Readers, I met Bruce
when he was a speaker for our local ACFW chapter and became intrigued by his
stories. His book just came on Saturday, so I haven’t read the stories yet.
Welcome, Bruce. Tell
us how much of yourself you write into your characters.
I suppose there are bits and pieces of me in most of my
characters—some more than others, of course. I think what I more like to do is have
my characters face significant emotional events that I’ve faced in my life and
see how they handle them. If they do well, I’ve written into them more of who
I’d like to be than who I actually am.
What is the quirkiest
thing you have ever done?
Wow, where do I start? I suspect that a list of un-quirky
things I’ve done would actually be shorter than a list of my quirky ones. Being
a seat-of-the-pants writer, you have to have some quirkiness to surrender the
manuscript so the characters will write the story for you. That way you can
blame them if the book flops. There, is that quirky enough? (Hint: ask a writer
who outlines…)
When did you first
discover that you were a writer?
When my wife told me I was one. Seriously, I was introducing
study through the book of Jonah to my Sunday School class, and I said, “If I
were ever to write a novel, it would be about Jonah.” She elbowed me in the
ribs after class and said, “Well…?” That gentle prodding gave birth to A Prophet’s Tale.
Tell us the range of
the kinds of books you enjoy reading.
I love to read (and write) contemporary-historical fiction,
a hybrid where the two storylines parallel or complement each other. Susan
Meissner is a master of this (e.g., The
Shape of Mercy, Lady in Waiting).
Historical fiction is next, and there are so many incredible authors in this
genre I can’t begin to name them. The list scatters from there, where writing
quality quickly overshadows genre. In the non-fiction realm, biographies and
expository Biblical commentaries top the list.
I loved both of those
books by Susan. How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world?
I’ve never claimed to have kept my sanity. In fact, I’m not
convinced I ever started out with any.
How do you choose
your characters’ names?
Oh, fun! Character names are really important. Although this
may sound like I was groping, I got all 13 of my grandchildren’s names (or
derivations of them) in Katia. And it worked really well. My 14th grandchild
didn’t make it in time before the book was released, so I’ve named the female
lead in my current manuscript after her. Other characters, well, I agonize over
them. The names need to be comfortable, memorable, and fit the character for
the reader. I just go through name combinations until I hit what I think is a winner.
What is the
accomplishment that you are most proud of?
I’ve been married to my high-school sweetheart for over 41
years. The pride is in that I’ve managed not to chase her away in all this
time. But then, maybe the pride should really be in her perseverance…
If you were an
animal, which one would you be, and why?
A dog. I’d like to love and trust that completely,
unconditionally, and without restraint.
What is your favorite
Easy: pizza. Nature’s perfect food. It has all the major
food groups: carbs, fat … you know.
What is the problem
with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it?
I’m neither sure how to describe it, nor do I believe I’ve
overcome it—yet. Cec Murphey once told me the greatest compliment he’d ever
received on his writing is when an editor told him how easy he was to read.
When you read a novel by an accomplished author (I’ve mentioned Susan Meissner;
add Allison Pittman, Candace Calvert, Dan Walsh—and many more, not in any
particular order), you can’t really put your finger on what it is that’s so
good. I think that’s why it is so good: the prose is effortless, it disappears
beneath the story and the dream isn’t broken from the front cover to the last
page. I want to be able to do that. Perhaps someday I shall.
Tell us about the
featured book.
Loves of WWII is a Barbour Publishing collection of three novels, two
of which are mine: Katia
and For
Maria (click hyperlinks for reader reviews). Katia is perhaps my favorite of the books I’ve written (it’s certainly my wife’s favorite), For Maria is the sequel to Katia,
also a contemporary-historical, and the historical storyline is definitely
WWII. There’s also a third novel in the collection: The Train Baby's Mother by Sharon Bernash Smith, which promises to be a great read. Three novels for the price of one, I think, is a pretty good deal. and, although it deals more with the Cold War than WWII, it does have roots in that war. It’s a contemporary-historical novel with one storyline in the present and the other in the mid-20th century.
Please give us the
first page of the book.
Since there are two of my stories in this collection, I get
two pages, right? J Okay, we’ll compromise; a page and a half. I’ll
give the prologue to For Maria, since it’s a complete chapter.
1 March 1940
Frau Mahler,
I hope this letter finds you well. I have received no
response to my letter of last December regarding your sister’s baby girls. I
can only hope it reached you, and that your response is en route. I fear,
though, that there may not be time to await its arrival.
Our apartment is being watched, as are so many others in
this district. Rósa and I leave for Salzburg
tomorrow evening…
* * *
“Stay back from the window, Rósa. If they see you, they may
come before we’re ready.”
Rósa Dudek eased the curtain closed and rubbed her thin arms
against the damp cold permeating the front room of their tiny second-floor
apartment. The chill crept inward from the tips of her frail fingers and numbed
her bony hands, triggering a dull ache in her arthritic joints. She shivered
and pulled a threadbare woolen shawl tighter around her shoulders. Her wistful
gaze flicked to a small fireplace, empty but for the powdery residue of last
month’s coal, now too costly to replace.
“What are you writing, Gustaw?”
Her husband laid his pen onto the table and ran his fingers
through thinning black hair. Cupping his hands around his mouth, he blew into
them, then flexed his stiff fingers next to three stubby candles sprouting from
a triple brass candle holder on the table. A weary halo shrouded the sickly
yellow flames and cast weak shadows across peeling floral wallpaper and a
pockmarked tabletop. The jaundiced glow accented the deep creases in Gustaw’s
lean tired face. He coughed.
“I write again to the Mahlers in Berlin .”
“But why? They didn’t respond to your first letter.”
“I know they didn’t respond, but I don’t know why. The post
is slow since the Germans invaded. There could be many reasons.” He lifted his
gaze. “And we must do everything we can to return the girls to their family.”
Rósa clutched her arms around her slight waist. “Perhaps
they’ve left Berlin .
Or maybe they don’t want the children.”
Gustaw paused, then rose from his chair and took his wife
into his arms. He kissed her forehead. “You understand we must return them,
don’t you?”
Her eyes brimmed as he caressed her cheek.
“God has withheld children from us for reasons only he
knows, Rósa, and lacking a son or a daughter does not lessen my love for you,
you know that. I’m becoming attached to the twins, too, but we cannot take
another family’s children for our own. God would never honor such a thing.”
“Of course I know this,” she sniffled. “But they’re so
beautiful, and they look at me as though…” Her chest convulsed, and she rested
her forehead on her husband’s shoulder. He let her release, as he had so often
over the past twenty-five years at yet another month’s reminder that motherhood
had eluded her.
“Rósa, it’s time we must—”
They stiffened at a tapping on the wall. Three taps, followed
by two. Then silence.
Gustaw rushed to the table and blew out the candles. He
stuffed the unfinished letter and envelope into his jacket pocket. “Get the
children. Now!”
How can readers find
you on the Internet?
I have a website at
If you click on one of the book covers, it will take you to a page dedicated to
that book. The exception to that is the cover of Lost Loves, since it’s a
compilation. Click on the Katia and For Maria covers for their respective
pages to see what’s in Lost Loves.
I’d love to hear from any of your readers through the
Contact Me link at the bottom of each of my Web pages. I give discounts for
signed copies cheaper than the cover prices.
I've enjoyed having you on the blog as well.
Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
The Lost Loves of World War II -
The Lost Loves of World War II Collection: Three Novels of Mysteries Unsolved Since World War II
The Lost Loves of World War II Collection: Three Novels of Mysteries Unsolved Since World War II
Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)
Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.
The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.
If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.
For all who might be interested, Barbour is offering the Kindle version of LLWWII for $4.99 from May 25-30. :-)
This sounds like a wonderful collection! I enjoyed Bruce's interview and appreciate the opportunity to be a winner!
Britney Adams, TX
Hi, Britney -
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. It was a joy to write both books, but for very different reasons. I'm glad Barbour was kind enough to put them into a collection. Hope you win a copy! :-)
Cheers! Bruce
Thanks for the giveaway! Sounds like a book I'd enjoy! :)
Aerykah - Oklahoma
This book sounds most interesting. Thank you for a great interview with Bruce and thank you for the giveaway.
Melanie Backus, TX
This does sound fantastic. Yes please!!
Mary P
I like what you said, Bruce - "you can’t really put your finger on what it is that’s so good. I think that’s why it is so good: the prose is effortless, it disappears beneath the story and the dream isn’t broken from the front cover to the last page."
I've read books like that. Makes it a bit difficult to write a review ;) But I suspect you just might write like that too.
Anne, rural NC
This book sounds wonderful. I love reading historical fiction set during WWII. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy.
I live in Indiana.
Smiles & Blessings,
Cindy W.
Sounds like a good one! I love WWII settings!
mybabyblessings AT gmail DOT com
Binghamton, NY
This is my type of book!
I appreciate the opportunity to win it!
Blessings and Smiles :)
I like how you've named your book characters after your grandchildren! and I also enjoy reading Susan Meissner's books. I would love to win and read your 3 books in one, with one other author. sharon, oceanside, CA wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com
Thanks for stopping by, Aerykah. Hope you'll have occasion to enjoy the stories.
Hi, Melanie -
The interview was fun. Always neat to share with folks a little of what is often a solitary endeavor.
Cheers! Bruce
Thanks, Mary. Appreciate your enthusiasm and encouragement. :-)
Cheers! Bruce
Thanks, Anne, for your kind words. I hope you have occasion to write a review of Katia and/or For Maria. ;-) They were both challenges and joys to write.
Cheers! Bruce
Thanks for commenting, Cindy. My wife lived in South Bend for 9 years. She moved to Canton, Ohio, during her high school years. We met then and I never dated another person. :-)
Hope you win.
Cheers! Bruce
Hey, Stephanie -
So do I. Have you read Sarah Sundin's work? If not, ya gotta. :-) Katia touches on WWII, but For Maria, is more focused there.
Thanks for commenting.
Cheers! Bruce
Thanks for commenting, Charlotte. It's my kind of book too (oddly enough) :-)
Cheers! Bruce
Hi, Sharon -
Yup, the naming was a fun part. A couple of them are facsimiles of my grandchildren's names (for authenticity), and, while I was steeped in the story, I had to pause before addressing them to make sure I was saying their names and not the characters' names. :-) Some of them carry over from Katia to For Maria too.
Cheers! Bruce
Enter me!!
Sharon Richmond Bryant'
Holy moly! I've got goosebumps and I'm too impatient to see if I win a copy of LLoWWII on here - I just bought it for my kindle - but I would still love to own a hard copy! Thanks for the chance to win a copy Bruce & Lena!
Kristen in OK
kam110476 at gmail dot com
Thanks so much, Kristen! Tell you what, if you don't win, contact me via my Web site and I'll give you a great price on an autographed copy--well, half an autographed copy. I'll sign it, but you'll have to send it to Sharon if you want her to sign it too. :-)
Your book sounds very interesting! I live in MS! Shelia Hall
This sounds like such a great book! This Kansas girl can't wait to read it!
Thanks for commenting, Shelia. Good luck. :-)
Hey, Beckie -
Thanks so much. I hope reading the stories will be as much fun for you as they were for me to write. :-)
This sounds like a great book. I love reading stories from WWII. I'm adding it to my wish list. Thank you for the chance to win a copy.
Karen G., NY
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