Bio: Colleen
Coble has sold over 2 million novels worldwide. Seagrass Pier, the third
installment in her acclaimed Hope Beach series, marks a new highpoint for
emotion and complexity in Coble's addictive brand of romantic suspense.
Welcome back,
Colleen. How did this book come about?
I have a friend who had an organ transplant, and I noticed
some small personality changes. I did some research and saw that the cell memory
is a known phenomenon. It’s especially strong with heart transplants. It’s a
fascinating topic, and I wanted to explore it.
Tell us about the
book’s cover and what makes it unique.
It’s very atmospheric with great light and shadow contrasts.
Please explain and
differentiate between what’s fact and fiction in the book.
The story is fiction of course, but I did a lot of research
about cell memory so I knew what I was talking about.
How much research did
you have to do for this book?
I read a lot of accounts written by organ recipients and was
fascinated by the stories. One teenage girl received a heart by a boy who loved
music. Her music tastes changed, and when she met his parents, she was able to
finish the lyrics of a song he wrote even though she’d never heard it.
Fascinating stuff!
What are some of the
most interesting things you found about this subject that you weren’t able to
use in the story?
I tried to use all the good stuff. J
What inspired and
surprised you while you were writing the book?
I’m always surprised when I’m writing a book because it
takes twists and turns I never planned. I can’t say what those things were
without giving away the story! J
What do you hope the
reader takes away from the story?
Some things like what kind of music we like and what clothes
we wear are not who we are. How we treat people, who we are in Jesus, and how
we live our lives are the things that make us who we are.
That’s so true. What
is the next project you’re working on?
I’m working on a new series set in Maine . The first book is The Inn at Ocean’s Edge.
What do you do when
you have to get away from the story for a while?
I never have to get away from the story for a while. I’m
always obsessed when I’m in the middle of a book. It’s hard to stop long enough
to go to sleep. LOL
Please give us the
first page of the book.
The constriction around her neck tightened, and she tried to
get her fingers under it to snatch a breath. She was losing consciousness. A
large wave came over the bow of the boat, and the sea spray struck her in the
face, reviving her struggle. She had to fight or he would kill
her. She could smell his cologne, something spicy and strong. His ring flashed
in the moonlight, and she dug the fingers of her right hand into his red
sweater. The pressure on her neck was unrelenting. She was going to die.
Elin Summerall bolted upright in the bed. Her heart pounded,
and she touched her throat and found it smooth and unharmed. It was just that
dream again. She was safe, right here in her own house on the outskirts of Virginia Beach , Virginia .
Her slick skin glistened in the moonlight streaming through the window.
The incision over her breastbone pulsed with pain, and she
grabbed some pills from the bedside and swallowed them. In and out.
Concentrating on breathing helped ease both her pain and her panic. She pulled
in a breath, sweetly laden with the scent of roses blooming outside her window,
then laid back against the pillow.
Her eyes drifted shut, then opened when she heard the tinkle
of broken glass. Was it still the dream? Then the cool rush of air from the
open window struck her face, and she heard a foot crunch on broken glass.
She leaped from the bed and threw open her door. Her heart
pounded in her throat. Was an intruder in the house? In her bare feet, she
sidled down the hall toward the sound she’d heard. She paused to peek in on her
four-year-old daughter. One arm grasping a stuffed bear, Josie lay in a tangle
of princess blankets.
Elin relaxed a bit. Maybe she hadn’t heard glass break. It
might still have been part of the nightmare. She peered around the hall corner
toward the kitchen. A faint light glimmered as if the refrigerator stood open.
A cool breeze wafted from the kitchen, and she detected the scent of dew. She
was sure she’d shut and locked the window. The hair stood on the back of her
neck, and she backed away.
Don’t stop there,
Colleen. I must know what happens. How can readers find you on the Internet?
My website is, and I’m always on Facebook
at colleencoblebooks.
Thank you for introducing us to your newest book. I can hardly wait to read it.
Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Seagrass Pier - Christianbook.comSeagrass Pier (The Hope Beach Series)
Seagrass Pier (The Hope Beach Series Book 3)
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I am hooked on the book now. I want to know what happens next. Colleen Coble is one of my favorite authors, she keeps you at the edge of your seat and not wanting to put her book down. I would love to win this book so I can read it.
I'm with you Lena! I can't wait to read the book too! I love Colleen's books! Shelia from Mississippi
I have read most of your books and really enjoyed them! This one sounds great. Would love to win it!
Portsmouth, VA
Oh.....I want this book soooooo much!!!!! It just sounds great!! Thank you, Lena!
Melanie Backus, TX
The book looks really good!!! I really wnt to read it!!! the first page got me hooked already haha!
Oh, I forgot I'm from Indiana
Okay, I'm hooked. You need to pick me and send me the book.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Looks great ! would love to read!
Thank you from Ohio reader
What an interesting phenomenon! Sounds like an interesting read...
Patty in SC
I really enjoy Colleen's books and would love to win Seagrass Pier. sharon, CA wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com
I love reading Colleen Coble's books and this looks like a really good one.
Susan in Texas
I really would love to read this story. It sounds so very interesting. Thanks for the chance to win.
Trinity Rose from OHIO
wandaelaine at gmail dot com
I loved Colleen's interview and am eager to read SEAGRASS PIER!
Britney Adams, TX
Now that's a beginning that makes one want to know more! I'll be looking for it.
I've read Abomination by Colleen Coble and liked it very well. I'd like to read this book.
J.C. -Indiana-
Goodness gracious what an exciting start. I must know what happens next.
Mary P
thanks for the chance to read this wonderful novel :)
karenk...from PA
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
Sounds wonderful! Thanks for sharing Lena & Colleen!
Robin in Raleigh, NC
Sounds wonderful! Thanks for sharing Lena & Colleen!
Robin in Raleigh, NC
Thanks for the interesting interview Colleen and Lena!!
"Seagrass Pier" sounds like a very exciting book and the subject fascinates me. I wonder if there are also personality changes due to organ removal - one of my closest friends has always felt my personality changed when my kidney was removed due to cancer and I even questioned my doctor as to whether the anesthesia could have caused this to happen.
I've read many wonderful reviews of Colleen's books but haven't yet had the opportunity to read any of them. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of "Seagrass Pier".
Post shared!!
Seagrass Pier is on my wishlist! Thank you for the lovely interview with Colleen.
Amy C
I read all of Colleen's books!!!!!!!
I would love to win one!!!!!!!
Charlotte Kay
Talk about grabbing our attention! Wow! Seagrass Pier reinvents that "scared of the boogy man" feeling and stirs my "protective mommy heart" with this first page read. I certainly want to finish it.
Would love to win it and see it in my mail box.
I'm in NC and grew up along the NC coast so I know a bit about piers and seagrass. ;)
You're interviews are great, Lena. I come away with something I hadn't known before! And Colleen is a favored author. I would love to win this one. Thanks for the chance?
Being a nurse I'm excited to read your book and learn about cell memory and heart transplants. Love to read your books. sharon CA wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com
I know I have missed out by not reading this series. I'm planning to start soon. Would love to win a copy of Seagrass Pier.
Thanks for the interview and giveaway.
It sure doesn't take long to get sucked in to Colleen's books. Now, I need to know what is happening...
Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of Seagrass Pier.
This would be a great addition to our church library. Thanks.
Julie (WI)
Enter me!!
Sharon Richmond Bryant
Conway, SC.
On to page 2, please! Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House ~ MO
On my list of "to read" books, so would be fun to win a copy. The story line sounds like a great read. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.
I can't wait to read this book. I am very interested in organ donation. I have it on my drivers license that I wish to donate my organs. fishingjan@aol(dot)com Jan in West Texas
Hi Colleen & Lena! Holy cow, I can't wait to read Seagrass Pier, especially after that teaser! Cell memory has always fascinated me so I'm really looking forward to reading more about it in this book!
Thanks for the chance to win a copy!
Kristen in OK
kam110476 at gmail dot com
I have just recently started reading a lot of fiction again, and I haven't read anything by Colleen yet! I'd better get on it :) In Indiana.
I've been hooked on Colleen's books since the first one I read. Love this author! :) And I can't wait to read "Seegrass Pier"... it sounds very interesting!
Thanks for the giveaway! :)
~ Aerykah in Oklahoma ~
Please drop my name in the giveaway hat!
Anna Weaver Hurtt in FL
The first page had me hooked - now I want to find out what happens!
Beth from Iowa
I'd love to read this book!
I love Colleen's writing!
Courtney C. from Arkansas
Colleen is a favorite and Seagrass Pier sounds so gripping... please add me!
Merry in MN
Wow so suspenseful already! I can hardly wait to read it! Colleen Coble is one of my favorite authors! I loved under Texas stars and lone star series! I have a feeling I'll love this one too! And the new series coming up sounds interesting too! Id love to win a copy of this one! Please pick me!
God bless you all!
Sara in hartselle alabama
Looks awesome!!! Please enter me!
Blanch, NC
Colleen I so enjoy reading your novels!!
Tonja In VA
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