Dear Readers, Kathy and I have been good
friends since she was the freelance editor for the publishing company and did
my pirate book back in the day. She loved Pirate’s
Prize, and we developed a friendship after she was finished with my book.
She is an excellent editor and started a collective of editors. Her books on
editing have helped many an author, me included.
It’s an
alphabetized list of words that are often confusing when it comes to
capitalization. Since different reference books sometimes have different rules,
the Capitalization
Dictionary identifies whether
a word should be capitalized or lowercased according to the industry-standard
style guides and dictionaries for both book publishers and journalistic
publications. I’ve also included some trademarked brand names.
Who was it written for?
The Capitalization Dictionary is useful for
writers, editors, proofreaders, teachers—all those who find themselves
wondering whether a word should be capitalized or lowercased. Since it’s formatted
in alphabetical order, you’ll find the industry-standard answer quickly and
I knew right as soon as I heard about
this book that it would be valuable for me, other authors, and anyone who
writes anything. What inspired you write this?
When I’m
proofreading a manuscript (mine or someone else’s), I have to stop repeatedly and
think about whether a word should be capitalized. I get out my in-print
dictionary or style guide, or go to my online subscription or CD-ROM. And after
spending a while researching the various resources (not all of which agree), I
usually find the answer I’m looking for—eventually.
I’ve often
thought how much easier it would be if there was an alphabetized list that I
could check at a glance to see whether certain words should be capitalized or
not. So I created one. I kept adding words to the list every time a new
questionable word came up. For this Capitalization Dictionary, I added
several entries from The Chicago Manual of Style, The Associated
Press Stylebook, and The
Christian Writers’ Manual of Style.
What sources did you use to compile this
reference books sometimes have different guidelines, so the Capitalization
Dictionary identifies whether each word is capitalized or lowercased
according to these industry-standard references:
The Chicago Manual of Style (for book
Collegiate Dictionary (for book manuscripts)
The Associated Press
Stylebook (for journalistic publications)
Webster’s New World College
Dictionary (for journalistic publications)
The Christian Writer’s Manual of Style (for
Christian writing)
What advantage is there to using this
book over simply looking words up in a regular dictionary?
The Capitalization
Dictionary contains entries from both of the dictionaries used by the
publishing industry, as well as both of the style guides, and it specifies
whether a word should be capitalized in a book manuscript vs. a journalistic
publication. It also contains entries from The
Christian Writers’ Manual of Style that are not in the standard
dictionaries. And it explains when certain words should be capitalized in some
cases but lowercased in others—often more clearly than in a standard
dictionary. In addition, since the Capitalization Dictionary focuses on
just words that have capitalization issues, I’ve found it faster and easier to
consult this list when that’s the only question I have about a word.
Did you self-publish this book?
That was my
plan, originally, because of the niche market for a book like this. But when I
mentioned it to my agent, Diana Flegal, she connected me with her team at
Hartline Literary Agency, who offered to publish it through Amazon’s “White
Glove” program. Hartline did an amazing job of designing the cover (to fit well
with my Proofreading Secrets of
Best-Selling Authors) and the interior (with formatting similar to a
standard dictionary). I’m really pleased with the result.
They’re a good team. We’ve done two books
through White Glove for me. Does this book contain every word that might be
capitalized or lowercased?
Not yet! For
now, it has the words that I’ve come across and have heard from other authors
and editors that they struggle with. But with the ease of updating e-books and
print-on-demand, I’m definitely open to requests from my readers for any
additional words they think should be added.
Where can we buy it?
The Capitalization
Dictionary is available on Kindle for just 99 cents. The paperback book is
selling on Amazon for $7.99. Or you can get a copy directly from me at one of
my upcoming
Speaking of conferences, you’ve been busy
as usual, my friend! When you were here in Texas
last year and my husband and I picked you up at the airport (sort of), over
lunch hat day you told me about plans for directing a brand-new Christian
writers’ conference in Southern California .
Tell us how that happened.
I attended my
first writers’ conference in the late 1980s at Biola
University in La Mirada , California .
It opened my eyes to the world of writing for publication and got me started on
my writing journey. Since then, I’ve attended and served on faculty at numerous
writers’ conferences across the country, and I’m always incredibly blessed by
the networking, friendships, and divine appointments there. Last spring, I
strongly sensed the Lord leading me to start a brand-new conference in my area:
the SoCal
Christian Writers’ Conference.
God brought me an amazing team of volunteers to put this together. The
inaugural event happens this June—at Biola
University !
After you were here, I heard you’re
directing another conference too … what’s been called the premier or
“grandaddy” of all Christian writers’ conferences. How did that come about?
Shortly after I
got the ball rolling for the SoCal conference, I heard that the Mount
Hermon Christian Writers Conference
was looking for a new permanent director. My first thought was I don’t have time for that. But I probably
know someone who does. So I started telling colleagues they should check
into it. They asked me what the qualifications were. So I found the web page
that described what Mount Hermon was looking
for … and it was like reading my own résumé! I still thought, But I don’t have the time. And yet, God
kept bringing it to my mind. So I prayed, Okay,
Lord. On the off chance that this is what You want me to be doing, I’ll fill
out the application. But if I get this job, You’ll have to figure out how to
fit it into my schedule!
And He did. I
was kind of in shock for a few months. But as I’ve been working with the
incredible team at Mount Hermon , and realizing
more and more that God has blessed me with the skills and contacts needed to do
this job well, I’m becoming more comfortable with the idea. I know the folks at
Mount Hermon pray a lot over decisions like this. So if they chose me, I’m confident
that God chose me. And there’s nowhere better to be than where He wants you.
That is so true. What are the differences
and similarities between these two conferences?
To begin with, Mount Hermon has been putting on a writers’ conference
for almost fifty years, whereas SoCal is brand new. Each conference has a
different faculty, a slightly different focus, and definitely a unique flavor.
Mount Hermon runs for four and a half days (six days if you also come for the
Pre-conference Next Level Clinic) in April, whereas SoCal is three days in
June. Mount Hermon houses conferees in lovely
cabins on the retreat center grounds; SoCal has Biola dorm rooms available for
a low cost and group discounts at nearby hotels.
Mount Hermon
can’t be beat for its inspirational setting, nestled in the gorgeous California redwoods near San Jose , and its awesome atmosphere of
worship (especially the ecumenical Palm Sunday service). As a matter of fact,
this year’s theme is “Writing as Worship.” It has a lot to offer because
they’ve been doing this for such a long time and because there’s a full-time
staff of Mount Hermon employees working behind
the scenes. Mount Hermon attracts big names in
the publishing industry, from best-selling authors to literary agents to acquisitions
editors from major book and magazine publishers.
SoCal, on the
other hand, takes advantage of its location by encouraging people to “Come for
the conference, stay for the fun!” After enjoying three full days packed with
inspiring keynote addresses, continuing morning sessions, and informative
afternoon workshops, we invite you to stay another day or two and enjoy some Southern California attractions with fellow attendees and
faculty members. Wouldn’t you just love to go to Disneyland
with a New York Times best-selling
novelist? Or sit on the beach with an agent, watching the sun set over the
ocean? Or spend a day on a whale-watching cruise with an acquisitions editor
from a publishing house? Or take a tour of Hollywood with a professional screenwriter?
Both conferences
offer numerous opportunities to find kindred spirits and form lasting
friendships with like-minded people. Meet and talk one-on-one with
professionals in the Christian publishing industry. And have divine
appointments that will shape and advance your writing journey.
Thank you, Kathy, for sharing both your
book and the conferences with us. They sound awesome to me. Maybe someday
soon, I’ll be able to attend one or both. And I’m eager to get a copy of your
new book.
Dear Readers, you can find Kathy Ide at
these places on the Internet:
here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this
Capitalization DictionaryCapitalization Dictionary - Kindle
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What a beneficial aid!
Melanie Backus, TX
This is a book that would truly help me in my writing.
Cindy W. from Indiana
I hope you find my Capitalization Dictionary useful. It certainly has saved me time (and a bit of frustration)!
Have you ever attended a Christian writers' conference? If so, which one, and how was it for you? If not, why not?
Sounds like a wonderful aid. Thanks for the opportunity to win. Linda from PA
This sounds like a great resource! Thanks for the chance to win.
Connie from KY
Enter me!!
Conway SC.
Hi Kathy & Lena! I'm always looking at and in books to help make sure my grammar is fresh, up to par, and that I speak correctly. I've started to write out my own life story to eventually publish one day and, while English Literature was always my favorite and best subject in school, grammar was not so much! Thanks for the chance to win this handy and helpful book.
Kristen in OK
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