Welcome back, Lorna. God
has really been moving in your writing life. What do you see on the horizon?
After I turn in the third book in the Gregory Sisters
Series, I have some ideas for a couple of new series that I want to develop
further. They would involve going back a little farther in history than this
series was set.
Tell us a little
about your family.
My husband, David, and I will have been married 25 years
this February. We have three children. My oldest son graduates from college
next week. I have one daughter who is finishing her sophomore year of college
and another who is finishing her freshman year of high school.
Has your writing
changed your reading habits? If so, how?
I think my writing has made a more critical and aware reader
in that I notice things I didn’t before. Sometimes I read something and I
think, “Oh, I wish I would have thought to say it that way.” But the biggest
change has occurred in time I have for reading. When I’m on deadline, I fall
way behind with my To-Be-Read pile.
What are you working
on right now?
I’m currently finishing the last book in the Gregory Sisters
Series As Love Blooms. It’s the story
of the youngest sister, Tessa. She’s a lot of fun to write.
What outside
interests do you have?
There’s life outside of my office? I almost forgot about
that. Truthfully, I love cooking and baking. I do some wedding coordinating and
flowers for weddings. I’m a 4-H leader, and I’m passionate about teaching Bible
classes. Right now, I have two 5th and 6th grade classes. One on Sunday
mornings where I teach Acts, and another all girl class on Wednesday nights.
I’ll be teaching at Bible camp this summer, too. It’s my mission field.
We have a lot in common.
I was a 4-H leader, and then I worked as a 4-H liaison. And I’ve worked a
number of years in children’s ministry, but not now. How do you choose your
settings for each book?
Setting is very important to me. I do more research on
setting than almost anything else. I like to set my stories in real places and
bring out things that the people who live there might recognize. I also like to
discover some things they might not know. Certain stories, like those in my
Lake Manawa Series, can only happen one place. Other stories just need the
right fit.
If you could spend an
evening with one historical person, who would it be and why?
Right now, after writing While Love Stirs, I’d
love to spend an evening having dinner with Fannie Farmer. She was the first
woman to use standardized measurements in her Boston Cooking School Cookbook.
She was also one of the first women invited to lecture to the Harvard Medical
School . She spoke to them
about improving nutrition for the convalescent.
What is the one thing
you wish you had known before you started writing novels?
I wish I would have known every heartache, every joy, and
every tear I’ve experienced has helped me become a better writer. I wish I’d
kept better notes on what I was feeling, too.
What new lessons is
the Lord teaching you right now?
This whole year has been about learning to lean on the Lord
and not on my own strength. I often want to protect those I love, and I have to
remind myself that God loves that person even more than I do. We met with a
hospice worker last week concerning my dad, and as much as I want to change
this situation, I have peace knowing God will carry us through.
That’s always a hard
time in a person’s life. What are the three best things you can tell other
authors to do to be successful?
First, I believe you have to feed your writer’s soul, and
the best way to do that is through spending time with God and through reading.
When writers aren’t reading, they’re starving themselves.
Second, I think authors need to make sure their cup is full
and overflowing. If you are always dipping from your cup and not recharging,
you’ll get burned out. It’s so easy to lose the joy when your cup is empty.
Third, authors need to protect their “golden hour.” This is
the time when you are at your best. It’s not the time to answer e-mails, take
phone calls, or schedule appointments. Save the “golden hour” to write.
Very good advice. Tell
us about the featured book.
While Love Stirs is the second book in the Gregory Sisters Series.
It’s a standalone, so you don’t have to have read When Love Calls to enjoy it.
After the death of their parents, the Gregory sisters make a
promise to support each other’s dreams. While Love Stirs is the story of the
middle sister, Charlotte Gregory, and is set in St. Paul , Minnesota .
As a graduate of Fannie Farmer's School
of Cookery , Charlotte is thrilled to have the opportunity
to travel, lecture, and give cooking demonstrations on the very latest kitchen
revolution—the gas stove. And she certainly doesn't mind that the gas company
has hired the kindhearted Lewis Mathis to entertain at her lectures.
Lewis encouragesCharlotte 's
work, especially her crusade to introduce fresh, appetizing, nutritious food to
those convalescing in hospitals. But young hospital superintendent Dr. Joel
Brooks is not convinced any changes should be made—especially by this outspoken
young woman.
When Charlotte and Joel are coerced into planning a fund-raising gala for the hospital, will this combustible pair explode?
Lewis encourages
When Charlotte and Joel are coerced into planning a fund-raising gala for the hospital, will this combustible pair explode?
Please give us the
first page of the book.
Thursday, May 12, 1910
Charlotte Gregory stared at the elderly doorman. With his
arm outstretched, he barred her access to Saint
Paul ’s recently opened Million-Dollar Hotel.
“Sir, what is the meaning of this?” She fought the urge to
shove past him and march inside. Creating a scene was not the way to make a
good impression on the hotel’s staff.
In front of her, the revolving door swished, and a stylish
couple entered the establishment unimpeded.
He simply smiled.
She glanced down at her outfit. While not as fancy as that
of the lady who’d been allowed inside, the cream-colored walking suit was one
of her best, and her wide-brimmed hat was practically brand-new. Surely she
looked good enough for a day visit to the prestigious hotel. She tried to step
around the man, but he moved to block her.
“Sir, I need to go inside. I’m here to apply for a position
as the chef’s assistant. Now, if you’ll kindly let me pass—”
When he didn’t drop his arm, she darted to the right. She’d
come too far to let a portly little gray-haired doorman stop her.
For a portly, gray-haired man, he moved quickly.
“Miss.” He dipped his head respectfully. “If you don’t have
a gentleman escorting you, you’ll want to enter through the door on the side.”
“Isn’t this the public entrance?” She glanced at the curved
front of the hotel and reread the signage.
“Yes, miss.” He gave her a disarming smile. “But you lovely
unescorted ladies enter through a separate door—for the protection of your
reputation, of course.”
“Of course.” Charlotte ’s
cheeks warmed. Why hadn’t she remembered that? She’d read about this kind of
hotel etiquette before, but it still seemed absurd—especially in 1910. “In that
case, sir, where exactly do I find this ladies’ entrance?”
“It’s to your left, miss.” He pointed his gloved white
fingers to a door on the side. “It’ll lead you directly into the lobby. The
hotel’s restaurant isn’t open yet, but the roof garden and the Palm Room Café
are. May I recommend a cup of tea to ward off the chill of this lovely spring
The doorman’s deep, sonorous voice made it difficult to stay
cross. Besides, he was simply doing his job. She only hoped this wasn’t an
indication of the rest of her day.
“Thank you. Perhaps I will have a cup of tea.” To celebrate when
I get the position. Charlotte
nodded her head in thanks and slipped around the corner.
I can’t wait until my
book arrives. How can readers find you on the Internet?
Website: www.lornaseilstad.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LornaSeilstad
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/lornaseilstad/Thank you, Lorna, for giving us a peek inside your life and your new book.
Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
While Love Stirs - Christianbook.com
While Love Stirs: A Novel (The Gregory Sisters)
While Love Stirs (The Gregory Sisters Book #2): A Novel
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The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.
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Portsmouth, VA
I would love to win this book to give to the church library.
Thanks for the opportunity to do so.
Janet E.
Thanks for the giveaway! :)
I loved book 1 in this series & can't wait to read this one. :)
Aerykah in Oklahoma, USA
Hello, ladies! I'm thrilled you stopped by today.
Aerykah, I'm glad you loved When Love Calls. I hope you enjoy Charlotte's story just as much
The book sounds wonderful. Love your books, Lorna!
Sounds like a wonderful book and would love to win a copy. The cover is beautiful! I am from Virginia.lisastifler@yahoo.com
Amanda meyer
Royalton MN
So excited!!!
Thank you, Julie B!
Lisa, Revell's art team has does such a great job with my covers. I feel very blessed.
I am eager to read WHILE LOVE STIRS! Thank you for sharing this interview and giveaway.
Britney Adams, TX
Sounds like a good story, Lorna. I love your smile :) Always nice to visit with you, Lena! Good interview! :) Y'all be blessed!
Can't wait to read this one. Thank you for a great interview, Lena.
Melanie Backus, TX
Such a pretty cover & I did enjoy the first page thank you.
Mary P
thanks for the chance to read this novel, lena.
karenk...from PA
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
Thank you for this interview and a chance to win this book. Loved the first page.
Susan in Texas
I love Lorna's books ... And would LOVE TO WIN, thanks for the chance to get to know her a little better, Lena and thanks for the chance to win
Peace River Country
Lena, thank you for the interesting review and interview.
I have not read any of Lorna's books but I loved learning of them.
I am sorry to hear her Father needs hospice. They are an amazing group of people and will be a tremendous blessing to her family.
Thank you and Blessings from Ohio
Just the first few sentences got my interest! Would love to win.
Lancaster County, PA
I was a County 4-H Agent (in Oklahoma)! Grew up a Missouri 4-H'er and knew that was what I wanted to be when I grew up.
Donna, TX
I've so enjoyed meeting all of you, and I'm glad so many of you liked the first page of While Love Stirs! It was a fun book to write and research and I hope that comes through on the pages.
And Melody, my husband is youth field specialist with ISU, so 4-H is a career here too. :)
It seems Charlotte was a bit ahead of her times. Thanks for the interview and giveaway!
Patty in SC
I can't wait to read While Love Stirs -- I just finished When Love Calls and enjoyed it! Charlotte's story is just for me, though: I love to cook...and read! ;-)
Binghamton, NY
mybabyblessings AT gmail DOT com
Enter me!!
Sharon Richmond Bryant
Lorna, my husband's name is David and our anniversary is in February too! When our youngest daughter was still at home she was very involved in 4-H. We did so many things with her in 4-H. She was able to go to Washington, D.C. twice because of 4-H. We hope we can get our grandson involved in it also.
Love your books!
From South Mississippi
While Love Stirs sounds like a delightful book. Please add me!
Merry in MN
Hi Lena & Lorna! It's amazing to me that women used to have to enter in separate doors to protect their reputation - and that really wasn't that long ago! Thanks for the chance to win this sweet book!
Kristen in OK
kam110476 at gmail dot com
I would love to win your book!
My sister was wanting to read this.
J.C. -Indiana-
While Love Stirs sounds wonderful. I would like to know more about Fannie Farmer's school. Looks like a good book for new brides! sharon, CA wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com
A COOKING BOOKWORM, I love your name! Yes, I think this book would be right up your alley!
PATSY, I think we must be kindred spirits!
I found it amazing, too, KAM, that they had to go through separate doors at many hotels. So much was done to keep up appearances back then.
I know I said it before, but it's so fun meeting all of you here!
How neat that you are a 4H club leader. My family has always been very active in 4H. My son is competing at state level next month for his emerald award.
Tonja VA
Tonya, tell your son good luck from me! I think kids get so much from 4-H and I wish people realized it isn't just for farm kids anymore. We actually live in the city and don't even have a pet. :)
Looking forward to reading this book! The cover draws me in with a need to read WHILE LOVE STIRS!
Patricia Blackmon
East Texas Piney Woods
Oh, I love Lorna's books thanks for the giveaway.
live in ND
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
Sounds like a great book!
thanks for the giveaway!
sydney harries GA
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