Readers, Becky is in
my local chapter of American Christian Fiction Writers, so we’ve become good
friends. When her first Christian romance novel released, I scheduled her on my
blog, and I’ve scheduled the next two as well. Because of my own book deadlines,
I didn’t read the first one right away. I did read book two when it released. I
had to go back and find book one, because she has a unique voice that I love.
Now with this book, I read it as soon as I received it (before its release).
She writes the kind
of books I wish my publishers had let me write. They are so true-to-life in
intensity and passion without being too graphic. I call the romance hot,
because of the intensity and passion. And she reveals the reality of how hard
it is sometimes to keep within the bounds of propriety when the love is so
The storyline of this
novel is intriguing. Her characters are multi-faceted. And I love the Texas setting. In
addition, the spiritual thread is very strong and deep. I highly recommend this
amazing read. The characters will stay with you a long time.
Welcome, Becky. God
has really been moving in your writing life. What do you see on the horizon?
It's wonderful to have a job that's also a ministry. I know
I couldn't finish a page, much less an entire novel, without God's movement in
my writing life. I always pray before I open my manuscript and
ask/plead/entreat Him to help me. So far, He's been gracious to do exactly
On the horizon, I see (Lord willing) more busy, wonderful
years with my husband and three children. Writing-wise: two more contemporary
Christian romance novels about the Porter Family and one stand-alone novella. After
that, I'm not sure. Maybe a long, long vacation to the beach?
Please schedule the
books on my blog as soon as you have the publication dates. Tell us a little
about your family.
I've been married for twenty years and my husband and I have
three children. My thirteen-year-old daughter enjoys cheerleading, flat-ironing
her hair, Chef Boyardee products, and pop music I don't like at all. My
ten-year-old son loathes homework and standardized testing but loves sports,
cars, video games, and all things cowboy-related. My five-year-old daughter
spends the whole day dancing and singing made-up songs. She's very social and
unless I invite one of her friends over to play she attempts to talk to me nonstop.
All day. Without pausing.
I have one of those
nonstop talkers, and she grown with children and a grandchild. Has your writing
changed your reading habits? If so, how?
It's so sad, Lena ! I now
write during hours I used to spend reading, so I don't have nearly as much
reading time as I used to have. It's not unusual for me to take a whole month
to read one book. During the summer and non-deadline times of the year, I'm
able to read more.
What are you working
on right now?
I'm revising my fourth novel for Bethany House, and the
third book in the Porter Family series. This one's about Jake Porter. He's a
former Marine who came home from Iraq with Post Traumatic Stress
Disorder and a scar across his face. He's a dark and brooding hero, and since I
love the brooding ones, I'm having a great time squeezing every drop of drama I
can out of him.
Can’t wait to read
Jake’s story. What outside interests do you have?
Tennis! My husband played college tennis and started giving
me lessons shortly after we married. I've been playing women's doubles ever
since. Currently, I'm part of a team that competes at clubs around the Dallas /Fort Worth
metroplex. Tennis gets me outdoors and exercising. Plus, it's a great way to
build friendships.
Does eating chocolate count as an outside interest? If so,
I've also got that one covered.
Eating chocolate is
one of mine, too. How do you choose your settings for each book?
I follow the whims of my inspiration. My sisters and I once
stayed at a small town Bed and Breakfast in Pennsylvania . I found it so quaint that I
decided to set My Stubborn Heart
I live in Dallas .
Even though I'm a city girl, I love taking day or weekend getaways to old Texas towns. Think
historic squares, yummy restaurants, patriotism, and COWBOYS. The spirit of
those communities inspired me to set my Porter Family novels in a charming
little town in north Texas .
If you could spend an
evening with one historical person, who would it be and why?
After giving this a great deal of deep, intellectual thought
I've decided to go back in history to 1990's England . Why? So that I'll have the
chance to spend an evening with Colin Firth before he meets his wife. Then I
can marry him instead. I'll have my own Mr. Darcy!
What is the one thing
you wish you had known before you started writing novels?
I wish I'd understood sooner that publication isn't the goal
of writing novels. Nor is bestsellerdom or a devoted readership. The real goal
of my writing is simply to be obedient to the call God has placed on my life. That's
where the joy and satisfaction is.
What new lessons is
the Lord teaching you right now?
As my children have grown, the problems they struggle with
have grown, too. Sometimes I feel as though I'm reasonably qualified to raise
children who are eight years old and under. But I think I missed the advanced
degree in mothering that might have prepared me for children who are 13 and 10.
Through this the Lord is teaching me (again and again) to
trust Him with my worries, my family, our future.
What are the three
best things you can tell other authors to do to be successful?
Write the book God leads you to write.
Write it exactly how you love it.
Don't let anyone else's process influence yours. Seek and
find your own process.
Tell us about the
featured book.
Meant to Be Mine stars Ty Porter, the funniest, most confident,
and most charming hero I've written. Right at the outset of the story, Ty
marries Celia Park in a spur-of-the-moment Las Vegas wedding. The next morning, they part
Fast forward more than five years. Ty tracks Celia down in
order to divorce her and marry the beautiful hometown girl of his dreams. Except
he finds more than he bargained for. Not only does he discover Celia, but also
Celia's daughter. Their daughter—a sweet-hearted kindergartener he never knew
anything about.
Lots of fun, forgiveness, romance, and spunky back-and-forth
banter ensue.
Please give us the
first page of the book for my readers.
Five and a Half Years
"Will you marry me?"
Celia glanced up at Ty and found him gazing down at her. His
gorgeous blue eyes regarded her as if she were the most fabulously desirable
woman on the planet.
"What did you just say to me?" She had to speak
louder than usual to be heard above the happy din of the Las Vegas casino.
"Do you want to marry me?"
"Ty Porter, that's not funny."
"Who said I was kidding?"
"Me. I'm saying it." Their romance had only begun
four days ago. Granted, they'd been the four best days of Celia's life. Because
of him, she'd spent her daylight hours in a haze of bliss. She'd spent her
nights thinking about him, staring up at her hotel room ceiling with eyes as
round as Ping-Pong balls, too excited to sleep.
"Your turn, miss." One of the dealers at the craps
table pushed two dice towards Celia with his slim stick, bent at a
ninety-degree angle at the end.
"Feeling lucky?" Ty asked.
"Yes." Ty liked her—her!—which made her the
luckiest girl in
How can readers find
you on the Internet?
Goodreads: you, Becky, for sharing this amazing read with me and my readers.
Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog. Meant to Be Mine -
Meant to Be Mine
Meant to Be Mine (A Porter Family Novel Book #2)
Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)
Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.
The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.
If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.
would love to win. Angela from KY
Lena! Thank you so much for hosting me here on your blog. Your opening comments truly blessed me. It means a lot to me to know that you support my work. Thank you, my friend!!
Portsmouth, VA
Can't wait to read this book! I have loved your first two.
Candice from Texas
I am about to turn in my edits on my second book and I needed to hear that writing advice today. Can't wait to read Meant to be Mine after I meet this deadline!
I live in Escondido California
Love it!
I absolutely loved My Stubborn Heart, and enjoyed the first book in the Porter series. I really look forward to reading more from Becky!
Patty in SC
Sounds good - thanks for the review. I'm from Maryland
etk229 at yahoo dot com
Great to see you here, Candice!
Kariss, boy can I relate to you on the deadline. All my best wishes to you. You can do it!
I'm delighted to hear that you read my first two books, Patty. Thank you!
I am hooked! This book sounds wonderful and I appreciate the chance to be a winner.
Melanie Backus, TX
Thanks for this opportunity.
Jean K
West Palm Beach, FL
I've read another book with this theme of the man coming back to meet his first wife/girlfriend and discovers "their child:. I enjoyed it and would also enjoy this one. sharon, CA wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com
I would love to win a copy! I'm super upset because I read Undeniably Yours and loved it--I was going to add it to a stack of Christian authors & donate to my local Christian school....but then MY DOG ATE IT! Grrr. As we like to say here in Maine, I'm wicked ticked.
So, yes. Please enter me! I promise to keep it away from Boomer...
hendrickson_emily (at) Hotmail (dot) com
Sounds like a great book!
Thanks for the giveaway
Sydney Harries GA
I'd love to read the second book in the Porter series. It sounds like a great story.
Loved Undeniably Yours! Can't wait to read the next story :)
Great interview, thank you for the chance to win! I'm in Tennessee.
Cookeville, TN LOVED the book. It would be a wonderful mother's day gift.
Love your books! Can't wait to read this one! Thanks for interview and giveaway!
Melissa O from NC
Oh I would so love to win a copy of Becky's book, Meant to be Mine. Thank you so much for the opportunity.
I live in Indiana.
Cindy W.
This sounds so good. I'd love to win/read it.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Hello Becky! You already know I love your books! Can't wait to read this one! I've been waiting for Ty's story!
Valri from Oregon
Interesting interview with Becky. She's seems fun.
Amy C
Thanks for the great interview! I just discovered Becky's books when I picked up "My Stubborn Heart" for free on Amazon. I loved it! I've just started reading her last book and can't wait to read her latest. Thanks for this great contest!
Jennifer from Illinois
I would love to read Beckys book.
marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com
Maryann in NY
Emily, I'm smiling over the image of your dog EATING Undeniably Yours. I've never heard the expression 'wicked ticked' but it's wonderful. I'll have to jot that down in case I write a character from Maine one day.
I'm touched by the fact that several of you have read my previous books. God's ability to bring my novels into the hands of readers never fails to amaze and humble me.
Jennifer - I'm glad that you were able to snag a free copy of My Stubborn Heart. I love a good deal!
This does sound like a fantastic story.
Mary P
Great interview! I am in Milwaukee,WI. Would love to win Becky's book.
Wow, what an awesome looking book and the story also sounds amazing Becky, I would love the chance to read it!!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway and God Bless!!!
Sarah Richmond
North Carolina!
Becky Wade sounds delightful! I loved her interview and can't wait to read MEANT TO BE MINE! Thank you so much for the chance to win!
Britney Adams, TX
I must admit that I have not read anything by Becky yet. This looks like a really good book so I think this one would be a great place to start. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.
Cindi A from PA
Enter me!!
Sharon Richmond Bryant
I love when you feature an author that I haven't read - definitely adding "Meant to be Mine" to my reading list! Elaine in Iowa
It's a fantastic book! I'd love a hard copy. Bakersfield, CA
A Las Vegas wedding falls apart! Great plot line. Love to win your book. sm CA wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com
I especially enjoyed the interview. I had already thought I would enjoy the book and now know that I will start at the beginning with Becky Wade's books. Thanks for bringing her to my attention.
Oh my gosh! This Ty sounds like a handful...I want one!!! Please Becky, will you write a Ty into my future? Pretty please?! This sounds soooo good! Can't wait to get my hands on a copy!
Kristen in OK
kam110476 at gmail dot com
I've heard FABULOUS things about Becky Wade's latest!
Courtney C. from AR
Wow, looks Awesome!!! I just done looking at another email, that had the making of this cover! Love it! Please enter me!
Blanch, N,C.
I live in Panama City, FL and I would LOVE to win this book.
Anna H.
I enjoyed reading your article. Carol from AL
Please enter me. would love to win this book!
Cathy in BC Canada
I loved this book. It is a must read of 2014.
Tonja from VA
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