Readers, I’m thrilled
to have Dani Pettrey back with her newest book in the Alaskan Courage series. I
became hooked on this series with the first book—Submerged. So as soon as Shattered
and Stranded arrived, I read each of
them. When my copy of Silenced arrives,
it will go to the top of my to-be-read-pile.
Welcome back, Dani. What
are some of the spiritual themes you like to write about?
I love to write about a variety of themes including
restoration, redemption, hope, forgiveness, and the fullness we find in Christ
What other books of
yours are coming out soon?
Reef McKenna’s book will be out in February. I’ll be
revealing the title, cover and short blurb during my Book Banter on May 23rd.
You can join in by visiting Bethany House’s Facebook page.
If you could spend an
evening with one contemporary person (not a family member of yours), who would
it be and why?
Narrowing it down to one person is always so hard, but I’d
have to say Sue Grafton. I adore her alphabet series. I think she’s the best
traditional mystery writer out there, and I’d love to sit down and chat about writing
with her over a cup of coffee.
What historical
person would you like to meet (besides Jesus) and why?
Jane Austen. I’m an enormous fan. She was so far ahead of her
time and has penned such well-written iconic characters and touching stories.
How can you encourage
authors who have been receiving only rejections from publishers?
Keep at it. Never give up. I was so close to giving up right
before I received the call. My husband practically forced me to keep writing,
and I’m so thankful he did. I truly believe God wouldn’t give you the love and
desire to write if He didn’t have plans for it. That doesn’t necessarily mean
traditional publication, but it’s not wasted time. He may be growing you, He
may know your first readers or critique partners need to hear a message in your
manuscript, He may be blessing you with writer friendships, and He may very
well have publication in mind—only He knows the perfect timing. If writing is
something you love, keep at it.
Tell us about the
featured book.
Silenced is Jake Westin and Kayden McKenna’s story.
Jake Knew Something Was Wrong.
But He Never Guessed How Wrong.
A relaxing day of rock climbing takes a disturbing turn when
Kayden McKenna's route brings her face-to-face with a dead climber. Is it a
terrible accident or something darker? When the case is handed to overburdened
sheriff Landon Grainger, he turns to Jake Westin for help. With Jake's past now
revealed, he's ready to use his talent for investigation again—but he could
never prepare for where the mystery will take him.
Kayden's climbing expertise soon leads her and Jake to the
realization that the death was no accident. And worse, it seems the killer is
onto them. When strange things begin happening in Yancey, Jake is terrified
that once again his world may put someone he loves in danger. But the truth is
far worse than he could ever imagine.
Please give us the
first page of the book.
Kayden scaled the rock face, the addictive burn spreading
through her arms, her body. Man, she loved this—hanging on the edge of a
seven-hundred-fifty-foot sheer cliff face, knowing one wrong grab meant death.
“You’re not going to beat me this time,” her younger sister,
Piper, hollered, her voice echoing across the twenty-foot-wide crevice
separating them. She’d been trying to distract Kayden all morning, but Kayden
knew how to ignore her sister. The person who wasn’t as easy to ignore was
Jake. He was watching from the base nearly seven hundred feet below with her
older brother gage. The men had come along to “enjoy the show,” as they put it.
Unfortunately, putting Jake’s presence out of her mind was
proving to be a lot harder than dismissing Piper’s taunts. Knowing his gaze was
fastened to her was exhilarating.
Pushing off with her right foot, she lunged the eighteen
inches to the next handhold, knowing the move had Jake holding his breath. She
held hers until her fingers grasped the hold, heat searing through her.
Jake Westin—Check that . . . Jake Westin Cavanagh was so
much more than she’d realized, and quite frankly, over the past month her
deepening feelings for the man had frightened her a whole lot more than the
vast leap ahead.
She reached the last overhang—a granite ledge butting out eight
feet from the rock face. She’d have to boulder her way along the edge and then
make the final leap of faith, praying she’d timed it right and used enough
force to land on its leveled surface.
It was the deadliest point of the route—the one that separated
the experts from the average.
Granite crunched beneath her nails as she clawed her way
across the jagged rock.
The wind, growing in force, howled through the canyon below,
echoing through the crevice in a high-pitched whir.
Kayden closed her eyes and stilled her mind. I can do this. She’d mastered it before.
She could do it again. Her breath caught in her throat as she pushed off and
lunged through the air, stretching her fingers until they burned—reaching,
grasping for a safe hold. Her fingers made contact, and she wedged herself
along the rock, her hands locked on the overhang’s lip.
Her feet found a stable notch. Pushing up with her legs and arms
at the same time, with sheer will and determination, she lifted herself up.
Relief swarmed inside as she crested the ledge, her arms
shaking . . . and then horror struck.
A man, his skull bashed in, faced her—his visible eye open and
staring directly at her.
She swallowed the vibration churning in her throat, the scream
fighting to tear from her lips. Every fiber of her being said Let go, push
back, get away, but wrestling instinct, she maintained her hold as she balanced
on the edge of the overhang.
Glancing over her shoulder, she assessed her options. Moving
back down the way she’d come at this point in the strenuous climb was suicide.
Her arms were burning limbs of Jell-o, and if she didn’t make a decision within
seconds, they’d give out. She needed to climb onto the ledge with the man,
needed to make sure he didn’t require help, verify that he was already . . .
She squeezed her eyes shut for the briefest of seconds,
trying to drown out everything else and focus. Mustering what strength
remained, she hefted herself fully onto the outcrop, her body brushing against
the man’s. Swallowing the bile creeping up her throat, she edged around him,
scooted toward the rear of the ledge, and took a quick moment to catch her
breath before shifting into search-and-rescue mode. She needed to check his
vitals, make certain he was beyond help. She prayed she would detect a
heartbeat, but her gut said the organ had stopped long ago.
“Woo-hoo!” Piper shouted from overhead. “Beat you.”
Fighting the wave of nausea roiling through her, Kayden stretched
out her index and middle finger, feeling for a pulse.
Just as she’d suspected. Nothing.
“Kayden?” Piper’s voice grew closer, nearly directly overhead.
Kayden glanced up, shielding her eyes from the sun, as Piper
leaned over the top of the face, more than fifty feet above. Her infectious
smile faded as her big brown eyes fixed on the crumpled form beside Kayden.
Kayden cleared her throat. “We’ve got a downed climber on
the ledge.”
“Downed or—”
She swallowed. “Dead.”
“I’ll tell the guys.” Piper pulled the radio from her harness.
Kayden nodded. “I’m coming up. Have Jake call it in.”
Wow! That hook brought plenty adrenaline even to the
readers. How can readers find you on the Internet?
My website:
(includes a lot of fun reader extras)
Twitter: @DaniPettrey
I love having you on my blog. Thank you for keeping me on your marketing list.
Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Silenced -
Silenced (Alaskan Courage)
Silenced (Alaskan Courage Book #4) - Kindle
Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)
Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.
The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.
If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.
would love to win. Angela in KY
Portsmouth, VA
Jenni in Nova Scotia, Canada
Tampa, Florida
Loved the excerpt. I have not read any of Dani's books and would definitely like to read Silenced.
Great interview! I have read all the books in this series and love them ALL! I've put them in my church library to "share the love". :-) Thanks for the giveaway!
Cyndi in AL
There's nothing like a good mystery/suspense. If it follows a family of characters, it's even better.
Faith mickeydogATmyfairpointDOTnet
I love Dani's encouraging words for Christian authors who are receiving only rejections. Whether we are authors or readers, as Christians, we just need to follow God's leading, even when we are discouraged. This verse from Hebrews 12 was in my Bible study this morning: "For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."
This looks like a great book. Thank you for the chance to win a copy.
Susan in Texas
Thank you for sharing this great interview! I LOVE Dani's Alaskan Courage series!!!
Britney Adams, TX
What a great interview! Thank you Lena. Dani is a great author and I know Silenced is a fantastic book.
Melanie Backus, TX
I can't wait to read this one! Thanks for this chance! I live in NW Minnesota!
Anxious to read this one in PA.
I LOVE this series!!! I'm in the process of re-reading them all again so everything will be fresh when I read this one! Would love to win it! - Heather in Ohio
I would love to read this book.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I LOVE this series! Can't wait to read book 5! Keep on writing!
Sarah - Wichita KS
Would love this book! Loved all the others in the series so far! Kentucky
Thanks for the giveaway! I absolutely love Dani's books and can't wait to read this one! :)
Aerykah in Oklahoma
I am loving this series, add me for Silenced!
Merry in MN
Thanks so much to Lena for having me back and to everyone who has dropped by. I'm so glad so many of you are are enjoying my Alaskan Courage series and I really hope for those of you who haven't had a chance to dive in yet, you'll really enjoy the books once you do. I'm loving seeing where everyone is from. I'm busy writing away on deadline at my desk here in partly-cloudy Maryland. Praying you're all having a wonderful day! Thank you so much for stopping by and entering to win a copy of Silenced.
I love this series! Can't wait to read this one! Hoping to meet Dani in July at a book signing in Charlotte. Thanks for the giveaway!
Melissa from NC
Sounds like a great suspense novel. Please enter my name in the drawing to win a copy.
Cindi Altman from PA
Sounds like a great read!
Jean K
West Palm Beach, FL
I haven't had the chance to dive into this series yet, but would love the opportunity!
Patty in SC
Sounds like a great book!
Thanks for the giveaway
Sydney Harries GA
This is a terrific series! Alaska is a place I would love to see (especially facing the heat of an upcoming Arizona summer), and enjoyed the first two books in Dani Pettrey's series. Would love to read this one (and catch up on number three, also)! Blessings!
Enter me!!
Sharon Richmond Bryant
Great interview Dani! Love your books! I live in MS! Shelia Hall
Would love to meet you while I'm in NC. Hope to see you there!
Holy cow, my heart is going 90 to nothin'! Wow, I feel like I just had a big shot of adrenaline! This book sounds so good - thanks for the chance to win a copy!
Kristen in OK
kam110476 at gmail dot com
I'd love to win!
Courtney from AR
Looking forward to reading Silenced!
North Dakota
Love this author. Kansas is my state of choice!
Would love a chance to win this book. I have read the first two books in the series and really enjoyed reading them. Thank you for the chance.
Karen G., NY.
This is a great series! I am impatiently waiting to read Silenced!
Kandra from Oklahoma
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