristineLindsay.org,
Goodreads.Thank you, Christine, for sharing this new book with us. We must schedule the third book in the Twilight of the British Raj series on the blog, too.
Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Londonderry Dreaming - Christianbook.com
Londonderry Dreaming (Passport to Romance)
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The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.
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Portsmouth, VA
I enjoyed this lovely interview and look forward to LONDONDERRY DREAMING!
Britney Adams, TX
Londonderry Dreaming sounds like an interesting book. I enjoyed the first page.
An interesting interview! Would love to read. I'm of Irish decent :-)
I am looking forward to a fascinating read thank you.
Mary P
Boones Mill, VA
Thanks for the interview and giveaway ladies! I look forward to Londonderry Dreaming.
Patty in SC
Thank you so much for your lovely comments about Londonderry Dreaming. If you are of Irish or British descent then you'll enjoy this novella for sure.
"Perseverance is your friend" -- Amen to that!
Christine, I've loved the setting details in your India books, and I look forward to experiencing the same level of richness in Londonderry Dreaming.
This sounds like a wonderful book.
Jean K
West Palm Beach, FL
My family is from N. Ireland. My Mom born in Clocher and my dad in Knock. I would love to read Londerry. sharon, CA wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com
It's so fun to hear from those readers who have family from N. Ireland. A beautiful place indeed. Keep in mind, Londonderry Dreaming is a much lighter and shorter romance than my British Colonial India novels.
Sounds like my kind of read. Maryland
Goodness, Londonderry Dreaming sounds so good! Thanks Lena & Christine for the chance to win a copy!
Kristen in OK
kam110476 at gmail dot com
I would really love to win a copy of this book. Thanks, Maxie from Texas.
Please enter me. Sounds like a really good book!
Tonja S. From Virginia
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